
Gacha No Life (Fan-Fic)

~WARNING! USER ALREADY HAS A ACCOUNT THAT'S REGISTERED! WOULD YOU LIKE TO LINK DATA NOW? Y/N~ He just didn't know what to make of this. How was it even possible in the first place? It just didn't make any sense.... He literally just awakened.... Didn't he? Curiosity got the better of him and he couldn't help but click Y to see what happened.... He wasn't disappointed. The moment he clicked the button to accept, the screen returned to normal and the errors disappeared and were instead replaced with a loading screen and timer. ~TIME UNTIL DATA TRANSFER COMPLETION: 47 Hrs 59 Mins 59 Secs~ His jaw dropped at this. YOU CAN'T ACTUALLY BE FUCKING SERIOUS!!! He waited his entire life for this moment! And now he has to wait more?! What kinda bullshit was that?! And he didn't even know what he was waiting for nor what type of Gacha he has in the first place! Damn his curiosity!!!

PuckZCat · Anime & Comics
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43 Chs

Chapter 36 - The War Begins


Name: Puck Gier

Age: 21

Lvl: 103

Race: Dragon (God)(Ascended)

Job: Summoner (Rank: Mythical) (Mastered)

2nd Job: Unstable Hero (Rank: ???) (Mastered)

Status: Awakened, Battle Lust, Excited, Pissed

Class Type: Gacha (Humanoid)

2nd Class Type: Demonic Berserker (Mastered)

Rank: SSS

Str: 1,450,000 (+200,000)

Int: 1,250,000 ((75,000)

Dex: 1,550,000 (+140,000)

Luck: 9999 (Max)

All Stats Increased by an additional: +250,000

All physical and elemental resistances +100%

(Not including effects from armor)

Armor/Defense: 150,000 (+195,000)

Fire Res: 5250 (+700)

Ice Res: 6250 (+700)

Poison Res: 7250 (+700)

Other Res: 11250 (+700)

HP: 900,000,000/90,000,000

Cost: 99,999/99,999 (Max)

Exp: 150,000,073/899,999,999,999

Current Titles: God of Gacha, Dragon Slayer, Bane of the Undead, Hero of Legends, Otherworlder Returnee, Blessed by the God of Insanity and Absurdity, Hero or Villain, A Hero Nobody Wanted, Heir of the Dragon God, Unstable Hero, Dungeon Destroyer, God Killer, Apostle of an Old God

Skills: Gacha Summoning, Gacha Inventory, Gacha Wave, Assimilation, Full Assimilation, Berserker's Rage (Mastered), Immortal (Hidden) (Mastered), Super Regeneration (Hidden) (Mastered), Monstrous Trance, Sanity's End (Mastered), Black Energy (Mastered), One Man Army (Mastered), Wrath of a Titan, Whale Stomach, Meat Head, Insanity's Blessing (Mastered), Inspection, Hero's Heavenly Body (Mastered), Conviction (Mastered), Ungodly Adaptation (Mastered), Martial Prowess, Martial Prowess: Adaptive Martial Arts, Hide Status, Draconic Scales (Mastered), Monster's Presence (Mastered)

Newly Acquired Title: Master of Luck

Effects: Fate does not depict one's luck. A D20 with a +5 modifier will be rolled before any negative effects take effect. Any number rolled below 10 will automatically take effect, though at a much lower strength depending on the number (1 = -10%). Any number rolled higher will be negated and have a chance of bouncing back at the attacker. All luck +10%.



Congratulations to the user on earning the exclusive title: "Limit Breaker"!

Limit Breaker - The user has transcended the previous limits set by the system and bypassed the domain of humanity! Trespassing into the domain of the Gods themselves!

All stats +5%. Level limit unlocked!

Level up!

Level up!

Level up!

Level up!

Congratulations to the user for achieving level 103!

Your stats have increased!



That was the only word that described what Odin was feeling at that moment as he watched a white haired boy's arm grow to the size of an island, gain a black aura, before finally slamming into the ground with enough forces to decimate a third of his forces....

But what was even worse was the fact that he was laughing the entire time.

That truly was like a sword stabbing at the one eyed All Father's pride.

What they've heard about Earth's savor wasn't correct.

He wasn't a being who was trying to take a step into the realm of the Gods....

He had already stepped through that threshold and built an army....

An army of one.

Odin was quickly pulled from his thoughts as a gargantuan black fist the size of a mountain came flying in his direction, forcing the All Father to side step it as if it were moving in slow motion.

The first flew past his form, inches away from his face, causing a small smirk to appear on his stern visage.

"You're a thousand centuries too early to try pulling a fast one on me, b-?!" Odin was once again instructed as the fist suddenly hit an invisible wall, causing it to change direction on a dime and turn towards Odin's exposed back, sending the All Father shooting across the ground like a rocket.

"GOT 'EM!" Luffy exclaimed with a huge grin as his fist came back to him with a small snap.

Puck gave Luffy an equal sized grin before giving the bouncing pirate captain a high five.

Odin managed to stop himself mid flight, using the staff in his hand to stop his momentum, digging a huge trench in the ground in the process.

The All Father grit his teeth as he snapped his head up in a fierce glare towards Puck's position, only for his eyes to slowly widen at the sight of over half his army sprawled out across the ground.

The other demons seemed too hesitant to fight at this point....

And Odin didn't blame them.

For standing around a grinning and bouncing Luffy and a confident looking, smirking, Puck was a small army of his own.

Puck crossed his arms as a young man with brown hair sat next to him in a low crouch. The young man held a humongous pillar-like pole slung over his shoulder as if it were nothing and a familiar silverish white crown on his head....

And if that wasn't bad enough, the Seven Deadly Sins and Team 7 had made their appearance once more!

Not to mention two men with spikey black hair, one wore an orange gi and the other what could only be described as white armor over a skin tight black latex suit. There were others amongst them, but Odin couldn't make them out due to these two men's overwhelming aura.

There were also three men with striking white hair, two of which held massive blades and a pair of guns each, the odd one out held a katana and seemed to have a better fashion sense....

And then there was a group of people who seemed to line up behind Luffy, one of which held three swords on his hip, a head full of bright green hair, and a scar over his left eye. The others were just as noticeable as this individual, one with bright blonde hair, another with orange, a man wearing a mask, a man who seemed to be made of metal, a talking reindeer, a skeleton, and a few others that Odin couldn't see at the moment....



The skill: Gacha Wave, has successfully been used!

90,000 Cost was used in the process!

Calculating results....

Calculations complete!

The Straw Hat Pirates have successfully been summoned!

The Seven Deadly Sins have successfully been summoned!

The Z Fighters have successfully been summoned!

Team 7 has successfully been summoned!

The unit Vergil has successfully been summoned!

The unit Dante has successfully been summoned!

The unit Nero has successfully been summoned!

The unit Jin Mori has successfully been summoned!

Your acquired titles are having an effect on your summoned units....

An unknown link has been activated!

All units health and damage have increased by +75%!


You have successfully acquired the title: O.M.A.C!

All units will have their strength increased depending on their master's own abilities and stat increases! (+1% per stat increase).

You can now apply a "Mark" on a single target and all units will deal +150% damage to said target! This "Mark" can only be perceived by the master and his summons.


This was the first time in Odin's long years of existence that he actually began to break a sweat.

He took a hesitant step back.

All the confidence that he built up as a god had successfully flown out the window as he stared at the ominously glowing eyes of the figures before him.

Odin could see the aura of all those gathered in Puck's army....

And it was absolutely horrifying.

That was the only way the All Father could describe it.

Each one was as fierce as the others, but yet gathered and mingled together as if they were one being, forming a cornucopia of energies that flowed like an endless rainbow of powers....

So yeah, Odin was scared shitless.

But his grip on his staff tightened and his hand balled into a fist nonetheless.

"No.... This cannot be...." He mumbled to himself before suddenly opening his mouth to shout out in defiance, "I AM ODIN! FATHER OF All! LORD OF THE AESIR! I WILL NOT FALL TO THE LIKES OF A FEW MORTALS WHO THINK THEY CAN DWELL IN THE REALM OF THE GODS!" He roared, the ground beginning to shake under the power of his voice alone as a dangerous gold aura began to engulf his form.

Odin placed both his hands on the middle of his staff and lifted it a few feet off the ground as he continued, his one eye glowing ominously, "I will show you why your mortals should keep your heads out of the clouds and stay as the vile vermin you're meant to be!" He snapped one final time before slamming the stuff into the ground.

The reaction was immediate as the ground split open violently, throwing pillars of lava high into the air as spider web cracks shook the ground to its very core.

These tremors had such an incredible reaction that those even outside the gate could feel the power of the All Father's wrath.

Puck watches as all manners of beasts that were woven and talked about through legends and Norse mythology came crawling out of the ground, as if heeding their master's call.

Each one a calamity of their own.

S Rank ~ SSS Rank monsters.


A wide crazed grin split Odin's face as he stared into Puck's eyes, unwavering.

Puck simply gave the old man a grin of his own before pointing a single clawed finger towards him, causing a vibrant red and black arrow-like mark to appear above the God's head.

He then spoke....

"Kids.... Go for a walk."

And with that, the war between Puck and the Norse Pantheon began....

And ended.

To be continued~


End Chapter 36~

Author's Note: I just wanted to let you guys know that I freaking love and appreciate all the support that you give! I'll try to continue these stories of mine as soon as possible!

But I'll be starting college soon, so I'll be juggling that along with my writer's block....

So just don't get your hopes up, alright?

Again, live you guys and thanks for all your support!
