

Karl is a student at Oxford university in New York. He lives with his aunt. He discovers that he lives in a world filled with supernatural entities able to shatter mountains with a snap of a finger. He is unable to remember anything below the age of 10. Earth has a strong 'Will' called 'Jal' which prevents normal humans from seeing anything supernatural. The supernatural entities are Gods, Vampires, Angels, Werewolves, Demons, Espers,etc. Will Karl be able to fight fate and walk his own path with strong women-oops companions.

Eternal_Jiminii · Fantasy
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58 Chs

A luxurious mansion...

New York City was very lively. Bright lights lit the city amidst the thick blanket which threatened to engulf it in darkness. People could be seen walking to various destinations.

Cars of different brands and designs raced around the city. As a city housing wealth people naturally it housed luxurious cars of well known brands.

Workers were closing their businesses as they prepared to head home.

All together the road was filled with people walking home. A group of 7 could be seen engaged in a conversation.

They were 6 gorgeous ladies and a very handsome man.

Strangely, no one paid them attention like they didn't exist in the first place.

Left with no room to escape, he had succumbed to his fate. Though it just became more entertaining the more time Karl spent with these ladies.

"That University is really good. They treat both supernatural and humans equally. You having a good time there." Silivia asked curiously.

They have lived for who knows how long that she had never cared much about such. Her curiosity was guinine.

Karl couldn't help but raise an eyebrow at her.

"Are you planning to join. From what I see it will be easy for you if you want."

"Are my ears having a problem today or something. Why am I hearing unexpected words everytime." Sabina said this time seriously. How could that be true.

She knew her sisters too well as they all knew about her. Everyone was no different as they eyed Silivia.

"No way like hell would I sit down listening to those 'children's' stories for a full day. I was just curious that's all." She said in a beat. They kept looking at her suspiciously which made her uncomfortable.

"What?" She asked.


"Come to think about it, we have been walking for about 20 minutes. Are you sure we are not lost." Karl asked looking around the place.

Few residences could be seen in a distance. The area was covered by trees which made the place appear remote.

Sheila walked ahead as they followed. They followed the road straight. They area was pitch black.

After a few minutes, he spotted a large mansion. It was located in a cleared place inside the forest. A imposing black gate stood before them.

Sheila walked upto it and initiated face identity scan. It opened slowly.

He was greeted by a blinding interior. The mansion screamed of wealth everywhere. He could sense some hidden figures guarding the mansion.

This place was great for relaxing. The trees offered shade and fresh air.

He stood there without moving eyes closed. He waited for them to leave but he didn't detect any movement.

Sheila stood calmly eyeing the handsome young man who had his eyes closed. Others were no exception.

"Stop standing and come in already. It's very late now. Feel free and take it as uour second home." Silivia said. She was really excited but given her years of experience, she hid it well.

"It's good that you are now safe, I am really touched by your hospitality but I will have to decline."

Though tempted, he had to leave. He had been away from his home for too long. Luxuria might be back anytime soon.

"We shall return here after the party tomorrow. It will be a lie if I say that am not interested to tour such a magnificent mansion."

The mansion was very beautiful with exotic designs. It was not an understatement to call it a Palace. The place was just that gigantic.

A bewitching blue phoenix statue could be spotted at the front of the mansion. It gave off a strange sensation as if its alive.

Next to it was a luxurious water fountain. It had Asian designs which gave it an ancient appearance.

The mansion was beautifully craved with marble. It stood there imposing.

From the looks of it, this place had rich history. This gave him a glimpse at there wealth but he knew this might be just a tip of an iceberg.

Though disappointed. They just let it be. They weren't desperate women afterall. Karl also had his free will.

They all wanted him inside for their personal reasons but it could still wait.

"Alright we shall meet tomorrow anyway. We will pick you up at your place so be prepared. And lastly, be prepared for any drama at the party." Sabina said calmly.

Karl nodded. He gave them a glance. They were very beautiful women. But he was really curious about there real appearance.

They restricted they powers and charm. But even so they were far more beautiful than models.

He turned around and disappeared in the sky.

Sheila looked at her dear sisters and grinned.

"It was really close. I never thought you guys were this serious about it."

"Well it can't be helped. But I don't know why I even accepted this stupid thing." Sabina let out an irritated shout.

"It's not like you forced any of us to agree. You just wanted what is good for all of us so here it is. And also it's not a bad idea to give it a try right." Naira said looking at Sheila.

"Well that would be decided if he is powerful enough. I can see he has great potential so its worthy a try. But don't go too far for his own good. He is still a mortal." Nadia said slightly lost in her thoughts.

"The divine power in that sword was clearly belonging to an outer God. It was very pure which means its from a higher plane. Peaceful days are coming to an end. A new era is roaming around." Naida said seriously.

They have lived for millions of years. Though they appeared friendly and all, they have seen enough in their life.

They have seen the rise and fall of many eras. Being Royal phoenixs, they could be rebirthed after death with their memories intact.

They were immortal beings. They had reached Godhood making death far away though there were some beings which could inflict permanent death.

"Lets not worry about that for now. Its going to happen sooner or later. Let's just enjoy our lives." Silivia said with a serious expression.

She didn't want to act like a hero desperate to save the innocents. She was no Saint for fucker's sec.

She might sound cruel to others but she didn't care. She wanted the best for her sisters. As long as the world remained with a few people alive, with time the numbers could raise.

It has been like this for many years that they became numb to it.

"You are right Silivia. But this time everyone will be involved in one way or another." Naira said. She glanced at Karl who was floating silently in the sky. He didn't have anycare in the world.

The distance between them was thousands of meters from the ground but she spent no effort. One look was enough.

They gave him one last glance and entered their home. The place was vast.

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