
Bardock The Savior Of The Saiyan Race

What happens when Bardock father to Kakarot saves his race and becomes the first super saiyan in a thousand years? More fights and more Saiyans that's what.

SpaceOrbisStories · Anime et bandes dessinées
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7 Chs

Kakarot Goes To Earth

It had been nearly a full year since the tyrannical Frieza had been killed by Bardock's own hand. Now, however, he was about to face a whole new challenge. That being none other than that of parenthood. His mate, Gina could now be seen upon a medical gurney as the many doctors began their work in the operating room down below.

"How are you, my dear friend"? The king asked as he walked up to the soon-to-be-father. His red robe moving to and fro with each step he took down the long hallway of the medical facility.

"I'm fine my lord". Bardock said before falling silent once again. He was to have two cubs. His mind raced with so many unanswered questions. Would he make a good father to his son/daughter(s)? Would he be as cold and distant as his own father was to him when he was but a lowly fourth-class baby? It wasn't all that uncommon for a Saiyan cub to die by their mother or father's own hand after all. If anything not being killed was abnormal especially given his weak power level at birth.

"Are you worried about her or is it your cubs your so worked up about"? The king asked turning his head to eye Bardock. Who from his perspective looked like a leaf in the wind. Constantly in motion. Never at rest.

"Both my lord. She is everything to me if I were ever to lose her". Bardock said before feeling the king's hand land atop his shoulder turning the man from the window to him.

"You Bardock, the first Saiyan to ascend to that level of power in many thousands of years. You're the savior of our whole race. Compared to all that you have done so far in your life this is nothing". The king said before once more facing the window. The many doctors in the room below moved to and fro frantically as they readied the soon-to-be-mother for her first birth.

"What do you plan on naming them. The king asked just as the first cub entered the world. For a time Bardock said nothing. His eyes transfixed on the blood-covered baby boy now in Gina's arms.

"Raditz and Kakarot my lord. That is if we are to have boys". Bardock replied after nearly a minute of silence. Just then the power level for Raditz was shown. 275. Making the boy a third-class.

"Bardock that theory of yours. What was it again"? The king asked as the doctors resumed their work for the second birth.

"That as the power level of their parents grows so too does their cubs inherent power levels rise in comparison to their own.". Bardock replied as Gina began to push her second cub into the world.

"How did you come up with this theory of yours"? The king asked. Now far more curious about this than the second child of his lifelong friend. He had known that Bardock was a bonafide genius especially for the likes of a fourth-class warrior that somehow found himself amongst the elites of their race. Nobody else could've done the things he had done and not be so. To him, the very idea anybody could ever rise to the heights he had and not be was an idea too ridiculous a concept to ever take seriously.

"You must have seen the levels of power we are now obtaining as I have my lord. Our cubs are growing more powerful by the day. This past month alone I have only seen one Saiyan baby born with a power level of less than 200". The last 1500 births have an average of 240. My lord, surely you must see that should this keep up in no more than 5-10 years we will have no more need for the fourth-class stasis pods for none shall be born to be housed inside them". Bardock said as Kakarot entered the world and as his brother's had been only minutes before so too was his own power level shown. 225. Two third-class Saiyans wasn't unheard of but it was highly unlikely. Especially for a man who was born a fourth-class. Their mother was a little better being born a third-class.

"No, you know I don't care for such things all that much". But I'll order to see the last 1000 births as soon as I go home". The king said with a look of interest now forming on his face. If what Bardock was saying turned out to be true nobody, not even King Cold would dare attack them now.


In the following years, his sons grew and in time their training had begun in earnest.

"Better, Kakarot but you need to close the gaps in your defense". Bardock said as he kicked his son hard in the gut sending him into the ground far below him.

"Father you should just kill him. He is far too weak to be useful". Raditz said eyeing his brother with cold indifference not far away. Bardock for his part paid the older of the two boys no mind. He himself was little better than his baby brother was in his first few weeks of training. It also didn't help that Bardock was an elite and the two were just now nearing a power level of a thousand. Still, Raditz had a point, Kakarot was not like most Saiyans. He was far too soft in the eyes of many. A fact that did the boy no favors as he grew up. But he was also a determined fighter who would always find some way to get back up and reenter the training he, his brother, and his father did every day for hours on end. But before he could reenter the fight his mother Gina called them all back inside to eat. Gina may have been a lowly third-class but not even Bardock would make her yell out their names for a second time. Upon the table lay her most recent kill. That being none other than a wild boar that she had hunted down and killed just hours before. The blade still having blood covering it.


Upon sitting down at the table Gina asked them all how their day was even though she knew what they did. Train and in the case of Bardock occasionally going on missions. Only nowadays said missions were done not to conquer the planet's inhabitants but to gain allies and useful technology.

"Bardock I asked how your day was". Gina said giving the older Saiyan a hard look.

"We trained as we always do my dear. But now I feel is the right time to inform you of something Kakarot". Bardock began and at once he saw he had his youngest son's attention.

"What is it, father"? Kakarot asked.

"I feel that you're now old enough to start going on your own missions". Bardock said before Gina jumped up with such force that the table nearly flipped over.

"He is still far too young for that Bardock". She yelled out only to be silenced by Bardock's fist embedding itself into her chest with such force that she was knocked unconscious soon after.

"You forget your place woman". Bardock said angrily before allowing Gina to fall face-first onto the cold hard floor. Raditz and Kakarot said nothing as this was a normal occurrence and while Raditz was all too happy to view women as lesser beings as most Saiyans did Kakarot, on the other hand, did not. Adding yet another fact that did him no favors in the eyes of many of his compatriots.

"When do I start father "? Kakarot asked being extra careful not to step on his now unconscious mother.

"You will come with me to the administration building to be tested. Once that is done you will be given your first mission. Be mindful of your words and actions". Most Saiyans will kill you outright should you step out of line". Bardock said before once more returning to his meal. Tearing into it with an almost animal-like aggression.


The next day the two could be seen entering the administration building. Once inside Kakarot could see many Saiyans walking around talking to women about one matter or another.

"Eyes forward boy". Bardock said in a tone that made Kakarot do just that. It wasn't long before the two were face-to-face with an average looking Saiyan woman.

"How may I help you two today". She said in a respectful tone.

"My son Kakarot needs testing for his first mission". Bardock replied before pushing his son forward. The woman, in turn, activated her scouter that only beeped for a few seconds before being turned off.

"875 not bad. How old are you"? The woman asked deactivating her scouter and retaking her seat.

"I'm 11 cycles (11 years old)". Kakarot replied. The woman, in turn, inputted his information into her computer terminal before pointing down one of the many hallways that branched out from the main hallway entrance.

"You're in room A16. Just go down that hallway until you reach your room. No need for the staircase you're already on the needed floor". The woman said before returning to her computer.


Kakarot entered the room in question to find an older Saiyan with lines of graying hair. The man said not a word upon his entrance instead eyeing the screen before him.

"875 not bad for a boy your age". The man said before turning to face him. "If you would please place this on we can get started". The man asked as he connected the device to his arm. The man, in turn, looked it over to make sure it was on properly.

"Now pour as much power into that arm as you can". The man said before Kakarot felt the sensation of increased weight. But seeing as the older man wasn't worried he guessed it was a part of the test.

"13.44 standard gravity that qualifies you for class four planets/moons. But something tells me you will qualify for harder planets soon". The man said before he dismissed the boy with but a piece of parchment. It wasn't long before he was once again side-by-side with his father.

"Kelo'dox, based on this it's a class four planet with technological advancement similar to Kapitulo. Be mindful just because it's a lower class world doesn't mean you can lower your guard for even a second. Be ready at all times son". Bardock said before the landing platforms came into view. It wasn't long after that Kakarot's pod shot into deep space for the Dox star system. As the pod disappeared from view Bardock could only hope that his son could survive his own first mission as he had done so long ago.


Many light-years away in a far off quadrant of the universe King Cold looked out at the planet below him. It's green seas and blue sky reminded him of his home planet of Iceoin. A place he and his sons hadn't seen in many long years. Still, their empire required near-constant vigilance and this lowly planet was no different. They had dared to rebel against their betters and that just wouldn't do. His own father King Ice had allowed a planet to rise up and in the end, it got him killed. He wouldn't allow that to happen. Not to him or to his two sons.

"How many rebels"? King Cold asked with an edge of danger should he dislike the answer.

"Around 500 my lord. All from just one village. We could just send some of". One of the many soldiers said before King Colds' raised hand stopped him dead.

"No, you fools will do more harm than I care to allow. I'll deal with this myself. Land the ship now"! King Cold ordered as he got up from his seat and walked calmly out of the room with a most unpleased expression on his face. As soon as the door closed behind him everybody on the bridge all breathed a sigh of relief.

"Tizix do keep your suggestions to yourself before you get us all killed"! A green-skinned alien said before turning back to his console.

"Sorry about that, Bonzil. I'll try but". Tizix said before once again being cut off. Only this time by the green-skinned alien.

"But nothing you know he's not as kind as his father was. You would be wise to keep that in mind." Bonzil said before inputting the last few bits before hitting enter. In seconds the ship began to slowly descend through the atmosphere of the planet before landing on the outskirts of a sizable settlement. Almost as soon as the ship landed the planet's inhabitants began to attack. However, their bows and arrows did nothing more than bounce off the armor of the ship before landing harmlessly on the ground. King Cold said nothing as he raised his hand once more only this time a small bluish ball of light sat atop it. It gave off the sound of a thousand hummingbirds though he of course knew not what that was. Still, they fired, and still, they failed to do much of anything. It was only when an arrow cut him did he unleash the devastating attack on the village. The sizeable crater left behind ensured that such a thing was unlikely to repeat. With that now done King Cold turned and walked back onto the ship and before long it slowly began to ascend through the clouds and atmosphere before resting in orbit.

"Sir we have a code red message". One of the many soldiers said before the imposing figure of King cold stood above him.

"Open it". King Cold ordered and in seconds the message began to play. It came in bits and pieces. The sound of an attack could be heard in the background. But just as it was about to tell them who had sent it the message had ended with the last input being an F.

"Plot a course to planet 11863. In the meantime start working on this. I want to know who sent it and how long ago it was sent". King Cold ordered before going to his room to rest after all maintaining his vast empire was tiresome and he needed the rest.


Meanwhile, Kakarot's pod sailed through the vastness of deep space all the while training intensely in 10x standard gravity. He had just completed his 16th set when the onboard computer announced that he was nearing his destination. Walking over he could see the planet. Based on what he had been told it was a lowly planet with little in the way of technology. He didn't understand why he was sent to this world but he would do it nevertheless. Making sure the plotted course would take him to a fairly remote section of the planet he sat back and waited. His first mission was about to begin and unbeknownst to him what he would find on this insignificant backwater planet would forever change his life.


"I'm telling you this guy is bad news. You didn't see what he did to the village. It's all gone. I'm just lucky to be alive and that was only due to being in the woods looking for some food". The smaller of the two said. By the tone, it was a male. The second only eyed the other with a look of utter disgust.

"I will not lower myself to that man. I don't care how powerful he is". The second said and by the tone, this one was a female. He guessed that the females of their race were the ones in power if that conversation was anything to go by. Still, he couldn't help but be intrigued by the short conversation. Who was this man they spoke of? Whoever it was he needed to know more. So with that plan in mind, he soon made himself known to them all. All at once the farmers stopped and picked up whatever they could before encircling him in a wide circle. Kakarot, however, wasn't all that worried. He knew he could take them however he wanted to know who this unknown man was.

"Excuse me, I have a question". Kakarot said making a fair few of them to lower their weapons. Others, however, kept the weapons at the ready. It was around this time that an elder slowly made her way up to him.

"What is that my boy"? The elder said seemingly looking into his own with a calculating gaze. One he had seen on his father's face many a time.

"Who is this man they spoke of"? Kakarot asked as he gestured to the two who had the conversation. The elder for a time said nothing as did the others.

"I have my own question my boy. Who are you and why are you on our planet"? The elder asked.

"It was my first mission. I was tasked with dealing with your planet". Kakarot said and at this, the farmers who had lowered their weapons once again aimed them at him. A few even taking a few steps forward.

"You seek to kill us is that it"? The elder said. Her tone turning harsh and threatening.

"No, not at all. I was tasked with hopefully gaining a useful ally and by the sounds of it you really need one". Kakarot replied making the woman relax if only somewhat.

"I see. In that case, do come with me". The elder said before walking to one of the bigger houses on the island. Inside Kakarot could see various animal skins and artwork. The house was nothing special it was cut into three rooms with the bedroom and living room being more or less together save for a small doorway. Once she was seated she began to speak.

"We are a race called the Kiklopon and as you can tell we are just simple folk with nothing of any real value to outsiders. A few world's do trade with us but nothing that would justify an invasion and our subjugation". The elder said. Kakarot, in turn, nodded his head in understanding. If what he had seen was anything to go by what she had said was true. They had little to nothing and yet somebody had attacked and removed a whole village from existence. But he noticed she still hadn't answered his question.

"Who attacked you? Maybe I can help". Kakarot said but the elder was quick to dismiss such a notion.

"You're a powerful boy I can tell but even so you would sooner die than pose any form of threat to him or to his men. However, we do have something that you may yet be able to help us with". The elder said. At this Kakarot's eyes widened.

"What is it"? Kakarot replied. He was ready to battle just about anything.

"We need you to deal with a beast that lives in the Northern Wasteland. You do this for us and an ally we will be". The elder said before she handed him a map. The map was crude and basic but he could more or less make it out. Placing the map inside one of his many pockets he was once again off only this time to the Northern Wasteland.


King Cold was soon awoken by one of his many servants. For a time he contemplated killing him but he was somewhat competent at his job so, in the end, he got to live. Still, he could tell they had yet to land so was annoyed at the interruption to his sleep.

"Sir we have been able to piece together a bit more of that message however until we land we can't do much more, sir". The man said. At this King Cold simply nodded his head.

"So play it". King Cold ordered making the man jump somewhat at the forcefulness of the tone being sent his way.

"A...at once, sir". The man said before playing the message. It was more or less the same aside from it being a bit longer and the sounds being much clearer. But it was the sound of his son that made King Cold pay even more attention to the message. Monkeys, so he finally decided to deal with the monkey's homeworld King Cold thought to himself before the sound of the ship exploding cut off the message. He knew what that meant even if he wished to deny that fact. Somehow the Saiyans had killed his son. He didn't know how they did it but they did and he would make them pay for this unwelcomed transgression against his family.

"Pull up everything my son owned and send word to the Zappa Force". King Cold ordered no longer in the mood for sleep.

"Right away, sir". The man said before running out of the room and down the long corridors of the ship.


Kakarot landed atop the snow-covered land known as the Northern Wasteland. Looking around he couldn't see anything aside from what little life could exist in such a place. His scouter wasn't picking up anything higher than a power level of five.

"What the hell. Nothing's even out here"! Kakarot said to himself annoyed that he had wasted his time. He was going to give that lying elder a nice long beating for sending him all the way out here only to find snow and a few bits of plants popping out here and there. But just as he turned to do just that his scouter picked up something below him. Before he knew what was going on the ground exploded from underfoot sending him flying.

"What the hell"! Kakarot said upon seeing what was now standing in front of him. The colossal creature stood 20 feet tall with razor-sharp teeth and claws and eyes locked right on him.

"I'm not being paid enough for this". Kakarot said to himself before he sent a highly concentrated ki blast right to its face. The creature took two stumbling steps backward before it sent out a roar that shook the ground. Kakarot, in turn, sent more attacks and with each, the creature redoubled its efforts to kill him. Kakarot dodged every swipe of its claws and every bite of its teeth but in the end, it was the tail that would send him skidding across the snow-covered ground like a stone on water. Forcing himself to his feet Kakarot sent yet another ki blast but like the others, it did little more than stagger the creature. It was in that instant he drew upon an unknown power source and sent the most powerful of ki blasts to the colossal creature. In seconds a massive shockwave reverberated across the landscape. But when the dust had settled Kakarot could see the many bloody body parts littering the area. Taking its head as proof he soon made his way back to the village. The elder upon seeing this she and her people soon pledged their loyalty and with that, his first mission was a success. As he was making the last few adjustments to his navigations computer the elder gave him the name of the man who had killed her people. King Cold.


As Kakarot's pod slowly made its way back home his mind raced with so many unanswered questions. Why was King Cold even on that backwater planet in the first place? Surely he could have found better slaves to fight in his intergalactic empire. With that thought in mind, he soon turned to face the onboard computer.

"Computer pull up everything we have on King Cold". Kakarot ordered before the onboard computer did just that. Reading over what little information his people had he soon realized that his people didn't have all that much on King Cold. Pushing himself back from the desk he soon made his way to the training room. He still had nearly sixteen hours before he would even enter the system and besides he really wanted to rub it in his brothers face that he had gone on a mission before him. The look his brother would likely give him made him speed up his steps to the training room. Upon entering the room he again asked the onboard computer a question.

"Computer what's my highest level"? Kakarot asked as he had forgotten.

"Level ten". The computer replied making Kakarot grunt in annoyance.

"Set it to level twelve than and rise it by one level every hour". Kakarot ordered before feeling the added weight upon his body forcing him to the floor. Slowly pushing himself back to his feet he began slowly punching and kicking the air.


As Kakarot was busy training in twelve times standard gravity (120 G's) King Cold's ship was making the final preparations for landing upon one of the many landing platforms on the planet. Once that was done a ramp began to lower to allow him to walk off the ship. His face displayed his foul mood for all to see. The order to send for his son Cooler had already been sent but it would likely take days for him to arrive on the planet. Until then, however, he would train. He was going to make the Saiyans pay for this transgression.


Hours later Kakarot exited the training room with sweat pouring down his face and onto the tiled floor. His body ached all over but he didn't pay it much mind. He had surpassed a power level of 1400. A fact that on its own was nothing special but the fact he had done so at his young age most certainly was. His brother likely wouldn't obtain such power until he was sent on his own mission. He didn't understand his father's reluctance to send his brother out on a mission but he was sure he had his reasons. What they were he had no idea. As his pod made its way past Hoi, one of the two gas giants that existed on the edge of the Saiyan star system he couldn't help but feel a sense of foreboding. As if soon a great tragedy would befall his people. But that was impossible who could possibly do his people harm? The mere idea made him laugh.


By the time his pod landed on the platform his father, mother, and brother were already awaiting him. His pod having been picked up nearly an hour before by the detection nets all over the system. As soon as he had departed from his pod his father looked him over. His armor was cut up fairly badly. A fact that made the older Saiyan eye him questioningly. Kakarot as if he could read his father's mind answered the unspoken question.

"It was nothing just a Bostil-rat. I killed it. The mission was a success. Oh, and father I need a word with you". Kakarot said making the man intrigued and so the two moved away from the others and began to speak in hushed tones.

"Will son what is it"? Bardock asked as he laid one of his arms upon his son's shoulder. For a few seconds, Kakarot said nothing as he searched for the best words to use in his mind.

"Father it's about King Cold. He was on planet Kelo'dox. His empire must have grown considerably since our last report on his empire's size. The king must know of this". Kakarot said before his father's eyes grew wide. Frieza was one thing. His father was something else altogether. Even with his super saiyan transformation, he wasn't sure that would be enough. Plans had to be made now just in case. So in seconds Bardock was once again running to the king. His mind filled with apocalyptic images of the many body's littering the landscape. The many cities burning in the distance. But worst of all was the image of his mate and his two sons cold and unmoving. No, he wouldn't allow that fate to befall them and so he ran to the palace gates as fast as his legs would allow. Upon his entrance to the great hall, the king, queen, and the many other high ranking Saiyans eyed him. Some in utter annoyance while others were in a state of bewilderment.

"My lord I have news". Bardock replied allowing the king to recover from his most unexpected arrival. The queen, however, was the first to speak. Her voice sounding like that of a warrior goddess. Soft but powerful.

"What news do you bear Bardock-kun"? The queen asked. Bardock at once replied.

"My son Kakarot reports King Cold's empire has grown quite considerably. I give you this as proof". Bardock said as he pulled out the necessary information from his son's scouter and placing it inside an imaging device. What was shown made all in the room gasp. A whole village was removed from existence. That, however, wasn't what made them gasp it was what came after that being the elder's description of the man. The king soon turned to his most trusted bodyguard and issued an order to the towering man. Nappa, in turn, bowed his head and departed the room to find prince Vegeta. His training was about to get a whole lot harder. The king then turned to face Bardock who had yet to rise from his bow.

"Up you fool"! The king yelled out making him do just that. Once done the king issued a new order.

"I have a new mission for your son. A lowly planet called Earth. Its people are weak in comparison to us but they possess advanced technology. He is to go and train on this class one planet. He may use one of my own pods to do so". The king said before tossing the access codes to Bardock.

"At once my lord". Bardock replied before he departed from the great hall and made his way back home. Tears forming in his eyes as he did so. Once he entered Raditz immediately came over to him demanding his own mission his tail moving side-to-side in an agitated manner. Bardock, however, paid him no mind. He cared not for what his eldest cub wanted at the moment. Calling his youngest cub over he handed him the codes and the location of the pod. All the while Raditz stood off to one side confused about what was going on.

"Father w...what's going on? Why are you crying"? Kakarot asked as new tears formed in his father's eyes replacing the old ones. Raditz could feel his own eyes moisten at the sight before him. A fact he did his best to hide but Bardock knew better. He was sad even if he refused to admit it. It wasn't long before Bardock, Gina, and Raditz stood side-by-side as Kakarot lifted off for the second time and likely last time. His destination Earth or as he would soon come to know it the future home of the Saiyan race.