
Harry Potter/MonsterGirl as a Fat Bastard

You know you are ugly when the first thing you remember is being screamed at and punched by a full-grown man as a toddler. I may not be handsome but I am sure my mother loved me. At least I think she did. Dam it whoever placed me here. At least it is just me and my forest. What the shit is that? A monster, not a monster girl. Here on earth what the fuck is going on. I own nothing but plot and OC. He is reincarnated. No NTR at all for those messaging me. He is OP right from the start.

resistingsea · Movies
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15 Chs


Tens of thousands of years dealing with Monster Girls should have prepared me for their lack of foresight yet to be caught off guard when the spikes of anger rolled off. I haven't seen that much anger since both the leader of the Dark faction Alice and the Leader of the Light Faction Illias found out the Succubus race killed off all the men we needed for the survival of all races be they human, or Monster Girls.

The butchering that followed was something only whispered in dingy taverns as a reminder to no targeting of men. Now I had to explain to my Faction Leaders what happened. Being the Queen of the Elves was a tough responsibility one that I was happy to take on until I realized how utterly stupid and impulsive some of our long-lived race can be over the littlest of problems.

Clenching the stone armrest of the bench I am seated on waiting on being called to the meeting on the latest situation Alice and Illias both felt the rage that spiked through the realm. Hell, some of the dragons were so turned on that they almost breached our borders. The boy in question has yet to leave his room no matter what is offered. We are worried he is attempting to kill himself from lack of food and water. Bringing the finest of our food did not appease him only served to further anger him. Even here from the capital, I worry about his lacking intake of food and water.

I can understand his point after we later found out about the potion in the drinks my niece slipped in. All so she could get to know him better she drugged him, and some are even calling for her death. If this were to get out to the other world the mundane side would be affected worse than the magical. But both sides would question if they had been drugged at some point. Tensions would rise and we would either outlive them. There might even be some deaths on both sides if we were to come to blows.

That is if they let the boy live it is taboo to kill a man but there are always some accidents and nobody knows he is here. A dark part of my mind comes up. Shaking it out of my head that is the type of thinking that lead to the deaths of all men. They may not know he is here, but there is the slightest chance that someone would find out and questions would be asked. Questions we wouldn't be able to answer unless we wanted to strain our already healthy relations with Humans.

Glade oh that poor fool didn't even realize the opportunity she pissed away. The chances of finding a healthy male wizard are less than a percent. There are only four thousand wizards in the UK and sparsely scattered communities across the world the total is only around one hundred thousand wizards half of those are male. fifty thousand male wizards out of almost four billion males around the world.

Nor does she realize how lucky she is to be alive having to protect her from other Monster Girls daily even though the guards didn't want to. After word got out about the rage spike there were riots to 'save the man'. Thousands of Elves coming out utterly pissed. The first male to walk on our world was almost taken by a Succubus hold out then drugged by the Elf Queens' niece all in a day.

Having to not show up to this meeting would have been a blessing, but I had to show up when I am demanded to come now. The silent threat coming at the end of the letter was telling enough for me to quell the masses, and have a steward watching the domain. Now here I am waiting and waiting until it is my turn to explain how my headstrong foolish niece might cause us Elves or at least her family to get the Succubus treatment. It would be heartbreaking, but then again she is two thousand years old she should know better than to pull this shit.

Hearing footsteps I turned my head to the corridor spotting a Dragoid Monster girl covered in their typical attire a simple vest and panties. Her gold eyes looked at me gruffly ordering me to follow her down the marble halls. Gaudy decorations cover the halls from top to bottom.

Spotting the golden door in front of me I take a breath smoothing out my ruffled clothes. The escort not waiting on me pushed the doors open and stepped through. Waiting on the side is the top of the Monster Girl's upper echelons. I gulped as I walked through the door and spotted the two rulers in question. Alice the Lima curled up while laying on top of her giant pillow. Illias sitting on her gold throne behind her a few of her fellow angels hovering around bringing the two of the anything requested.

Waiting in silence not meeting their eyes feeling the power radiating from the two of them. They don't even notice how overwhelming it is or maybe they do and are making me reflect. Yes, they have to know all of my other meetings with either of them there was no power leaking out of them. Well if they wanted me to be put in my place this is an excellent option.

Looking out the corner of my eye I see the purple Lima turning her head searching me with her narrowed eyes. "Swallow flying in the morning sky why is it that you did not come to us with the information on the boy you found in deactivated gate forty-two?" Her voice was laced with power as it washed over the room echoing off the walls back into my ears almost like an echo. I see her eyes glowing red showing nothing on her face.

Digging up my thousands upon thousands of years of experience with dealing with other Monster Girl races. Lima's can be the nicest out of the Darker Monster Girls or the cruelest depending on if you offended them or not. "Lady Alice, It was my intention with bringing forth this information to you as soon as I could." keeping my voice and head low as I spoke.

"As soon as possible? Must have wanted to do it in person. Centaurs would have managed to bring the news to us in hours. A message spelled in seconds. The harpies in minutes... so why oh why did you wait? It must have had something to do with the stress and the purest form of hate we all felt the boy go through this morning no?" Watching her leaning up standing taller looking down at my kneeling form shifting into an upright position. I shivered at her callous tone knowing it will not end well.

"There was an incident... with the boy." Whimpering out as she pressed down further releasing more power. Feeling my body straining at the force glancing around noticing that I am the only one affected. "My... my.." no point in making false claims. "I was trying to set him up with my niece, but she... did not take my words to heart... and overstepped." Feeling the eyes on me becoming more and more hostile as I spoke. Going to explain further but the pressure is making it harder to speak.

"Alice cut it out she needs to be able to answer us so we can confirm what we already know." So they know already? Or is it that they want me to think they already know? Oh, who am I kidding they know and are making an example out of me. Feeling resignation spreading through myself I check for foreign magic finding none I sigh. Waiting on the pressure to ease up is all I can do.

"Fine, but she should hurry my time is precious and we need to deal with the as soon as possible." Lady Alice leans back into her cushions seemingly relaxed if not for the twitching of her tail. "Well speak Elf we are waiting." Wincing at her tone I cough into my hand gaining a few precious seconds to get my thoughts in order.

"Yes, Lady Alice and Lady Illias. I was attempting to help foster a connection between the boy and my niece this morning. From what I gleaned from her mind it was all going great until... "Hearing the surrounding Monster Girls take in a deep breath waiting to hear what violation they hoped wasn't coming. "he caught her reading his mind... picking up from her slips that she shouldn't have been able to know... and she slipped him a loose-lipped potion in his drink..."Hearing cries of rage at the drugging of a man mostly for the show as they would follow the rules but it didn't mean they liked them." also she gave him Holstaur milk with the potion." Dead silence rang out the all as my words echoed back to me feeling smaller than ever as I could feel the bubbling power coming from the two powerful monster girls.

"Did she not know that Holstaur milk and most potions in the human body react to varying degrees as a poison? Of course, she didn't because if she did and continued with her plan..." Not needing to continue with that line as it was not pretty by any means. "So which niece and how old is she?" Fighting a grimace off of my face keeping it placid.

"Sweeping through the open glade, and she is two thousand years..." Feeling the tension building in the room further than I thought possible almost suffocating. A sinking feeling settled lower and lower as my stomach dropped further.

Lady Illias hummed lowly as I could hear her chair creaking softly being molded by her fist. "How old is the boy in question?" Her voice was softly asking not demanding to know.

"He is almost eleven or so his records say... but his soul is older." She held up her hand cutting me off further.

"This wouldn't be the first soul that is older than it should you know this and yet you bring it out in the open the rest of them are just souls that slipped through the cleaning process or maybe him going through trauma caused his soul to devour essence for him to live?" She harshly whispered knowing that I was trying to divert attention from my niece back onto the boy.

"We already know what happened when he was found. An eight-year-old was almost ritually sacrificed by an old fool who had delusions of grandeur. Him killing children to open a gate he believed to the underworld hoping to find more power than he was able to produce. The fool did in the end find hell. Killing off children for power is frowned upon even in hell. So not only did he get killed off then he had to survive in a pocket space by himself for two years. But no that is not the end his second greatest challenge was... fighting off a remnant Succubus coven." Yells of rage built up throughout the room at the mention of those virgins. Holding up her hand silencing the room in seconds she continued.

She leaned back as Lady Alice leaned forward showing off her massive breasts being held back by a slip of cloth humming before speaking "So not only did we by leaving the portal easy to find have a hand in him nearly being almost killed, used as a sperm bank, but then one of our own tried to drug him while also going through his mind. The last two happened not even in the last week. The first one was for two years of his short life. So tell me 'Queen' would those trials have not made him endure enough to make his soul feel older?" She is mainly doing this for the rest of the Monster Girls present as the three of us already knew what happened she wanted the rest of them to know. While also throwing my attempt at avoiding the subject back at me.

"On top of all of this, he is a wizard. No, he is more special than most wizards he is one... with a rare bloodline... creation." The world froze as those succulent words came out as casually as talking about the weather... No, it couldn't be. It was just magic I felt it unless I fooled myself into believing it was just magic. If it is Bloodline this changed everything. Oh, my poor fool of a niece just tossed this opportunity down the hill. We just pissed off one of the only High-grade bloodlines out there.

Bloodlines are rare even a slight boost in strength line would have hoards of middle-tier Monster Girl thrown at them in droves for protection and mating. But creation magic? Alice and Illias would have to step in to stop Monster Girls from slipping into the old way personally. It was too tempting a target for any human with a Bloodline let alone Wizard on top of having one. Fifty thousand male wizards only twenty families with bloodlines with fifty members, fifteen males. Sixteen now all of the have middle to low-grade lines. The last one with a high-grade line was on this world a holy magic line that was killed off during the war. Clenching my hands and teeth from screaming in frustration at my niece I will kill her.

Lady Illias looked over to Lady Alice both having a mental conversation we are not privy to. Lady Illias slumped back kicking her feet and huffed "And now a new one appears and in the span of a few days he sees us as the monsters we were painted out to be before the old war." We all flinched at the implications of what she said. "We have to find a way to fix this or despite our old agreements with the wizards, this may lead to a full-blown war over the boy. His line will be invaluable to anyone." She leaned back whispering "...creation" Lady Alice looked over at her enemy-turned-friend and sighed turning back to the rest of us mostly me.

"We will be coming to talk to the boy after this meeting, but we need to know what to do with you and the rest of the elves." Shit, this is bad the last race that killed a high-grade line was the Orcs and there are none of them left bodies burned, souls destroyed, and ashes salted before scattering them. What can I say? What can I do? Thousands of years' worth of dealing with politics helped only so much. It comes down to two things in the Monster Girl world domination and servitude. Domination is no longer an option if only my niece didn't almost kill off the first high-grad line in almost a thousand years... huffing I looked around the room at different races from the corner of my eye seeing how utterly pissed they were. The dragons looked ready to burn down our forest. Werewolves are looking ready to hunt us down?

Taking a shaky breath I closed my eyes sending a prayer to the dead goddess "Elves are the instigator against the high-grade line as such it is two options. Swear ourselves to the human or genocide. As a ruler the option is obvious, and as an aunt even more so. We the elves will swear to the line of the offended those who don't will be executed using The Great Hunt." There will be none because The Great Hunt was so horrible that even our gods cringed at the name.

Sent to hell for ten thousand years if you survive that long and are not kept by demons you are corrupted and needed to be burned by Angels. After ten thousand years of damnation or eternal servitude to a line of short men who lived a short time. The option is obvious even if the line becomes abusive they will all die eventually. Now all I need to do is tell my people and hope they agree and I am not killed in the process.

Then we need the boy to agree to let us serve his family line. We have plenty of riches enough to last tens of thousands of years with just spending it, knowledge of magics lost to time, and are always ready to serve with our bodies. The only problem is trust, and with enough time that can be reforged and Elfs have plenty of time. Hearing the whining of not being able to sate the bottled-up lust for killing some of the races sighed now that we Elves belonged to the man. They still had hope he would disagree and leave us to our fate.

Lady Alice and Lady Illias both looked at each other speaking silently and nodded Lady Illias leaned back letting Lady Alice take the lead "So be it from dragon ridge to wolf plans the forest of green shall be the domain of Tyler. If he keeps the Elves they shall all belong to him and his line. Their fates are in his hands. Though he is only ten so good luck with convincing him." She leaned back looking very bit relaxed as she portrayed I can tell she wanted us to be sent on a Great Hunt. She looked down at me still kneeling.

"We shall meet you back at his domain. We are sending a Centaur forward with the message asking him for a meeting. Good luck telling your people what happened." She saw this outcome I would say. I mean she did it to keep the boy here and make him happy but with the treaty, we signed with the wizards we needed to let the boy go to school. Dam it, at least some of the Elfs will be happy until they hear about the Great Hunt. Securing a High-grade Line to the Elves if we succeeded or being sent to hell. High-risk high reward. Being dismissed I walked out to the sounds of laughter from the

Dark Faction to doubt betting on whether the Wizard will keep us or not. Ex-Queen I am now only a leader in the name of a people who did no wrong. But we made a lot of enemies on this side of the gate and were one of the weaker Monster Girls without our magic. With the Human, we would be his property protecting us from others. It is the bottom of the totem pole but better that than what the dragons would have done.

A/N: hope you enjoyed the Monster Girl politics thanks for reading I will update the list in the alt. chapter with pics later. Thanks for reading.