
Harry Potter/MonsterGirl as a Fat Bastard

You know you are ugly when the first thing you remember is being screamed at and punched by a full-grown man as a toddler. I may not be handsome but I am sure my mother loved me. At least I think she did. Dam it whoever placed me here. At least it is just me and my forest. What the shit is that? A monster, not a monster girl. Here on earth what the fuck is going on. I own nothing but plot and OC. He is reincarnated. No NTR at all for those messaging me. He is OP right from the start.

resistingsea · Movies
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15 Chs

That smile

"Ere we go, here we go, here we go! 'da WAAAGH!. 'oo are ya, little 'umie? it doesn't matta ya will be kilt by ma fist." Turning to the source of the voice. I spied a leg the size of me I followed the leg up and up. Until I am straining my neck looking up at the ugliest mother fucker I have ever seen. I can smell him in this dream.

"Ghazghkull mag uruk draka iz 'oo i am. 'oo are ya little 'umie? ya smell like an ork but ya don't look like wun?" After the booming voice echoed around the battlefield I could still hear the WAAAGGGHHH ongoing in the background. Why did I scream in my head? What the fuck is going on. Well, I am not dead yet. Can I die in a dream? Shit.

Looking back into the beady eyes I do the only thing I can think of "WWWAAAAAAAGGGGHHHH!" He kept staring at me for a few moments as my cry echoed off of the surrounding war-torn field. The smell of blood and shit permeates the air. He scratched his beard squig looking me up and down.

"WWWWAAAAAGGGGHHHHH," Feeling my nose curling at this dream from the smell of his breath.

"ma WAAAGH! kry iz betta dan yer weak 'umie voice. Ya need more WAAAGH! ta get a betta kry." He spat onto the ground. Raising his big old fuck off the gun that looked attached to his arm connected at his elbow. I did the only thing I could and proceeded to create a purple cloak. Wrapping myself in the cloth looking at the wide eyes of the ork he looked around scratching his beardsquig stomping around.

"Iz yer wun uv dose weird Boyz? 'umie or ork? small ork iz wot yer are now yer hiding like a 'umie." He looked around and shrugged before running off into the distant sound of fighting. Screaming about the WAGH. Sitting down wrapping myself

Before he was out of sight I saw a fucking space marine jumping right at him as the ork raised his gun the space marine brought down his chainsword at his bicep cutting it clean off. With a howl of either agony or happiness, the ork screamed "WAAAAGGGHHH" right into the face of the marine. Then the ork kicked the extended knee of the Marine cracking the ceramic plate in half. The marine tumbled back rolling ass over the head before skidding to a stop on his good knee. They both charged at each other locking chainsaws and powerclaw. Neither gaining any ground the ork was stronger but the marine knew how to leverage his size against the bigger foe.

As the swords are about to clash I felt something pulling on my shoulder. Trying to ignore it was getting hard. I felt a hand grabbing my shoulder and a jerking sensation until I was in darkness. Then I saw the light blinking in my eyes I looked up at the lap my face was sitting in "pink" I muttered looking at the exposed panties of the Angel. She looked down at me upturning her nose. Trying to get the images of the bodies, the smell, and the burning world out of my head I redirect my train of thought to the panties I just saw.

Leaning down she whispered "I know. I put them on." Sitting up slowly cracking my neck and back as I did. Blinking the sleep out of my eyes I looked around the empty room beside me and this Angel. I looked at her up and down her soft white wing wrapped around my shoulder feeling soft and warm. "So what is a Waagh?" She said narrowing her eyes at me in suspicion.

I shook my head indicating I am not speaking about it. The hell am I going to say 'Oh you know big green space Orks that ride meteorites powered by imagination and ducktape?' or 'Reality-warping big green men with the collective IQ of room temperature.' yea no thank you. Unless I come up with a good excuse without strictly lying my ass off I am keeping that to myself. "I don't want to talk about it... did you know men shit themselves when they die?" Good deflection dumbass.

She opened her eyes a grimace coming across her face "Yes I did. Unless you rip them in half then the shit flows up..." She muttered the last part dam this Monster Girl just said that shit. Shaking her head "No distracting mister. If you don't want to talk about it I will not force you. Though we still have much to discuss." A smile played across her lips as she started to float back to her chair. Summoning some tea she watched me closely as she sipped.

"So what did new need to talk about?" Leaning back into the warm leather couch feeling a nice warm breeze coming through the open balcony door. Feeling a lot safer now that my reserves are full. But it wouldn't help in a fight if it came down to it.

"There are a few things we needed your opinion on. The first was finishing the explanation about what is going to happen to you from here on out." She sighed looking at me with a mix of sadness and determination. "We don't want to force it on you but you seem to have some miss conceptions about monster girls from what has happened to you."

Leaning back she stared me in the eye "First I would like to apologize to you for what happened with the gate to our realm. We didn't think anyone would be stupid enough to use ritualistic sacrifice on a closed portal. In all honesty, the alerts should have warned us that you entered that realm. But we came to find out from your Succubus assailant that her coven has been using it as an entrance to your home world." She closed her eyes rubbing her face in frustration.

"They have been feeding away from the gate so we didn't even think to check it and for that, we apologize for not finding you sooner. In all honesty, if you didn't find those good berries you would have not survived there." Closing my eyes realizing how close I was to dying... again let out a half sigh and half sobbing sound came out of my mouth. I felt tired all of a sudden. The last week has been rough I am not some paragon of willpower I am just me Tyler. Running over my train of thought she continued

She winced at the wet sound coming out of me "I will give you a small history lesson about us Monster Girls. I was once a Goddess protecting humanity from the Monster Girls. I would 'bless' human men into becoming a hero who would go out and slay the feral Monster Girls. The Lima was Alice she was in charge of the darker Monster Girls. But what was not well known was there was a third being of power. Me the light, Alice the darker gray or neutral, and the Overlady the black there was no middle ground for her." She seemed lost in thought for a moment her knuckles turned white a popping sound came out of her balled-up fists.

"The Overlady in one of her more lucid moments decided to make another monster this one was called Black Alice. Where Alice was a combatant, Black Alice was a more medically inclined individual. For all Alice was strong Black Alice made up for it in her concoctions of potions. We all had a battle one day. Over the ruins of one of my holy cities. Alice ended up destroying her spatial bag filled with her potions. After fighting for a week straight with us finally landing the final blow she grabbed her necklace shoving it down her throat." She shuddered remembering the fighting.

"What she ate was one of her older creations a vial that killed her but almost cost us everything. She made a Pathogen it was a nightmare after that. It is spread by water, air, touch, and contact. At first, we thought it was a dud until we found out otherwise. Every baby boy from point of contact with the virus is killed in the womb. What came out was an abomination. No words I say can describe what came out." She took a shuddered breath tears spilling from her dead eyes as she relived the memories. I closed my eyes again wincing at the mental images coming out of this story. Visual thinking has its downsides.

"No blessing could save them. The living women became Dark mages in hopes of their combined magical power to overwhelm and remove the Pathogen. Nothing worked no amount of magic could fix it. So with the last of the men passing away from old age one by one I made a decision hoping to stop the virus. One of my smartest and most magically inclined angels Promestein made a ritual it required the holiest, the truest evil, and the body of the creator. I was prepared to give up my life for a chance to save the human race. Instead, it took my divinity making me a high-tier Angel Monster Girl." Feeling acquired is an understatement I have never been good at dealing with emotions let alone those that are not mine. So I did the only thing I could think of reaching out and patting her balled-up fist and giving her a sad smile.

"That would be the end but with less than a few thousand men we thought we could rebuild but it was not to be. The High Succubus's decided that they needed the men more than most. So they took them one by one. Draining all the semen, and life from their very bodies. The Succubus race has never been thinkers only caring if their hunger is sated. That would have doomed us all, but the Promestein came through again and we found your world. From there we decided to do a diplomatic approach instead of taking and hoping for the best. It was not easy to make the rest of the girls listen but with a threat here and a barrel of semen there we made it." Clearing her throat she took a long sip of tea watching me for a moment. Giving me a small sad smile she saw questions forming in my mind but she held up her hand so I did what any smart man would do sitting back and listening to the overpowered Angel or ex-goddess.

"We made pacts around a thousand years ago with the Wizard communities from back then. We help them with magic, but not wars. After losing all the men they became sacred to us in a way. If we find one being hurt we take a protect them. After a few hundred years we came up with an offer to them. Everyone man that is being taught will get a Monster Girl as long as they swear not to kill, brutalize, or otherwise cause bodily harm to them." Giving me a blinding smile that made most of my worries wash away.

"It took a while but eventually, we worked our way into their hearts. With us there no wars had to happen because we traded every ingredient they needed for the study. Wood or monster cores for wands. Want to live longer? Find a lich promise and give companionship and semen. Poor or need money? find a nice Goblin to take care of you or sell your semen." Dam that sounds as close to a utopia as a man can find.

"That comes to our next issue. You are special in a way that you will need more protection. So I and Alice talked at length. So we had a list drawn up about your protectors. We would do it ourselves but we can not go over there as part of the treaties unless an extinction-level event is happening." Grabbing the piece of paper look over the shortlist with all of the pros and cons of different Girls.

Dark Valkyries would take my word as gospel which is why they were not allowed out of this world in case a man decided that he would point them at others. Kunoichi are once women who were changed by Succubus that wanted protection. So they experienced and breed them into existence making them the perfect blend of strength, stealth, and ruthlessness for their Lord. Because of the experiments they can only drink semen everything else tasted like ash. The rest of the list is either so overprotective that any man that ended up with them had to stay away from any woman not her or they will kill them. But some men liked that about them.

Finishing looking over the list "What is the purpose of me having this much protection unless you are holding back on me..." Narrowing my eyes at the frown on her face as she let out a loud exaggerated sigh.

"Well, there are two more important subjects we have yet to cover. Within a select few Wizarding lines. We call them Bloodlines. Bloodlines there are and were such a limited amount that both the Wizards and Monster Girls would go to war if any one of them were to be harmed. There are less than fifty Bloodline Wizards at all, but all of them are either middle-grade lines or most of them are low-grade lines. They could be anything from changing their size to a minor mana multiplier." She stopped taking another sip of her never-ending tea while letting me take this in. I see where this is going. I don't think I would have such a bloodline.

"You, you are special even among them. You are the first High-grade bloodline in the last two thousand years. The one before was the decedents of a hero whose family inherited his holy magic. That was the last High-grade line. Then there is your creation magic wielded by even the most inexperienced Wizard that could shape generations to come. Gold? make it. Ingredients? Make it..." shit I am going to be turned into a breeding stud... She leaned forward watching me like a hawk.

"You don't have to worry about anyone forcing you to do anything against your morals. From here on out you are under mine and Alice's protection only the most foolish would cause problems for you. That is why we are helping you. We want to protect you and your line. If you just want to get a bunch of witches, and Monster Girls pregnant we would be more than happy to take care of them and they would be happy to receive your seed." Leaning back letting out a huff dam that is better than being locked to a wall to be used as a sex toy. Leaning back wondering what I would have done in that situation. Shaking my head and not thinking about those depressing thoughts.

Looking back over the two races of chosen Monster Girls Dark Valkyrie loyal to a fault, willing to do violence at the drop of hat against anyone who they see as s threat to me. Kunoichi is the same the first drop of semen they drink after they are processed becomes their Lord who they will kill and die for. They would belong to me in every sense of the word. Would they be considered slaves? No, according to this report they want this. They see it as an honor to protect the last High-grade line. Which makes sense seeing as Orcs killed off the last one. The report doesn't go into detail but I can read between the lines. Orcs wanted strong blood so they fought, and killed them while trying to capture them.

Her eyes never left my own eyes a small smile spreading across her face as her years of experience let her know what I am thinking patting my hand she goes back to watching me drinking her tea. Looking her in the eyes I take a swig of my jug filled with fresh cheap coffee. Letting out a huff "Fine I agree with the guards. One Dark Valkyrie, two Kunoichis, and the two Elves in my shadows. Don't give me that look they showed themselves earlier." Her eyes widened at the declaration. "But they only listen to me not you, not Alice. That is it. No, if's and's or but's that is final."

She gave me a relieved smile at that nodding "I will bring the candidates here later you can choose them. The Dark Valkyries will be Valkyries at the time of the meeting. The ones that will come are the ones that are ready to 'fall' so to speak. The few Kunoichi we have in stasis will need a few drops of your semen for when we wake them up. After they ingest the semen they will form a bond with you. From that bond, they can tell when you are in trouble or feel you need them. But they will always be around you even if you don't see them." I gave a nod relaxing a little after the anxiety about my prospects because of my blood.

She gave me a shit-eating grin "One last thing. I believe congratulations are also in order." I raised an eyebrow narrowing my eyes an uneasy feeling filling my stomach as it dropped. My anxiety spiked at the smile.

"For...?" I drew out the word worry and thoughts raced through my head. Gripping the armrest of the couch I am sitting on.

"Well, you have a new title... mister King of the Elves..." She gives a bright sunny smile... huh did she say? What? How the fuck did this happen. Ah after my brain restarted poison, high-grade bloodline, mindreading... niece of the queen...fuck. Moving my mouth but no words came out as I worked my jaw. I narrowed my eyes at the nonplused Angel who ignored the increasingly incredible expressions crossing my face.

"What the fuck? I.." Words failing I waved my hands around while thinking over how to articulate a response to this shit. We sat in silence as her expression turned smug like a cat pushing off a vase as you watched. Why? Obviously to make me have a connection here. How? Queen's niece fucked up. Now I have to rule a bunch of elves or I could run... somehow.

"Oh, I almost forgot to tell you if you don't want to you can just not accept... there is only one problem." The relief I felt for half a second before it dried up was replaced by apprehension. "Well see the ex-Queen placed a wager on what you would do. If you accept you get the elves to swear to your line. All of them. If you deny them every living Elf out there will be sacrificed to The Great Hunt."

Swallowing thickly as the air became heavy at the words "What is this Great Hunt?" She gave me a wide smile showing too many teeth. It was not a kind smile...

A/N: hope you enjoyed the chapter been helping my mother for the last few days so haven't had much time to write. Also, I am just doing this to get better writing. I also have fun writing this and the other stories. So I may or may not get tunnel vision when I am writing a story. Hope you enjoy it! Thanks for reading.