
A Survivor in a World of Dragons

Noah Eldon, Most have known him as the Drifter, the Wanderer or many more names. He has survived Mutants, Radiation, Rabid Animals, Bandits and more. How will he fare in a world of oversized fire breathing lizards? Pretty good actually, Don't take my word for it though, go read it

KingBarney · Films
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7 Chs

Leaving the island

It's been 2 months since I got here. I've had my fair share of dragon encounters here and there but I managed

I've been able to create somewhat of a routine on this place. Wake up, eat some fish, train, and explore the island. I needed to maintain my body and learn how to fight with melee weapons because melee weapons are all I have right now.

I'm pretty sure that I'm a bit rusty due to me using guns immediately after I got my hands on one back in the city. That was probably a bit of a mistake now that I think about it, I pondered as I carried a 50 kilo log on my shoulders and hiked to the peak of a small hill.

After the incident with the dragon, I've never went anywhere without a eel in my inventory, I've also upgraded to some better drip than the tattered clothes I wore during my first days on this island. I've used the leather of the dragon that I killed and the leather of some wild boars to create some basic armor.

" I now look like a sexy hunter man with my beard and my messy hair mixed with my suit. My ego is getting a bit too big for my liking right now but it's not causing harm so whatever " I thought as I looked at my reflection in the river. Well, time to get back to training.

I started doing some burpees, sit ups, and squats at a flat area. After I was done, I took off my armor and took a dip in the river. Hopefully there aren't any aquatic beasts in this world, after I was done taking a dip, I put on my armor and scouted the island but in a different direction that the previous days.

Marking all the places that I've discovered on a map is a pain but it helps a lot. Unfortunately though, no signs of civilization just yet. I might be the first person on this island, if there are no people on this island then I have the power to name this place right? I already h-

I was suddenly put out of my thoughts as I saw a unusual trail of broken branches and fallen trees in the distance, I cautiously followed the trail until I spotted a downed Nadder in the middle of a clearing.

I cautiously approached it, axe in hand. I saw that it was paralyzed but it was still aware of it's surroundings.

I raised my axe ready to put it out of it's misery but those eyes, they reveal so much emotion for what seems like a mindless beast,

I put down my axe with a big audible sigh, even though dragons have been nothing but hostile when I encounter them, even when they burned my shelter time and time again, I just can't seem to pull the trigger.

I quickly began to search the dragon's body to try and see what downed it, I spotted sever arrows that penetrated the dragons underbelly but only slightly,

I found some arrows stuck to it's underbelly, how can a few arrows down a entire dragon? I asked myself with confusion. Okay big guy, this is going to hurt a bit. I said with a soothing voice as I pulled out the arrow out with a heave revealing a green substance on it's tip.

Poison?? No it would have killed the dragon by now so it must be some kind of narcotic. I concluded as I prepared myself to pull out another arrow,

I heard some voices shouting through the shrubbery before I could do that though, I need to know if they are hostile or not so I silently ran through the vegetation towards the direction of the voices.

I suddenly discovered a small group of people wearing dripped out in a armor which is a combination of leather and iron, they also wielded big crossbows and axes that were probably made of iron too. They must be the hunters that downed the dragon. They are a few minutes of walking away from discovering the dragon.

Okay think!! What can I do to save this dragon. I can probably take this group out alone right now even without the element of surprise but there's no telling if they have backup or not. 

I might have to fight an entire armada if I take these guys on, I also can't move the dragon because of it's weight so what do I do?

Wait a second. I have a crazy idea but it might just work.

POV shift: 3rd person

A group of hunters were trudging loudly through the forest looking for something.

" Are you sure the Nadder crashed here Snart? It's been 20 minutes and still no signs " The smaller Viking asked skeptically.

Shut it, Elof. I think I just heard so-

" Hey!! Over here!! " A bearded man wearing tattered leather armor came out of the shrubbery waving his hands around.

" Halt!! What is your business here? " A more experienced hunter asked with narrowed eyes.

" I've been stranded!! My ship got attacked by dragons, I'm the only survivor. " The man said as he pointed to the state of his clothing.

" What do we get for helping you? " The experienced hunter said with a gleam of greed in his eyes.

" I'm a hunter too, if you boys are hunting anything then I can assist. " the man said as he pointed to the blue hue that his tattered armor had.

Getting the hint, the leader quickly shouted " Well what are you fools waiting for? Get this man some armor and a crossbow!! "

A young hunter gave Noah a crossbow with a new set of armor, He then changed his armor behind a tree and joined the hunters on their search.

POV shift: Noah

I've managed to infiltrate their ranks, now I need to gain their trust so that they let their guard down.

 Are you the 

" What do you people do after you take down a dragon?? " I asked nervously preparing to knock them out if their answer was killing it.

" Isn't this common knowledge? " The leader of the group asked with doubt in his voice.

Ah shit. he's starting to doubt if I'm actually a hunter. I need to get them to trust me.

" We usually kill them and then butcher their body for anything useful, I just want to know if you do the same. " I explained while trying to keep a calm tone on my voice.

" We knock them out using these, then we capture them. " The leader explained while pointing towards the green tipped arrows in his quiver.

We then sell them to buyers for a hefty price, We keep some of the Nadders and the Gronckles alive for...personal use. The leader said in a dark tone.

Well that's a huge red flag, maybe it's just a misunderstanding though, I'll ask for further info once I board their ship.

" I saw a downed Nadder earlier, The arrows in it's body look similar to yours, were you lot the hunters that downed it? " I questioned while adding confusion to my tone.

" Yeah! We're the ones, where did you spot it? " The leader asked energetically, excited to put an end to his search.

" It's over here!! " I exclaimed as I led them to the Nadder.

I revealed the Nadder that was still immobile due to the narcotics in it's bloodstream " There she is. "

" I give you my thanks hunter, you have just saved us a lot of time. " The leader said with gratitude in his voice.

He finally said what I wanted to hear from him " I will put in a good word for you once we reach the ship so that you can board it with us. " 

Finally!! I'm getting off this fucking island!!!

Words: 1306

Authors Note: In my opinion this chapter is kinda meh. I didn't have any creative juices today. As always comment what you think of this chap, the mistakes, what I did right and what I could do better. Have a good day!