
Novelas de why do - WebNovel


  • Why Do All These Monsters Have Health Bars?

    Li Jing had transmigrated, finding himself in a modern world where everyone practiced cultivation. Everything here relied on the Spiritual Qi obtained from personal cultivation. Without family or money, and utterly clueless about how to cultivate, life was extremely difficult. However, things changed when Li Jing walked into a Soul Chicken Store and discovered that he could see the health bars of the spirit chickens... (The worldview in this story is completely fictional, so do take it with a grain of salt.)

    I Really Want To Get Drunk · Oriental
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  • I Am Such An Expert; Why Do I Have To Take In Disciples

    After Lu Xiaoran transmigrated to a world of cultivation, his trashy system never got activated. Helpless, Lu Xiaoran could only depend on himself and develop his cultivation while maintaining a low profile. It was only after Lu Xiaoran became the strongest existence in the sect did the system finally get activated. Unexpectedly, this was a system that allowed him to increase his own cultivation by taking in disciples and helping them cultivate. All he had to do now was to find his first disciple!

    Wood Easily Starts Fires · Oriental
  • ONS: Grávida do Bebê do CEO

    Jeanne tinha apenas 18 anos quando sua madrasta e meia-irmã a incriminaram e fizeram com que ela perdesse tudo. Ela foi expulsa de casa pelo pai por tentar resistir. 7 anos depois, Jeanne voltou em busca de vingança com um filho misterioso ao seu lado - George. As pessoas zombavam dela por ser mãe solteira e chamavam o filho dela de criança sem pai. “Quem você está chamando de criança sem pai? Você não vai gostar de me ver bravo,” ameaçou George. “Abaixe o facho, George! Não estrague a diversão! Eu ainda não me diverti o suficiente,” disse Jeanne, querendo aproveitar sua vingança, deixando o menino sem palavras. Jeanne conheceu mais tarde o famoso Quarto Mestre Swan em um baile de caridade. O homem de boa aparência e temperamento frio a chamou para um canto e disse: “Eu gosto de você.” Todos ficaram chocados, inclusive Jeanne. “Eu sou mãe solteira e tenho um filho. Tem certeza de que gosta de mim?” ela disse. “Eu na verdade... gosto do seu filho!” Todos ficaram chocados quando o Quarto Mestre Swan casou-se com Jeanne, mas apenas ele, astuto, sabia que havia conseguido não apenas um, mas dois, importantes jogadores para esse jogo de xadrez que ele estava jogando.

    En's Cozy Haven · Integral
  • Why I Became A Villian

    They say every villain is the hero of their story… They are wrong! There is no such thing as heroes and villains, there is just evil. Evil, cruelty, that’s all I know, that's the only thing the world has shown me… Maybe I am wrong… Just maybe there is more to this world, other than the evil and cruelty I was forced to endure, but that doesn’t really matter anymore. A man is a mirror of the world he has been exposed to… Since I have seen the greatest evil the world has to offer, it is only natural I show the world evil in return. Hello there, I am Lucius Blackwell, let me tell you why I became the greatest villain of all time…

    3rd_Sin · Ciencia y ficción
  • Corações Enredados - A Mama do Bebê do Alfa

    "Você achou que me curar faria com que eu te amasse mais?" Ele zombou, agarrando meu cabelo enquanto me arrastava em direção à porta. "Você está me machucando, Xavier," eu chorei, batendo nele fracamente. Não havia muito que eu pudesse fazer. "Se eu te ver a uma polegada de distância de mim," Ele me jogou contra a parede "Eu desafio as consequências e te mato,". *** Minha companheira e eu estávamos destinados a nos odiar, apenas um ato de amor verdadeiro ou altruísmo do companheiro mais forte poderia colocar nossos destinos no caminho certo, mas durante sete anos, eu tive que suportar o abuso do meu companheiro e seu suposto amor da vida dele até que um dia decidi partir. Parti, determinada a ficar escondida dele para sempre... mas descobri que estava grávida algumas semanas depois.

    Ejiofor_Dorcas · Fantasía
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  • Rebirth, but why?

        Love is a very beautiful feeling, then why it turns out an ugly scar for her.           Sia never understand what she has done wrong, she for her entire life love Arnav, she never cheated on him or do anything wrong, she even not hurt anyone. Then why she ended up losing everything. Her love of life, her child, her father, everything.  But then again she gets a chance to re-do her life. but why? In her previous life, she takes revenge on those who hurt her but in this process, she lost what is valuable for her, she does many mistakes, then why God gives her a new chance, she by no means a good person. But now if she gets the chance to change things for good, then she will surely protect those who love her and ignore the other. She avoids the mistakes she has done in her previous life. This is the story of Sia & how she changed her previous life tragedy, and gain life.

    AmrutaShinde95 · Ciudad
  • A Noiva do Diabo

    Um amor condenado desde o início, uma causa perdida, uma batalha em desvantagem - E ainda assim, nenhum dos corações deseja desistir até o final. ----- Arlan Cromwell, o epítome do perfeito Príncipe Herdeiro. Tudo o que ele quer é viver uma vida normal de um humano, mas a vida de um dragão está longe de ser normal. Ele tem apenas um objetivo - encontrar sua prometida fugitiva e decapitá-la. O que acontece quando ele descobre que a mulher que conquistou seu coração é aquela que ele jurou matar? Oriana, a herbalista, se disfarçando de homem, passou a vida inteira fugindo sem saber do que está fugindo. Quando os mistérios de seu passado lentamente começam a alcançá-la, ela não tem a quem recorrer... exceto Arlan. Mas quando ela descobre que o homem a quem entregou seu coração é o mesmo que quer matá-la, como ela pode aceitar as crueldades que a vida lhe impôs? Duas pessoas com segredos para manter, identidades para esconder e respostas para encontrar. Quando a certa escuridão ameaça levar Oriana embora, o Dragão será capaz de proteger sua companheira? ----- Excerto- “Se eu soubesse que você era minha prometida, teria te matado no exato momento em que nos encontramos.” “Se eu soubesse que estava prometida a você, teria me matado antes mesmo que você me matasse!” Ele tirou uma adaga e a ofereceu a ela. “Não é tarde demais. Apenas corte sua garganta com isso e você sangrará sem dor.” Ela aceitou a faca, seus dedos segurando firmemente o cabo. No momento seguinte, ele estava pressionado contra a parede e a faca estava no lado direito de seu pescoço. “Que tal eu tentar em você primeiro, meu prometido?” “Sinta-se à vontade para tentar. Mas quando você falhar, esta faca provará primeiro o sangue do seu avô, depois o seu.” A raiva subiu em seus olhos, e no momento seguinte, sangue corria pelo lado direito de seu pescoço. Ela cortou profundamente o suficiente para romper um vaso sanguíneo importante. “Você não deveria ter me desafiado,” ela zombou e recuou, esperando que ele desabasse. Ele apenas sorriu e passou o dedo ao longo da ferida profunda em seu pescoço. “Parece que você falhou.” Ela observou a ferida em seu pescoço se curando sozinha e sentiu-se chocada até os ossos. “Você.. o que você é?” “Adivinhe?” -----

    Mynovel20 · Fantasía
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  • The To-Do List

    Who said that the death of a person is akin to the extinguishing of a lamp; that all previous karmic ties would be severed. Raizel, the pinnacle cultivator of Terra made an oath to his dying junior martial brother to complete his To-do list. What was the big deal? It is definitely not as difficult as fighting the Devil King. That is till he saw the list. Plant a fire lotus flower in the Shuya Ice peak, Skinny dip in the Neva river, Save a beautiful poisoned female cultivator in the forest, win the most loved teacher in the school. How could he have forgotten the psycho that is his junior martial brother, Lucas? His journey to complete the To-do list takes him to various places and throws him into unique situations. He meets different characters and he discovers a hidden love so deep that it is almost painful. "I knew from the moment that I set my eyes on you that you were mine. Even if I have to fight Heavens to get you, even if I am sentenced to the 66 Hells; I would never regret loving you." This book is a slow burn romance. Would it be worth it in the end? Yes, I promise there would be enough smexy scenes for a massive nosebleed. Hope you enjoy!! #Book cover not mine.

    Dark_Scholars · LGBT+
  • I am the Demon king, but why do the Goddesses favor me?

    -WSA-Villain I guess- The world calls for heroes, and in dire situations, they tend to rely on anything just to escape death and live. The story begins when a man from another world becomes one of the three heroes of fate. His strength prospers among the other two, fate favors him, but the people do not. After saving the entire continent from the Demon God, they feared his strength and banished him from any human land with no where to go he thought of nothing but to suffer. But there are still beings who cared enough to give his life a new light. [ You are never Forgotten ] (Hiatus notice! will be back in two months or much earlier. I promise "I shall return!")

    PassingbyStranger · Fantasía
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  • Why Did You Summon Me?

    Imagine being forced to live, after death, as incorporeal bodies trapped in a vast space of nothingness for thousands of years, with nothing to do but exchanging past memories with other cohabitants (read: weirdos). Everybody wanted out, but there was no way to leave the Void... Until one day, a young man was finally summoned, as a powerful but reluctant mentor, by a bubbly and motivated but completely naive young girl. Baiyi, finally out of the Void, was the only one who could save all of the other 32 souls from their prison and his summoner might just be The Key to their freedom. However, Baiyi had to use the techniques and abilities the other souls had taught him throughout the years, and together with his own extensive knowledge of anime and game tropes from his shady and dangerous past as an otaku, to face the biggest challenge of them all: training the clumsy young girl he was forced to partner up with… into a competent sorcerer!

    Sixteenth Basket of Mantaos · Fantasía
  • Sucker Punch: A why choose Romance

    Caught in the middle of three men who demand what they want, I soon discover that I am the one they’ll fight dirty to keep. With my legacy on the brink of destruction, I enter the fight of my life, determined to do whatever it takes to hold on to what’s mine. Sin, debauchery, body sweat all around me. Dangerous men want what I have inherited, and corruption suffocates the air I breathe. With no other option, I’m cast in a world of underground cage fighting full of violence for money. But I’m an innocent girl completely out of my league. Except, I’m not alone. I have them. This is their world. Will they be my saviors? Or the masters of my ruin? The power of three to take me down, but they also have the power to build me back up… if they choose. There’s Frankie, also known as Freakshow when he’s ready to fight. Unpredictable, dominating, and a brooding storm that intensifies with me in the room. Bones is the one who truly sees me for the woman I am. He can break down my walls with little effort, and the man makes me weak in a world where I need to be strong. Then there’s Lotto. He’s the protector, the leader. His eyes never leave me, and they never will. He’s watching. Always watching. But he awakes hidden demons I can’t resist. To these men, I bring chaos, but in me they unleash something more… Survival. Redemption. Dark desires. Each one of them is different, but they each have something in common. They all have an obsession... Me.

    Edethabor_Praise · LGBT+
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  • And Why, In Every Life, Do I Fall In Love With The Tyrant?

    (#Tyrant #demon #transmigration #lifetimelove #maturecontent #killings #bl #yaoi) Yeon Jin, a master archer as well as a university student, died after being thrown into the river during a gang ambush by his lover, Daniel. Though he did not believe he was dead since all he could remember was the splash of water, and believed that he simply transmigrated somewhere by accident, hoping to get back to his lover. In this life, the face of his lover was on a prince, a madman who spilled blood on a daily basis, demon of the battlefield and also, a tyrant. And unfortunately, he had become the worst enemy of this tyrant who was from the holy empire that was completely against his existence. There were three things he secretly set his mind to accomplish. 1, Not die, 2, Tame the tyrant... While trying his best not to die by his hands 3, Find a way to return home... While still trying to tame the tyrant He was able to survive not dying by the tyrant's hands but that was only because he had a special gift that was able to nullify the demonic powers that he possessed and also, be the only one to tackle him down. As well as his inability to die... Thanks to the god that was connected to him. 1, Not die.. check! Not knowing why he was in this new world where everything was strange, Yeon Jin found comfort in staring at t the face that reminded him of his lover but unfortunately, his personality was crap. But... He learned to cope with it. 2, Tame the tyrant... Check! Just when he was adapting to this new world, and was gradually falling in love with the tyrant prince, while continuously maxing it as his affection for the face since it belonged to his lover, he came to realize that he hadn't transmigrated anywhere, rather, he was living the first of the last three lifetimes where his death were beyond tragic among the hundreds of loves he and his lover had lived together and this... It was a simple repetition which meant all that was happening were real and this man, the tyrant prince whom he was trying hard not to fall for, was his lover in this lifetime. 3, Find a way to return home... Pending! How exactly was he going to cope with this new information when he was halfway across the empire with no way to communicate with the tyrant prince? How exactly was he going to sink in the fact that in this life, one of them was going to die all over again and then repeat the same in the next two that were to come? He felt he would run mad and in all this, wondered, "What exactly was it that brought us this tragic fate?" ********* NOTE: Aside from their tragic love story of different lifetimes, the contents of this book aren't entirely sad and filled with tears and bloodshed. There are a lot of comical/funny events that will lighten your heart in preparation for the tragedy to come.

    Byul_Byre · LGBT+
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  • The World seems Realistic but Why do I have a Leveling System?

    Sheila is an average girl who likes to play video games and watch animes in her free time. If there’s anything that stood out from her, that would be her beautiful appearance. Due to spending too much time playing video games till late at night, she would usually forget to do her homework which she would, later on, asked her best friend, Ria, for help. A total average gamer-otaku girl. Like any other day, Sheila was walking her way to school when suddenly the phone in her pocket vibrates. She pulled it out of her pocket to check with the expectation of seeing a new message, but the result was something that would change her entire life completely upside down. Leveling System, it was a mysterious app which suddenly appeared inside her phone. By using it, she could level up like the character in the game and become stronger. But what would an average girl do by becoming stronger? Not expecting to fight anything absurd in her daily life, Sheila slowly adapts to her new life of leveling up inside an instant dungeon. But out of nowhere, A goblin appeared in front of her somewhere in the alleyways. Where did it come from? Not knowing anything, Sheila ended up killing it. That night, She woke up to a nightmare where the world turned chaotic as monsters run rampage everywhere, it was a world where a weak human life was nothing but garbage, a world where strong prey the weak. She believes it was a premonition of what her future would be if she does nothing. Will she stand up and take responsibly to fight for others? Or would she be selfish and only fight for her loved ones? The fate of the entire world is on her hand. Her decision will decide the outcome of everything. *** Important note: English is not my first language, so do expect to see a grammatic error and if you're such a kind and big heart person and would willing to help, feel free do so as I appreciated any sort of support. I'm also a new author who only wrote the story because purely for my own pleasure. Be warn though as the story progress and development is very slow. I started writing this story out of spit of not having anything interesting to read, do expect some cliche since this author likes it. *** [UPDATED!]The characters design followed by tiny bits information(Be warn as it would be a spoiler to the new readers!): http://imgur.com/gallery/twsIaJe If you like the story, please give some power stone, any will be appreciated! Credit to the artist, I just simply edit to fit the book cover; https://picrew.me/image_maker/234517 *** Discord: https://discord.gg/2JMqZ3e Support me: Send me a cup of coffee: Ko-fi/minxmean Patreon: patreon.com/NEETGuy

    MinxMean · Fantasía
  • Xianxia: Why am I here?

    Waking in a cultivated world, Wang experiences firsthand the feeling of powerlessness and being hunted by low-level martial artists. Ruruo saves him for her selfish reasons, but upon getting to know her, realizes she is not bad. But even so, this world is not a good place, want some respect? Then have you beat everyone into submission? Want to live longer? Then are you stronger than those around you? Realizing this world is not a good place, he sets foot on the path of martial arts. Your world is a good resource! Don't worry I'll just devour it! You won't feel the pain. Nowhere is really safe! Only the strong are qualified to be stable. 'Add to the collection and vote to support the work, if found it interesting"'

    Aurora_Ryan · Fantasía
  • Why Did I Become the Villainess?

    Ysavel, an aspiring writer, wakes up one day inside the world of her own novel. She thought it's those typical transmigration story she have read. However, she was shock when she discovers that she's been cast as the villainess in her own story. "DON'T TELL ME I BECOME THE VILLAINESS OF MY OWN STORY?!" Shocked and dismayed, she realizes that the only way to return to the real world is to live out her role in the story. Initially, she accepts this fate, but things take an unexpected turn when the characters start deviating from the script. "I don't want another Queen. Youare the only one I want as my Queen, Csille." Prince Fraser whispered. The male lead, who was expected to be annoyed by her constant pestering, instead becomes affectionate and attached to her. "It's inevitable, Lady Lauretré. You will still be the Queen, so I don't see any harm in what I said. Besides, I doubt the King or even the Crown Prince would be willing to change their minds about your engagement." The female lead, who was supposed to separate the male lead from her, begins to play matchmaker between the male lead and the villainess. What should she do? She couldn't get back to the real world if she didn't finished the story as the villainess. But how can she finished it if the two leads are not following the script? Help!!! Still under revision but once done updates will be posted daily at 12pm ( GMT +8 ). Also, please check my other novel, Dimensions Apart. It’s a lighter novel compared to this one. Credits to the rightful owner of the picture I used for the cover.

    pshyyyy · Historia
  • Why reincarnate as a useless skeleton?

    [WPC #224 Silver Price Winner: Undead and inmortal] Hello little soul. Were you murdered? Hit by a truck? Did you commit suicide or just slip in the bathtub? Well, the point is, you're dead. But don't worry about that, because this is not the end. Welcome to A.T.I.R. At A.T.I.R. we make sure that qualified souls who deserve a second chance are sent to other worlds to live a new life! Although it should be noted that not everything is free. It is likely that after your reincarnation, you will have to fulfill a certain purpose. But nothing too serious, so don't worry! Now enjoy your new life! WARNING: The journey between dimensions can cause the acquisition of superpowers, loss of senses (blindness, deafness, loss of touch, etc...), baldness, short-term memory loss, loss of organs, and body malformations. The agency is not responsible for the place or world where you will be reincarnated, if your species changes or if you suffer a problem during the trip. Any inconvenience you may have, please notify the complaints department (they will probably ignore it). Thank you for choosing A.T.I.R., have a happy life! "That doesn't sound very good..." Follows the story of Marcus, a simple guy who was reborn in a skeleton and despite all the misfortunes, somehow he is still "alive". Fighting monsters, demons, humans, ridiculous situations, and existential crises. Marcus will embark on an adventure to get his freedom in this new life and find the reason why he was called to this world. But his decisions could alter the destiny of an entire universe. Starting from the bottom to reach the heavens. **** Sigh... Look this is my first novel so I honestly don't know how to write a good synopsis without making too many spoilers But trust me, the novel is much better than this synopsis. I would appreciate any kind of critique to help me improve as a writer and English is not my native language. So I apologize for any grammatical errors, I will try to fix them if you let me know. I will try to post a minimum of three chapters per week.The chapters are between 2000 to 3500 words. (The cover was made using A.I)

    Darksky_ll · Fantasía

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