
Gacha No Life (Fan-Fic)

~WARNING! USER ALREADY HAS A ACCOUNT THAT'S REGISTERED! WOULD YOU LIKE TO LINK DATA NOW? Y/N~ He just didn't know what to make of this. How was it even possible in the first place? It just didn't make any sense.... He literally just awakened.... Didn't he? Curiosity got the better of him and he couldn't help but click Y to see what happened.... He wasn't disappointed. The moment he clicked the button to accept, the screen returned to normal and the errors disappeared and were instead replaced with a loading screen and timer. ~TIME UNTIL DATA TRANSFER COMPLETION: 47 Hrs 59 Mins 59 Secs~ His jaw dropped at this. YOU CAN'T ACTUALLY BE FUCKING SERIOUS!!! He waited his entire life for this moment! And now he has to wait more?! What kinda bullshit was that?! And he didn't even know what he was waiting for nor what type of Gacha he has in the first place! Damn his curiosity!!!

PuckZCat · Anime et bandes dessinées
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43 Chs

Chapter 37 - When Worlds Collide

By now all of you should know what a dungeon break is, right? Moreso, what causes one....


We for those that don't know, when an overabundant amount of mana is left inside of a gate or portal due to it not being raided or constantly cleared of monsters, the dungeon will start to become stagnant and overflowing with mana to the point it bursts, dealing an untold amount of damage to the surrounding area and unleashing a hoards of numerous monsters.

That's why awakeners are in charge of clearing a certain amount of gates every so often.

So, pray tell, what would happen....

If all the gates in the world....

We're forcefully broken....

At the same....




~2 Hours After Puck Entered the Dungeon~

"I can't believe that kid's got us doing babysitting duty while he's in that dungeon! Like, what the hell?! Since when are S Rankers considered dead weight?!" Rebecca snapped angrily as she punched a crater into the ground.

Secretary Dae readjusted the glasses on her face so that it reflected the ominous light that was coming from the portal that Puck had recently just entered.

"We can never be too safe. We lost contact with my shadow clone only after just a few moments upon entering. We don't know what Puck could be facing, so we must prepare beforehand. Besides, it's not like you're the only one feeling that way." Dae spoke calmly as she motioned to the other gathered guild masters and other random assortment of awakeners that were gathered outside the portal.

"You should listen to that lady. She seems to be the only one here who has any sense!" Dark exclaims with a smirk from a little dark throne that he made using his energy so he could take a nap while he waited for his apostle to show back up. "Just admit that you're worried about him, will ya? And if it makes you feel any better, we'll be having company very soon." He purrs ominously, making those gathered to begin sweating slightly as they look at each other.

Rebecca blushed slightly at Dark's words before bearing her teeth at him with a low threatening growl.

She goes to say something to repute his snarky remark, only for her to be interrupted as the portal behind her began to spark violently.

The ground began to shake and everyone tried their best to stand their ground and prepare themselves for what was about to happen.

"W-What?! That's impossible! This dungeon isn't supposed to break for another 3 days at the least! The only way for it to break is if....if....!" Rebecca began in shock, taking a step back in horror.

"Is it Puck failed." A voice spoke up from the crowd of gathered S Rank powerhouses.

Billy Massacre, the leader of the Blood Wolf Guild, spoke as he slowly made his way to the front, his eyes glaring into the malfunctioning and unstable rift.

"T-There's no way!" Rebecca exclaimed in denial. "Puck couldn't have lost, not to mention die! Not like that!"

"You'd be right about that.... Something's off." Dark spoke as he got up off his throne, causing it to dissipate in a few black wisps. He moved towards the portal with narrowed eyes, awide grin splitting his maw. "I can smell a God's hands at work here.... I suggest you all be prepared to fight." He said sternly.

And just as those words left his mouth, a pair of massive clawed hands suddenly tear their way out of the unstable gate.

Everyone watched with horrified eyes as the rift was forcibly torn open and the face of a grinning statue could be seen clear as day from within, a long with an army of what could only be described as hellish creatures.

"A portal within a portal.... I do have to admit.... Did not see that coming. Luckily someone did though." Dark said with a smirk, causing Dae to give the small black dragon a confused look....

Only for her unspoken question to be answered by itself as the sky began to dark with an unnatural red tinge to the clouds.

"Now I must say.... My new master does have a nice way of making an entrance...." A foreign, yet strangely soothing, voice says from behind the crowd of awakeners.

A man wearing a red fedora with a wide brim, a red trench coat with a wide collar, a white button-up shirt, a red cravat, white leather gloves with intricate black star-like symbols adorning the back of both, a wide belt with silver accents, black pants, and knee-high leather boots suddenly came walking up through the crowd followed by several other individuals.

The man had a graceful, yet ominous, aura about him and his eyes were shielded by a pair of round, orange lensed, glasses that reflected the light from the gate.

The man seemed to stroll past the awakeners with an otherworldly grace and with him came, not only a group of odd individuals, but also the rain....

Or at least that's what they thought it was at first.

A single droplet of "rain" fell upon Billy Massacre's cheek, which he wiped and then inspected for a moment....


It was raining blood, adding to the horrifying visage of the newly arrived individual.

"Oh! Excuse me! I forgot to introduce myself!" The man exclaimed before giving secretary Dae a low dramatic bow, "You may call me Alucard!" He announced before grabbing Dae's hand and giving the back of it a long vile lick that sent shivers down the spine of those gathered.

He smirked before standing back up straight and throwing his arms out to his sides as he gestured to his companions.

"And we....!" A single bolt of ominous black lightning lit up the sky for a moment before he continued. "Are the agents of hell! Graciously given to you by our master to do with as you deem fit!" He exclaimed just as dramatically.

"Geez.... I wish he wouldn't do that...." A much more laid back voice said from within the group of people that was following him.

"Why? I actually quite like it! We are technically 'agents of hell', no?" Another spoke after the next, sounding a lot more stuck up than the first.

Upon further examination, the second voice belongs to a handsome blonde haired man wearing golden armor and the first belonged to....

A talking blue hedgehog?




An event has happened to one of the "Designated Targets" for your skill!

The skill "Auxiliary Support" will now automatically be used in response!

Auxiliary Support-

Rank: S

Level: N/A


Element: Support

Description: You may designate up to 5 selected targets as "Designated Targets", or "Captains" if you will. Upon doing so, any danger that would be deemed by the system as perilous for said would cause this skill to active! Causing the selected Gacha Characters to arrive and give assistance!

Number of designated targets: 3

Characters Selected:

1. Alucard (Dracula/Man's Living Sin)

2. Shadow the Hedgehog

3. Sonic the Hedgehog

4. Gilgamesh (Archer/Fate)

5. Artoria Pendragon (Saber/Fate)

6. Ichigo Kurosaki

Reason for activation: Imminent death of designated target,"Rebecca Washington".


The selected units have far exceeded the "Cost" available to the user!

Only half the units will be summoned this time!

Amount summoned: 6/12

9,999 cost has been used!

(Author's Note: If any of you must know the reason behind this line up, I just thought it'd be funny to see these people working together! I mean c'mon! Each one of these guys are walking army busters in their own right! That plus....you guys may have given me some ideas via the comments! So comment more please~! <3)< p>



The man, now known as "Alucard", turned his attention to the face in the now open gate.

A wide fanged grin split his face as two rather large pistols appeared in his hands, he spun them in his palms expertly with a dramatic flourish as he threw his arms out to his sides once more.

"Looks like the time for pleasantries has passed." He said with a small chuckle as a few monsters began to make their way out through the forcefully opened rift. "Maestro...."


(Music would be playing at this point, and I don't know what song to put here, so put anything you want on. I recommend Worlds Collide from League of Legends, since that's what I'm currently listening to atm lol.)

With those final words, all hell broke loose.

The beasts and demons from the portal suddenly charged towards the prepared awakeners with a viscous vigor that was equally matched by the gathered high rankers.

But the battle immediately took a rather unforeseen turn as a rather strange and ominous blood red mist suddenly filled the area, obscuring both the beast's and awakener's field of view.

What was even more strange was the fact that, for some odd reason, it felt like they were trudging through a swamp....

And upon looking down at their feet, the awakeners were horrified by what they saw.


A whole sea of blood had risen up to their ankles, making it nearly impossible for the awakeners to lift their feet for some odd reason.

But it was even worse for the demons that were rushing through the portal, since the moment they took a step into the sea of blood, they violently sunk.

Almost as if something was forcefully pulling them under.

That's when a voice tore through the battlefield, tearing the awakeners from their confusion.

It was smooth and barely above a whisper, almost like an incoherent mumble under someone's breath....

But it was still as clear as day.

It started with a small relieved sigh as Alucard easily strode through the blood fog towards the open portal in the direction of the giant, grinning, stone face.

It was like he was walking on top of the sea of blood and wherever he took a step, a decrepit hand would come shooting out of the blood, pulling up an equally rotten corpse up along with it.

"C.A.R.S seals 0 to 666 release....code Diabolus in nobis ambulat...." He mumbled smoothly, a wide fanged grin splitting his face as the glasses on his nose suddenly shattered.

He held his gloved hands right above his face, framing his ominously glowing eye so that the pentagram-like symbols on the back of his gloves were in clear view.

But, upon uttering these forbidden words, a hellish black energy enveloped his form, taking the worm of a massive black and red wolf with multiple eyes.

"As the seals shatter like frail illusions, I am the tempest unleashed, the harbinger of chaos incarnate.... In nomine diaboli, the gods tremble as I defy their unfair order.... My veins flow with the blood of defiance, and in this infernal symphony, I stand unbound, a darkened deity forged in the crucible of eternal rebellion....."

When Alucard was halfway to the portal, he had an army of undead soldiers following after him.

These war-torn creatures easily weaved past the awakeners as if they weren't even there.

Warriors and soldiers from all walks of life, from knights, to barbarians, to even cavalry men with rifles.

There was even a rather feminine looking cat boy, a woman with a rifle, a man controlling a few razor thin wires, and a rather pissed looking Scottish man using multiple swords.

They all followed after Alucard obediently and waited for his order.

Though, they had to stand behind a rather impatient looking group of individuals that gave the dramatic Alucard various degrees of glares.

Alucard ignored them in favor of staring at the army of demonic beasts and unfathomable creatures before him, the leader of dead beasts being a gargantuan stone statue with a crazed look carved on its face, a stone crown hanging loosely on top its head.

An equally crazed look appeared on Alucard's face as he threw his arms out to his sides....

"Wow.... He's been doing that a lot, don't you think?" An orange haired man with two black blades in his hands and wearing black and white robes quipped up from somewhere within the group of strange looking individuals, in which he received nods of agreement from the others.

Alucard ignored them in favor of exclaiming in a loud and defiant tone, "Deus ex inferis, I am the scorn of divinity, the nemesis of celestial chains, the child of beasts! The defiler of blood and corpses! Veni, vidi, daemonium victor!"

The undead army behind him let out a loud nightmarish roar before surging forward into the torn open gate, clashing with the monsters inside the portal as Alucard looked over his shoulder towards Ichigo with a smirk.

"Hey, carrot top! Go handle my light work! Me and goldie here will take care of the big one!" He ordered, causing Ichigo's eyes to twitch and for Gilgamesh's to scoff.

"I'm sorry, but who died and put you in charge?" Gilgamesh asked while crossing his arms.

"Oh? I don't know.... Maybe it was the fact that I fucking summoned first! Now stop arguing and just do what you're told! Or do you maybe need that dumbed for you? Seeing as you're blonde and all~!" Alucard said with a mocking tone before turning to look at Artoria, "No offense of course!"

"None take-.... Wait a sec! What's that supposed to mea-?!" A woman with golden blonde hair, beautiful emerald green eyes, and wearing a suit of armor began, only to be immediately interrupted by Alucard as he turned to look at the two hedgehogs in their oddball team.

"And as for you two.... I have absolutely no idea what the hell you are, but go with the woman and take care of those two guys in the back!" He exclaimed, pointing at two massive stone dragons that stood at either side of the boss monster as guards. "I'm sure you two can handle that, ri-"

Alucard was interrupted mid sentence as both Sonic and Shadow smirked before disappearing in black and blue blurs of movement.

The group blinked in surprise before turning to look inside the portal as both hedgehogs pulled out several different colored gems which seemed to cause them to go super saiyan....? as they launched themselves towards the two massive dragons like heat seeking missiles that moved at the speed of light.

They all blinked at this before Alucard let out a small impressed chuckle as he pulled out his beloved pistols, "Heh, well I'll be damned! I was not expecting that!" He exclaimed before charging into the portal as well.

Gilgamesh simply sighed, shaking his head before slowly walking into the portal after the crazed vampire, "I can't believe I actually have to work with such worthless peasants...." He mumbled to himself as multiple golden seals began to appear behind his back as he walked.

Artoria and Ichigo looked at each other before simply shrugging, brandishing their respective weapons before charging into the portal after their companions.

The awakeners could only watch on in both shock and horror as the group of strange individuals promptly tore apart the battlefield within the portal.

Billy Massacre simply grinned before turning to look at his fellow awakeners, "Well? What the hell are you all waiting for?! We can't let them have all the fun!" He exclaimed, the ground shattering as he launched himself into the rift.

The other awakeners looked at each other for a moment before smirking and letting out loud vigorous roars as they charged into the portal after Billy, not wanting to be outdone.

The only ones who didn't move were Rebecca Washington, Secretary Dae, and Dark who just stared after the group as if they had just seen a ghost....

"You know.... Not even I was expecting it to turn out like this.... But I don't think it's wise for us to be focusing on a single rift like this. Now I know I shouldn't be meddling in mortal affairs like this.... But since those Gods started it, I sure as hell won't fall behind!" Dark exclaimed with a crazed grin as he suddenly jumped up, turning into his original form in a dramatic flourish of black flames, causing Rebecca and Dae's jaws to drop at the sight of Dark in his human form.

Dark simply stretched for a moment before turning towards the two stunned awakeners with a smirk, "Well? What are we waiting for?! We've got other rifts to get to! I doubt those assholes would be stupid enough to only break a single dungeon! This is only the beginning.... Ragnarok is coming. We need to warn your governments asap!" He snapped urgently before grabbing both of their shoulders.

Neither Rebecca or secretary Dae had any time to refute before all three of them were consumed in swirl of black and red flames.

Though Dark didn't say it, he was glad that Zeus broke the treaty....

Not being able to directly interfere in the battle of Ragnarok was starting to get real boring!

To be continued~


~End Chapter 37~

Author's Note: I'm glad you're all enjoying my work so far! And sorry for the slow uploads, I've really been looking for the right song for this chapter, but can't seem to think of anything.... If you guys have any recommendations let me know right away! Okay?

Love you guys! Thanks again for everything~! 💜

Also, sorry if this chapter's a bit sloppy! Kinda feeling a bit under the weather atm....