

Karl is a student at Oxford university in New York. He lives with his aunt. He discovers that he lives in a world filled with supernatural entities able to shatter mountains with a snap of a finger. He is unable to remember anything below the age of 10. Earth has a strong 'Will' called 'Jal' which prevents normal humans from seeing anything supernatural. The supernatural entities are Gods, Vampires, Angels, Werewolves, Demons, Espers,etc. Will Karl be able to fight fate and walk his own path with strong women-oops companions.

Eternal_Jiminii · Fantaisie
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58 Chs

The Party...

Bright sun rays stretched across the sky. Birds chirped as they flew without care.

Karl's eyes snapped open. He gazed at the familiar ceiling silently.

He immediately fell asleep the moment he reached his room. Luxuria had no returned yet.

This has been an occasional thing. She just disappears. He didn't know what she does. She would tell him if it's the right time so he didn't think about it much.

He jolted off his bed. He invigorated himself. He turned to his reflection in the mirror.

He stood at a height of 190 cm. His breakthroughs have moulded his body to mortal perfection. He was now at the pinnacle of mortal standards.

He had a well toned body. His hair gave off a faint silver glow. His very handsome face spoke volumes mostly his captivating golden eyes which entrapped whoever looked into them.

His body was well built as if a master piece for creation. He gave off a regal royal aura.

All in all he was very handsome beyond belief. His striking features were slightly foreign in this world.

How could he not see the difference he had with the natives. His race was still a mystery to him.

He could sometimes train in sleep and it has become normal for him. His mastery over various weapons and techniques improved significantly.

Everything felt real in his dreams. This was really broken however much he looked at it.

Beings at his current level could take long without sleep but he made sure to sleep in order to train more. It was both mental and spiritual.

He prepared breakfast and ate. He ate the beast meat as it was his favourite.

He wore a classic blue suit which highlighted his handsome looks. He looked like a nobility.

He looked at his reflection in appreciation. He could get any mortal woman easily if he wished for it.

But his joy couldn't last long as he recalled that he was now weak. If he unknowingly created enemies with those influencial figures this early his life will be under constant threats.

He had read many novels so he didn't wish to end up killed by some jealous bastard. His goal at the party is to know how strong those figures at the top were.

So far he has met very strong entities beyond his comprehension. First Luxuria, Amelithea, The Royal sisters, Shina and then The Empress.

They all used divine energy which meant they were above mortals.

He only knew that The Empress was a Goddess level entity. Such beings were a myth to mortals. Even he was no exception.

Though strangely he felt normal. He didn't know that she was limiting her aura greatly not to crush him.

Just her slight aura could cause natural disasters in the world. So imagine what would have remained if she unconsciously leaked it.

Now that she was transcending to another realm, she couldn't control her aura so she decided to return to her tower.


Karl snapped out of his daze. He glanced at his reflection and left.

At the door of his abode, six milfs could be seen. Each wore one piece blue skimpy dress with Phoenix patterns. The tight dresses did little to no effort exposing their snow white long legs as each stood at 190 cm.

They wore blue high heels which increased their height. The dresses held their breasts tightly which had threatened to pop out. They could only be described as gorgeous.

The door opened. A silver haired man was revealed. His appearance demanded attention as he was very handsome.

His golden eyes looked at them in surprise. They seized him up and down. A look of appreciation flashed on their faces as they smiled.

"You have a good sense of clothes and your appearance gives you a noble vibe. We sure hit the jackpot today." Sheila said teasingly at the end.

"Don't worry lady you sure have. I can't wait to start caring for my wives or should I call them girlfriends." Karl retorted teasingly with a wide grin much to their annoyance.

"Aren't you too cocky." Naida asked irritated. Why did he think too highly of himself.

"Anyway it can't be helped sometimes. You don't have to worry about such small details. Anyway let's get going, ladies."

A bright smile never left his face but he was sweating bullets.

Nadia's slight aura was no joke. It didn't last long due to some interference but that was enough.

'I still have a long way to go. Just a slight leak of aura and am this suppressed.'

Nadia snorted.

"You look cute when angry." He couldn't help but comment.

The other three looked at him with incredible expressions. As if asking him. "Are you for real."

"What? She is even more beautiful don't you think so too."

Sheila immediately dragged Nadia away. Silivia smiled widely at the show.

"I think am liking your character more and more. Make sure that you survive don't let me down." She said with a soft chuckle and followed.

He followed behind with Naira who seemed quiet. He turned towards her. It was really difficult to distinguish them. Almost everything was the same.

They wore and looked the same but from their personalities he was able to pinpoint who is who.

"You don't have to worry much about her but given her personality, you should be grateful she isn't hostile to you." Naira said calmly.

"You are right. A cold beauty like that isn't used to being teased. But don't worry I value my life more." He said parting his chest slightly.

He stopped as soon as he spotted what awaited them.

There were three luxurious black cars parked. They could only be owned by the wealthy nobles.

Standing next to them were several women in black suits. He could sense that these women were very strong.

The middle car was very long fit for a group of people.

The women looked at him silently. He was the reason as to why their Mistresses had stopped by so naturally they were curious.

"Lets say its a great shock to them seeing us like this with a man. Normally we wouldn't bother with opposite gender however how high his status is. So imagine what level of curiosity they harbour. They have been with us for many years you know." She spoke and beckoned him to follow her.

They walked passed the first car. A door was opened and they entered the long car where he spotted the other five.

He had not forgotten to suppress his charm.

The interior was even more luxurious. There was a small table in the middle. Expensive wine could be spotted from numerous brands.

The air inside was conducive. Soft music could be had which relaxed the mind. The windows were tinted black.

"Do you like what you see?" Silivia asked.

"It would be a lie if I said no. This car really give a comfortable feeling."

They nodded in agreement. With that the driver was given a green signal.

The cars left at a high speed. They were heading for the birthday party. Those experienced knew this wasn't simple as it looked.

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