

Witness the journey of a young man named John on his rise to the top

Imdoingsomething · Fantaisie
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3 Chs

Chapter 2


" This is Steve coming from APEX T.V. Welcome to the Exhibition Match between the two Champions of Magma Island versus Enchantment Island" the commentator said.

Steve was in the booth of a massive arena looking down and seeing a crowd of different races and Classes. At the Center of the crowd there was a large stage with three people on it. Then Steve spoke on the microphone " So Sapphire what do you think of this exhibition match".

" Well Steve if we go by the rankings then you can only say the Magma Island's Ailiin will win by a landslide victory with his bo staff and fire control and as number five in the Archipelago but just because Enchantment Island's Echo is ranked fifteenth don't count him out yet he still has a chance with his copy ability and his gun tactics, he will be doing his best to keep his distance." Sapphire replied.

Steve answered saying " And that is what makes these matches great but it looks like the referee is about to start the match".

" Ok you both come to the center, remember the rules this is an Exhibition match. When one of you reaches fifteen percent of your health the match is over and the stage will forcefully eject you off of it, this is just an exhibition match but still do your best." The refree spoke and the two fighters nodded. Then the referee spoke again " Now give your salute to each other" the fighters faced each other and stood at attention then there right hand rose to their heart, then they shifted there palms open with there thumb facing their heart and there fingers close together, they moved it up until the tip of their fingers was in line with top of head then brought it back down to their side.

Then the referee spoke again and said " Now face the crowd and salute." Then they did it to the crowd and they did the same.. When it was done the referee stepped out of the stage and an transparent force field surrounded the stage and signaled the start of the match.

With the start of the match Ailiin took off after Echo he clapped his hands the opened them wide and what came in between them where flames, which then changed into a bo staff . Echo responded quickly and used his copy power but instead of forming a bo staff it formed two guns. From here started a cat and mouse game where Echo did his best to keep away and Ailiin did his best to close the gap so he could counterattack.

The entire arena created a symphony of shouts and cheers of the crowd in the arena. In the announcers booth Steve spoke " Well Sapphire you were right it turned into a battle of distance." Sapphire nodded and replied " Yes even though Ailiin is ranked higher it was a bad match up so unless he can find a way to close the gap this match is basically over".

On the stage every shot that was fired by Echo was blocked by Ailiin's staff. Throughout the entire battle so far Ailiin had a calm face, although he was on the front foot he was only on the defensive like he expected this situation. Echo was looking stressed none of his shots was getting through but Ailiin was getting closer and closer to him.

All of a sudden Echo made a shocking move,. " Wow has Echo he just threw his guns at Ailiin and he easily knocks both guns away and moves forward." Steve said. When Ailiin moved forward Echo smirked, Sapphire shout in the booth " What a sly move his guns are floating in the air and are shooting in the back of Ailiin and he has to turn around to deal with it".

On the stage while facing Ailiin's back, Echo pointed his two hands then it caught on fire and two more guns appeared. When the crowd saw this they erupted with praise for Echo, someone in the crowd shout and said " Finish it Echo". Echo started to shoot at his back, Then Steve said " During all this Ailiin still has a calm face I wonder what he can do in this situation".

When you looked on the stage you can see Ailiin swaying left to right and miraculously the shots fired at him from both sides stopped in mid air and then Ailiin raised his bo staff and all the shots fired at him flew to the staff and was absorbed by it. Then Ailiin finally smiled for the first time in the match and said it's over, from the same distance he swung his bo staff at Echo. At mid swing the bo staff grew longer and bigger until it passed Echo and reached the end of the stage , finishing the swing it hit Echo across his body and sent him straight into the force field.

Looking in the commentator booth both Steve and Sapphire where standing with open mouths. Finally Steve snapped out of it and said " What a way to end this Exhibition Match, Ailiin pulled out a new move to end this match". Sapphire shook her head and said " It's not one move it's two new moves, first we didn't know he can absorb fire and two who knew he can make his bo staff extend".

Steve said " Thanks for joining us on this thrilling spectacle of of an Exhibition Match between two World Class fighters, let's give a salute to our two fighters for their great performance". Then Sapphire joined in saying " Please join us next time as we bring more of these world class fights only on APEX TV. This is Sapphire and Steve signing out".

Laundress Village, Trinity Island.

"Yo John what a great match that was on Television, in the future that's the stage you will be on". Mark said with an excited look on his face. John just shook his head while responding "Yes yes that's the goal, now come help me finish cleaning the fish so we can store them, because 'Off The Dock' fish store is coming to collect tomorrow and after I can teach you about how the system works and and how my Meditation Technique works with it".