
A Survivor in a World of Dragons

Noah Eldon, Most have known him as the Drifter, the Wanderer or many more names. He has survived Mutants, Radiation, Rabid Animals, Bandits and more. How will he fare in a world of oversized fire breathing lizards? Pretty good actually, Don't take my word for it though, go read it

KingBarney · Movies
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7 Chs

Jail Break

Authors note: First of all, I have edited the last chapter due to a reader pointing out some flaws in my logic, If you were irked by the loopholes in the last chapter then go back and check the edited version, enjoy the chapter.

Pov: Noah

I'm finally getting off this island, 

Not in a way that I like but it's better than staying here for years I suppose, I thought as I helped load the Nadder up onto the ship, I could've just hid the Nadder away from the hunters but I'm a selfish son of a bitch, I want to get out of this place AND save the Nadder at the same time so here I am.

A tall heavily muscled man with a mustache suddenly approached the group I was in, he's most likely the captain of this vessel.

" Who is this, Fredrik? " The captain asked with a raised brow and a bit of annoyance and impatience.

" This is a fellow hunter that was ship wrecked on the island, he helped us find a Nadder that we lost in the forest " The man who was supposedly named Fredrick replied.

The captain of the ship suddenly smiled and offered a handshake which I immediately accepted " You helped us make a profit so we owe you a debt, why don't you join us on our humble ship and we'll get you to the Northern Market, what do you say?

" It would be a honor captain " I said while trying to hide the excitement coursing through me from my voice.

The captain's smile widened and then pointed towards his ship " Well what are you waiting for? Make yourself comfy and useful, my men would protest if you sit through all the labor. "

I nodded and walked towards the ship, that went better than expected, I have no idea what the northern markets are but I'm sure I can get some information once I get on the ship The captain was also nice, a bit too nice in my opinion. Hopefully it's just a facade or I'll feel bad for what I'm about to do.

Once I boarded the wooden ship, I tried my best to help around to get everyone to like me, pulling up the anchor, boarding the dragons, mopping the floor, I helped with everything which made the other hunters warm up to me almost instantly.

Why don't you introduce yourself lad? A more veteran dragon hunter asked of me.

" My name is Noah Eldon!! " My voice rung out encompassing the entire ship.

" I'm not one of you so I'm going to make myself useful, let's all hunt some dragons and get rich!! " I shouted as loud as I could, I know that these hunters were driven by profit so I needed to abuse that to get them to like me.

Sure enough, cheers were heard from all around the ship, this is almost too easy. Whatever, nobody cares. It's no time to get cocky now.

I quickly made myself useful once again, taking the job to guard the dragons under the deck along with a few other people, apparently no one wanted to guard the dragons due to them being scared, after I made myself comfortable that ship suddenly rocked, we departed already.

After guarding the dragons for several hours straight, the captain brought me up again and gathered me with the group I encountered back at the Island. Apparently, the groups that captured a dragon would get a good job by the captain and some extra money. 

" This is Fredrik's group!! They captured a Deadly Nadder with no injuries whatsoever!! Give them a round of applause!! " The entire crew clapped and cheered for us, they loved us.

" This isn't so bad right?? They loved me!!! Why should I disappoint these nice guys for a stupid lizard. " I then suddenly snapped out of it.

They're hunters!! What am I thinking, they might be nice but the dragons being saved from trafficking is more important than disappointing some guys who have been nice to you for a few hours.

I'm weak, I could've busted the dragons out and escaped into the island already when I was in the lower deck but instead, I've wasted my time trying to reason with myself that the hunters are not in the wrong.

There's no time to sulk now however... It's time for a Jail Break!!!

I asked the captain if I could go back down into the lower deck since my team was already congratulated and given a prize, he immediately agreed and gave me a few compliments while I was there, I'm no longer affected by those though, It's clear now what I must do next.

On my way down into the lower deck, I stole and put a map of the surrounding archipelago into my inventory while no one was looking,

" You guys should go and watch the award ceremony upstairs, I'll take over. " I said with fake enthusiasm leaking from my voice.

" Are you sure you can handle all these dragons at once? " One of them asked skeptically.

I pointed towards the dragon root arrows in my quiver to emphasize my point " They are all inside dragons prove cages, even if they make a ruckus I can shoot them with the dragon root. "

Finally convinced, the hunters went to the upper deck leaving me alone with the dragons, I fed them each some leftover fishes from my inventory that I caught from my time at the island, the dragons were starving and malnourished so hopefully this would raise my brownie points with them.

Over the span of half a day, I always made a excuse for the guards to go to the upper deck so that I could feed the dragons giving them more and more strength until the only thing stopping them from breaking out were the dragon proof cages and the hourly injections of dragonroot, the Nadder that I helped on the island was there as well, he was already tame towards me so I had a escape route once my plan was complete.

I started a diversion upstairs that attracted the guards below which was a fire. Once they got out, I barricaded the hatch to the lower deck and opened the cages of the dragons, I took over the injection of dragon root an hour ago but I obviously didn't inject the dragons with the narcotic so the dragons were awake but a bit groggy.

I then waked them up by clanging a sword and a shield together as hard as I could,

" Hey Noah!! what are you doing down there?!! Let us in!! " I could already here the hunters outside trying bust open the hatch.

I redoubled my efforts in waking up the dragons and once they were awake, I hid in the corner with the male Nadder hiding me. Enraged from being trapped for days, the dragons wrecked the lower part of the deck and burst through the side of the ship, escaping en masse,

" Dragon!! Let's get out of h- " I was interrupted as the Male Nadder grabbed me by the shoulders using his claws and flew out of there dodging arrows and boulders while flying towards the horizon with the rest of the dragons.

" Dragon!! " I called out to the Nadder which he responded by lowering his head so that he could see me.

" We are here!! We need to go here!! and then you can go, with your friends!! " I pointed to the map while trying to say that we need to go to the northern markets then the dragon can go.

The dragon surprisingly understood as he flew towards the direction of the northern markets, it would still take a few minute to reach the northern markets which left me to my own thoughts.

Now that I'm here this view is intoxicating, the huge blue ocean going farther than the eye can see, the little green smudges that are randomly scattered around which are probably islands, this would have been great if not for the uncomfortable position my arms were in due to the dragon carrying me.

After a few minutes of enjoying the view the Northern Market slowly came into view. Land there!! I shouted as I pointed towards a secluded part of the island.

The dragon slowly glided downwards, there was one issue though, I was being carried by the legs of the dragon so the dragon dropped me at the last second or else I would be smushed once he landed.

I wasn't prepared so when I fell, I ate dirt and grass.

" Was that necessary dragon? " I asked as I cleaned my tongue.

In response, the dragon laughed, the dragons laugh was like what you would here if a crow could talk and it was annoying as hell.

" Fuck you too " I aimed my middle finger at the dragon as I dusted myself.

" You can go now dragon, you have repaid your debt, go back to your friends " I said with a somber tone in my voice.

The Nadder growled in response, like he understood what I was saying.

" Well if you insist. " I said with a wide smile.

I was getting pretty lonely anyways.

Words: 1533

Author's note: You know the drill, comment my mistakes, the loopholes, what I did correctly, and what I could do better, have a nice day!