
Harry Potter/MonsterGirl as a Fat Bastard

You know you are ugly when the first thing you remember is being screamed at and punched by a full-grown man as a toddler. I may not be handsome but I am sure my mother loved me. At least I think she did. Dam it whoever placed me here. At least it is just me and my forest. What the shit is that? A monster, not a monster girl. Here on earth what the fuck is going on. I own nothing but plot and OC. He is reincarnated. No NTR at all for those messaging me. He is OP right from the start.

resistingsea · Movies
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15 Chs


Looking closer over the boy he seemed to have yet to bathe beside a cleaning spell since he was brought back from the gate if the smell is any indication. "So human care to shed some light on why you have yet to be cleaned?" I couldn't help but ask the little human... well little for me for a human he was impressive.

He kept looking around the room for an escape but with his reserves so low even if he wanted to he can't. He looked me up glaring it was cute almost like a kitten. "Well, I am stuck in a tower full of lewd elves. I don't trust any of you. I fear for my virtue." Short sweat to the point I like this kid, no long-winded explanations no backhanded complements, and no double meanings.

Letting my mask fall a little while glancing at Illias at my side "Well child I am Alice one of the two leaders of the Monster Girls to my side is Illias the other leader of the Monster Girls." Looking back at the boy "we only recently came to know about you" yes 'recently as in the second you came here "the Queen has done a very bad job of welcoming you." I said trying to sound sympathetic even though I could care less until they almost poisoned you.

He stared at me like I was stupid "No shit sherlock. Don't treat me like I am a kid I survived two peaceful years alone and it was the best time ever" well this lines up with was I was expecting. He acts like an old man. No human contact should be detrimental to a child, but then again he is no normal child. He leaned back folding his arms across his chest.

Looking at the boy he is not some icon of beauty he looked completely average in most aspects besides his thick arms and legs. Well-muscled for an eleven-year-old each movement of his arms tightened his arms into well-corded muscle. Not as strong as a monster girl, but a human? The kid looked like he would break them in half by sneezing. Most Wizards let their magic seep into their bones strengthening them and making them on the skinny side. Heftier Wizards are either on the weaker magical side or have some monster blood in them.

Most of the monster-blooded decedents made the blood-line wizards. That is why most wizarding families ask their children to make 'friends' with them in hopes to add that line to their own. Power is every aspect of our culture it is why even though most hard-headed Monster Girls follow and obey us. When the wizards find out about the boy there may as well be a blood bath. I will need to give him a scrubbing spell to get rid of all biological waste that comes off of him so he doesn't get forced into a contract he didn't know about.

Looking closer at his rings I see one is turning the Magical energy into the perfect amount of nutrients and water to keep the boy full and happy. Looking closer at the enchantments and ... impossible that is what it is. The runes on it are gibberish making no sense to me and I have been doing magic for a long long time. Mystery after mystery keeps surprising me boy this life has become too static. Looking at his other ring with a brain on it I watched as it devoured the surrounding magic leaving the boys alone.

It brought the magic into itself traveled up the nerves covering the brain and made a shield around his head and nervous system. If someone was to cast the Cruciatus Curse it would take the caster overpowering the very magic in the air to harm the boy. If.. if this gets out the boy would be hounded then chained to a wall and forced to make items of power for others. Us Monster Girls won't let that happen though we have seen what happens to bloodlines that are bound down and nothing good comes of it. I will have to assign a few more powerful but controlled girls to him. When the wizards become too much for him to handle we will welcome him back with open legs and arms.

"I would like to check and see if you have any monster ancestry. If that would be agreeable?" Looking at the conflicting emotions playing across his eyes I hide my smirk. You are too young to be playing games with me boy. But sadly, you feel the need to. So young but knows not everything is free. What will it cost? Is it worth it? those questions are easy to read from the boy. His shoulders slumped a little while he was thinking, a finger twitched, and his eyes darted to his impressive... staff.

Looking closer at the staff I see a magical coating running up and down the intercut scales of the snake his magic connected to the staff at such a deep level without runes I would call it impossible if I had not witnessed stranger happenings. The staff itself is a simple animation spell weaved into it but deeper it doesn't turn from a wood staff to a wood snake... no it turned a wood staff into a live snake with the ability to think, act and eat on its master's orders. The size is growing still. I watched as the staff seemed to be judging all around it sensing danger for its creator. This is amazing if only I... Stop. No. Alice. You are a leader act like it is no unraveling the secrets of this new magic... yet. Maybe if I offer to take him under me.. under my tail he would recuperate.

Stopping myself from drooling at the sight of a magical impossibility I focused on the boy who came out of his thoughts eyes alight waiting on the other shoe to drop. "How would it be done?" He looked both of us in the eyes ready to strike if something were to be amiss. Good, he is not naive jumping at the chance to learn offering everything in the hopes of learning anything. Seen many of the squib decedents hoping to find long lost family only to realize that nobody cared turning them bitter. Well, at least they usually take out their frustrations on their 'mate', not on innocent people.

"We just need some of your DNA it could be a single hair if it must." He leaned back eyes full of weariness good don't trust anyone with any part of yourself. Lips twitched at the distrustful boy.

"I will need it either in a vow, contract, or any other magical means that you will only use any DNA off of me from any source when given my explicit permission. I will also need compensation since you are the ones who are curious I could care less." Well simple and to the point was his declaration. Thinking it over I pulled out a standard contract I kept on me for business transactions for humans. Placing the contract back I grabbed one in English handing it to the boy.

As he looked it over the front and back for any hidden wording or traps. "Not this one I want it stated that any words I can not read, understand or see be it hidden or some other means to trick me shall be null and void." Well, it was better than dealing with most no insults or threats. Not that I would try and trap you the Devils tried that once with a high-class line there is a reason why they are down to a single line of Succubus.

Nodding my head I waved my hand using my raw magical power to liquefy the words and change the contract to what he said. It was in good faith and will help the boy's already low opinion of us. Illias looked over at the contract with a small nod while going back to memorizing the boy from head to toe. Also imprinting the magical signature of the boy in case he needed help somewhere in the future.

"So let us talk about the compensation I would like five favors paid out no matter how I would like." Oh, I like him. Giving him a lust-filled look.

"Any way? Did you want me to punch out your V card as the kids call it these days?" His face went blank for a second. Good throwing you off is the best way in negotiations on either world. I see him thinking it over for half a second before a small shake of his head.

"I don't need help with that thank you though." My what a polite boy. Sneaking a look at the crotch of the boy seeing no reaction I showed a pout while blinking at the boy.

"I can give you one favor with limited factors depending on what you want I can say yes or no." Come one boy what do you have? You don't know how special you are yet I would give you five if you did but now is the time to train you better in dealing with people.

"Four favors no limits." Oh, how ruthless of you boy. Smirking at him as he tried to hide his slight panic. I can practically hear him screaming in my head. Too bad I am not on the other while he is screaming. No. Bad. Alice.

"I will give you Three, but I get veto rights on any requests." Ah already magically inclined I see him 'think' about it boy wanted three the magic number. Was it unconscious or was it a ploy? Oh, who am I kidding it was unconscious. He reached out his hand to shake it. Rubbing my face.

"Usually between Wizards of old they would tough staffs..." Smirking at the innuendo as either he didn't know or didn't care about it. Huffing I reached out and shook his hand. Later you will be kicking yourself for not asking more of us. Then again any Monster Girl will be throwing themselves in front of danger for him.

Pulling out a secure contract while messaging a few clan heads for the different Queens looking for better protection for the boy. A hellhound in the open to distract from the blade in the dark maybe? No to territorial, maybe a dragon? Snoring despite myself that would be a bad idea to send a dragon to protect someone they would instantly see as treasure. On the wrong look, we would have a burned-down school.

So far we have two shadow elves to watch over him, but that would not be enough it was never enough for a high-grade line. Hmm, I and Illias shall talk about this later. Having signed the contract and feeling it slip into place I watched as the boy pulled out a single strand of hair handing it over. Grabbing it I brought out a piece of chalk making a simple circle.

Placing the hair into the circle we all watched with bated breath "Now you need to beat off into the circle." Oh, his face is too precious I giggle a little as Illias also chuckled. His face was cute if you looked closely enough. But here and the other world looks mean nothing when power was involved.

"Just kidding child lighten up." He didn't relax just watched me like a hawk when I started chanting a few simple lines. Watching the circle brighten and turn into a small blue flame devouring the hair. Its shape twisted and elongated. Its shape resembled a humanoid throwing its head back and screaming.

Picking up the faintest of sounds we all leaned in listening until we saw the shape move again throwing its arms to the side and screaming "WAAAAAGGHHHHH" Twitching back at the loud sound we all watched dumbfounded as the shape fell into nothing.

"Oh fuck me." Both Illias and I looked at the pale and shaking boy confused hearing him muttering "Nope not there please not there. Please whoever is listening not there fuck me not there." He was having a panic attack Illias jumped over the table pulling the bigger boy into her lap rubbing his head whispering sweat promises to him. He curled himself into a ball as small as possible. As he fell asleep on her lap Illias looked over at me in confusion.

"He knows what that was but... to get that reaction it must be horrible. I mean a single sight turned him into a blubbering mess on the floor." Illias shook her head as she softly ran her fingers through the boy's messy hair. The staff watching from its resting place saw us as a nonthreat to its owner.

"When he looked at it there was realization then nothing. But when his mind caught up to what that was then he had a panic attack. So it must be something connected to that monster or something stronger than it." Leaning back into my chair my red tail twitching back and forth as it does when I am stressed. "We need answers but just the thought of it sends him into a full-blown panic attack." More threats? possibly. We shall watch and see preparing for the worst.

"He will need more protection. What race do you think will be good for being in the open against threats? I was thinking of asking one of the Vampires to watch him. With how strong his blood is we could ask one of the older ones too. When he finally gets old enough they can switch from his blood to semen. A drop of his blood should hold off the thirst for a few months at a time." She nodded her head after hearing my reasoning.

She thought it over "We could ask one of the Shirohebi. You know how they are once they see a fitting man that is all they think about. She would be a good protector for him. Powerful water magic, are devoted and have never forced themselves on a man no matter how hungry. They also have a quiet personalities. They fall in love with any man that strikes their fancy at a glance." I nodded but remembered.

"No, can't be one of them they are extremely jealous and will kill any woman he even shakes hands with. That's why we don't let them go over there unless we find a man so depressed he might take his own life. That way she gets a loving and devoted man and he gets the perfect loving and caring wife." She winced at that yea not great for the crowds the boy will bring.

"Hmm, we need someone strong but have enough willpower to not abandon the boy until he gets over his worry about us enough to have sex with one of us. Gentle enough to not hurt him during said sex, and patient with him. Not controlling or jealous either." Both of us leaned back it was a tall order but for him, we needed the perfect Monster Girl. If the Holstaur weren't so against violence I would have chosen one of them but the one watching over him needs to have just the right amount of violence ready to be used.

"What about a Valkyrie or two?" Leaning back thinking it over "As their once god they will listen to me out of duty and respect or we could find one on the precious of falling into becoming a Dark Valkyrie?" Ah, those are the ones whose loyalty changed from their god to a man. Yes, that could work. They are lustful but not pushy. Having had their desires for their gods twisted to their new mate. High combat strength but no longer is it used for their god but for their husband. "That could work a regular Valkyrie would disdain him if he wanted the pleasures of the flesh. The Dark would listen to any of his commands, no back talk. She would kneel reverently before him as if he was a god. They would gleefully receive their mate's desire."

"A Dark Valkyrie would also when mating with him rise his prowess each time they had sex. The old days when men were still around you know that a Dark Valkyries husband had the sexual appetite that would press even dragons down." Nodding along that would be good.

"We would have to explain to him what is going on along with a counter for the falling which is easy so having him not turn him into to a deviant is easy. There are a few If I just asked would fall with a happy smile. Also, sex with them and a filter will raise his power manifold. Maybe we should get him two?" We giggled at the thought but paused a light passing through our eyes as they traveled down to the sleeping boy not knowing we are planning his future. At least in wide strokes.

"We still have some Kunoichi Monster Girls in stasis in case we ever needed them. After the fall they swore loyalty to us so sending one or two over there to help the shadow elves shouldn't be a problem. But like you said we will need to talk to him and ask his opinion about it. The Elfs still need to swear loyalty to him and finally, you need to talk to the British Represented by them as he was once a child of that country." Nodding along at my angel friend.

Always so much to do. She snuggled up to him waving me off. This bitch. narrowing my eyes at her as he wrapped his arms around her waist and bury his face closer to her crotch. Flipping her off a new human expression. She winked at me licking her lips. I mouthed 'Tease' at her.

Slithering out the door to my accommodations I flicked her in the back of the head with my tail hearing a whispered 'bitch'. I have research to do on top of all of those items in my itinerary. Looking down at my book I saw my first meeting would be with European Head Representative Gerald Grindelwald and his mate Shake the Lich.

I wonder how she is doing over there should have been fun. I heard those two met when he was in his late teens and just had his heart broken by his ex-boyfriend looking for the 'deathly hallows' then he ran into my old friend and they hit it off great. Turns out Monster Girl pussy is better than man ass who knew.

A/N: Hope you enjoyed it. Hope you liked the curve ball and the pics will be up in the Aux chapter thanks for reading.