
Harry Potter/MonsterGirl as a Fat Bastard

You know you are ugly when the first thing you remember is being screamed at and punched by a full-grown man as a toddler. I may not be handsome but I am sure my mother loved me. At least I think she did. Dam it whoever placed me here. At least it is just me and my forest. What the shit is that? A monster, not a monster girl. Here on earth what the fuck is going on. I own nothing but plot and OC. He is reincarnated. No NTR at all for those messaging me. He is OP right from the start.

resistingsea · Movies
Not enough ratings
15 Chs


Finishing up the paperwork I waited on the European Head representative. Waving my hand sending off dozens of different letters and completed forms I sat back resting my eyes. I felt the two of the representatives entering the wards. Shake the Lich and Gerald Grindelwald gaining all of the information from the scan I leaned back processing all of it.

Gerald Grindelwald as of this year is One hundred and seven, and along with him is shake I don't get any information off of her the quiet lich floating lazily behind her lover. Gerald thought he still looked as young as he did during their first meeting. Delving and uncovering secrets of magic's long thought lost adding them to his old Alma Mata Durmstrang.

Even though he is over a hundred, the boy is still young in body and soul compared to most of us Monster Girls. But in my mind, he is still sharper than most his age. Between him and Nicolas Flamel, they may even crack a perfected philosopher's stone. Young Nicolas still gets a kick when he comes to visit me when I call him boy not that I blame the man that many years older than most it gets tiring with everyone wanting your secrets.

Coming back as my secretary knocked lightly at the door. Pressing a few runes she opened the door letting Gerald enter the room. His eyes scanned the area before resting on me. A smile found its way onto his face as his father's eyes bore into me his usual intimidation when it came to other wizards we both know he doesn't scare me nor any other Monster Girl he still gets a kick out of it though. One of his eyes milky white dead to the world after some unfortunate accident. "Alice! Great to see you. You sure are such a sight for my sore eye." His lips twitched at the old joke between us.

Shake floated behind him she was half asleep most of the time only really waking up fully when it comes to Magic and sex. Nodding to the dozing-off Lich I turned back to Gerald who watched Shake with a fond twitch of his lips. Turning his eyes back to me "So what was so important you used the official line instead of just asking Shake for a visit?" Gracefully sitting back into the leather armchair. Getting comfortable Shake floated landing in his lap resting her head back on his chest as her eyes remained half closed.

While he stroked her arm I leaned back thinking over how to break this delicate information over to him. "Well, we found one." Leaning back his eyes scrunched up thinking back. Shake, on the other hand, completely altered her eyes open watching me searching for falsehood. Not that I blamed her.

Her soft yet cold voice cut through the room "You did something foolish..." Now wide awake she leaned in watching me "not foolish but a rash action. I can tell you were but a small worm when we first met. You and Illias were both foolish and headstrong. So spit it out..." Shit, she was always good at finding out information with the smallest of tells. Gerald leaned back looking every bit like his father.

Closing my eyes "Fine we found a High-grade Bloodline..." Both of them reacted at the same time. Looming over me Shake in front of Gerald. "What did you do?" Shake watched me no movement lost to those aged eyes. Gerald himself looked between the two of us he opened his mouth to speak but Shake coved his mouth while still looking into my eyes. "Spit it out" She didn't need to yell or even shout the power behind her words was enough to wrench the truth from my lips.

After explaining her layout bare it sounded convoluted. Shake eyed me as one would eye a fool in a king's court. Gerald looked livid in his way but held his tongue as Shake was still processing what was revealed. "So not only did you 'suggest' to the Queen's Niece to 'slightly' poison the first... I repeat First High-Grade Bloodline, but somehow you forced the Elf Queen into a position where her entire race is at the whims of a child... Not only a child but one whose perception of us Monster Girls is tainted by rituals, succubus, and poison..." Shake watched me with narrowed eyes. Her expression said it all she was furious, to say the least.

Gerald watched the byplay between the two of us with equal parts amusement and horror at the many times this ploy could have gone wrong, and still may go wrong. It was also filled with schemes on who the boy should marry, and where he should go to school. Oh, it will only be a short while before the boy is swarmed with letters. "... You utter fool." She leaned back lost in thought. "So you have witnessed him creating magic impossibilities and you have yet to ask if he made an artifact that can tell the trough from a lie?" My eyes widened at the implications of such a tool. Oh dam it. Thinking back on all of the talks we found nothing wrong.

"Well, we have yet to lie to the boy... much. Illias should be with him talk..." Shake raised her hand her other hand gripping the desk and snapping the solid oak desk with her strength alone. Closing her eyes Shake took several deep breaths before opening her now pure black eyes.

"Are you telling me that you left Illias... the Illias that once saw a man pee and burned him alive. The same Illias that once destroyed her church because the priest looked at a Monster Girl and I quote 'funny'... You left him alone with that Illias correct?" Her cold calm voice echoed off the dead silent room.

I mean my friend was bad before recently she has don't quite a few decent... shit who am I kidding even after Giving up her divinity it only reduced the amount of carnage she caused... and I left her alone with the boy. Oh, what is the worse that can happen? "She has matured a lot since her wrathful goddess phase. It has been hundred years and you know how she got after humanity here was killed off" I saw Shake's eye twitch not believing me. Wincing a little as she leaned in closer staring at me not blinking. Her eyes drilled deep into mine searching.

She leaned back huffing "Well no matter what now you have taken the boy's trust and pissed on it. I wouldn't be surprised if he called your bluff about the Elfs..." Her eyes narrowed at me "It was a bluff right?" The silence was defining between us she closed her eyes taking several more deep breaths. "right.."

"It was out the idea to gain his loyalty." Gerald grimaced while listening in. Wincing when we mentioned the Great Hunt. He like most wizards had heard about that particular punishment. "And possibly put the Elves under his supervision. With the Elves around him, they could be able to help him."

"What if he turned you down?" Gerald spoke up not being able to hold the question.

"Why would he do that?" I couldn't help but ask. Shake and Gerald smacked their faces looking into each other's eyes seemingly holding a conversation. Giving up a nation of Elves, knowledge, and power? Who would give all of that up?

Gerald grimaced down into the eyes of Shake. Turning back to me he huffed "Well you may have forgotten most humans are petty, cruel, and vindictive. Wizards, more so are just longer lived and can hold a grudge for an untold number of years. But now you decided to try and leash one of the most valuable humans in the last few thousand years... One that doesn't seem to put up with a lot. Judging by your report of the Succubus..." He leaned back letting the words sink in. Thinking over the short interaction with the boy I couldn't see him being that bad. But then again stranger things have happened.

Feeling a weight resting on my shoulders as we continued to talk about the boy while Gerald was wincing now and then as his lover squeezed his hand too hard now and then. Closing my eyes slumping into my desk. I didn't want to be in charge of the different races of Monster Girls. We tried to get Shake a position she instead told us to fuck off in not-so-kind words. "What can we do?"

Shake opened her eyes raising an eyebrow at me "Well you need to go and beg for forgiveness from the Elves. They may not be the strongest or the hardiest of Monster Girls. But they are one of the most magically inclined. Without them, we wouldn't have found the connection between the Earth and here. So if anything you need to ask for forgiveness. You may have just cut all ties they had with us. I shudder to imagine what the whole race of Elves have planned to in case the plan fails."

She closed her eyes "They could be worse than Black Alice in many ways. Where she was one you now have a whole race of magically inclined pissed-off Elves who will point the blame at you and Illias. The boy may get some blame for not accepting. Hell even if he does some of the hardcore Elves will still be pissed off to no end." Closing her eyes rubbing her temples to fight off a headache we all seemed to be gaining. Gerald was using his mind art directing the conversation we have been having if his blank face was any indication.

Gerald spoke up "How strong is he currently?" Leaning back thinking over the question and pondering over a good answer.

"Currently he has the same amount of magic as a freshly graduated Hogwarts student. But with his Bloodline, he created a ring that blocked most mind magic. His ring also if my guess is right blocks One of the unforgivable. That is not including all of the items he made One of them is his focus that changes into a truly massive snake." Gerald leaned back thinking over the current Head Master Tom Marvolo Slytherin. Oh, he was another genius boy who Albus tried to press down with all of his 'reforms' thankfully it was smothered in its cradle.

Now the old coot is out in the wilds doing whatever his age-riddled mind can come up with. After all, he didn't have a mate and in today's society, your status is judged by what kind of mate you can attract. Judging by what is happening around the boy he will attract the right and wrong kinds of attention. By his multiple mates, they will see he has a bloodline.

By him having a Dark Valkyrie he will be seen as someone that she saw worthy to replace her goddess. Having any Elf let alone a Shadow Elf protecting him they will see that the Elves favored him. By him having kunoichi they will see him as someone who the Monster Girl leaders sent some of the most feared assassins to protect him. Most will brush it off but those at the top will be keeping a close eye on him. News will get out whether we wanted it to or not.

"He also has been creating different rings and amulets some of which I have yet to figure out their purpose. I know one of them replaced all of his needed intake of food and water after the... incident." Shake's eyes twinkled at the mention of unknown magics, and Gerald was not far behind his whole body looming over the small form of his lover.

"Unknown?" Shake didn't hide her interest one bit in her lover a man equally interested in the subjects of the obscure and the unknown. With how old Shake is it is not uncommon for her to find such subjects interesting. "I would be interested in meeting the boy." I nodded to her.

"We will have to see about..." Hearing banging on the door. Scouting at being interrupted I watched as Illias barged in not paying attention to anyone else... that look on her face is not good news. "Please, Illias tell me you didn't do anything to our guest?" She looked sheepish her wings fluttering making me nervous. "What did you do?"

After she fidgeted a little "I may or may not depending on how you look at it... implied that it was his fault the Elves were going on the great hunt." She wrung her hands looking every bit at a child being scolded.... waving my hand at her to continue knowing her as long as I did I knew there was more to this story. "He didn't seem to care about what was happening... so I tried to guilt trip him only a little... He told me to have fun watching a race of Monster Girls being killed off..." We all stared at her like she was an idiot because she was.

Shake cleared her throat. Illias eyes went wide at not noticing the other two in the office. She paled further seeing it was Shake here with her love. "So this is how you treat guests now that I have left huh?" Her fingers drummed on the armrest of the chair. "Now then how did the boy react?"

Illias slumped into a conjured chair "Well he seemed indifferent and wanted to leave so I did the only thing I could think of and asked him to wait until the festival..." We all looked at each other in confusion...

"What festival?" Speaking at the same time Shake and I glanced at each other before turning back to the shifty Angel Monster Girl.

"The one we are setting up as of an hour ago..." What? Judging by the looks of confusion on the rest of us waiting on her to elaborate. "Well, I said he could leave after the festival so I put it off for a few months. Plenty of time to show him how great we are... and to maybe rule over the Elves" Gerald rubbed his eyes letting out a long and loud sigh.

Before we started pointing out how stupid her off-the-wall plan was the doors were once again being beaten down. This time by a frantic Shadow Elf who kneeled panting and sweating. "My ladies I bring grave news." Closing my eyes begging for him to not be dead.

"Well spit it out." The Elf shifted slightly panicked would be an apt term for how she is feeling.

"My ladies, Lord Tyler after Lady Illias left started pacing back and forth. After a few moments of thinking, he called out to both of us. As we kneeled before him he handed me this." She pulled out a human button with the word 'Fuck' in bold black letters. "He said to tell you all that is the last one he had so now he can give no more." The confusion was palpable in the room. Illias was shifting side to side while she floated looking anywhere but at Shake. Who was staring dead at Illias trying to catch her on fire with her eyes?

Gerald was looking at the button trying to find any indication that it was freshly made. I waved to the Elf for her to continue. She gave a cough "He then grabbed all of his items storing them away. Gripping the black circular amulet he was there one second then gone the next. Just disappeared we searched the whole tower alerting the others then coming straight here to inform you, ladies." Illias raised her arm to kill the Elf who failed in keeping an eye on the boy. Shake waved her hand stopping Illias from smiting the poor Elf.

Gerald narrowed his eyes at Illias "What else did you tell the boy... to cause such a reaction." Shake picking up on the line of questioning stared at the Angel was wash shaking in fear or fury.

Letting out a defeated sigh "Well I might have mentioned the breeding programs we have been working on..." The rest of us all covered our eyes so we didn't look at the idiot.

Shake jumped forward to strike the Angel but was 'held' back by her lover who couldn't stop her if he wanted she let him. "You utter fucking fool! You told a child you planned on making him a fucking stud! A Child! How else did you expect him to react, hells in his mind you might have planned to chain him to a wall letting woman after a woman have their way with him! No wonder he fucking left!" The shake was screaming at her while flailing her arms to strangle the panicky Angel. Even as a goddess she was scared of Shake hell most of us were scared of Lich's for good reasons too.

Shake stilled slumping back into her lover's chest "We will need to find the boy and explain what is happening. First, take me to his room I will find him." Gerald released her following after not before shaking his head at Illias.

"Dam it Illias really?" I closed my eyes hoping this is all a bad dream... Pinching myself nope fuck.

A/N: So I will be slowing down chapters. 3k + the other books words a day takes a good amount of time so I will try to work out a plan. Hope you enjoyed the chapters