
Gaara IN MHA(Version 2)

A man suddenly finds himself reincarnated in a new world, with the powers of his favorite character, what changes will he cause in this world? If the creator of the image asks, I will remove the image I do not own the rights to the characters or the world other than OG Update: 1 Chapter/Week English is not my first language

IsekaiFan · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

Sabaku No Gaara, The Big Three

(Narrator PoV)

"What the hell is this?"

The leader of the villains said scared when he saw what was in front of him, an oval-shaped wall was there where the boy was, everyone looked at the wall in surprise, because the bullets that were used were stuck in the wall, so the wall created a crack in which the figure of the person that everyone imagined to be a hero appeared, there everyone noticed something


[Image Here]

"That's All?"

After these words, the wall that had withstood several shots fell apart and surrounded the young man in a rhythmic movement. This left the bandits scared of what was to come.

"Do not approach or we will kill the hostages!"

They now pointed their guns at the hostages again, the adults were scared, but the child who was with them seemed extremely calm which confused one of the henchmen, meanwhile the sand that surrounded the boy now went at high speed, surrounding the hostages and taking them out of the place, the young man soon spoke

"Idiots, reload your weapons before threatening them"

Upon hearing this they noticed, they were so desperate seeing the previous scene that they completely forgot to reload, seeing their current situation the leader took a step forward

"Looks like you made me do this"

"Ooh! The boss is going to use his Quirk!"

Soon their leader began to increase in size, as well as seem to become physically stronger and his body turned red.

(A/N: If you want an approximation, see Red Hulk as an example)

After his transformation, he ran forward towards the young hero, coming to his side, then threw a punch that made a small gust of wind, but before reaching the young man, the sand that surrounded him again created a wall to prevent his attack

(A/N: Curiosities about Gaara's absolute defense, many think that his defense comes from Shukaku, but it's nothing said, his absolute defense is just the will of the original Gaara's mother wanting to defend him, that's basically it)

Even with that blow that made the wind go in all directions, it wasn't able to make the sand move, the boy just gave the villain a small look and started to walk calmly, as if he didn't have anyone trying to hurt him, he went towards the store calmly under the shocked looks of the public, even so the villain did not give up and continued to try to punch him more and more, but he was unsuccessful, every time he tried, another wall was formed to protect him, the boy, upon reaching the door, finally stopped and looked at the villain.

"I gave you time to run away, so why didn't you run away?"

The villain did not pay attention to the words, and continued to try to punch him, when he saw that the young man sighed tiredly and suddenly the sand that previously protected the punches involved both arms of the villain

'Sand Coffin!'

The villain began to feel a extreme pain, he began to scream but the audience did not understand because for them the hero had only prevented him from using his arms, suddenly the ground turned into sand and the giant was sunk in it leaving only his head. outside, he did the same with the other two henchmen who accompanied their leader, the audience was again shocked, but soon they cheered up and started shouting encouragement for the hero... if we can call him that.

"Wait here for a bit, I'll be right back"

So the hero entered the store, with that several sounds were heard from inside the store, mainly gunshot sounds, after a few minutes he finally left accompanied by two other people unharmed and the two bandits who levitated with his body suspended in the air by the sand that surrounded them, so all the bandits were arrested and taken away by the police, the boy who had caused all this was calmly leaving the scene, but all the people watching soon surrounded him and even journalists appeared on the scene, yet no one stopped him on his way, everyone looked in a certain direction and fell silent, while opening an area for victims, the hero continued on his way without interruption

"U-umm.. T-thanks for saving us sir, my name is Momo Yaoyorozu, thank you very much indeed hero!"

"Thanks!" 4x

Everyone around smiled at them, and the one who thought he was a hero turned and looked at them, then he let out a big smile and touched the child's head, after which he turned again and continued on his way towards a hole in the ground that was caused when he buried the leader of the bandits, some women and even the girl who was saved had their faces a little red when they saw that scene, but the girl who called herself Momo soon spoke again.

"U-uh, Sir, what is your name?"

Those words made everyone there pay full attention to the young man again, after all, this was the first time they saw him acting in the city, so it could be a debut of a new hero in the city, the said young man stopped his path again and looked back, he then made a series of words with his mouth, even without making a sound, some people understood his words

'Sabaku No Gaara'

After that, the boy's figure completely turned into sand and covered the huge hole he had caused in the place, which made everyone even more shocked.

---------------Police HeadQuarters------------

"Stop the request made to the professional hero"

"Yes sir!"

Everyone in the room smiled when they saw the cameras that recorded what happened live, their smiles are just because they know that the boy has no bad intentions against society and wants to help people like a hero

"Let's let him free a little this time"

One of the people who was there monitoring Gaara said something that would spoil the whole atmosphere there.

"But boss, the public will relentlessly look up to him as a hero plus he used his Quirk in a public area even though he knew the rules!"

"... Forget it, I'm going to pay him a visit tomorrow, for today we'll leave him free"

"Sir, wouldn't it be better to call EraserHead to follow you? It's the first time he goes out in society and he doesn't know the city, he can get lost on the way"

"... Contact EraserHead, he will be his guide on his 'adventure' through the city"


(PoV MC)

After diverting attention from me through a sand clone, I continued on my way to explore the city, I looked back and saw the people still shocked by my clone, as I looked at that mass of shocked people, my eyes met with one in specific , when I saw that she noticed me I started walking without stopping and quickly in a random direction, the person who had met eyes with me continued to follow me and after a long period of time she finally managed to keep up with me

"Hey, hey, how did you do that? How does your Quirk work? You are a hero? Why are you ignoring me? Hey! You were impressive back there defeating all the villains!"

It was Nejire, the hyper social being I wanted to ignore, she's a little annoying for her tireless questions, and also for being very energetic.

"hey can you stop following me? It's already getting boring"

When I said that she got completely discouraged besides looking like she was going to cry at any moment, the people around me looked at me irritated with the face that obviously said 'apologise!', I sighed and said

"Okay, you can follow me..."

Immediately her face showed a smile and she brightened up completely.


'Kuh! I was manipulated by a child!' - that was the thought of everyone around

During this small interaction Nejire's two friends appeared, even tired of running around trying to keep up with me one of the boys seemed excited to talk to me

"Hello Hero! My name is Mirio Togata, nice to meet you!... oh and sorry about my friend, she is very curious"

"Hey! I'm not that curious!"

'You are...' 3x

"H-hi, my name is Tamaki Amajiki... Mirio, I can't..."

"Let's go just a little longer! You can do it"

"N-Nice to meet you"

"You got Tamaki!"

The two introduced themselves, one was quite excited, while the other looked like he was being suffocated, I analyzed their figures and saw that the boy named Mirio had blond hair that extended almost to his waist, I was curious because he was a boy, or that's what his body showed, but looking around I saw that as before, everyone on the street was passing by us normally, I'll consider for now that large amount of hair to be part of his Quirk.

As for the other boy, Tamaki, I don't have many things to say about him... just... that he's like a cheap copy of Sasuke from the world of Naruto, he has a lot of identical things with sasuke, his hair, and way, even if shy, is very similar to sasuke

"Uh, Mirio, does your Quirk have something to do with your hair?"

When I said that Nejire seemed to burst out laughing and Tamaki was holding back from laughing, Mirio looked quite embarrassed and scratched the back of his head, when he was about to explain, Nejire interrupted his speech

"No no-"

"Mirio's Quirk always makes him lose his clothes when used completely, so from what Tamaki said to me when we first met is that Mirio lets his hair grow from a young age so that when he reaches a certain height he cuts it, he does it to that when he goes to a hero school, he'll make his costume out of his hair, so his hero costume won't come off his body!"

"Uhhh...thanks for the explanation Nejire..."

Mirio looked sad but thanked him anyway, meanwhile I analyzed what Nejire had said, so according to Nejire, Mirio's Quirk makes him lose his clothes when he uses his Quirk every time huh? Surely he would be branded a pervert by society if he happened to become a hero, I was snapped out of my thoughts when Nejire again started asking endless questions

"Hey, how many years have you been a hero? Are you a hero trainee? You look about the same age as us, is that a side effect of your Quirk? What-"

In the face of this barrage of questions, I was again helpless, but luckily Tamaki placed her hand on Nejire's mouth to stop her from continuing to speak, Nejire looked irritated with the act but she understood and stopped talking, around us, all the people looked to us strangely

"How about we go somewhere more private to talk?"

Instantly Nejire raised his hand

"I know a good cafeteria nearby, shall we?"

So, we moved to the cafeteria, ..., sitting at the most separate table there was, the three were in front of me, then the three made their orders, which I refrained from doing because I had no money

"Well… the three of you were curious and full of questions for me, right, well, I'll just announce that I'm not a hero and I didn't even study at UA or anything, I'll just say that I'm a special case"

With that said, the three were shocked, as without even being a hero, I was allowed into the scene, this obviously made them curious about my identity, when they were going to ask more questions about it, the requests arrived.

Nejire had ordered a piece of cake and an iced coffee, the other two were happy with juices and some snacks, I looked at this with a little desire to try it, after all, it's been a long time since I've had something like that, but I stopped myself from doing so. him keeping a neutral face, so Mirio was the one who asked

"So, how old are you? To allow you to get involved in the middle of combat against villains you must at least be an adult... I am 12 years old, Tamaki and Nejire are 11 years old" (A/N: they are in the month of October , so they're a year older, even though it's roughly 7 years before Canon)

"Uhhh. I have 5..."

"Five years of experience?! This is amazing!" – Nejire

"No, no, I'm 5 years old-"

After these words, the three who were drinking, automatically spit their drinks in my direction, the lid of the gourd turned into sand and prevented those drinks from ending up wetting me, the three stood up in unison and said at the same time

"Are you 5 years old?!" 3x

Seeing their reactions of pure shock which I obviously thought was normal, I grabbed my ID that I carry with me everywhere I go, an ID given to me by Kenji, they sat down as the whole cafeteria was looking at them, I placed the ID on top of the table where they could all see, there was written:

[Special Unit on Police Surveillance

Name: Gaara

Date of birth: 04/04/2XXX

ID: 17542910408]

This made them even more shocked by the phrase above, Unit Over Surveillance, seeing that they froze for a few seconds, I started to speak

"You know… I'm probably the only one with an identity like that, I was given an identity like that because of my Quirk, by the way, before I entered the scene, the policeman received a call through the radio that allowed me to involve"

It was obvious that it wouldn't tell the whole truth about why I had it, they are too young, besides, they must not be that important to the history of this world, and I must have only met them by coincidence

(A/N : Yes, by coincidence you met characters important to the plot)

Mirio was the first to recover from the shock, which made me think that he would be a good hero and that if necessary he would make drastic decisions quickly in a case of necessity or desperation, soon he started to speak

"W-What is your Quirk?"

They obviously knew about the basics of my Quirk from seeing my previous battle, but they don't know the full extent of it, I smiled a little at their question and with a mysterious tone I answered, creating an air of suspense.

"My Quirk is...-"

As I spoke with enormous suspense, clearly seeing them swallow their own saliva, a hand touched my shoulder.

"There you are, you don't know how much Kenji called me to follow you, you caused us a headache huh?"

"Oh come on Old Man, I finally get to leave the house unattended for the first time, come on, it wasn't even that serious"

"It wasn't even that serious? Heroes were alerted just by you leaving the house alone."

The person who had arrived was Aizawa, he was scratching his head with the previous comments, from our interaction I already got used to calling him father, but I prefer to say Old man, because that irritates him, I noticed his presence since he had entered the store, that's why he managed to touch my shoulder, after our little conversation, Aizawa noticed the three who were with me and said, not caring about the comments he had made earlier

"Thanks for taking care of him while I was gone, he is a very troublesome person"

"A-ah, it was nothing" 3x

"Now we are leaving, let me pay for you"

"Already? Too bad, it was nice talking to you guys, bye bye" – Gaara

So, Aizawa and I left, after he paid the bill, the three who were with us still didn't seem to have fully recovered from the shock and were silent until we left, after walking a little while following Aizawa, he soon said

"Why are you faking it until now?"

My face that was showing joy and amusement, after his words, went back to being neutral and serious in addition to having no apparent expression, I didn't mind telling Aizawa the reason, since he discovered my pretense

"The three of them are just innocent kids, they don't need to know much about me, I admit it was a little nice talking to others besides Nezu, All Might, and you, but that's just it, we'll probably never meet again"

Aizawa upon seeing that just sighed in defeat, from what it seemed a moment ago his eyes had a certain twinkle, hoping that I had started acting like a child my age, unfortunately for him, I believe I will never act like that

"*Sighhh*... I see... if that's your choice I won't get involved"

Yes, that's right, what I did was just pretend to be someone I'm not, we'll never meet again, my destiny is to be someone lonely and empty, if that's my destiny... (seen in a mirror in a random store) Why do I look so sad?

Seeing me like this Aizawa sighed again, but he didn't continue the subject and we walked calmly in silence, enjoying the sun that was almost setting, after a few minutes of walking, we finally arrived at home, it was an ordinary house, with nothing of special, of course, if you don't count the huge amount of cameras inside it, it was a simple house, with a kitchen, living room, and two bedrooms

------------Time Skip a few hours-----------

At night, Aizawa finally left to do his hero work, so I decided it was time to act, my room had a camera monitoring the place, the only camera-free parts being the bathrooms, so, entering the bathroom, I created a sand clone to get out of the bathroom and go to sleep in bed, making them believe that there was me, with that, I used the window of the house to leave

Finally I will pay my sins, as a vigilante!


hello everyone, IsekaiFan Here, I tried hard to fix the mistakes, but in the end I decided to delete and do it again, it was already saved on my computer so I didn't care too much, I tried my best to not leave mistakes, now if I have any errors in writing or writing own program, I'm sorry, but I'm already almost late for my classes

This Chapter Have 3k of Words, Enjoy!