
Guardian Of Infinite Earths

Aliens wish to invade the Earth? Did I allow it? In the M.I.B., he was Agent N. In Transformers, he was a crazy driver. In the Avengers, he was a superhero who could arm-wrestle with the Hulk...

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IE: Chapter 59. Angelos.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, my friend's head was injured. He didn't mean to disturb you, but still, I'll apologize for him." Noah pulled Hancock away.

"Leave first. I'll ask for you later." Noah whispered, "Remember you said so yourself. You wanted to be a good person, right?"

He struggled but finally managed to pull Hancock out of the restaurant and into the taxi.

"I've definitely seen her. There's no mistaking that familiarity. You don't believe me?"

"I believe you, but her husband was there, and you were too excited. It would be best if you learned to control your emotions. I'll make sure you get a chance to talk to her."

Noah was actually happy to see Mary. Many things didn't need to be investigated, he just needed to ask Mary, and he would get the answers.

After waiting for almost an hour, they finally saw Ray and Mary walking out of the restaurant. Noah pressed Hancock down, stopping him from going up to them. "Salinka, follow them."

Ray drove to his company while Mary drove home. On the way, she noticed a taxi behind her.

On the road to the suburbs, Mary stepped on the brakes and saw that the taxi had stopped.

Hancock jumped out of the taxi, and the taxi door fell to the ground.

"Salinka, I'll pay for this one, so hide away and come back later," Noah said helplessly.

Hancock approached Mary's car, "You know me, don't you? Tell me what happened and why I don't remember anything."

Mary angrily opened the door and got off the car, "Do you have to screw everything up?"


Noah saw Hancock smash into the side of a parked car, tumbled twice on the ground to get up and charged up again.

Salinka's mouth dropped open. His foot hit the pedal, and the car wheeled away in a cloud of smoke. 'Didn't he say Hancock was better than him? Why did that woman beat him?'

Hancock grabbed the door on the ground and smashed it on Mary's head. The door was severely deformed, but Mary just tilted her head.

She grabbed her car with both hands and swung it hard. Hancock was smashed and thrown away.

"Stop it, stop it! Hancock, I'll handle it."

Noah watched Hancock rush towards Mary again but was kicked back again. He quickly went up and hugged him. Mary was an LV22 and a much stronger fighter.

"I have a headache. I know she knows me. N, help me." Hancock curled up on the floor, covering his head and thrashing about.

There was a hint of impatience and heartache in Mary's eyes. She wanted to go up and help Hancock but forced herself to stop.

"Your name is Mary, right? I'm agent N of the M.I.B., and I'm here to help you. You know Hancock, right? So what planet are you from?"

"He just wants to retrieve the memories of the past, and he doesn't mean to disturb your life right now. But you must have been close in the past, and you don't want to see him like this, do you?"

Noah remembered the plot of the movie, but it was completely different from the one in front of him right now. He didn't know whether it was because of his presence that the plot was skewed or something else.

"What's the M.I.B.? I used to know him, but we can't get close, or he will lose his strength."

"The M.I.B. is the organisation that manages aliens on Earth. If you don't know it, then you aren't registered, and I can help you with that. As long as you don't disturb the normal life of earthlings, we won't restrict anything in your life."

"What do you mean you lose your power when you get close? Is it like that where you come from?"

Mary looked at Hancock curled up on the ground not far away, then chose to trust Noah temporarily. If she found out that she was tricked, she was going to show this guy what happened when he messed with a woman!

"We're from the planet Angelos and were originally a couple. Because of the war on our planet, we came to Earth. According to Earth's calendar, it should have been several decades ago."

"After coming to Earth, our bodies have changed, and we became numerous times stronger than when we were on Angelos. But our proximity causes the power within us to disappear, leaving us very weak."

"That time, Hancock almost died trying to save me, which is why I decided to leave him so that he could heal himself with the power inside his own body."

"I thought he could live a good life, like an ordinary earthling, and find a new lover, but I didn't know he had amnesia."

Noah looked at Hancock, curled up on the ground. It was more than amnesia. He became a hobo. 'If he hadn't met me, I don't know how long he would be wandering around, homeless.'

"Don't worry. I'll help him find his past memories. Remember not to expose your ability in front of ordinary people. I'll send Hancock back first and send you your alien I.D. in a couple of days."

"Um~~ Your car broke down. Do you need me to call a taxi or something?" Noah looked at the smashed car beside Mary, who was even more violent than Hancock.

He had some sympathy for Hancock. 'His ex-girlfriend is so fierce. How did he get along with her?'

"No need, it's still drivable."

Mary pulled the deflated car door open and gave it a few blows with her hand. It looked less scary from the outside. It felt like she was a child fixing a tin toy car with a bit of hammering.

"Take care of him, and don't let him come near me again."

Mary was obviously concerned about Hancock, but when she said that, her tone was a little cold.

Seeing Mary drive away, Hancock got up and stumbled to chase after her, but Noah quickly pulled him back.

"Hancock, I've found out. Come back to headquarters with me to treat your headache. I'll tell you everything."

Salinka saw Mary's car passing by and hid behind his steering wheel, shivering. 'Huh, she just drove past and didn't even bother looking at me?'

Turning around and driving back quickly, he saw N holding Hancock at the side of the road.

"Are you all right?" Salinka was relieved. He thought that super-woman killed Agent N.

"We're fine. Take us to the station."

Hancock was much better by the time they reached the station, "N, I really know her, don't I?"

"Well... There were a lot of things she didn't clarify, but I think it's better for you to remember yourself through treatment. Sit tight and don't move."

Noah was very careful when taking the underground train. It's not that the underground train was unsafe, but he was afraid that Hancock would suddenly go nuts.

Fortunately, they returned to headquarters safely.

"N, welcome back. Why are you with J? Didn't he drive to New Jersey? J, did you go to L.A.?" O was a little angry. 'Why didn't this new agent follow the rules?'

"O, he's not J. He's Hancock. But, he does look like J."

"This is the M.I.B.? A place that can help me recover my memory?" Hancock surveyed the surroundings. 'Are those monsters all aliens?'

"N, why are you messing around with J too? Don't joke around when you're working. Have you both finished your missions? Get the reports on my desk as soon as possible."

"Wait a minute, O. He's really not J. Hancock; come on, prove it." Noah took out the revolver collected from the bald mugger and handed it to Hancock.

O was amazed to see Hancock crumple up the revolver like it was Play-Doh. 'He's really not J?!'


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