
Dragon Ball Odd Future

HISTORY IS CHANGING After Trunks defeated the Cyborgs of his timeline, the future has been restored to what it used to be. The Z-Warriors are still gone but a future of peace is on the horizon for there to be new stories to tell. A Meteorite falls down on Earth as an unknown life form crawls away from its wreckage to find a host.

DCMD · Anime et bandes dessinées
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Before The Androids

As Mo-Mochi journeys through the wilderness with his parents, he marvels at the breathtaking scenery. It has been quite some time since he has traveled with them, ever since the androids came into existence. To avoid any potential danger, they have been growing their own food and sourcing their water from nearby lakes, steering clear of any populated areas or towns that might be a target for the androids. This is all due to the fear they harbor from their experiences in their hometown, which has taught them to be cautious and vigilant at all times.

Initially, Mellow's perception of the surrounding environment remained the same; however, as is typical of children, boredom eventually set in.

Her eagerness was evident as she repeatedly asked her parents repeatedly, "Are we there yet?" In anticipation wondering what the big city is like.

The father laughs and says, Hey Mellow, while we're on our way to West City, how about your mom and I tell you a story? Its about why we live in nearby west city and not in it you wanna hear it?

Mellow a bit curious says, Oh would I, You guys never really told me so much about that I kinda feel a bit left in the dark.

The Mother chimes in and says, Well its a really senseative topic for your father brother and I but you do have a right to know. Hugo if you dont mind could I just talk about the what our hometown used to be and you can tell her everything else?

Hugo nods his head and says, Of course Bella you dont have to explain I completely get it. It was a very Tramafulled event those many years. Then you go first then and tell her about Bridgetown.

As Bella reminisces about her past, she turns to her daughter and lovingly recounts the fond memories of her life before they settled in the woods. Bridgetown was the name of the charming and peaceful town where they used to reside, and Bella remembers it as a wonderful place filled with kind and friendly people. It was also where she first met her husband, whom she affectionately remembers as a young man with a passion for travelling. He had just returned from a fighting tournament, and he convinced Bella to join him on his journey. Despite her initial reservations about travelling, Bella looks back on those years with great fondness and joy, and she speaks with a smile on her face and a voice that conveys no regrets.

Hugo then with a soft grin chimes in and says, Hugo then with a soft grin chimes in and says, Yes, those were undoubtedly the days. However, your mother managed to convince me to settle down with her and we have been residing in Bridgetown ever since. But, one fateful day, we received some alarming news about cyborgs wreaking havoc and causing destruction in the nearby towns and cities. Initially, the government assured us that they would take care of things, but unfortunately, they were mistaken. The military was deployed, but it proved to be futile as the cyborgs were far too powerful and ruthless. They terrorized the earth for decades, sparing no one in their path. It was a truly traumatic experience for everyone involved.

Mellow, feeling worried, leans on her brother's shoulder and asks with a trembling voice, "Is... is that the reason why you were always so afraid of us leaving the house?

Hugo nods and says, "Me and your mother never really knew if they would have ever found us; that's why I never cut down the trees that covered the house until this month." They destroyed everything back home in Mellow. Our entire town was left as nothing but ashes, and a lot of families and loved ones were lost the day they attacked Bridgetown. We barely even escaped. Your mother, brother, and I were hiding in the rubble of a broken building, hoping we could wait until they flew away, but I'll never forget this. A young man with golden hair appeared, and he was fighting the androids. You should have seen it; he was actually fighting back against the cyborgs and giving them a decent run for their money. I decided to take advantage of the cyborgs being distraught and ran with your mother and brother out of town and into a nearby forest, where we made a small wooden home and started our lives again. Then, after a few years, we had you and did our best to love and take care of both of you.

As he goes to extend one of his hands to give his daughter a pat on the head, he says to her with a smile on his face, "Now we don't have to worry anymore." I'm not sure what fully happened or who was responsible for defeating the cyborgs, but if I were a betting man, I'd bet on that golden-haired boy we saw all those years ago. That'll be a face that ill never forget.

After a fleeting moment of contemplation about the enigmatic individual with the lustrous golden hair, Hugo shifts his focus back to the road ahead and cordially announces, "We have successfully arrived at our destination, ladies and gentlemen." "I warmly welcome you all to the slowly repairing West City."

Id love to hear some thoughts about the Family's backstory if you have anything to say about it go ahead

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