
Harry Potter/MonsterGirl as a Fat Bastard

You know you are ugly when the first thing you remember is being screamed at and punched by a full-grown man as a toddler. I may not be handsome but I am sure my mother loved me. At least I think she did. Dam it whoever placed me here. At least it is just me and my forest. What the shit is that? A monster, not a monster girl. Here on earth what the fuck is going on. I own nothing but plot and OC. He is reincarnated. No NTR at all for those messaging me. He is OP right from the start.

resistingsea · Films
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15 Chs

Like the wind

Peaking between the coils of my big old fuck off-snake gave me a sense of security. Having my mind protected, belly full, and physical security here did a load to wipe away my sense of vulnerability. "Sif" Watching the big snake shrink down to a walking stick had got to be one of the coolest things I have seen so far. Now that I think about it didn't these Elves strip my clothes off and wash me?

Shaking my head as I quietly walked over to the bathroom to take a piss stepping on every dam board that was loose in the process though. Looking over to the shut, locked, and repaired door I am glad they learned to leave before Sif ate some of them.

Finishing up in the bathroom I headed back to the balcony looking over the empty walkways and hearing shouting and yelling coming from the base of the tree. Peaking out I see a hoard of Elves yelling in fury... holy shit they found out I am here! Must be after my baby batter. Dam insatiable Elves. Looking back over the crow there were hundreds of elves it seemed the who city wanted a piece of me.

Shuffling back into the house away from the semen-thirsty mob back into my perceived safety of the room that was until "Sir! Are you awake?" Rushing to the door as the lock was being fumbled with I pressed my impressive weight against it whoever was on the other side wouldn't fuck off.

"Sir! We need you to unblock the door! It's for your safety!" Yea right safety my ass. Dam she sounds cute though. No stop lower brain now is the time for survival. "Sir we are coming in!" Pressing my weight against the straining door as my foot is slid back little by little as I see thin pale fingers coming out of the crack gripping the door.

Looking away from the door back to the bathroom noting I wouldn't make it far if these fuckers are quick. Looking over to my staff leaning against the far wall. Turning back to the door I watched at the Elf didn't even seem to struggle to open it.

It was as if she was opening a normal door. Shit.

Running to my staff I grabbed it and looked back at the intruder a bikini-leather armored elf carrying a short sword and a bow on her back. She looked at me with a mix of relief and concern. Then she just stared... while drooling. "Sif, protect." Her eyes widened as my trusty snake wrapped around me staring at the perceived threat.

The elf crouched and pulled her bow out in a single motion waiting and watching. Her eyes flickered to me every second or so. I don't know how long we stayed there. Slowly the Elf placed her bow onto the ground taking a knee there watching us. "Hello, young one. You gave us a scare yesterday," she whispered hands out showing her empty palms. Green eyes found mine while she relaxed sitting on the ground.

"Yes we were most worried about you being hurt by your pet... snake" she looked Sif up and down while slowly speaking. "I would just like to talk... the queen is gone and gave us orders to talk to you while she was away." What could she want? Maybe she wanted me to be kept in the family that's why this guard is here. "I am here to protect you..." A snot escaped my lips her eyes returned to mine seeing my hostility hasn't lessened she let out a sigh.

"Get fucked knife ears" I bit out as she tilted her head in confusion until her hand unconsciously went to her pair frowning at my remark.

"Yes, they are shaped like knives." Shit can't think of a better derogatory term for elves than that. What if she is one of those that get off on being treated like garbage? She huffed rubbing her eyes.

"I brought you food and drink if you are interested. We need to get you to see a Healer. The actions of Glade shouldn't reflect upon the rest of the Elves. Would you blame Mongolians for the actions of Atilla the Hun?" Dam her and her logical argument I am in the body of a child I should be able to act like it... and I will for a little longer.

Responding by slipping my hand out of the coils flipping her the middle finger and earning a tinkling laugh from her "Well you are just a child, but you have been through much. What have I fucking been through? "All those years alone." I enjoyed not having to deal with the stupidity that is humanity. "Almost being taken by that succubus."

She spat out the word like a curse. I mean I would have hit that minus the magic rufy. "Then to be poisoned by the Queen's Niece." Huh, what is this about poison? "And to have your mind invaded by one you may have been considering a friend." Nodding along at the end of that one. I did enjoy her company for the most part until the mind-reading.

"Hold the fuck up did you say she tried to kill me?" She remained passive but I can feel her smugness at getting me to talk. A small twitch at the corner of her lips.

Shaking her head "No Holstaur milk and the potion she had in the drinks was poisonous to humans. When they hear about this I imagine the herds will come crying and hug you making sure you are alright. They always were an affectionate bunch." She spoke wistfully almost lost in memories. Shaking her head she looked back at me "Now can we talk like civilized folks or shall you remain hidden inside of your snake?

Thinking it over I kept on staring at her raising an eyebrow in question. "No, I swear upon my honor I shall do nothing to you." I kept on staring at her. "I shall make sure thing happens to you..." Stare... "I am umm oh you don't know what that means huh? Well by swearing upon my honor it would mean that if I broke that oath my titles and my status as an Elf will be taken from me. I would be an outcast a renegade so to speak." Well, might as well give some kind of 'branch' so to speak.

Walking forward looking at her while my snake uncoiled itself from around me. Sif's mouth still hanging open its fangs still glow a light red color bathing the area in a red hue. Walking over to a small sitting area while keeping my back to the wall watching the door and balcony. I sat down and waited. "Now that is much better." She smiled at me her shoulders slumped a little.

I reached over patting Sif's head watching her. "Is there any way I could convince you to see a healer?" I thought it over for a moment before giving a hesitant nod. I have been in the forest for two years seeing a healer would be a good place to start with.

"Not an Elf." She slumped back for a second as the words left my mouth.

"Are you sure? How about this the ones who will see you will have to swear either on their honor or their chosen practice. It varies from career to career. Warriors are Honor based, Scholars on their knowledge, and Mages on their magic, and so on." She took a breath leaning back into the wicker chair searching my eyes for something.

Thinking it over it would be quicker and a whole lot easier "Well maybe where is the closest healer besides an elf?" She leaned back thinking it over.

"Wolves aren't known for their healers but their shamans. Dragons are about the same distance they live so long they pick up a thing or two but no dedicated healers. Angels from the capital would be the quickest. A few hours by carriage or a quick teleport would get them to hear. Hearing who the client would be they will drop everything to get her and help." Nodding along as she spoke. Do I trust any monster girl? No not really I mean for all I know this is some soft shell way to get into my pants. Even though I am ten I seem to be going through puberty early. Or is this normal?

"I will have an honor-bound Elf mage, or healer whatever they are called. Have them come and take a look just to be sure to call an Angel. I still am weary of you Elves." Looking for any reaction as I spoke she just gave me a small sad smile as she nodded.

"Alright, I can get started on that. Do you need any food or water?" Shaking my head at her frown "Anything?" She asked pleadingly sounding more than a little distraught. I guess they don't know about my ring which makes sense. But I won't tell them don't need them to do some weird Elf magic and mess with my ring. Leaning back I checked the heat inside of me feeling it is about half full.

Getting lost in thought about what items would be helpful in this situation while not letting my weary ness show but keeping my wits about me. We stayed there in silence for a while waiting. She pulled out her bow going over it waxing the string. "Why are you here again?" She looked up giving me a small smile.

"The Queen selected a few of her guards to watch over you." Where are the rest of them? Looking down at my ring unconsciously She smiled "They are around." Snapping her fingers two elves covered in black robes came out of the shadows of the room.

Wait how did she know I was thinking that? "No I didn't read your mind your expression said it all." Shit, I need to work on that. Jolting up looking between the three feelings more than a little on edge at dam ninja Elves that have been watching me for who knows how long. She snapped twice before they were gone from my sight. That didn't help me with my paranoia one bit. Did they watch me take a dump earlier?

Looked around the area for any signs of them and finding not a hair from the ninja Elves. We stayed in the silent atmosphere until we hear loud footsteps from the doorway as another Elf came in followed by a Centaur carrying a leather satchel. She looked at me "I presume you to be Tyler?" I nodded my head "Great I've been looking for you. Got something I am supposed to give you -your eyes only.." She offered me a scroll I just stared at it for a moment. Grabbing the scroll as if it was a snake about to bite me.

Looking it over I carefully placed it down on the table. Grabbing a knife and a fork from one of the many trays sitting on the table. Carefully unrolling the scroll and seeing nothing but words on the paper I relaxed slightly.

Finishing reading I mutter "what a cunt" I feel the eyes of the occupant seen and unseen resting on me. "What?" Placing the letter down closing my eyes for the moment enjoying the quiet.

"So what was that about?" I shrugged opening my eyes and looking over at the Elf.

"Fuck if I know there were like four pages not written in English so whoever wrote it fuck'em." She tilted her head as I spoke. Their dam language looked freaking crazy half of it looked like numbers and the other half looked like Nordic Runes. "How can you all have a written language like that but I can understand you?" She gave me a small smile.

"Well, all Monster Girls have either practiced every language from your realm. Or they all have access to a translation jewel they wear all the time. Written words are harder to learn but when you live as long as us becoming multi-lingual is almost a given with the longer-lived races. Everyone has a hobby." She leaned back into her chair eyes not leaving me. Look away, woman. Thinking of an excuse I stood up. She mirrored my actions raising an eyebrow at me...

"I am going to take a shit... so no following me..." She just gave me a bland smile "No I don't want a blumkin..." She tilted her head to the side with a raised eyebrow "That is a blow job while you take a dump... words woman do you use them?" She kept staring at me for a few moments.

"Sorry, I was having a conversation with the other guards in the bathroom I cleared." I stared at her. That is weird that they allow everyone into their head. Unless she is sharing memories of me with the whole tower? Dam, it now every Elf thinks I like getting head while taking a dump. Fuck no that is some nasty shit.

"You do know what a joke is correct?" She nodded her head "Good because that was one." Turning to go to the bathroom. She goes to step inside with me I glared at her. "Privacy... now"

"So is the bathroom empty of everyone right now?" I spoke while rubbing my eyes wanting my coffee fix it has been eight years now since I had a taste I need my fix. God, I wish I had... Yes, that could work. Bringing out the familiar heat from yesterday I pulled it into my hand a small flash of white I held the Holy Grail the Alchemy Jug!

Moving around the jug made sloshing sounds, but upon opening it up I realized that it was empty. Holding this item I reached down kissing it and whispering sweet nothings. Once the Alchemy jug was empty I can name a drink and depending on how magical it was it would either give me any from eight ounces to non-magical water will give me twelve gallons. But not this is now a coffee jug.

Leaning down I whisper "Coffee" when I mentioned it I imagined a dark blend from Maxwell. With the coffee, I will take two sugars and three creams per cup. The jug didn't become heavier I just caught the aroma of freshly brewed coffee. Popping off the top I taste the sweet coffee along with the cheap aftertaste of Maxwell. Reminds me of my long hours at work, and my bitch of an Ex.

Feeling the overly warm coffee washing down my throat as I down a fourth of the bottle. Hooking the jug to my pants I looked around "If anyone is here come out now." Waiting a few moments I watched as two of the ninja elves came out of the shadows. "Please wait in the other room while I sit upon the porcelain throne." Both vanished into the shadows. Dam it why can't a man enjoy the bathroom in peace?

-----(POV Change)-----

Looking over to my long-time friend Alice "So what do you think of the boy?" She looked back at me seeing through my attempts to hide my excitement as we flew through the air. The first High-grade line in a thousand years since Lucas's line ended back when I was a goddess. But to open a portal to another realm I had to use all of my divinity but to save all the Monster Girls from starving I would say it was worth it.

"Crass, rude, and headstrong he reminds me of a certain someone before she fell." She looked right at me as I blushed. She is not wrong about that. "But he is young and with everything that has happened to him I cannot in good faith blame him."

"Yea I still am furious at the Queen and her niece for the games they tried to play with such an important line." Watching the housing trees fly by us as we and our retainers flew through the branches. She made a noise of agreement halfway between a snort and a cough. Ahh, Alice is always one to put on a proper front.

"Yes if they had succeeded in killing him this meeting would have been much different. I don't imagine much would change if he accepts besides him becoming much stronger." Yes, that would be a good outcome of this situation. Some of the noble's Elves have been poking at the dragons and that is not a good outcome for anyone involved. "We will need to clean house so they don't try anything underhanded against their new ruler. Even though if he accepts he will toss everything back at the old Queen."

"Yes if only to escape the paperwork. Not that I blame him Almost eleven and we will need to in from the Wizard council soon as well. We are already cutting it close according to the contract." Sighing yes the contract with them, but now that he is a ruler in this world the contract goes into a gray area. "How do you think they will react to him having Elven guards when he goes to school?" I giggled at the thought. Elves haven't been over to that world in a long long time.

"Yes, I can see them chomping at the bits to get a chance to Lay with an Elf. Too bad they don't like the feeling of the other world being too contaminated for them. But once the Wizards hear about the new High-grade line they will be stumbling over one another to get a chance to have his children. Then we add ruler of the Elves." She giggled at the thought of watching the Wizards wanting to get his Elves or his blood in their kin.

But we will protect him we have waited a thousand years of waiting on another line of High-grade blood had been trying even though we mixed and matched the available lines together nothing showed of it. Now there is one and he came from an orphanage of all things.

"We are here my ladies." Looking at the voice letting my face go into my neutral look as we stood in front of an unassuming door. The guards on the outside opened it. Steeping through I watched as Alice focused in on the living staff almost in a trance as she took it in.

Watching a Shadow Elf knock on the bathroom door I can hear a muffle of curses and yell through the door. Opening the door was the body of Tyler "Can't a man shit in peace?" He yelled at the Elf. Until he looked at the rest of the room. Fear started to come off of him but he hid it well enough if one couldn't smell it like Monster Girls.

"Who the fuck are you two?" He looked at me and Alice while his eyes darted to our breasts and barely covered bodies. "Hookers?" Alice choked on air as I felt a sense of annoyance shooting through me at the boy. But he is ignorant of us even though we sent a letter.

"We sent you a letter earlier." He eyed us for a few moments before looking at the paper on a table and nodded.

"Yes, yes you did. A little problem though... I can't read..." The silence was all we heard before Alice started to cackle. Feeling my face heat up realizing that the boy didn't read our script. But I thought I placed a translation charm onto it. Waving my hand at the letter searching for the charm and not finding it I noticed a knife mark going through it.

"It would seem that when you opened the letter the translation charm was severed..." He kept staring at us still not knowing who we are. Well, this is an odd situation, especially with Alice still coughing into her hand. Waving the guards away even the Shadow Elves who tried to stay behind until I glared at them. Huffing I looked over at the boy.

A/N: Hope you enjoyed the chapter. Thanks for reading. Gona be busy for a few days I am going to try and find the lost chapters from my other books and try to post them. Hope you all have a good day.