
Dragon Ball Odd Future

HISTORY IS CHANGING After Trunks defeated the Cyborgs of his timeline, the future has been restored to what it used to be. The Z-Warriors are still gone but a future of peace is on the horizon for there to be new stories to tell. A Meteorite falls down on Earth as an unknown life form crawls away from its wreckage to find a host.

DCMD · Anime & Comics
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23 Chs

Rise and Shine

Mo-Mochi wakes up, looking around his room as the light shines on his face. He sits up in his bed to stretch as he notices that his body feels lighter.

Mo-Mochi says to himself, "Huh, I feel pretty okay today; my body isn't feeling sluggish, nor do I feel like I'm going to throw up."

The boy then leaps out of his bed with ease and walks to his room's mirror to get a better look at himself. Walking over to the mirror, he shouts in shock at what he sees next.


As he shouts, footsteps can be heard heading in his direction as his parents burst down the door.

The father is the first one to appear, as he shouts with concern, "What's going on, Mochi? Are you doing okay?!?"

while his mother, who slowly moves her head into the room, says, "Is everything okay, my mo-mo?"

The two look at their son, a bit surprised that he's even out of bed, and then take a good look at him and notice that his black hair is gone as if he had dyed it.

The mother quickly moves to her son to see what's happened to his hair as she goes to feel it and give it a bit of a pull. The boy's hair felt strangely soft, more so than it usually would, as they held it, picking a loose strand. She stares at it and notices that her son's hair isn't dyed; it's his natural pink hair.

The mother then turns to her husband and says, "Honey, I think we should take our child to a doctor; this isn't natural."

The father then replies, Not at all, not to mention our boy looks healthy as well, which is good, but how does that just happen? Mochi, put on your clothes. We're going to take you over to West City to get a checkup.

Mo-Mochi nods his head and says, "Yes sir, I'll go get myself ready."

Mo-Mochi runs back into his room to get ready.

As he does, a young, tired-looking mellow walks into the hallways, yawning toward her parents.

After rubbing her eyes, she looks at her parents and says, "Mommy, Daddy, why was everyone yelling?"

The mother picks up the girl and says to her, "It's alright, darling, we're just going to be taking your brother to the hospital in West City."

She looks at her mom a bit starry-eyed and says, "Wow, West City?" You guys have never taken us there before.

The mother smiles and says, "Well, since things are now a bit more peaceful, you're old enough to visit the big city." Let's go get you dressed and ready, kay?

Mellow then nods and says, "Okay, Mommy."

After the family gets ready, the father throws down the capsule as the family car appears on the ground for the family to go inside of.

Everyone gets in, buckles their seatbelts, and makes sure that they are properly in the vehicle.

The father then looks at the kids in the back seat and says, "Alright, now everyone is properly buckled in."

Mo-Mochi nods while Mellow is just playing around with the seatbelt strap, pulling it to see how long it can go.

The Father then gives a light smile and says, "Alright then, everyone, West City here we come."

as the car drives off onto the road into the wilderness.

As the vehicle swiftly traverses the vast expanse of the wilderness, an array of breathtaking scenes unfold before the passengers' eyes. Majestic creatures, both big and small, scuttle across the road, emerging from the forest and into the open plains. The sound of cascading waterfalls permeates the air as crystal-clear water gushes down the rocks and schools of fish dart out of the water. And, astonishingly, prehistoric creatures can be spotted in the distance, running and soaring through the air, their mighty presence evoking awe and wonder in all who witness them.