
A Journey in MHA

A 28 years old man died thanks to Corona-chan and given second chance to live in another world . . . . . A warning since this is gonna be self-indulgent slash wish-fulfillment kind fanfic so there will be many plot holes, also english is like 3rd of 4th language so grammar will be horrible. pictures is not mine, i just randomly found it on google.

SageOfTheSixBowl · Anime et bandes dessinées
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7 Chs


Well I died, thanks to Corona-chan I died leaving my parents and 2 of my sibling at the age of 28. And of course a ton of regrets because I don't really done much in my entire life, I haven't make my parents proud were the top of my list especially and no there's nothing I can do about it and move on if I could.

Before that though I need to know where am I right now since all I can assume is I am in the afterlife waiting in for my judgement whether I go to hell or heaven, pretty sure I will be go to hell since I am not exactly a good man at least until I reach the age of 25. I'm not doing any crime or anything close to it and I am not even doing drugs but my attitude are the big problem, my entire life I'm pretty much wasting my parent money and do nothing but just skip it all until the college decide to drop me out.

Not once or twice but 4 times I did that and not even counting with all the gadget or pocket money my parents gave me and I just use it for game mostly, also I am also playing with women alone like two timing or even just broke up when I'm already bored with the girl I was in relationship with. God knows how many broken heart girl that I have done and all I can do again just can regret it since I can't change the past.

I think it's already enough sel f-loathing from me and just wait for my judgment now since that is all I can do at the moment and I really hope it will come sooner, I'm already standing like an idiot for like 2 hours already and nothing coming for or even a sound that I can hear that I start to creep out the more I wait.

"well sorry for the wait, I there's something I need to do before meeting you"

And just like that I jump out and scream like a little a girl when a booming voice talking out of nowhere without any warning at all, I am not a scaredy cat or anything but I'm easily can get surprise and sometimes it will end up badly.

Like one time I go to a haunted house with some of my friends for fun and that one fake ghost suddenly appear in front me maybe a bit too close to my comfort now that I think about, I was so surprise and throw a punch hard enough to knock out the fake ghost. The fact that the fake ghost that I knock out is a girl already make me feel worsened than I already is and thankfully nothing bad really happened and I pay everything in full for meds.

"uh yeah okay, so are you gonna judge me or something since it's already more than two hours I'm waiting here" I'm trying to forget that I scream like a bitch before to regain some dignity so pardon a little bit of sassiness.

"uh.. no.. too much of a work, anyway you got lucky and got reincarnated with 3 wishes so be happy for once.

I feel my brain short-circuited a little bit there since I can't believe what I just hear from this God… Random Omniscient Being…. Or Bastard since he seems to laid back to be Omniscient Being and I don't know how to feel right now.

Well I feel happy? I don't know I should be happy since I can get another chance to live and if anything learn from some Anime, Light Novel. Even Fanfiction I wouldn't be able to live again in my original world since I'm already dead, on another note I feel like I'm not supposed to be this lucky since I don't think I do anything good or notable enough to be get this chance so I don't really know what to feel at this moment.

"oi… you there? Don't tell me you pass out with your eyes open."

"eh.. yeah aah.. sorry kinda surprised with that bombshell"

I take a deep breath for a moment to calm myself even though I feel pretty calm just surprised but I still do it kinda a habit I do when I need to think deeply about something or make some decision, at this point I just kinda take what I get right now and take this second chance I got from this I don't know… God ROB of whatever.

"okay…. So.. can I choose what world I'll be reincarnated with or it's random, and is there any limit on what I can wish, also are my memories will be wipe out or not?"

There .. something I need to know first before anything since I really need to be careful, if I can choose what world I can be reincarnated then it will be nice, if not then I maybe get some OP power or something so if by any chance I get reincarnated in some dangerous world then I can make sure I can survive in that world, that is why I asked if there is some kind of limit if I want to wish on some power.

"No, your world already decided by the time you get the chance to get reincarnated. And there's no limit so go crazy, and your memory will not be wipe out so you still have your memories of your previous live will carry on when you get reincarnated"

Well there goes my hope to choose some safer world but at the very least there's no limit with the wish I get so there's some good news. But first I need one question that I need to get answered before thinking what kind of wish I want… well make that two since I just get some inspiration.

"Before I get to my wish what world that I will reincarnate in and can I also choose how my appearance will be?"

Honestly the question about changing my appearance is kinda redundant since my appearance will be difference regardless since I will be reincarnated to other world, but hey never hurt to try anyway. My only hope that at least if I can't chance my appearance I will be on the handsome side, since everything about current me just scream average.

"Well you'll be reincarnated in My Hero Academia, pretty sure you already familiar with that world since it is some kind of entertainment in your world or former world since you already death, and changing appearance sure since I just kinda pick randomly anyway"

Well yeah I familiar with My Hero Academia but the problem is I don't watch the anime pass Stain arc, well honestly I can barely remember the exact canon storyline since the fanfiction is far more interesting rather than the anime or manga so there's that. And with me included there butterfly effect will simply change things already and I don't know it will be a good thing or not,and also good thing I can choose my own appearance so I thing that is good thing.

Now about the wish I really need to think hard since I have so many ideas in my head especially since there is no limit with what I want.

"Well ok I think that is enough question from me for now at least, now for my first wish I want unlimited energy. Energy in this regard anything from stamina, mana, ki, chakra or any form of energy imaginable"

There my first wish since I I really need that even though I now that is probably something I might regret later on, because that mean if I have infinite stamina that means I never get exhausted that means I probably don't need to sleep and I love sleeping the most. I just hope with mental exhaustion is enough to make me sleep, because I need my beauty or handsome sleep everyday. And let's not talk about sexual stamina, I don't want to go there yet.

"Well you really go crazy but well I did say you can go crazy your wish has been granted, now what is your second wish?"

I start thinking again for a moment since I don't know what I should want since there's since there's so many I ideas in my head enough to make me cause a headache but I just choose the most simple choice since I too complicated just gonna make things harder for me.

"I want to have Rinne-Sharingan including every knowledge about ninjutsu, taijutsu, fuinjutsu, kekkei gekkai available from Naruto, also every technique about Ki from Dragon Ball series."

There for my second wish and actually I should do more than that but I just take the easiest route and thinking more just not gonna help me, well it also help since I grew up watching both series in manga, anime, even fanfiction. And honestly if I am being honest I probably won't do many techniques from Dragon Ball since so many of them can destroy a planet maybe the universe itself, I might do things like Kamehameha but I don't things more maybe pass Kamehameha 20x. There's no way I pull something like Final Flash or Big Bang Kamehameha since that is too powerful for this world, I might still do Galick Gun and Piccolo Special Beam Canon or other techniques that not causing planetary destruction.

"Again you really going crazy with your wish but granted, now third wish?"

Well now it is getting harder to think since I can give myself more power or give me something more on… carnal desire I guess? The more I think about it the more I get confused of what should I want. Why am I so indecisive person I would never know, but then again my dad also indecisive person so I think I inherited that trait from him.

"Give me Harem Protagonist trait"

There done I don't give a damn anymore and don't want to think about, let me be selfish again just like I used to be. I might regret it a lot later like I said from any wish I do but at this point that will be my future me problem.

"Well, that is the easiest wish ever not counting the most common wish for any reincarnator ever. Now you can change your appearance yourself after that you will directly transferred to the world that has been chosen in your case My Hero Acadamia world"

Well honestly I already have what kind of appearance what I want to make already.

"Just give me the appearance of Itachi Uchiha, also I hope I have some kind of background story about me"

Now that is done and why I use Itachi as my appearance because he is my favorite character there along side Might Guy, but obviously I will choose Itachi for obvious reason. I love Guy but ain't no way I will choose his appearance especially I feel like I if choose his appearance I probably have an urge to shout YOUTH to everything I do.

"Again easy enough and don't worry about your background since it's already take care of including about your quirk. Honestly just enjoy your second chance at life, because you already the strongest being in that world by default already. How to use or what are you gonna do with that power of yours that is up to you, because after this there will be no contact from me again or any other being"

Okay fair enough I guess and also I really want to know what kind of background I will have, but I will know sooner or later I guess.

"Now I will transfer you to the My Hero Academia world, will appeared about one week before the UA entrance exam. Any other thing you will once you already there, now good bye and enjoy your second life"

I feel sleepy all of a sudden and fell asleep, well it also the start of my journey in My Hero Academia.


A.N : well this is my first novel so please go easy on me, i'm learning as i will write more. also there's no fix scheduling how many chapter i will publish in a week or even a month since i just write this whenever i have the time or when i get some inspiration to write something, but i will write and publish the next chapter as fast as i can.

i just want to say thanks for reading my story, and hopefully keep reading until however long this story will take.

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