

Karl is a student at Oxford university in New York. He lives with his aunt. He discovers that he lives in a world filled with supernatural entities able to shatter mountains with a snap of a finger. He is unable to remember anything below the age of 10. Earth has a strong 'Will' called 'Jal' which prevents normal humans from seeing anything supernatural. The supernatural entities are Gods, Vampires, Angels, Werewolves, Demons, Espers,etc. Will Karl be able to fight fate and walk his own path with strong women-oops companions.

Eternal_Jiminii · Fantasy
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58 Chs


In a private jet, a black haired man sat comfortably. His gaze was fixed outside. They had just arrived in New York.

The man was a Rothchild. He had travelled from Europe. If not for his family he wouldn't have come here. But he was told he might land on geniuses so he agreed as this event gathered many powerhouses.

A woman dressed in a black suit stood behind him quietly. She was in her 30's with an hourglass figure. Her features could be described as beautiful.

"Finally I can see these geniuses of America. I can't wait to be their and see it myself. Is everything set." The man asked as he glanced at the lady.

"Yes, we are ready to go now." She replied.

"Good work, lets get moving." He said and stood up.


In a black Mansory Rose Royce, Aina looked at her phone lost in thoughts. Her group was also heading towards the Walker family mansion where the 'party' was being held.

She was debating if she could invite Karl. She was sent to represent her family so she was quite stressed.

But going with him would be troublesome.

'He is very weak now and inexperienced. It would bring him into the spotlight and might get targeted by my enemies.'

She ditched the idea and focused on what was to come.

'I can't believe am now thinking of a man I just met a few days. How ironic.'



The Walker Mansion.

The place was located at the ends of the city. The mansion stood on a vast land.

Exotic tree species could be seen surrounding the mansion.

The army could be seen at different corners. They were armed with various weapons.

Being a powerful family, they were naturally given protection by the nation.

Various press organisations could be seen at the mansion entrance asking some guests a few questions.

This news was not limited to the supernatural side only. It was made so that everyone attends. This was to keep a good 'image' in the eyes of the world.

They also wanted to show their influence and power to the world.

Though they were ranked second to the Snow family, they were very strong in their own right.

The vast land was filled with security. Both Espers and supernaturals.

It was made so for any unexpected event that might disrupt the ceremony.

Luxurious cars brought various people like powerful political leaders, army generals, leaders of various organisations, branch families, big company CEOs.

The journalists were very shocked at the unexpected turn of events. The events were broadcasted live on different TV channels.

Some guests were asked types of skin cares they use. They were simply too beautiful. To this question some just smiled and 'slipped' away.

Up until now, the heirs of the other Great families were no where to be seen.

The guests were guided on a red carpet by professional butlers and maids into the main hall. This place was very big as it could host 1000 people.

The guests were taken to their respective seats as politicians and 'ordinary' people were separated.

This was done to prevent any 'accident'.

Various people continued to arrive. Ordinary people watching this at home were tongue tied by the luxuries.

Many well known figures in America could be spotted here and there.

This continued for a while until everyone suddenly fell silent. It was not because they were forced but the Great families had finally showed up.

Black Mansory cars stopped at the red carpet. Numerous butlers and maids showed up and bowed welcoming them.

The first to come out was a black haired man with a strong built. His appearance screamed nobility. He was Richard Tor.

Next was Steve Lionheart and Shaden Smith who gave off an aura of nobility not inferior to Richard.

The men were very handsome. Many women couldn't help but blush. They were the dreams of many women.

The walked confidently to the main hall under everyone's watchful gaze.

It didn't take long for another group to arrive. Aina had decided to contact both Adriana and Yuki who readily agreed yo her request.

As soon as a pink haired woman stepped out, every creature turned towards her. Her presence demanded attention. She was just that beautiful. Foxes are known for their high beauty and charm.

She was dressed in a white dress which held her figure tightly exposing her wide curves. Her chest area was quite big. She flashed a radiant smile. This caused an uproar in her fans.

A black haired woman showed up. She had long hair which reached her back. Her beauty was not inferior to Aina in any way. She was dressed in a one piece orange dress. Her dress did little to cover her beautiful white legs.

Her presence was cold yet gentle. She had an innate arrogance due to her race. She chuckled slightly as she looked around.

Finally a veiled woman with long silver hair appeared in sight. She wore a short green dress which highlighted her gorgeous figure.

She had a slender waist, a round ass and big assets. Her presence was clouded in mystery.

They were welcomed politely. Everyone became restless as they wanted to gain a favour from these beauties.

"Seems like this is bigger than a simple 'birthday party'." Yuki said with a smile. She was mixed blood. Her mother was a Japanese.

"Well, I just want to get things done here and leave. Let's hope its not much to ask." Aina said. She didn't want to get involved with these old Foxes.

"You are already here why complain. Let's see what they have in store for us." Adriana said softly. Her face couldn't be seen, so no one knew what face she was making.

She was also shocked by the sheer number of people here. These Vampires held nothing back this time. Just what we're they planning.

As soon as they were escorted away, three luxurious black cars arrived. This quipped the curiosity of the audience. This seemed strange.

They had thought that the heirs would be the last to arrive. The windows were tinted so nothing could be seen.

The long black car's appearance appeared grand. Women in black suits stepped out of the front and hind car. They went straight and opened the doors.

The first to step out was a blue haired woman. Her hair was long as it reached her ass. She wore a one piece blue skimpy dress with Phoenix patterns. The tight dress did little to no effort exposing her snow white long legs as she stood at 190 cm.

She wore blue high heels which increased her height greatly. The dress held her breasts tightly which threatened to pop out. She could only be described as gorgeous. She gave off a mature charm which was irresistible.

Weak willed men snapped in their minds. This was a kind of mature woman they could only dream of.

Five more stepped out who looked exactly as the first one.

Some dropped their phones unconsciously. This was just insane. One was fine but six. This was damn madness as they were gorgeous beauties who were the exact copy of each other.

Silivia smiled. This was a normal reaction wherever they appeared in public. They could slightly release their suppression but many people lost their reasoning.

A silver haired man followed suit. He was 190 cm tall. He had shoulder length hair. His golden eyes scanned the crowd. Many had their mouths wide.

As the crowd recovered from the shock, they spotted a silver haired man who stood 190 cm tall. He had a well toned body.

He had golden eyes which were bewitching. His hair gave off a faint glow which was incredible. His body was simply perfect.

Those who looked at his face couldn't look away for afew seconds. He was simply too handsome.

The world went into an uproar at this. Where was such he hidden for all these years. They couldn't get anything about this man however much they looked into his background.

This was thanks to Sheila who decided to erase any clue about him. It would be troublesome and annoying to deal with these people.

Looking at the expressions of the people near them, the sisters were shocked. They had made sure to suppress Karl's charm to the least level but this...

The humans near the cars were the most affected as they stood in daze.

'What are you exactly?'

This question ran through their heads as they glanced at Karl. He was also shocked as they were. This charm wasn't even 40 percent and they were already in daze.

'I have noticed this but ignored it though. Eversince I stepped into this realm, my charm is increasing per day. It has already reached a level I can't completely suppress. If this continues I might make people become mindless.'


Naira snapped her finger and everything returned to normal. It was as if nothing had happened.

What they didn't know was that he had gained a group of devoted fans. This was the same for the sisters.

It was now his turn to get shocked. It was just a snap and everything appeared as if it was an illusion.

If this was mot power then what was it...

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