
Bardock The Savior Of The Saiyan Race

What happens when Bardock father to Kakarot saves his race and becomes the first super saiyan in a thousand years? More fights and more Saiyans that's what.

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Super Saiyan Bardock

As Bardock's small man-sized Saiyan pod raced its way through the great vastness of deep space back to his home planet of Vegeta one thought, in particular, was at the forefront of his mind. Revenge for his fallen comrades Tora, Fasha, Borgos, and lastly Shugesh. His teammates of nearly 20 blood-soaked years had in many ways been like a second family to him out on the battlefield and they had all been killed. Killed by an order sent down by the very same man who had not so long ago promised them all a lifetime of non-stop fighting. To any true Saiyan warrior, male or female that was nothing short of paradise itself. Now, however, all the powerful Saiyan warrior could do was to sit and wait inside the small man-sized pod as it made the long and in his mind unbearably slow and arduous trip back to the red-colored planet that he alongside his fellow brothers and sisters all called home.


Bardock was by no means expected to survive his first assignment. Being born with a power level just a little over one hundred was for most Saiyans a one-way ticket to death. But Bardock was a survivalist if nothing else. Those dark days on Kies (Planet Vegeta's largest moon) had tested his survival instincts constantly. Many a day and night had been spent eyeing the canopy for even the slightest of movement or busy hunting down his newest meal. For on Kies any lapse in concentration could very easily be your end. By the time the newest weakling had landed upon Kies four years later, Bardock had grown his power level from just 110 to a much more acceptable if however still weak 470. He was now in the eyes of his kin a lowly third-class warrior. Little better than the many rats or pigs they would all devour with reckless abandon at mealtime and on planet Vegeta that meant one thing above everything else. Life itself. The right to not die.


So deep in his own thoughts that the cold voice of the onboard computer announcing that he had entered the system had managed to surprise him somewhat. Looking outside the green-tinted viewing port he could just make out the small insignificant speck of dust illuminated by the light of their star. Clicking his scouter on Bardock could pick up the power level of Lord Frieza off in the distance as well as some of his men. If only just. Frieza had seemingly only decided to bring with him but a small detachment of his troops. Mostly the foot soldiers of his vast intergalactic army. His lowest and weakest of fighters. This fact alone had made Bardock furious. Was this all a joke to the pint-sized tyrant Bardock wondered? Did he truly believe that the entirety of the Saiyan race could do nothing to him? That even with tens of thousands of warriors all in their great ape forms that they would pose literally no obstacle to his ambitions to destroy their entire race this day? Bardock could hardly accept that conclusion. Nobody, not even he could possibly be that powerful. Even the king himself, one of the most powerful warriors Bardock had ever known only had a power level of 100,000 and that was only in his great ape form. A form the king had only used a handful of times in his life as far as he knew. By Bardock's own quick calculations he guessed he had no more than 45 minutes before Frieza would have his ship in orbit of the planet and he was still around five minutes out.


Meanwhile, on Frieza's ship the Exilor, the pint-sized tyrant was enjoying a nice cold glass of blood wine imported from one of his many planets. He had noticed the astonishing rate of Saiyan growth in terms of power level over the past few years. He could easily deal with one or even a small group of Saiyans even in their great ape forms. But why allow the monkeys to even try something so hopeless and in his own opinion quite pointless? No, it was far better to nip it in the bud now rather than later. Just as he had finished the reddish liquid in his glass a lowly foot soldier entered the room. He, however, didn't don the traditional battle armor but a somewhat modified variant allowing for his four arms to have an ample range of movement. Frieza couldn't recall the pitiful lifeform's name and he doubted he would ever care enough to ask. Nevertheless, he at least waited for whatever the man had to say before dismissing him with but a wave of his hand.

"My lord we should be entering orbit in about thirty minutes". The man said giving a deep bow. His eyes were kept low so as to never meet the eyes of his master. He was an old Kulltoger and knew the risks such an act could bestow upon any who dared to meet their master's cold uncaring eyes. To view themselves as his equal. He was old enough to know of a time when he and his people were free. A time when his homeworld of Kulgui was still the envy of all spacefaring civilizations. A time when their cities were still standing and their people were happy. Now it was a dying world. Its vast green seas were being fished and their lands were being mined for all that it held in its dark and winding depths. In another 30 years or so all that would remain of their once green fields of litorn would be the bones of the dead and the cold winds blowing across a world bare of anything worthy of naming.

"Good". Frieza said as he eyed the planet out in the distance. A small smile forming on his face. Oh, how he would enjoy the fireworks display he was soon to unleash upon this backwater world. It would be the highlight of his whole day.


Bardock's pod was soon cutting its way through the thick atmosphere of the planet before landing atop one of the numerous landing platforms. No sooner had he landed he opened the door and ran into the capital city. As he ran he passed many a Saiyan coming from missions. Their armor was either torn or otherwise damaged. Others still were on their way to a mission. He hoped they would somehow be able to get past Frieza and his men but he very much doubted that any of them would have such luck. Bardock however was quick to dismiss such thoughts. They wouldn't do him or them any good now anyway.


It wasn't long before the great hall came into view. Technically he was still listed as a lowly third-class but nobody in their right mind would dare stop him now. He was now an elite. Only King Vegeta, his son Prince Vegeta, Nappa, and himself were in that most honored group. It was now only paperwork that kept him at that lowliest of ranks. As he entered the great hall he could see the king, queen, and a fair few of the royal bodyguards at the far end of the sizeable room. Walking calmly over to the king Bardock's mind raced. What was he going to say? How would the king respond to the news? Would he believe him or dismiss it out of hand? As Bardock made his slow walk to the king other Saiyans took notice and stopped eating. At least for a time. It wasn't every day that one saw Bardock so worked up. So whatever it was it was worth at least a second or two of passive curiosity as to why that was.

"My lord I have news". Bardock began after he had given the king a deep bow. The king eyed the man now before him. He nodded his head signaling he may speak upon recognizing Bardock.

"What is it, my dear friend"? The king asked now facing him fully.

"Will my lord as you know I and my team were sent to planet Kanassa". Bardock began. To this, the king simply nodded after all it was he that had signed the mission order. The payment was more than adequate to expand the meat production district. In a year the meat made there would ensure they could field around 30 more warriors. Dismissing those thoughts he focused on what he was about to be told by his lifelong friend

<msreadoutspan class="msreadout-line-highlight msreadout-inactive-highlight">"Will sir after that mission Frieza ordered that my team was to be killed </msreadoutspan>due to us growing too powerful for his liking. He is now coming to kill us all". Bardock said before allowing the king to take it all in. At this, the king eyed Bardock without saying a word. But at long last, he spoke.

"What proof do you have for this accusation of yours"? The king demanded in a harsh tone of voice.

"This power reading my lord". Bardock said as he quickly pulled up the needed information upon his scouter before handing it over to the king to read for himself.

"530,000 are you sure that's just one person"? The king asked.

"That I am my lord. I set it to show me only the highest individual power reading my lord. Nobody but he could ever have such power. If it isn't his it must be his father and if that's the case it only makes it more likely that we must act". Bardock replied with the most serious face the king had ever seen on the man. At this, the king soon turned to the nearest Saiyan and gave the order that everybody still on the planet were to immediately join him in low orbit immediately. If Frieza wished to kill them off he would have to fight them all to do it.


It wasn't long before thousands of Saiyans could all be seen slowly ascending through the thick atmosphere of the planet. The order to assemble had for some of them came at a most unfortunate time causing a fair few Saiyan pairs to give the king very disgruntled looks that the king had promptly ignored. He could easily deal with a few unhappy couples in due time. For now, however, he needed to deal with Frieza and his men. Bardock himself couldn't help but to eye the approaching ship as it entered into a low orbit over his home planet. He knew he had grown quite strong over the years. He wasn't as strong as the king was but he also knew he wasn't that far off either.


Frieza for his part eyed the collection of Saiyans from the bridge of his ship with only a mild curiosity. His long pink tail sweeping from side to side in an almost cat-like motion. He wasn't sure how the monkeys knew he was coming to kill them but no matter the planet would soon be gone regardless. It just meant that he would be able to see the monkey's faces as they all witnessed the end of their pitiful insignificant planet as it came to a most spectacularly explosive end.

"Tixax I need more wine now"! Frieza yelled out. Soon a small greenish frog-like creature entered into the room being careful to never meet the tyrant's eyes. His predecessor had made that mistake and he was not about to repeat that mistake by looking his master in the eye. Taking a small sip of the wine that the poor creature had just poured him Frieza ordered his weakest men to attack the pitiful resistance now before him.


Soon the doors of the ship opened and out poured nearly a thousand men from every corner of the north quadrant of the universe. At once the two groups rushed at each other. All of them punching, kicking, and blasting all the way. In seconds the first wave of Frieza's men had all been decimated. Frieza for his part merely ordered a second wave to attack. Only this time sending his more seasoned warriors. Once more the battle began. But unlike the first round, the Saiyans were being beaten back by the overwhelming force now attacking them. However, in the mass confusion of the battle one Saiyan had managed to remain undetected and fired a ki blast at the ship causing it to depressurize killing dozens of Frieza's men. The sight of their comrade's now lifeless bodies slowly drifting through space caused a fair few of the men to hesitate in their attacks and that was their undoing. By now Frieza was done playing around. The monkeys were making a mockery of his forces. Worse than that they were somehow making a mockery out of him. "Damn you monkeys how dare you challenge my might". Frieza yelled before blasting the reinforced glass and entering the battle himself.


By now what few men were left quickly made a hasty retreat back to the relative safety of the ship. "I must say you monkey's have really outdone yourselves. Some of them were over 8,000 but no matter I can always find more". Frieza said in an uncaring tone of voice as he eyed the mass of Saiyans now before him. That was until his eyes landed upon Bardock's own form. "Oh what a surprise if it isn't Bardock, how are you today"? Frieza asked in a sing-song tone. This, in turn, had the desired effect upon the man. Bardock knew what the pint-sized tyrant was doing and try as he may he couldn't help but feel himself succumbing to the temptation to punch the man squarely in the face. But he knew he would stand absolutely no chance. None of them did. 530,000 wasn't even his maximum. He wasn't sure how he knew that fact but he did. Even if all of them entered great ape form he could easily beat them. It is said that it was this very revelation that gave Bardock the needed push to ascend to the legendary super saiyan.


Frieza eyed Bardock as he underwent the transformation. Bardock's hair turned from the typical saiyan Black/Red/Brown to a more golden color. His eyes from black to a more bluish-green coloration. Still, Frieza was confident in his abilities to subdue the man and it was this fact alone that would be his undoing. Frieza launched himself at Bardock at speeds, not even the king himself could follow. However, Bardock could easily keep up. In fact, from Bardocks perspective the pint-sized tyrant looked to be standing practically still. Bardock easily sidestepped the attack and proceeded to knee Frieza in his gut. Frieza for his part doubled over in absolute agony as his blood ran down his face. But before the galactic overlord could do anything more than spit his blood out Bardock took hold of his neck and snapped it with an audible crack and less than a second later he turned 180° and fired off a concentrated ki blast at Frieza's ship killing what few men<msreadoutspan class="msreadout-line-highlight msreadout-inactive-highlight"> were left. The resulting <msreadoutspan class="msreadout-word-highlight">explosion</msreadoutspan> was both spectacular as it was explosive.</msreadoutspan>


Now that the threat to their races annihilation was now dealt with life on Vegeta once again returned to normal. For Bardock news of his victory had won him far more than just a promotion to elite but also a mate by the name of Gine and nearly a year later his mate bore him two sons. Kakarot and his older brother Raditz. Bardock's life was about to get a whole lot more interesting.