
Gacha No Life (Fan-Fic)

~WARNING! USER ALREADY HAS A ACCOUNT THAT'S REGISTERED! WOULD YOU LIKE TO LINK DATA NOW? Y/N~ He just didn't know what to make of this. How was it even possible in the first place? It just didn't make any sense.... He literally just awakened.... Didn't he? Curiosity got the better of him and he couldn't help but click Y to see what happened.... He wasn't disappointed. The moment he clicked the button to accept, the screen returned to normal and the errors disappeared and were instead replaced with a loading screen and timer. ~TIME UNTIL DATA TRANSFER COMPLETION: 47 Hrs 59 Mins 59 Secs~ His jaw dropped at this. YOU CAN'T ACTUALLY BE FUCKING SERIOUS!!! He waited his entire life for this moment! And now he has to wait more?! What kinda bullshit was that?! And he didn't even know what he was waiting for nor what type of Gacha he has in the first place! Damn his curiosity!!!

PuckZCat · Anime et bandes dessinées
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43 Chs

Chapter 11 - Full Assimilation

Rebecca didn't know what to feel as she walked through the slowly repairing training area.

Could she have been mistaken?

The entire reason she wanted to spar with Puck was to test her theory that his system was different compared to everyone else's.

It was just a feeling she couldn't shake off after first meeting him at the hospital.

Like he was different.

A variant.

He just felt so....


She paused midstep. "Wait a minute...."

She quickly thought back to the time when she saw the footage of the dungeon break that Puck was responsible for stopping.

She gained a thoughtful look. "Just when he was about to get devoured he.... Fuck!"

She whipped around just in time to see a fist mere inches away from her face.


A Few Moments Ago~

~"Full Assimilation" has been forcefully activated due to the user's HP reaching a low percentage!~

~Full Assimilation - Rank SS - Duration: 1 hr - Description: The user takes the gathered experience, abilities, and appearance of one selected target from their Gacha Inventory! - Cooldown: 24 hrs - WARNING! ONCE THE USER LOSES CONSCIOUSNESS THE OWNER OF SAID ABILITIES WILL TAKE OVER!~

~"Full Assimilation" is now activating!~

~Searching for assimilation candidates....~

~Assimilation candidate has been confirmed!~

~Now assimilating being known as....~

~"Jin Mori"~

Those were the last words Puck was able to read as his vision slowly faded to black.

There was no sound.

There was no feeling.

All he knew was that one moment he was embedded in a wall, half dead, and the next he was standing in a sea of darkness.

It felt like he someone had just walked past him, placing their hand on his shoulder.

"Don't worry, buddy. I'll take it from here. You go ahead and get some rest."

A familiar voice had spoken to him before gently brushing past him.

He tried to turn around to see who the figure was, but all he could see before his vision faded to black once more....

Was a the back of a white t-shirt, brown hair, and a friendly wave....


Back to the Present~

A bead of sweat slowly rolled down Rebecca's face as she stares at the fist that was inches away from her face, the gathered crowd immediately growing quiet as a wave of air blew past Rebecca from the power behind the punch.

"Whoops! Sorry about that! I don't know what came over me!" A all too cheerful voice rang out across the now silent training area.

Rebecca was able to regain enough of her wits to inspect the person who was responsible for her current predicament.

And what she saw....

Could only be described as a laid-back hipster version of Puck if anything.

His black sweatshirt was tied loosely around his waist, leaving his black T-shirt in view. His bangs, that once hung in his face, were now framing it with a loose strand hanging in between by his nose. Some of his hair was sticking up like a sharp mountain peak on the top of his head as well.

What was really eye catching were his eyes. Added on to his abnormally slitted pupils was another red line going across the middle, giving it a plus line look.

He also had what looked like a green sleep mask acting as a headband to keep his hair out of his eyes.

A huge toothy grin split his face, looking just deranged with the blood leaking down from his hairline.

So all in all....

He looked rather goofy.

But Rebecca knew better than to judge a book by its cover, especially with how laid back he was acting.

She made note of every movement he was making, watching as he rubbed the back of his head in embarrassment and looking behind him at the place where his body was just embedded in the wall.

"There's no way.... He somehow manage to cross that great of a distance AND bypass my senses without making a single sound?!.... He's dangerous.... Just what the hell happened to him?!" She exclaimed to herself, gulping slightly.

All her awakener instincts were screaming at her to not let her guard down, and she survived this long by relying on her instincts....

There's no way they were wrong this time.

"Puck" seemed to notice this, his grin disappearing and being replaced with a blank and serious look.

"You're strong. I can tell. You must be the reason I was summoned here, huh? I guess it can't be helped...." He mumbled while beginning to stretch his legs and arms.

Rebecca's eyes widened at this. "W-Wait! S-Summoned?! What're you talking about?! You're Puck, aren't you?!"

Puck had the nerve to look sheepish at this, scratching his cheek. "Whoops.... Looks like I messed up.... Guess that's enough talking, I'm assuming that this is a spar? Good! It's been a while! I'll make sure to go easy on you!" He says with a smirk.

Rebecca simply narrows her eyes at this. "I don't know who the hell you are, but I'll make you regret underestimating the Black Hawk Guild Master!" She exclaims before falling into the stance for her martial arts.

Puck simply sits there with his hands in his pocket, his smirk widening slightly as they both waited for the other to make the first move.

The crowd watched with bated breath as they both disappeared from view for a moment before clashing in the middle of the training area, legs outstretched and fighting for dominance.

The shockwaves that were emitted from their clash was enough to knock the audience off their feet as they began to face off in a impressive show of martial arts.

They moved from hand to hand to licks, which Puck seemed to hold the advantage of.

After throwing a snap kick to Rebecca's temple, that she was barely able to block, she decided to make some distance between them, panting heavily and wiping some blood from her mouth.

"I'm certain of it now, there's no way you're Puck." She says with a hard glare. "So who the hell are you?!"

Puck simply let out a small impressed whistle at this. "Damn, so you were hitting that hard despite not knowing if I was him or not? I kinda feel bad for my summoner honestly." He says with a small shrug, shaking his head.

Rebecca narrows her eyes in suspicion at this. "There you go talking like that again.... Are you telling me that you're one of his summons that's taken over his body somehow?" She says skeptically.

The Jin possessed Puck snaps his fingers at this. "Bingo! Got it in one! I guess you're not just strong, but also pretty smart too! Which I've got to say.... Your martial arts isn't bad! Self taught, right?" He asks, completely changing the subject.

She simply clicks her tongue in annoyance at this, spitting out a glob of blood on the ground. "Does it matter? I'm gonna kick your ass either way. I guess we're done talking. I'm definitely gonna ask you some questions after I beat the fuck out of you. I'm don't playing. Let's go!" She snaps, stomping the ground with her right foot, causing her red energy to explode from around her as she slowly slide into a more refined stance with he right hand stretched out in front of her and her left held down at her side, balled in a fist.

Jin Puck simply smirks at this. "Heh, good! This'll be fun!" He says, closing his eyes for a moment before snapping them back open. "Time to get a little serious!"

The colors in his eyes changed from black and red, to blue and black, a good crown replacing the sleep mask on his head as he takes a irregular stance, his right arm out to the side as if he was grasping at something.

The entire area suddenly started to shake as if it were under an immense pressure. Both their auras seemed to clash in the center, Rebecca's being a fierce red color, while Puck's a bright, almost transparent, gold.

They both suddenly blurred forward, meeting in the middle. Rebecca threw a punch that took the form of a massive red dragon, looking to devour Puck. While Puck threw a kick that also took the form of a massive roaring blue dragon.

What happened next could only be called a complete stalemate before a explosion of massive proportions ripped apart the training area.

The present wizards and and defense oriented warriors tried their best to shield the audience from the blast, but it was of to no avail as a bright light consumed all before....

To be continued~


End of Chapter 11~