
Dragon Ball Odd Future

HISTORY IS CHANGING After Trunks defeated the Cyborgs of his timeline, the future has been restored to what it used to be. The Z-Warriors are still gone but a future of peace is on the horizon for there to be new stories to tell. A Meteorite falls down on Earth as an unknown life form crawls away from its wreckage to find a host.

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23 Chs

Welcome To West City

Upon entering West City, the family is met with a vast and bustling megalopolis currently under construction. The sound of heavy machinery and ongoing construction permeates the streets, overpowering any other noise made by passing cars or busy pedestrians. Despite the chaos, the family presses on, eagerly taking in the sights and sounds of this thriving metropolis.

Mellow's eyes glimmered with wonderment as she gazed upon the dazzling metropolis before her. After spending countless days cooped up inside her home or surrounded by never-ending stretches of foliage, the bustling streets and towering skyscrapers were a welcome change of scenery. Overwhelmed by the sheer magnitude of everything around her, she eagerly peered out of both car windows, determined not to miss a single moment of this new adventure in the big city.

Mellow starry-eyed, she says, "This place is amazing." I never expected a city to be this big! So many cars, so many people! "Mom, Mom, what's that building over there?"

The mother turns her head and says, "Sweetie, that's just a sushi stand. Food stands are everywhere in big cities." Well, we've never really let you two have fast food before; how about during your brother's checkup we can get something to eat in the city? We can even look around a bit, so I can show you around the city. It's been a while since I've been in West City myself, so looking around wouldn't be so bad.

Mellow childishly pops her head from the back of the car and says, "Really!" You'd let me go, Mom?

Her mother just smiles and says, "I don't see why your father couldn't take him by himself while we explore a bit; just stay close to me while we do." "Let me just check if I still have some leftover Zeni in the car."

As Mo-Mochi gazed out of the car window, he couldn't help but feel a sense of sadness. Unlike his sister, who seemed to be captivated by everything around her, Mo-Mochi struggled to find anything that piqued his interest. Only unpleasant memories from the destruction of Bridgetown. However, his attention was suddenly drawn to a strange, dome-shaped building. What made it even more intriguing was the logo on the building, which appeared to be similar to the capsules his dad always carried with him.

He then pipes up and says, "Hey Dad, is that the place you got all your capsules from?" as he points towards it.

The man looks over and says, "Oh yeah, Mochi, well, not exactly the place I brought the family wagon, but they are responsible for how I was able to keep it in a capsule." Basically, Capsule Corp. is the main company responsible for dyno capsules. They basically changed the world with this invention, making it possible to carry your car and home safely in your pocket. I don't really know too much about them other than that I know they had a few business rivals, but that's honestly all.

Following a pleasant conversation where they shared anecdotes about their experiences in West City, the family finally arrived at the hospital. After searching for a suitable parking spot, Mellow decided to take a stroll around the city while Mo-Mochi and his father proceeded to the hospital for the scheduled check-up.