
Harry Potter/MonsterGirl as a Fat Bastard

You know you are ugly when the first thing you remember is being screamed at and punched by a full-grown man as a toddler. I may not be handsome but I am sure my mother loved me. At least I think she did. Dam it whoever placed me here. At least it is just me and my forest. What the shit is that? A monster, not a monster girl. Here on earth what the fuck is going on. I own nothing but plot and OC. He is reincarnated. No NTR at all for those messaging me. He is OP right from the start.

resistingsea · Films
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15 Chs

Colors below white

After my pool of mana recharged the morning after Illias left, I returned to creating protection items an anti-scrying ring. I also created a muffling ring where anything outside twenty feet away couldn't hear those around me if I was talking. I tried to make several items to boost my physical strength that is either eaten or drunk, but every time I do they fizzle out. The magic used would come back to me after I tried to make those items. I realized that I need a better understanding of how the items would affect the body.

Too bad or I could have just made healing solutions and then lived fat and happy but from what Illias told me that I can do that anyway. But I have to choose to be king of the elves which I will take; not just cause all of them are drop-dead gorgeous solid nine out of tens, but also so I can take advantage of them in other ways. Just mainly magical knowledge. It has always been the dream of most kids to be able to fly without outside influence myself included. Even if I am scared of heights I will work through it.

But no way in hell is there any way I am going to be in charge of day-to-day fuck that noise I have watched too many anime and movies to know better. Fucking paperwork is the death of ambition and the crusher of hopes. I look down at the book that cost me no small amount of trouble in making a grimoire from black clover one that would suit my needs just fine versatile for attack and defense. Since I created the grimoire it automatically connected to me with no fuss.

Looking at the floating book I felt its connection directly to my magic it was acting like a storage container for my mana. Looking over the exact copy of Langris Valdes's grimoire book. It looked a little different from the one I saw in the manga. For one mine had my name on it and I can feel as if it was connected to me. From it, I could feel the space around me. The book itself was the size of a college textbook. The cover has a clover on the cover. As it hovers in the corner of my eye I see a light blue glow moving along the grimoire. Reaching out my hand the book moved according to my whims floating in front of my hand.

The book is not exactly like Langris's instead of having a few set spells there were a lot of empty pages inside of the grimoire. Grabbing a pair of glasses from the inside of my robes I put them on feeling everything around me slow down as I read the first page of the book.

What felt like minutes was seconds thanks to the gale-force glasses. After reading I pulled off the glasses as they would only work when reading I can't get them to work when I am doing anything else so they are not suited for combat.

With the book open, I can feel the magic in the air. According to the book, most of the spells are like handy caps or training wheels. In the short term, they are good, but I shouldn't become reliant on them. With time I can make my spells, and thank baby Jesus that I don't have to do advanced quantum physics to cast a fireball.

Nor do I need to wave a stick around yelling in pig Latin, with the Ruby of the War mage all I need is imagination, understanding, and power and I can cast most spells. What I am sorely lacking right now is Power but with the staff, and grimoire absorbing the mana from the air I have a decent stock.

Grabbing My staff I stabbed the mouth of the snake forward muttering "Twist" Watching the room turn into an LSD-infused fun house is trippy. The floor twisted into the ceiling the space between turned into a pretzel. The balcony is now inside the room is now dark as the floor was turned into a half pipe. Pulling back on the staff the room unraveled back into its original form.

Nodding to myself I hear reaching as a Shadow popped out of the table that was turned into a roof. I watched as the Elf was on her hands and knees coughing and spitting onto the floor. "Better clean that up." She looked up at my voice her watery green eyes narrowed before widening as she went to vomit again. "Well, what did it feel like to be inside of my spell?" She finished vomiting and cleaning up the mess by muttering a few spells vanishing the pile. She came before me on unsteady legs. She took a knee everything about her is covered in black.

"My, King?" her hope-filled whisper came out with no small amount of trepidation. Her eyes were still watery as they watched my boots. She looked up into my eyes as I raised an eyebrow waving my hand at her to go on. "My Lord?... The spell was disconcerting, to say the least. My head was looking at my backside with no pain. My limbs were also going in the wrong direction. That lasted a moment before I became stretched out inside of the shadow." Nodding along with her explanation.

Feeling both of my focuses are still almost full the hardest part was the actual spell. Afterword was the easiest so far it was just holding space in its twisted form. I gave her a small smile "You can go back and clean up if you want." She shook her head before melting beneath the couch behind me. Cool dam.

Pulling back my staff I held out my hand palm facing the room "Open" Imagining a door in front of me that connected behind me I watched as the air in front of me was peeled back like a can of sardines. Reaching through the open space I grabbed the back of my head moving to watch and feeling my hand on the back of my head. Pulling my hand back I slowly cut off the flow of mana from my grimoire watching as the edges of the portal fluctuated slightly as a ripple worked its way around the edges. Playing around with the portals tossing and seeing how big I can make them.

It turned out that keeping the portal open is easier than it was to close them. Sitting down on my couch getting ready to take a nap. Hearing a knock at the door as I sat down I watched it for a few seconds making sure that it was my door. Hearing the more hesitant sounds of knocking I opened a portal to the handle the size of my arm.

Opening the door I watched as a door lost the handle because it was cleanly sliced off as it entered the portal. Quickly closing the portal before whoever was about to walk into it will lose a limb. Note to self don't allow anyone friendly to walk into the portals or they lose what the edge of the portal touches.

Coming through the door was Illias as she floated in she looked at the missing chunk of the door and then back to my feet where the missing piece was. Looking at me she quirked an eyebrow and proceeded to shrug it off as she walked in sitting opposite me. "So young Tyler have you decided on how to proceed with the Elves?" She pulled out a cup of tea from somewhere. Talking a long sip as she watched me closely. I know she knows that I won't just toss a bunch of Elves into hell. All that wasted supple Elf ass. "Or we could talk about where your blood comes from?"

My lips twitched "Bone marrow..." She rolled her eyes at that. "Well you know I wouldn't let all those Elves be killed off. I also know this is a way to tie me back here. So cut the bullshit what do you want." She leaned back giving me a genuine smile.

"Well, what we want is to keep you safe happy, and get you to knock up some others to carry on your magics. Do you have any idea how long we waited on creating another High-grade line?" I nodded as she had told me last time

"What you heard was an amount of time. Now imagine how long you set up compatible partners to get a higher grade line. We expected to have to wait for at least another five hundred years for one to show up with our breeding program" She caught my grimace at the mental image of being chained to a wall and grasped by woman after woman. No thank you I prefer to find my hole to stick it in.

She rolled her eyes at my discomfort "You may see it as crude but imagine how we feel about all those wasted years mixing and matching low-grade lines. Hell, now we have to find you a match after we already had this current generation mixed." I narrowed my eyes at her waiting for her rant to finish.

She finally stopped before looking up at me. Seeing my glare she seemed a little sheepish about the rant but not what she said about choosing who I breed with. "Did somehow make sure the Elves are the ones who found me? This seems like too much of a coincidence?"

She shook her head a little watching me for a few seconds giving a smile "Well I don't know what you are talking about."

I leaned back "Well that is good. I like my privacy so I am leaning toward sending the Elves to go on this Hunt." Giving my best innocent smile to her. Bitches want to play two can play at that. "I also would like to leave soon. You know us humans we tend to get a little star... crazy from being locked up for long periods." Watching her pupils dilate at the mention of not keeping the Elves was fun the rest of her face could have been set in stone from the lack of movement.

Her wings started to twitch slightly when talking about me leaving. She opened her mouth "Well that would be a shame about the Elves but they did make the declaration." There was a slight bite to her tone. "Are you sure you want to leave so... soon?" She tried to act casual but I can see the gears working in her head trying to find an angle to keep me here. The agitation slipped into her voice "We are having a festival soon in the capital. It would be bad form to miss it... I think you would enjoy it."

Shaking my head "That sounds like a good time to leave if you ask me. With all the crowds in the capital all you need to do is tell me where the exit to the human world is and I will be on my way out of here." As I spoke I watched her fingers twitch slightly as I prepared to open a portal around her arm. Her eyes lost focus for a few seconds.

"Well, you might have to wait for at least until we send off the elves to The Great Hunt." Smiling slightly as she kept bringing up the Elves. I may be a sucker for a pretty face but am I petty enough to send a race of Monster Girls to Hell? Yes yes, I am. "It would be a shame for all the ones who contributed to them going on this hunt to not be there." Oh, this bitch is trying to push this off on me?

I nodded "Yes that sounds about right." She gave me a small smile "So I guess you and Alice have a lot to prepare for then?" She looked confused for a few seconds. "It would be a shame for you two to miss the departure as you both accepted the verdict, no? Well, maybe I should get going back to the human world soon."

Thinking 'hard' over what to do I leaned back gripping another of my necklaces one that cost me quite a bit of mana. "After all, I wouldn't want you and Alice to miss seeing off the Elves as they head off to Hell. I mean it's not as if you constructed the niece of the Queen into poisoning me to tie me here with that thin leash." I didn't think they would but there have been some inconsistencies in this poisoning deal.

I mean a two-thousand-year-old Elf is like a teenager to them. So how would she not know about that? It seemed like all of this is some elaborate ruse to keep me here. I hate politics. I mean this is an ex-goddess who knows what she did while up there. I know not all gods are above the little slip here and there.

Her face didn't betray anything nor did her body except the slight twitch of her wing. "That is true. I will need to look into finding you a safe passage." She stood up to leave giving me a small smile. Her eyes thought they seemed to be dissecting me. I gave her a friendly smile that didn't reach my eyes. Watching her leave. I leaned back relaxing visibly as I still had a portal ready to be deployed.

She stopped at the door "You still have a while to decide the festival is still a ways away for your human standard. To us, a few months or years come and go in the blink of an eye." She looked me in the eyes as she left. As she left I watched the door close behind her softly. Well, that could have gone better why did I try and antagonize an ex-goddess? Even weakened she would be able to whip the floor with me.

Leaning back thinking over the conversation. She seemed either surprised at the connection or she didn't think about it or the more likely answer is she is only showing me what she wants me to see. Dam mind game bullshit if you want me to fuck a bunch of babies into people just ask me dam it I wouldn't say no... I mean if the woman is a total cunt or crazy I wouldn't stick my dick in it. But what happened to ask?

Releasing my amulet after she left I looked down at the palm-sized amulet. The amulet of the planes was a bitch to make. I didn't know where it would take me if I used it the best I could hope for is back to where I was thrown into this hentai-level bullshit. All I need to do is be intimately familar with the location and I feel like a few years in the woods dimmed my image of the place but gate I could get to easily but from there where would I go?

If I fucked up I would go to a random plane I know Heaven and Hell exist here but would it be Illias's heaven? If so and she can access it there would be no point in me trying to run from an enraged Angel. That's not to say there isn't a whole score of smiting first-ask-later Angels. Then there is Hell. I feel like I wouldn't do badly there at all.

Reaching out into my space ring pulling out a gag I made Looking over the baseball-shaped gold ball with a cross on the top. A holy hand grenade was easy to make and cheap on mana. I sucked in the mana from the area covering it with an explosion of holy energy in the area. That is not including the backup rings I placed on my toes in case these are stolen from me by some magic bullshit. I don't know if the effects of the rings are stacked but better to be safe than sorry.

For some reason I felt that she was testing my limits of what I would put up with... or I could be hoping that is what it was. Guess I am sleeping in the bathroom tonight in case someone pulls something

AN: Missed yesterday had the next few chapters written out logged on saw they were gone. After searching for them for a while I decided fuck it and walked away. Sorry I would have written but was pretty pissed off. Thanks for reading. If this chapter feels off sorry but It's what I was able to make without all of my notes on the book.