

Witness the journey of a young man named John on his rise to the top

Imdoingsomething · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Chapter 1

A tiny boat meant for one person floats on a, stretch of endless water. and within every minute a small wave breaks in the water.

Looking in the boat there is a young man who looks like he is in his early twenties, sitting down with his legs crossed, eyes closed, his breath is calm and he is speaking incoherently. When you see his back there is a big tattoo of a bird across it, When you look at his torso you see that there are 3 ropes tied around his bare torso and each end reaches into the sea, .

At the end of the ropes there is a net attached to each one and surprisingly there are a school of fish swimming into each net like there are being guided. When each net is filled the young man open his eyes and goes to each net to tighten each one.

As he is finished he sits and reaches the two large oars and starts to row the boat to the shore. When he pulls the three nets with fish along the shore it's dragged on a long stretch tarpaulin, unties the ropes from the nets then wraps the 3 nets with the tarpaulin and ties it with the rope.

He picked it up and carries it to the an open tray truck that is parked on the road by the beach. When he reaches close to the truck to door opens and a boy jumps out he looks like fifteen or sixteen years old and calls out to him to greet him.

As John lifts the fish and put them in the truck he told him to wait so he can load and secure the fish on the truck then they got into the truck and left. While driving home they discussed how there day was, "Hey I forgot to tell you today I finally awakened and i'm not sure what it is it showed blank bit it said i awakened so i hope i can finally start the training you told me about" Mark said happily while John just smiled at him. "So brother when are you going to start raising your level people are starting to talk." Mark said with a sigh while shaking his head.

John just shook his head and said "We already spoke about this my training is different and since when do you listening to strangers more than your brother besides i should be breaking through soon, so I will be signing up for the league this season and i hope you remembered not to fight and raise your level or I won't be able to train you." When Mark heard this he was visibly excited then he turned serious " Ok ok i will listen to you and I didn't fight I still not sure why? My classmates started raising their level already and when my teacher asked me I could only say Family Matters".

"Well as long as you remember what I said this family shouldn't raise our level like everyone else, that is what your training will be about so be ready for tomorrow I already spoke to your school you will stay home untill your exam results are out next week" John said. "You sure brother there are no safety measures in place in that tournament and you never fought with anyone, so when you get hurt we wouldn't have the money to pay for it." Mark said with a sad voice.

John was visibly upset "Are you cursing your older brother do you want to see me injured". Mark still had a sad face and said "You know I don't mean that John, it's only us and I don't want to lose you too".

After John heard that he smiled at his little brother and rubbed his head while he was driving "Believe in me nothing will happen to your brother is strong, don't forget why I am doing this". Mark just shook his head and continued driving.

(4 Years ago on the day of John's awakening)

Two young boys was standing with their mouths opened, they were just standing in shock as there watched the tree in there back yard as it was caught on fire.

This wasn't shocking what was shocking was, they just came to play in the yard but as they stepped out the wind picked up and beat there face. The wind was so strong the fence around the house started to uproot from the ground.

While the two brothers was holding on to the pillars of the house the roof started a beat like a drum and the wind was the drummer. While the wind was howling in the sky, drop after drop started falling from the when it touched the boys the shivered as it it was really cold to the touch.

The droplets of water was so cold it should have been snow but the crazy thing is this was an island on the equator "Trinidad" but it was freezing like the atmosphere was making its' on "Air Conditioner". When they thought it would have stopped here, a lightning strike came down from the sky and struck the biggest tree in our back yard creating a small explosion.

When the dust settled and they finished coughing from the dust they looked up and were both shocked and amazed. Right there infront of them with the wind still beating there faces and rain falling on there skin, right in the yard there was our tree standing tall while on fire.

The younger brother jumped in fright, as he saw he saw his older brother in a trance walking to the burning tree. When he reached in front of the tree his hair started to grow out long until it reached the middle of his back.

Then starting from the tip of the ends it started to change from jet black to a white platinum color. While the hair was changing his pupils changed to same color as well,. As the little brother watched as his older brother just stand doing nothing, he was to scared to go out and meet him.

When ten minutes passed the older brother started to look around still in a trance, within the storm the sunlight cut straight through the dark clouds of the storm and shone upon him as a white dove flew down to his shoulder. Then a strong commanding voice rung through the light saying "Uncover the TRUTH". and then the dove flew up to the sky and back down straight into his back.

Leaving his t-shirt shredded and on the floor, when you looked at his back there was a tattoo of a dove with its wings opened like it's flying on his back. When his little brother saw him was afraid as he saw his older fell face first into the floor.