
Guardian Of Infinite Earths

Aliens wish to invade the Earth? Did I allow it? In the M.I.B., he was Agent N. In Transformers, he was a crazy driver. In the Avengers, he was a superhero who could arm-wrestle with the Hulk...

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78 Chs

IE: Chapter 58. Fooling People.

On a rooftop, Noah had just set his feet on the ground. He was stunned when Hancock rushed at him earlier and jumped up in a hurry.

He didn't know if he would be killed if he was thrown down. Fortunately, Hancock didn't have that idea. He was just looking for a place where he could have a good chat.

"Hancock, my code name is N, a senior agent of the M.I.B. Our M.I.B. is an organization specializing in dealing with aliens on Earth. You're not the only alien on Earth. Remember that talking dog?"

"You mean that dog is an alien?!"

"Yes, he's an alien. Have you ever seen talking dogs? His name is Frank, my friend, and he likes cigars and hotdogs. What happened last time was a misunderstanding."

"Are you hungry? Do you want something to eat?" Behind Noah's back, he took out a cold hotdog and a bottle of coke from his space.

Hancock turned sideways towards Noah's back, "Where did you hide these things before?"

"I can do a little magic. Revealing the secrets to a trick is no fun."

Hancock didn't care whether the hot dog was cold or not. He took a big bite and said, "Can you conjure up some beer? My head hurts, and I need some alcohol to ease it."

Noah shook his head, "Drinking only numbs your senses. It doesn't really cure you. The M.I.B has great medical care. They can certainly cure you."

"You're one of the most powerful aliens I've ever seen, and you look too much like an earthling. To tell you the truth, you and my partner look alike. When we first met, I thought you were J, trying to prank me."

"You're powerful too, with great strength. No one has ever been able to wrestle me head-on. Are you an alien too? Are we from the same place?" Hancock reached out and gestured to the sky.

"I'm from Earth. For some special reasons, my strength and speed are much better than those of ordinary people, but I still can't compare with you. Have you ever measured your maximum strength?" Noah was curious to know how big the gap was between him and Hancock's level.

He was briefly able to hold on through skill earlier but was physically exhausted; however, Hancock didn't seem to get tired. He might have gotten pinned down and flattened by Hancock very quickly if the fight had continued.

"Never tried it, but I've lifted a stack of containers with one hand. It must have been over 100 tons."

Noah smacked his lips, "So you weren't fighting me that hard just now?"

"I just wanted to hit you, I didn't want to kill you. I try to control my strength, but I can't always control it. How do you control your strength?" Hancock also had troubles. Once, he jumped off the roof of a building and made two deep craters in the ground.

"Training. When my strength started to grow, I wasn't used to it, but I didn't grow as much as you did. How did you learn how to fly, were you born with it?" That was the question Noah most wanted to know the answer to. He wanted to fly too.

"I don't know, maybe I was born with it. I can fly when I want to, don't all aliens do?" Hancock shoved all the remaining hot dog into his mouth and unscrewed his Coke.

"I've seen those who can fly and those who can't. There are a lot of aliens who are very powerful and many others who are very weak. Do you know where you're from?"

Hancock shook his head, "I don't know. One day, I woke up on a park bench. When I think about the past, my head hurts, then I noticed that drinking stopped the pain."

"I never even knew I was an alien, thinking I was just special. What about you? Have you ever seen an alien-like me? Do you know where I'm from?"

"Come back to headquarters with me, and we'll find out where you're from." Noah wondered whether there was a similar genetic profile within the M.I.B.

For a whole night, Noah stayed on the rooftop, chatting with Hancock. If he could get Hancock to work with him, he didn't need to be afraid of anything on Earth!

'Would recruiting such a powerful fighter for the M.I.B get me a promotion? The only drawback is that I won't be able to tell Hancock from J by their looks.'

At dawn, Noah made a phone call and went downstairs with Hancock. When they got downstairs, he saw a familiar taxi.

"N, who's this?"

"He's Hancock, I'm taking him back to headquarters. Hancock, this is Salinka, who is also an alien. He also works for the M.I.B. Salinka, I've chartered your car for this morning, take us around Los Angeles. I'll buy you a meal at noon, and we'll return to headquarters in the afternoon."

While on a business trip to Los Angeles, Noah also wanted to look around. He didn't know when he would ever get a second chance.

Salinka, like a tour guide, skillfully introduced them to the surrounding scenic spots while driving and also told them about the changes there in the past 30 years. He had been driving a taxi in Los Angeles for over 30 years.

They also went clothes shopping, and Noah bought Hancock a new outfit. After getting his haircut and a shave, Noah was in a bit of a trance. 'This guy looks too much like J!'

At lunch, Salinka parked his car near a restaurant.

"This is a very famous restaurant in LA. I'm friends with their chef, and he got us a table."

Hancock looked at Salinka, 'A taxi driver could be friends with the chef of such a big restaurant?'

Before entering the restaurant, Noah habitually turned on the Alien Radar. He found that there weren't only two red dots beside him. Up ahead, there was another red dot. He understood how Salinka had managed to get a reservation.

As soon as they sat down, the appetizers were served, and by the time the main course came up, the chef even came over to say hello.

"N, how's my cooking?" The chef looked at Noah apprehensively. He didn't want to offend the agents at the M.I.B and just wanted to live a comfortable life on Earth. Other than missing home occasionally, it was all good.

"Nothing special was added, right?" Noah wiped his mouth.

"No, it's all Earth ingredients. I just work here; it's different than the alien-owned restaurants in New York."

"That's good. It tastes great, thanks." Noah smiled while wondering, 'Are there a lot of alien-owned restaurants in New York? I need to be careful of where I eat.'

"Thank you, enjoy your meal then. This meal is on me."

Hancock asked in a whisper, "Why does he look like he's a bit afraid of you?"

"Maybe he thought I was here to arrest him. Actually, we won't do anything to aliens that abide by the laws of Earth."

Hancock was satisfied with the answer, "I'm looking forward to really seeing that M.I.B place you work in."

He was eating his dessert and casually looking around when he suddenly noticed that a man and woman had just arrived at the table next to him. He inadvertently looked the woman in the eye, only to find that the other person's eyes were a little flustered, and he instantly dodged.

'What was going on? Why does she look familiar?'

The woman took the man's arm, "Ray, let's find some other place. I don't want to eat here."

But Ray, who was helping his wife Mary, pulled out the chair, "Why? The last time you said you wanted to try this restaurant, I finally got us a table. Let's just try it once. Have a seat, and let's order."

"Hi, excuse me, do we know each other? I think you look familiar." Hancock looked at Mary.

Ray looked at his wife, "Mary, do you know him?"

"No, I don't know him. Sir, I'm having dinner with my husband. Would you please leave us alone?"

"You must know me. I can see it in your eyes. Tell me, where am I from? Why can't I remember the past?" Hancock loudly asked.

Ray stood in front of his wife, "Sir, please show some respect to my wife. Waiter! Someone here is interrupting our meal."

Noah was surprised to see Hancock's mood suddenly lose control, but he suddenly thought of something. After turning on the Alien Radar, he thought he knew what was going on.