

Witness the journey of a young man named John on his rise to the top

Imdoingsomething · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Chapter 3

Mark's P.O.V.

"Yo Mark it's time to wake up" In the morning John was over Mark pushing to wake up. A moment later Mark was out of his bed so John said " Finally your awake, you already fell asleep early yesterday so you couldn't get any training done so i hope you are ready for it today". Mark just rubbed his head and yawned then said " Sorry bro I'll make it up to youl today." John nodded his head and said " You better take this seriously this is for your benefit not mine, now come go brush your teeth and get ready breakfast is on the table".

After Mark finished his breakfast he walked over to the back yard to meet his brother. John sitting in lotus position under the largest tree in the yard,, when Mark saw him under the tree he marveled at the tree because it was the tree that was on fire in the past, is now in the past is now the biggest and healthiest tree in the yard.

Without opening his eyes John called his brother over to sit by him. When Mark sat by John he chose to sit in lotus position opposite him. John took this time to ecplain about the awakening process and how the system works.

In this teaching session Mark was taught the things he already knew and things he didn't know. The first thing that was taught every person learnt at a young age, at the age of sixteen years old everyone awaken their Apex powers or in short A.P. There are different types of Apex powers a person can awaken, the first one is Enhancement, then Elementals and finally Specialist.

What Mark had was the Enhancement power and the Enhancement power came in branches which are speed and strength. Then there are Elementals and they are just what is says, a Elemental has control over a specific element or elements. The Elementals are more complex than the Enhancers, in which the are four main elements ( Water, Earth, Fire and Air) and each main branch comes with varius branches connected to them. Then the last one is the Specialist are mainly the category which doesn't match the other two categories. In the Specialist you can awaken the other two types together, both enhancements or Elements, you can also awaken a surprise like with John's awakening of getting a unique power.

The system is not something that is naturally awakened. Four hundred years ago a mysterious man showed up in Trinity Island started to create advanced technology. Then through out his life he traveled all over the Islands creating new things but his philosophy was always " Any technology made should benifit nature and shouldn't destroy it". At the end of his life he went to a strange place that is not on any maps called Null island and created his greatest invention of his life the " System Matrix". Everywhere he went during his life on earth he left device markers and on Null Island is said to be where the control system is but no matter how anyone looks for it, there was no sign of it.

How the " System Matrix" works is it creates an invisible field around the entire planet. When a person anywhere in the world awakens there power, the " System Matrix" activates as a secondary ability for the person.

With the era of the system it created a limiter on everyone who uses the system.. Now with it the level of strength people had in the past cannot be reached. Anyone who reaches level fifty it will get extra hard to level up. That is where the APEX tournament began, when the first person reached level fifty the system activated A.P.E.X Tournament. No on over level fifty is allowed to talk about the tournament but it is believed to be held on Null Island. No one knows how it works the " System Matrix" it is still a mystery in itself there are things known but maybe even more things we don't know but at present it has become a big part of the society.

"Right so let me teach on how to improve without fighting and increasing levels." John said. Then he explained something that shook me to my core as iI never heard of this before. For John's awakening he said that new information appeared in his mind after. It was a meditation technique called the " Heaven Connection Art", it allowed him to gained strength without leveling up. The weird part was this meditation technique was enemies with the " System Matrix". When he first started the technique there was a tug-of-war with the " System Matrix" but the meditation technique won and expelled its connection with the system. Now he said when it left him he felt like a weight was lifted off of him and from he knew something was wrong so he had to make sure I did not use the system.

When I heard this i was worried and asked what will happen if other people found out about it. He just laughed and said he felt the same way at that time but found out when they checked his level for some reason it showed a level even without a system. John said " Now the Meditation Technique is divided into ten parts, the first three parts deals with the improving the body, the next three deals with the soul, the next three deals with the spirit and the last part deals with the spirit and the last part merges all the body spirit and soul. So to begin my road to the truth as he called it, he had me sit in a comfortable position and close my eyes and look inwards.

"At this stage of the meditation it is called the human stage. This is where you get an understanding of your body image each person's body functions the same and has the same body parts but there role on this physical plane has a different purpose. So the first three focus only on how your body works. So while you meditate in that position and speak the words of the technique your body will say what you need to dp to improve yourself".

After his speech he left me there so he can go and breakthrough to the next stage so he left the house to go to a private area. I stayed in the yard to start my meditation, while following the technique i stated to feel a burning sensation and the further i delved into the technique i felt like something was being burned off of my body. When it was finally finished I was feeling so light the i felt like i was born again.