
Gaara IN MHA(Version 2)

A man suddenly finds himself reincarnated in a new world, with the powers of his favorite character, what changes will he cause in this world? If the creator of the image asks, I will remove the image I do not own the rights to the characters or the world other than OG Update: 1 Chapter/Week English is not my first language

IsekaiFan · Anime et bandes dessinées
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11 Chs

A Curious Stalker

(PoV MC)

Since the meeting, 3 months have passed, as it was said in it, I was under Nezu's care while I understood about the day-to-day in this world, I understood the most basic things, about the rules of living in society, the responsibilities of a hero , hero and villain laws, the meta-liberation army, the hero commission.

In the last month I had to live with Aizawa, I noticed how the hero's routine was, his codename was EraserHead, a hero who works mainly at night and works as a teacher at U.A during the day, he lives in a small apartment, which when I arrived I swore he had just been bought for his cleanliness, but the truth is, he can't spend much time indoors so it's plausible to be clean.

But his situation was in the past, as I had to be under his watch almost the entire day and follow him even during his missions, Kenji and the hero commission decided to temporarily retire Aizawa, until I was given under my control. even, I believe they did the right thing, because between a being that can destroy an entire city when enraged or villains that can easily be caught by other heroes, the choice was obvious.

Because of this, Aizawa only works as a teacher at U.A, during his work I spend my time in the principal talking with Nezu or eating in the cafeteria, Nezu is a good guy to spend time and talk with, he knows a lot about biology and others, that helps me in my study about biology in this world.

Aizawa had a lot more sleep and consequently he looks like someone totally different besides being more cheerful, back to the topic..., in the two months that I was unable to use my Quirk I decided to go deep about two things that have been consuming me. .. My Beserk status and how I got here

The second is a little easier to know than the first, besides probably having a deep connection with him (first thought), I clearly remember the conversation I had on a forum site with a person called IAMGOD, I thought the name was peculiar but I never thought it would be in the literal sense.

I made a 'friendship' with one of those famous Robs, something cliché that happens most of the time in FanFics, it made me automatically think of my Beserk state or Beserk Mode... what if it's the other thing I'm thinking?

Well... for the Beserk state there are two options about his motive, the first is that Rob planned this so that he would free me and get my memories back, which would be the best option and the one I want to believe it was, since the second option... is a possibility that frightens me.

The second option would be through the action of a third individual, who I believe knows who he is... Shukaku, one of the tailed beasts in the world of Naruto, this is a viable possibility because I clearly remember mentioning his name to Rob, that turns out to be an option about the slaughter incident again, I wouldn't think it was a bad thing to have a tailed beast in me, if I was able to have a good conversation or know its personality and past.

The only thing I remember about Shukaku is in the fight between Gaara and Naruto, that Gaara freed Shukaku for a few moments using a jutsu, and from what I saw at the time, Shukaku really likes his freedom, I tried to communicate with him in my world interior but I didn't get a response from him, it made me hopeful that it was just something in my head and I ended up not thinking about it

(A/N: this is just the MC's point of view, don't forget, and it's also already obvious that he has Shukaku, but because of his Trauma he is asking him not to have it, because Shukaku can act uncontrollably and kill several people, like Sukuna and Itadori in the Shibuya arc)

In the month that I followed Aizawa in his hero duties, I saw how incompetent they were, instead of causing more serious injuries to the villains so that they never think of committing another crime, they just try to capture them with the minimum of injuries, I I understand that the definition of a hero in the eyes of the public must be this but I don't accept their way

(A/N: what I mean is that he respects heroes but doesn't agree with the way they act)

My thoughts are more connected to the vigilantes, people who fight crime as heroes should, even without having the necessary license to act, they always end up leaving the villains with a few broken bones to remember never to commit another crime, If I were to choose to be a hero or a vigilante, I would many times prefer to be a vigilante, even if it were against the law, I would have more freedom, unfortunately I can't do anything for now, because I'm still under surveillance.

---------Time Skip--------

It's been three months since then, in that time I continued to have the same daily routine and finally because there was no incident related to me in that period of time, a message arrived on Aizawa's cell phone that says I can go out freely, one person was disheartened by this, Aizawa, because I have more freedom he will go back to hero work and no longer need to watch over me, he may not be a good father or caretaker but he knows how to assume his responsibilities

After a long time of waiting I can finally leave the house by myself!... I got lost... Aizawa lives very close to U.A so we don't go through many places before getting there, and in his hero work he just participates in special operations so we always come home quickly

Even if I have a super brain I won't remember many things that happened a long time ago and mainly that I didn't give any importance besides that we always go out at night which makes it difficult to see, seeing my current situation, I wanted to use the sand in the gourd on my back to fly and see my current location but I know that using Quirk without having a license in public areas is prohibited, the reason I have the original gaara sand gourd now is because I think it's cool, plus on account As long as I followed Aizawa on his missions I was allowed to carry a certain amount of sand for my protection.

Not only that, I also coated myself with a thin but solid layer of sand, creating a 'Shell' for safety, even though I doubt they'll be able to get past my automatic defense, plus there's more to it than the boss the police did not consider that I had the ability to use sand from solid objects (cement, earth, basically everything that has sand in its composition) (glass is not considered to contain sand, just saying so that no one talks about it in the future)

So the whole city can turn to sand any time I want

While Gaara wanders off...

----Police Headquarters----

"Boss! Gaara left alone!"

"What?! Aizawa was supposed to accompany him! Contact the hero closest to him to follow him! We can't let him go alone!"

"Sir! His closest hero is 20 minutes away!"

"What?! Call him quickly!... Please let nothing happen in that time!"

"S-Sir! There was a robbery at a store next to him!"

"Me and my mouth!"

(Back to MC, PoV MC)

Now I am observing everything around me with extreme curiosity, after all, by the current date we are almost two centuries in the future compared to my previous world, I looked around me and I was amazed, not with the buildings but with the people, how it was to be expected from a world that for me only existed in anime and manga, here just looking at the street, I see several people with different colored hair, and with different shapes (person with long arms, bear head and others), and the people around act as if it were something normal, in addition to having several beauties walking the streets normally.

As I looked around, a voice pulled me out of my thoughts.

"Hey, are you okay?"

Upon hearing that, I took a quick step back cautiously which made the person who spoke to me get a little scared, I was so focused on seeing people that I forgot where I was(This is what happens when you take a hikikomori out of the house)

Paying attention now to the girl in front of me, she had light blue hair, big blue eyes and pale skin, she was also wearing a school outfit (that's what I found on the wiki about her information), the girl was a little shorter than me , I am 146 cm (4'7 feet), the same height as Gaara in his first appearance, because of the experiments my body has grown considerably

[Image Here]

She would definitely become very beautiful in the future but as I studied her figure, she sent me a flurry of questions as she circled me.

"Hey, hey, what's that gourd on your back for? How old are you? Is your red hair natural? What is your name? You look the same age as me! My name is Nejire Hado Nice to meet you!"

Hearing all that, my expression was surprised and my mind confused, I interacted with very few people, and also I was never so surrounded by people, the ones I interacted with the most were Nezu, All Might, and Aizawa. Then out of nowhere an extremely sociable, energetic and curious person appears to talk to me, this was too much for my reclusive heart, and my mind overheated, suddenly my mind calmed down and my expression returned to being neutral and silent, the girl seeing my sudden change of emotions became even more curious.

"Hey how did you do that? Can you teach me-"

"Calm down"

With a single word I finally managed to interrupt her, I was never someone so social in my past life and I liked to be alone at home, and in my first 'adventure' in this world I already came across this type of person, one of my biggest enemies these days... a social being to the extreme. From her height, features and clothing, I believe she must be around 12/13 years old.

"My name is Gaara, nice to meet you Hado-San"

I immediately got a response from her.

"Gaara huh? It's a good name! No need to call me Hado, just Nejire is fine!"

"So... Nejire-san what are you doing here?"

"Ah! I was walking with some of my colleagues when I saw you standing here, I thought you were curious, so I'm here!"

As she spoke, I realized that two boys were approaching us, but before they arrived, we heard several sounds that resembled gunshots in the vicinity, I looked towards the direction of the sound and saw a store being dominated by a group of villains, it was a rich looking store so that was probably what caught the attention of the villains, while analyzing all that, I felt something grab my shirt, it was Nejire, she seemed to be a little scared but by the determination in her eyes it looked like she wanted to face them, his friends did the same look, with that I saw that the three wanted to be heroes, I smiled a little and put my right hand on his head and said

"Don't worry"

So I walked calmly towards the store, Nejire seemed to want to follow me but just stood there watching me, as I walked, people ran in the opposite direction of mine, probably to stay at a safe distance, while I walked people stared at me, I don't judge them, because I must have the appearance of a child (Gaara in the Chunin Exam)

As I approached calmly, two vehicles appeared in front of the store and the police already got out of the car and hid behind it, while one of the police tried to negotiate with them using a megaphone, three people left the store and with hostages, it was a child and two adults. I got to the side of the vehicles and when I was approaching, one of the policemen stopped me.

"Hey, boy! Get out of here, this place is dangerous!"

I know your concern was genuine but soon the radio in your vest said something

[You can let him through]

I recognized the voice, it was Kenji, and without a choice the policeman let me pass, the audience was incredulous and soon thought 'is he a hero?', after that they got excited and some started recording the scene

"Well well, what do we have here? A hero?"

This also didn't go unnoticed by the villains and the one in the middle who seems to be the leader was the one who spoke.

"Who knows?"

"You better stop there! If not, I'll shoot the hostages!"

I didn't listen and kept walking calmly.

"Tch-, playing hard to get huh? Shoot him!"

The audience was startled but I continued to walk, just like that, gunfire sounds were heard again, after a big burst of gunfire, which raised dust in the air, the sounds finally stopped, and everyone looked at the place in shock.


Hello everyone, IsekaiFan Here, I got a little excited about the previous chapter and ended up finishing this one, I hope you enjoyed it, I'm honestly having a hard time thinking of this story as NoHarem, but I'll do my best to make it that way, as you can see Nejire Hado, our curious little stalker appeared on the scene! I was a little confused on how to put it there, but in the end everything worked out, I want everyone to understand that this can be an AU, and that not everything will follow the original script of the work, that's it, until next time

This Chapter Have 2,4k of Words, Enjoy!