
Bardock The Savior Of The Saiyan Race

What happens when Bardock father to Kakarot saves his race and becomes the first super saiyan in a thousand years? More fights and more Saiyans that's what.

SpaceOrbisStories · Anime & Comics
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Bulma Meets Kakarot

In the weeks since his departure from his home planet, Kakarot had done nothing else but eat, sleep, or train incessantly inside the training room of the much more spacious Saiyan pod. All was fine up until around four days ago when all transmissions coming or going from planet Vegeta had ceased entirely. He knew what that meant and that realization pushed him to train even harder for his lost family and his homeworld. The planet that would now be his home was still just a pale blue dot no bigger than a mere speck of dust in the sea of stars. The onboard computer reported that he was still ten minutes out from landing on the world. What he didn't know was that soon his life would never be the same and it would all start on that pale blue world.


Jack Alon was a simple man. He farmed his land, paid his bills, and enjoyed a nice cold beer at the small bar in the middle of town. But what he saw in the afternoon sky that day would be a story he would tell for the rest of his days. A story nobody in the small mountainside town in which he lived would ever believe. However, unlike the majority of Saiyan pods, this one landed softly upon the ground without so much as a slight jolt. Kakarot at once activated his scouter and began looking around for life-signs. The vast majority of the inhabitants of this world were weak, unbelievably weak that he had started to wonder how exactly they had become the dominant species on the planet. A few of them had power levels greater than 20 and even fewer had anything past 100. They wouldn't even be a light warm-up should any one of them dare face him in battle. Luckily for them, none were nearby so he could train in relative peace for the time being.


Days later Kakarot was making his way back home from a day of hunting and fishing in the nearby woods when he heard a most unusual sound off in the distance. At first, he dismissed it but when the sound hadn't gone away but grew even louder he activated his scouter. It didn't take him long to pinpoint a power level of three moving his way at speed. Speeds far too fast to be anything but artificial in origin. No way could anything with such a low power reading move at anything greater than a snail's pace. In seconds he was on his way to the unknown power reading. Dropping down onto the dirt path that was about a mile or so away from the pod he waited for whatever it was to make its way over to him. About a minute or so later the thing had stopped and out popped a girl with of all things blue hair with the name Bulma plastered on her shirt right over her breasts.

"What the hell is the matter with you kid! I nearly hit you with my car"! The girl said as her face turned red in anger. Kakarot was taken aback by this lifeforms audacity. She was less than a bug to him on his worst day and yet here she was talking to him like he was some lowly fourth-class. Kakarot wasn't about to take this disrespect any longer.

"How dare you"! Kakarot yelled out as he powered up to a power level of 100. The air and ground whipped around or shook underfoot due to the rapid power increase.

"I'm Kakarot, son of Bardock and Gina, and younger brother to Raditz. I'm a third-class warrior from planet Vegeta and you will show me the proper respect". The still as of yet unknown lifeform only eyed him for all of a second before he was hit with the palm of her hand turning his head all of an inch. In seconds the car was nothing more than scrap metal due to a ki attack. The girl's eyes grew wide in fear as he slowly made his way over to her now terrified form. He was just about to remove this pitiful lifeform with a low-powered ki attack when he eyed a set of balls covered with a set of orange-colored stars not far away that he had missed due to focusing primarily on the unknown life-form.

"What the hell is this"? Kakarot asked as he picked up one of the things turning it in his hand. It was a small thing really. It was about the same size as a Saiyan apple more or less but orange and not yellow and covered in a set of stars that seemed to be numbered. He wasn't sure how many would complete the set but he was fairly sure two wasn't it.

"Th...That's a Drag...Dragonball. The girl said fear still in her voice. I have two of seven. I use this to find them". The girl said before pulling out the dragon radar. At once Kakarot took it in hand and looked it over. It was a basic thing. It was round and about 12 inches in size with green-tinted glass. Kakarot found the thing to be a bit too basic for his liking and so tossed it without a care. The Dragonballs were likely nothing more than some game the people of this backwater world played. To what end he had no idea nor did he care to find out.

"What the hell is the matter with you! That thing cost me a ton of money to make you know!" The girl said her fear being replaced with white-hot rage. Kakarot, however, paid the girl no mind. Just as he was about to return to his home however the girl took hold of him and forcibly turned him around. Kakarot, in turn, took hold of her neck turning her face first blue than a dark purplish color.

"Don't try me, girl. I can very easily kill you. But seeing as I have you at my mercy what species are you? You're clearly not a Saiyan seeing as you bore no tail...so what are you"? Kakarot said before dropping the girl upon the dirt path forcing Bulma to take in several long breaths of air before eyeing the boy before her. He was about half her size and appeared to be about the age of an 11 or 12-year-old. However, he was clearly able to do things that for all intents and purposes should've been impossible to do.

"I'm a human. My name is Bulma Briefs. I'm the daughter of the world-famous inventor of Capsule Corp, Alexander Briefs. Kakarot simply nodded his head in understanding before blasting away at high speed forcing Bulma to shield her face from the particles of dirt and bits of rock that were soon thrown into the air following his rapid departure.


Bulma, not one for being dismissed so easily soon picked up what few things hadn't been destroyed by the boy's attack seconds before and made her way slowly down the dirt path now far slower than she had before. By the time she had made her way over to what she guessed was his home, Kakarot was busy gutting the fish and cooking it over the fire. The fish was easily over eight feet in size. Its head lay a few feet away from him. Its eyes forever seeing nothing but endless darkness. Bulma taken aback by the sight took a few seconds to yell out to the boy. Kakarot, in turn, turned to face her. The sound of the fish cooking filled the air for a few seconds before she once again found her voice.

"Where are your mom and dad"? She asked seeing nobody but him in the area.

"Dead more than likely". Kakarot replied before removing the fish and biting into it. This, in turn, made the girl step back in shock.

"Oh I'm...I'm sorry". She said now feeling bad for the boy's own misfortune. Kakarot, however, didn't seem to care as he kept eating the fish and moving others to be gutted and placed others upon the fire to cook.

"Can I...have one I didn't really plan on walking a mile or two today". Bulma asked the boy. Kakarot eyed her for a time before he tossed her a cooked fish to eat. Biting into it she found that it was great. A fact she didn't at all expect given it was cooked over an open fire and not one of her family's state-of-the-art stoves. Upon eating the fish she slowly made her way over to the boy. Once she had made her way over to him she outstretched her hand in greeting. Kakarot for his part eyed the appendage that was thrust his way questioningly. After eyeing the hand for a minute he slowly took hold and moved it up and down. Once that was done she removed it and asked him even more questions. By the time she was done the Sun had set long ago. The Moon and stars now ruled the now darkened sky.


Kakarot was already halfway inside a nearby cave that he used to sleep in when Bulma yelled out and in seconds a domed house appeared in a cloud of blue-colored smoke. Inside the house were 16k flat-screen TVs, automatic sliding doors, and voice-activated appliances. Most of which was fairly new to the young Saiyan boy. Others, however, were less advanced forms of his homeworld's own technology. Of course, much of that was seen at a distance. His father may have been an elite but even so, most of those things cost a week's pay and his father was never one for unnecessary luxuries seeing as it made one weak and unproductive. After a few more hours of watching something called: Reality Television: Kakarot slowly made his way inside one of the bedrooms and slept into the afternoon hours. He had promised he would protect her on her little adventure to collect the seven legendary dragon balls. After that, he would likely never see her again. A fact he didn't at all mind. At least for now.


(Three weeks ago).

King Cold's ship moved ever so slowly closer to the Saiyan's homeworld. King Cold alongside his now only living son stood motionless as the red planet grew ever larger in the ship's view screen. He like his father eyed the planet before him with a look of utter disgust. The light hum of the ship, as well as the light tapping of keys were the only sound heard as the ship made its way closer to the red-colored planet that the Saiyan race called home.

"My son do try not to kill them all at once. I want them to know true pain...true fear". King Cold<msreadoutspan class="msreadout-line-highlight msreadout-inactive-highlight"> said to his oldest <msreadoutspan class="msreadout-word-highlight">son with the cold indifference that was so typical of their race</msreadoutspan>. Cooler said nothing. He was far too busy planning on how best to kill the </msreadoutspan>Saiyans to care about his idiot father's wishes.

"My lord we will enter orbit in less than 20 minutes, sir. A man with thinning white hair said with a deep bow.

"Fine..fine now be gone". King Cold ordered with a cold tone befitting his name.

"At once my lord". The man said before running more than walking out of the room.

"Father you should kill him. Why not have a female slave". Cooler asked. His father, in turn, turned to face his son.

"I have no more females slaves. The last one died a week ago...besides you know how I like seeing the fear as I...". King Cold stopped mid-sentence as Cooler departed from the room with the utmost haste.

"Oh to be so young and naive of the ways of the world. Mores the pity". King Cold said to himself as he waited to do what his youngest son failed to do so many years before.


Bardock alongside the other Saiyans all eyed the round ship as it moved slowly closer to their world. Bardock feared only a few things but King Cold was one of them and so wasn't a person to take lightly. The whole Saiyan race had grown in the years that followed the fall of Frieza but even so, he doubted it would be enough to save them.

"Hold fast men...hold fast"! Bardock yelled to the vast army of Saiyans that now waited for the ship to enter orbit. They didn't have to wait long as the door opened and out walked both King Cold and Cooler.


"Look, my son...look at how they dare oppose us". King Cold said as he lifts off the ship already forming an attack. Cooler meanwhile shot forward. He may have had no love for his brother but even so, he was family and that meant he had to kill them. The Saiyans battled back but Cooler was faster and by far stronger than any of them could ever hope to be. King Cold meanwhile blasted a group of around 20 before he too entered the battle jumping into another group and killing them just as fast. Bardock even in his Super Saiyan mode was just able to match King Cold's unbelievable power. He knew he was holding back and that fact was the worst feeling in the world. He was going to die of that he knew. His world was doomed. His race was doomed. He didn't even try to fight back as the powerful attack hit him sending him into the redish planet. The last words spoken into the vast unknown were but four words but to him, they were enough to convey his deepest emotions.

"I love you, son". Seconds later the planet along with millions of Saiyans was no more. Now only rocks remained as proof that anything had once existed at all.


Kakarot awoke with a start. Something had forced the boy awake and that something was none other than the human girl, Bulma.

"What the hell do you want"? Kakarot asked rubbing the last bits of sleep from his eyes.

"You said you would help me find the dragon balls". Bulma replied arms crossed over her breasts. Kakarot nodded his head. He did recall saying that and so with the sound of bones popping back into place Kakarot put on his scouter and walked out of the house. Bulma, of course, was the one to put the house away. He would need to ask how such a thing was possible but for now, he waited for her to be done. As soon as the house was put away Bulma pulled out yet another clicked its top and in seconds a motorbike appeared. Taking his seat behind her the bike was soon flying up and down the nearby hills at great speed.

"Closest one is north-northwest by 120 miles". Kakarot reported making Bulma nod her head before speeding down the hillside. All the while yelling at the top of her lungs in utter joy. This was true freedom. No longer did she have to go to school. No longer did she have to do homework. Now she was free to see the world and of course get the hottest boyfriend possible. What she nor Kakarot knew was they were not the only ones seeking out the dragon balls.


As both Bulma and Kakarot were making their way to the third dragon ball another group was also making their way to the very same dragon ball. The Red Ribbon Army. The Red Ribbon Army was a powerful PMC ( Private Military Company) that was slowly taking over from what was once a crowded space with PMC names such as Blu Suns, Edix, Avior, and of course the once-powerful Rion. Now however the RRA was the only name in town with a total force greater than 3/4 of the world. It was now only rivaled by the king's own army but even that was becoming untrue day by day.

"How much longer till we get to this thing". General Blue asked.

"Um, sir based on reports from the field we should be nearing the area in about 17 minutes, sir". A lowly grunt replied before returning to his task of cleaning out the filters on this damnable boat. The RRA was many things but looking after their many boats, tanks, planes, or really anything else was somewhere between not on the list or dead last on their list of things to do. As such fixing things was a never-ending job filled with the higher-ups yelling in your ear or piling even more work upon you. If he had known he would have just remained living in his village. At least he was cared about in his village. Here however he was yet another faceless, nameless grunt. It was in many ways a fate worse than hell.

"Is that thing fixed yet or not"! An officer yelled after five minutes had passed.

"No, sir we have no more air filters. The base didn't order a new shipment so all I can do is clean this one as best I can, sir". He said only to feel his head being shoved into the wall.

"No backtalk or else I'll throw you overboard"! The officer said before walking away. That was it the first chance he got he was out. This job may have paid well but everything else was sub-human at best. This was akin to slavery on the best of days and hell itself on the worst. Still, for now, he had a job to do so with a low grunt he returned to cleaning the air filter.


Bulma had just parked the motorbike when Kakarot picked up power readings. They were small and weak but even so a hundred or more were slowly moving closer.

"Bulma we have company find this dragon ball thing fast". Kakarot said making the 16-year old girl jump in fear.

"C...can y...you deal ...with them"? Bulma asked fear clear in her voice.

"Yes, now go find the ball so we can go". Kakarot replied eyes fixed on the power readings. By his guess, he had maybe six or so minutes before they would land. He hoped Bulma would find the ball and they could depart before he had to wipe them off the face of the Earth. A fact she had soon fixed soon after him calling the planet he was now on E'arth for the 15th time. A fact he was surprised by. Why would his people call the planet E'arth if it was, in fact, called Earth? He didn't know and guessed it didn't much matter much anyway seeing as the planet of his birth was likely gone. Pulling himself back to the here and now he saw Bulma digging through a mess of plants. She was an odd one indeed. She was weak. Weaker than most signs of life on this backwater planet. Yet at the same time, she also gave off a sense of power that he couldn't help but be in awe at. However just as she had unearthed the orange-colored ball the Red Ribbon Army landed and aimed their rifles at them.

"Halt! Hand over the ball to us kids or else"! General Blue ordered. His blue eyes and six-pack abs made Bulma start to drool.

"Oh, your kind of hot do you want to go on a date with me"? Bulma asked before being kicked away by the man. Kakarot didn't know why but the sight of her upon the ground in pain made him blow up in a rage and in seconds all but General Blue and one man hiding remained alive. General Blue for his part backed away in fear. What the fuck had just happened. This kid had just killed nearly a hundred well-trained men in seconds. This kid was superhuman that was the only thing that made even the smallest bit of sense to him. Kakarot meanwhile slowly walked up fear nowhere in sight. General Blue for his part pulled out his handgun and fired. It did nothing but land harmlessly upon the soft earth. Again he fired and again nothing.

"Die worm". Kakarot yelled before a beam of redish light flew at the man before hitting him dead center.

"Grr". Was all General Blue could utter before darkness overtook him and he fell into the river before moving out of sight. The red-colored trail being the only clue something had happened. Minutes passed before Bulma awoke in his arms.

"What happened here"? She asked upon seeing the bodies.

"I killed them". Kakarot replied as if he was talking about the news. Bulma for her part only nodded her head before picking the ball up and placing it inside her bag. However just as the two were about to depart the man yelled out.

"Wait, please let me come with you. I was going to leave them anyway". The man said removing the mask and everything else revealing the face of a young man of about 16 years of age.

"What's your name"? Kakarot asked reading his power level. It was a nice 38. Far higher than most on the planet but still unbelievably weak to him.

"The name is, Yamcha". Yamcha answered rubbing the back of his head. Bulma was unsure. He was after all a member of the Red Ribbon Army. Who not even ten minutes before had them both at gunpoint.

"He can come but should you try anything". Kakarot left that open-ended but it seemed he understood.

"Oh if I may can we pick up my cat"? Yamcha asked making both fall flat on their faces.

"Sure how far away is it"? Bulma asked.

"Oh, about 1200 miles west". Yamcha answered making her eyes grew wide.

"That's like a three-day trip we can't lose a week for a cat". Bulma yelled making the man take a step or two back.

"Do you have any cat hairs"? Kakarot asked.

"Um, yes why"? Yamcha asked handing him a black cat hair.

"Just a second". Kakarot said before it pinpointed a cave about 1190 miles due west.

"Make camp I'll be back later tonight". Kakarot said before blasting off.

"He can fly"! Yamcha said eyes wide.

"He can fly". Bulma said calmly before clicking the top of a capsule and entering the house. Yamcha wasn't far behind.


In the days that followed Bulma, Kakarot, and their newest additions to the team Yamcha and his shapeshifting cat, Puar traveled south to the Misty Forest. A forest filled with all sorts of dangerous creatures. However, Kakarot wasn't at all worried as he was a Saiyan and nothing on this backwater planet could realistically pose any substantial risk to himself. But the others were a whole other matter altogether. Meanwhile, Bulma had finally explained to him the basic mechanics of the capsules. He understood the basic gist but his father was the true genius in the family. Now here they stood at the very edge of the Misty Forest. Kakarot took a few cautionary steps forward but when nothing seemed to happen the others slowly started to enter themselves. Kakarot led the way followed by Bulma then Yamcha and lastly his cat, Puar. The only sounds being the many small twigs underfoot or the tree branches waving in the light wind of the day. An hour into the massive forest the group saw a family of deer enjoying a nice cool drink of water but alas still no dragon ball.

"Bulma you said a dragon ball was in this forest". Kakarot said noticeably annoyed. His brown tail moving side-to-side in an obvious agitated manner. A fact that took some time to be fully accepted by both Yamcha and his cat, Puar. Bulma having since gotten used to such an appendage after being on the road for a few days with the alien boy.

"There is one here but it seems to be moving. The dragon radar is having a hard time pinning it down". Bulma replied as she eyed the thing moving up then down then left then up in no clear pattern of movement. It was almost like it was on...an animal. But if that were true it had to be on a bird and the only birds native to the forest were the extremely territorial and highly dangerous yellow-tail poppy. A bird with a wingspan easily over 12 feet from wingtip to wingtip. Handing Kakarot the dragon radar he was off. It wasn't long before he located the elusive yellow-tailed poppy and fired a very weak ki attack. The bird soon turned and made a beeline at him at great speed. Kakarot not at all expecting such speed by the bird was soon struck in hard in his chest. If he was a human that would have likely killed him then and there. However, he was a Saiyan and Saiyans were alot more durable than most other races. Picking himself from the ground and spitting out a mouthful of blood he shot back into the sky and renewed his hunt.


Meanwhile, Bulma, Yamcha, and Puar stood around doing nothing.

"So...um I have been meaning to ask are you Bulma Brief's daughter of Alexander Briefs and next in line to take over Capsule Corporation"? Yamcha asked upon seeing her t-shirt.

"Yeah that's me...why"? Bulma asked turning to face the 16-year old.

"So you're like rich...like super-duper rich. How much money does your family have"? Yamcha asked now with even greater interest.

"Oh, I don't know $300 billion on a bad day. Father said it was once as high as $578 billion but that was before he met mom". Bulma answered not at all liking the way he was now eyeing her. Like he just won big at the slots and his life had suddenly improved immensely. She didn't at all like the way he seemed to be eyeing her now that he knew who she was.


Meanwhile, Kakarot had finally caught up with the elusive bird. This time he aimed for its wing and fired. The bird soon fell crashing into the trees below and disappearing underneath the canopy. Upon landing next to the now dead bird Kakarot noticed the dragon ball seemed to not be on the bird as he had first guess but instead inside it.

"Oh fuck me this day sucks". Kakarot said before cutting into the underbelly. The sights and sounds were better left to one's imagination but needless to say, it smelled to high heaven.

"What the hell...is that a leg bone"? Kakarot said upon pulling out a human leg bone. A fully grown adult leg bone. Tossing the bone aside he continued digging into the carcass. His hand now stinking of dead bird carcass Kakarot made his way back to Bulma and the others. Upon landed Kakarot noticed that Bulma and the others were gone.

"What the hell"? Kakarot said to himself before turning on his scouter. It didn't take him long to realize what had happened. Yamcha had taken Bulma and by the deep grooves in the soft earth, she had been dragged some distance away. Seconds later the forest was flattened. The sound being so loud that it was heard as far as ten miles away.


Meanwhile, Yamcha dropped Bulma upon the cold floor of a cave. Bulma all the while giving him a look that promised immense pain. If she could she was more than willing to rip his throat open with her teeth. However, he had gagged her so that wasn't at all possible.

"Stop fighting if you behave yourself the worst thing that will happen is that you'll be sold into sexual slavery. You're a fairly pretty girl so you should do fine". Yamcha said as he pulled out a phone. However just as he was about to make the call Kakarot pinned him to the cave wall.

"Explain yourself now, Human"! Kakarot ordered. His voice was cold and demanding. Bulma couldn't help but feel excited at the sound of his voice. It was powerful and yet at the same time held a sense of softness or maybe that was her mind playing tricks on her. At any rate, she was safe. Yamcha for his part could only laugh.

"The fucks funny"? Kakarot demanded.

"Do you really think you can beat me? Your just a snot-nosed kid while I was trained by the Red Ribbon Army". Yamcha said before Kakarot's fist made contact with his nose.

"Grr...man you broke my fucking nose". Yamcha said holding onto his now bloody nose.

"Be grateful that's all I broke...now untie her or else I'll break more than just your nose"! Kakarot ordered. A minute later Bulma was free and as if his day didn't already suck her foot landed hard on his balls. The sound of a body hitting the cave floor echoed throughout the space. Bulma and Kakarot, however, left the idiot behind. If he ended up dead they didn't much care. They had the dragon ball and that's what mattered in the end.

"So where is the next one"? Bulma asked.

"Hmm let's see oh, looks like we head due west. It's on some small island out to sea". Kakarot answered before the pair were off. The sun at their backs all the while.