
Gacha No Life (Fan-Fic)

~WARNING! USER ALREADY HAS A ACCOUNT THAT'S REGISTERED! WOULD YOU LIKE TO LINK DATA NOW? Y/N~ He just didn't know what to make of this. How was it even possible in the first place? It just didn't make any sense.... He literally just awakened.... Didn't he? Curiosity got the better of him and he couldn't help but click Y to see what happened.... He wasn't disappointed. The moment he clicked the button to accept, the screen returned to normal and the errors disappeared and were instead replaced with a loading screen and timer. ~TIME UNTIL DATA TRANSFER COMPLETION: 47 Hrs 59 Mins 59 Secs~ His jaw dropped at this. YOU CAN'T ACTUALLY BE FUCKING SERIOUS!!! He waited his entire life for this moment! And now he has to wait more?! What kinda bullshit was that?! And he didn't even know what he was waiting for nor what type of Gacha he has in the first place! Damn his curiosity!!!

PuckZCat · Anime & Comics
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43 Chs

Chapter 10 - The New S Rank

Puck didn't know what to think when he went to bed that night.

All he knew was that he was absolutely exhausted, both mentally and physically.

He had enough excitement in one day to make his entire life before awakening look like a mere pipedream in comparison.

But nothing....

Absolutely nothing could ever prepare him for what he faced when he woke up the next morning....


06:00 am - The Next Morning~

Puck was awaken to the feeling of something hold and wet pressing against his face.

Upon opening his eyes, he came face to face with a patiently waiting Kurama, who was calmly sitting on Puck's chest in his "chibi" form.

What really surprised Puck was the fact that he didn't even feel the great Dane sized fox on his chest.

Hell! He didn't even feel his presence at all!

"Fucking ninjas I swear...." He grumbles to himself as he pushed the fox away from his face.

Puck reached to check his phone to see the time, only to find it missing from his nightstand.

"The hell?" He asked himself before looking over at Kurama, who couldn't meet his gaze.

"That rectangular object was making annoying noises.... So I silenced it before it could disturb your slumber." He says innocently, though it sounded strange coming from the demonic fox. "I could inform you of the position of the sun if you'd like?"

Puck was at a loss of words, sitting there stunned at the edge of the bed, wearing only his black bunny onesie sleepwear. "W-Wait....lemme get this straight.... You did what with my phone?!"

The giant fox simply pointed towards a smoldering pile of ashes in the corner of the room and Puck's questions were answered.

He let out a frustrated sigh, rubbing his temples as he stood up. He gave Kurama's head a small rub. "I-It's....alright.... It was old anyway. Just don't go around breaking my shit....alright?" He said, giving the fox a strained smile.

The fox gave him a toothy grin in return, nodding before suddenly disappearing in wisps of magic particles.

Puck blinked at this. He was meaning to send Kurama back to his inventory Incase anyone came to visit, he just wasn't expecting for him to go so suddenly....

"Well.... I guess that saves me the trouble? I guess since he's technically a higher being he can summon and unsummon himself when he wants?....That could be a problem...." He mumbled the last part to himself as he made his way towards his bathroom.

Upon turning on the light, he was greeted by his pale form in his bunny pajamas. He was an average height of 5'10 with a lean athletic build. He had long messy black hair reaching his shoulder blades. Several bangs hung low and covered his eyes for the most part, but still allowed him to see somehow. Neither he or his parents understood why, but he was born with blood red frosted tips to his hair. This became a hot topic during several conversations when he was younger.

His face was rather average all things considered....

But what stood out the most were his eyes.

People would always ask if it's because of the power he awakened, but he'd always have to tell him that it was some kind of genetic mutation, much to his parents and their disappointment.

The whites of his eyes were perfectly normal, it's his pupil and iris that always seem to catch people outside of the awakened community.

That's probably why no one questioned him about it on his way into the Awakener Bureau....

That or they were too busy starring at Rebecca.

Anyway, the iris of his eyes were a ominous pitch black with the usual black border around said iris bleeding to a bloody red. His pupils reminded him of a lizard or a cat, sharp and calculating. His pupils we're also a heinous blood red color....

After admiring himself in the mirror for another few seconds, he finally decided to start his day.

He brushed his teeth, ate breakfast, stripped himself of his pajamas, put on his usual lazy attire of a black hoodie, black jogging pants, and a pair of black and white easy slip on shoes. They didn't have shoelaces, they simply had one big strap that you couldn't take off.

A one size fits all type deal....

He flopped down on his couch and turned on the TV, flipping through the channels mindlessly before finally stopping on the news as he looked up at the clock, checking to see how much time he had before needing to head to the Awakener Bureau when suddenly....

"In recent news, a S Ranked awakener has been confirmed!"

Puck paused as the TV said this, his neck nearly snapping as he turned his attention back to the news.

"Yes, you heard correctly! We have not been informed of any other information, save for the gender and rank of said individual! Everything else is being held strictly under wraps by the United States Awakener Bureau branch! However we do have leaked information that this new awakener is the one responsible for solving the latest Dungeon break! We're still waiting for the results of what rank the dungeon was, but here's some footage that's been floating around recen-"

Puck had to quickly turn off the TV before he died of embarrassment, you could practically see the steam rolling off the top of his head as he tried and failed to hide his blush with his hands.

He was just glad that they didn't somehow get his name and face....

Then he'd be in some real trouble.

Not to mention the fact that his apartment was easily locatable and traceable since it was decently close to the Awakener Bureau building.

No more than a bus ride away in fact....

Puck quickly rushed to the window to check if the cost was clear.

And, much to his relief, it was.

In fact....

There didn't seem to be anyone out in the street at the moment.

Before Puck could question the odd occurrence, a familiar voice suddenly rang from his previous location on the couch.

"You know....for a newly awakened S Rank.... You sure have a small apartment."

Puck's breath was caught in his throat as he slowly turned around, only to come face to face with none other than....


Ten Minutes Later~

Puck was sweating furiously as he stood across from a stretching Rebecca.

They were currently standing in the Black Hawk Guild's main state-of-the-art training area. It was self repairing and could produce holographic training targets that felt like the real thing!

But that's not the point, Puck was forcefully dragged her by Rebecca herself for unknown reason.

And from the look of her attire, stretching, and slowly gathering crowd....

She was preparing for a fight.

But a fight with who was the question....?

"W-Wait a minute.... She couldn't be.... She wouldn't!" Puck immediately figured out what was going on and the shocked/horrified look on his face caused Rebecca to smirk.

"So you figured it out, huh? Well it took ya long enough! Yes, the main reason I dragged you here so early in the morning was for a friendly spar! Now I know you're a Gacha type, so I'll make sure to go easy on ya! Okay?! And in return, you aren't allowed to use your summons! Got it?!" She exclaims with a huge excited grin.

Puck was at a loss for words, his hand twitching slightly as he tried to get her to wait for a moment. "W-Wait a minute! T-That doesn't make any sense! That's completely unfair! How is this even considered a spar if I can't even use my abilit-?!"

He couldn't get another word in as he instinctively raised his arms up to block a kick to the side of his head that more than likely would have decapitated him.

He was sent skidding towards the wall from the force and he could've sworn he felt his bones crack! His arms were completely numb, but before he had a chance to recover she was upon him again.

Puck could barely dodge or block any of the attacks that were thrown his way. He didn't know if it was the fact that he was awakener or the fact that she was holding back, but he was still somehow barely able to keep up.

"S-Shit! This isn't even a fight!" He exclaimed to himself. Time seemed to slow for a moment as his eyes slowly drifted over to the crowd of people who were watching the one sided beat down. "I guess she brought me here so early since there wasn't that many people at her guild.... But there's still about a hundred people gathered.... I guess that's what happens when you're a-!"

Puck's thoughts were interrupted as a punch earth shattering punch to his gut made him spit out a glob of blood. He folded in on himself before he was sent ragdolling across the ground and into the wall of the training area where he laid embedded in a crater.

Rebecca had the nerve to give him a confused look. "What the hell? It's like you've never been in a fight before! You should know better than to get distracted!" She exclaims, only to get silence in return.

She scratches the back of her head, letting out a small disappointed sigh. "I don't know what I was expecting.... Could someone please call a healer over here! We're done here...." She mumbled the last part to herself, giving one last disappointed glance towards Puck's still form before beginning to walk away.


Puck was going through all the similar situations he's been in, in his head.

Ever since he could remember he was bullied for not being a early bloomer like the rest of his friends and family.

One by one they disappeared from his life.

Even the ones who said they liked him for him and would never abandon him if they became successful....

They lied.

And just like that he was left alone.

But he never lost hope.

He knew that one day he'd awaken and turn everything around.

But look at him now....

See all the good awakening did for him.

Sure he awakened as a super high rank.

But Gacha types are weak without their specially summoned items, or in his case, characters....

But even then....

Is this hopeless and embarrassing situation....

He never lost hope.

For there was one thing that kept Puck going to this point.

His love for Gacha games....

....and his love for music.

"I'm so pathetic....is that really what I'm thinking about in this situation? Is all I can do is feel sorry for myself?! Well I'm tired of it....that's all I've ever done....is run away.... Well I'm sick of it!"

He balled his hands into fists, his one good eye that wasn't soaked in blood from his forehead looking up at Rebecca's retracting form with a ungodly amount of frustration and rage.


"So what....? There's nothing we can do about it...."

~The system will now activate it's defense system! One random skill will now activate in accordance with the current situation!~

Puck's one opened eye widens at this. "W-Wait.... N-No!" He managed to choke out.

If the system were to automatically activate his summon skill and designate Rebecca as a threat....

Who knows what would happen?! If she died he'd become a criminal!

Not only that bucket it's seriously fucked up to attack someone while their back is turned!

~The skill "Full Assimilation" will now be activated!~


To be continued~


End of Chapter 10~