
A Journey in MHA

A 28 years old man died thanks to Corona-chan and given second chance to live in another world . . . . . A warning since this is gonna be self-indulgent slash wish-fulfillment kind fanfic so there will be many plot holes, also english is like 3rd of 4th language so grammar will be horrible. pictures is not mine, i just randomly found it on google.

SageOfTheSixBowl · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs


Slowly I woke up from probably the best sleep I had in a while until I open my eyes I realize right now in a bedroom I didn't know, I almost panic until I realize what happened before and all it come down to me at once that everything that happened before really are happening.

In other word I really died and get reincarnated into another world now or to be exact get reincarnated in My Hero Academia world where hero are a thing,well now I hope I can survive and maybe interfered with the plot whenever is necessary or I don't know really. I don't really have some sort of plan on anything and making plan is not my skill, I am not some sort of genius or something but I'm confident enough to say I'm not stupid.

Yeah who am I kidding here with me make impulsive decision without even thinking about the consequence later on in the future, honestly with everything my best plan is to try stick to canon as close as possible until certain point.

I glance around the room I can see what I can call my bedroom now and well it's not too big or too small in my opinion, I haven't check everything in this room but I think I can do it later. But I notice that there's a letter and a smartphone on the table beside the bed, well I just get up and sit on the bed then take the letter and see what letter said.

'Hello there.

This letter will explained everything you need to know about your background and everything else that is important for you so please read everything and make sure you understand everything.

Since you never really said what will be your name in this new world, we decided to give the name of the appearance of your taking of, in other world your name in this world are Itachi Uchiha hope you don't mind.

Also your background are from pretty well of family but unfortunately your parent died in traffic accident since you were in second grade in middle school, and then live alone ever since. Your inheritance money are good enough to give you comfortably for a couple of years even if by some miracle you failed to become a hero, or you might not become a hero it definitely entirely your choice because this is just to make sure you have believable background if someone want to make a background check about you.

Now also you were regarded as a good student with a good grade and want to try to be a hero, which is why we send you a week before UA entrance exam to give you time to make a decision whether you want to be a hero or not. Everything else will be up to you.

Next thing you need to know that your power are registered as quirk and the name is energy and elemental manipulation, were you can manipulate element, make some kind of illusion, and any type of energy. The downside of the quirk is any type quirk suppression are lethal for you and also when you run out of stamina and energy also can be lethal with potential death.

Of course the downside is a fake since you don't really have any weakness at all, you probably have more problem how to limit your own power rather than thinking about your weakness. So you probably need to fake fatigue or might be have to get some injury to make sure anyone doesn't know that you have unlimited stamina, energy or whatever things you wish before.

So we decided to give you bonus to give you perfect acting skill to help you conceal your real ability, if you worry someone with lie detecting quirk can read your act then you don't have to since you practically immune to and you can say anything you want. You need to make sure you have the intent that what you were saying are the truth, also the opposite also applied if you want to make the lie detecting cure what you say are a lie then make sure you have the intent of lie while saying whatever you want to say.

Another thing to add is regarding your Rinne-sharingan but really it is just like another bonus from us, there is several thing you need to know. Your Rinne-sharingan can be turn off, you might need to check the mirror later as you can see that you don't have the ripple eye pattern with tomoe in your eyes later on but only your regular eyes. To activate it there is several step you need to do and honestly it quite easy, channel a little energy in you eyes to unlock a normal sharingan with three tomoe, add more energy to unlock the Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan, and again add more energy to finally unlock the Rinne-sharingan. To turn it off just cut the energy and your eyes will be back to normal.

I think that is everything that you need to know and everything else you can check yourself like your own apartment that we give you, and we will never be in contact again.

Please burn the letter after you read or after you don't need it again.

Hope you enjoy your second life, good luck and good bye.'


After reading the letter about everything that I need to know I kinda speechless, well I'm alone since I'm an orphan but I don't really mind since I live independent in my previous live so pretty sure I can take care of myself without much trouble.

Also help that everything are in order and I got a bonus skill too which is good since I can act to save my life so it's all good and all.

Overall I should be happy with this arrangement but I don't know, I think this is just me overthinking things and should just see how it goes in the future.

Well I again I look around my room again since now I'm pretty wide awake now to check the bedroom more clearly, and honestly this bedroom can be considered Spartan style. There only my bed, medium size closet which I hope include clothing too if not I might need to go shoping, which is a drag since I hate shopping other than shopping a new game. Even then I buying it online mostly.

I get up and walk to the closet and sigh in relief indeed there's clothes and if my eyes doesn't deceive me or if my memory is right, every clothes in the closet are the same clothes I have in my own closet from my previous world. So at least I don't need to go shopping for clothes since it's already in order.

After I close the closet I see a study table with a laptop on top it and just realize there is quite big mirror just beside the closet, I can check the laptop later on since I think it is not that important. Well there's a bathroom inside my bedroom so very convenient so might as well check the bathroom while also finally checking my new appearance after that, entering the bathroom well there's shower and also a bathtub and pretty much a standard really nothing really special I can say and pretty satisfied with everything.

And finally time check my appearance so I wash my face then get out of the bathroom and stand in front of the mirror and yeah I already what I expected but still surprise nonetheless, well I see Itachi Uchiha in the mirror and that person is me and hoo booii… Itachi are handsome there's no denying it and kinda weird too since I essentially it is me now, and taking off the the shirt I was wearing now I can say I am definitely not regretting it.

I have a lean and pretty muscular body with well defined six-pack but then again this is a body of Itachi Uchiha who's train pretty much his whole life to gain this body type, and also I can noticed different thing since this is not a body for show-off. But this is a body solely to fight, but still nice to look at though.

Then I realize again that I have Harem Protagonist trait and I just feel the headache already since I just have a predicament after checking my new appearance.

What will happen if a handsome face of Itachi combine with Harem Protagonist trait?

Harem Protagonist trait already make girls will naturally attracted to me, and Itachi without the Harem Protagonist trait already make girls attracted to him without even doing anything probably. Yeah doesn't think things through when I make that wish, I blame my impulsive decision making without thinking far ahead.

But nothing could be done now so suffer I guess and let make this another future me problem rather than overthinking things again, but then again I might enjoy it and maybe I have masochistic side that I never know already there. But I really hope not.

Anyway enough about that I need check another thing that is the Rinne-sharingan since I kinda curious with how it looks, but first I need to draw the energy and I kinda have the idea how since I guess it's pretty simple.

Well he knows the theory somewhat but never heard to try since it pretty common in the fanfiction anyway so he might get some success, so starting from there he try to at focus feel the source of the energy he have. It didn't take that much long and he doesn't touch the source since he doesn't want what will happened if touch something that is infinite, so he kinda imagine to take a small amount of energy and guide it to his eyes.

After he thinks the energy connect to the eyes then I slowly opened my eyes and see if I succeed, and yes indeed I am succeed since now I have a three tomoe Sharingan on both of my eyes just like the letter said. Now he knows what it takes to minimum energy need to take to activate the Sharingan at least a normal Sharingan, now let's see next and start increasing the energy more into his eyes slowly without closing my eyes.

And yeah in just a few seconds my eyes changing to new pattern and essentially become Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan and honestly the design seems familiar, now that I kinda remember it seems similar to Sasuke Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan with a few difference in the midde. Not gonna complained since it still looks cool.

And of course the last the Rinne-sharingan and I start channeling the more of my energy to my eyes like the same when I unlocked Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan and this time eyes to more ripple patterns around the pupil, and the circle pattern I don't even know how many surrounding my circle there also decorated with tomoe .

Well I think that is enough testing for now and also I need to other things too, but I guess I need some place where I can test some ninjutsu and other things. The problem is some technique are just too destructive and definitely will caught some attention, especially if there's a hero nearby and I don't think I need that kind of attention.

Anyway I need to check the rest of the apartment so I just go out from my bedroom and let's just say this apartment maybe a little too much for me to live alone, it's not really big or anything but still a little too big to live alone.

Walking around the apartment checking the other room first so there's 3 extra bedroom and one bathroom, and also the kitchen also nice the groceries is still all there with many kinds of ingredients or some spice overall complete.

And the living room also pretty nice too with quite big of TV inn the middle of the apartment, I think when I read the letter I never think it will be this luxurious. I don't think I will check my bank account in here since I think I will question the value of money once I check that.

Sitting on the sofa of the living room now I need to think what should I do in this world since so many things will happened in the next few months, well there's UA entrance exam so I wil join that since I never plan to be a villain in the first place. Should be the number 1 on the exam? It will kind of attract some attention especially from Nezu and Eraserhead, well not so much maybe on Nezu but Eraserhead a.k.a mr.Aizawa himself will definitely gunning for me for whatever that caterpillar reason so yeah.

Honestly I will attract some attention sooner or later anyway so might as well doing it early, and should I also see how Midoriya given One For All too? I need to see where is Dagobah beach first and hopefully not that far.

Anyway I need food.


A/N : well there it goes chapter 2, hopefully you guys like it. i honestly don't know what am i doing and just write whatever in my mind telling so. seen you guys next chapter.