

2019-11-07 Se unióUnited States



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  • Mark1681
    Publicado por

    This reads like it was written by ChatGPT. I only managed to read the first three chapters, but it doesn't have much substance to it other than "superman stops a crime."

    A Superman in Marvel
    Cómic · Mohammed_Jawad
  • Mark1681
    Comentado por

    50k won is like $40 lol

    He bought 2 pairs of simple white Nike Air Force 1 with the black logo, since they were clean and coud be matched with nearly everything, after the shopping spree he returned home, but not before purchasing a Phone and a laptop, he utilized the money glitch called bully hunting.
    Lookism [Masterpiece]
    Cómic · Kqro
  • Mark1681
    Comentado por

    I have absolutely no clue who any of these people are, or what this is supposed to be a fanfic of, but it's kind of a breath of fresh air

    Ch 3 School of Scrubs
    The Gamer Was Given Prep Time
    Cómic · subarashi
  • Mark1681
    Comentado por

    This is the most cultured use of a hyperbolic time chamber I've ever read.

    Ren: Uses Hyperbolic Time Chamber to get older so he can finally get laid.
    A Flawless Legacy (Waifu Catalog SI)
    Cómic · Fortunate_Soul
  • Mark1681
    respondió a Cruel_Potato

    So he had his starting traits, but not his starting skill? Kinda weird, but aite

    I stood there in silence for a moment alongside the rest of the crowd who hadn't made it. Then I let out a sigh and turned to make my way back toward Babel. I heard a few curses tossed toward the Loki familia, but I didn't feel too bad about my rejection. I know what powers are in store for me as soon as I get a falna, but it didn't feel great to get rejected. However, I still had the Hepeastus familia to try out for, and I felt a bit better about this one. I have some basic forging skills due to being obsessed with blacksmiths in my old life. I constantly watched forging shows, and I was always woodworking and trying to build this thing or that.
    Reborn in Danmachi as a Psyker
    Cómic · Cruel_Potato
  • Mark1681
    Comentado por

    He apparently didn't want to join the Loki Familia too badly if he isn't willing to show off his Inventory. That's like a free invite to any expedition familia right there.

    I stood there in silence for a moment alongside the rest of the crowd who hadn't made it. Then I let out a sigh and turned to make my way back toward Babel. I heard a few curses tossed toward the Loki familia, but I didn't feel too bad about my rejection. I know what powers are in store for me as soon as I get a falna, but it didn't feel great to get rejected. However, I still had the Hepeastus familia to try out for, and I felt a bit better about this one. I have some basic forging skills due to being obsessed with blacksmiths in my old life. I constantly watched forging shows, and I was always woodworking and trying to build this thing or that.
    Reborn in Danmachi as a Psyker
    Cómic · Cruel_Potato
  • Mark1681
    respondió a MISTER_Gf

    Guy going 100% would have enough speed to hit Obito before he could even register his movement, and easily enough strength to obliterate his torso. The only way Obito survives a 1on1 with Guy is plot.

    These two were none other than Neji Hyuga and Maito Guy, one being one of the most talented ninjas of his generation while one being arguably the most powerful person in this world currently. 
    Naruto : Degenerate master
    Cómic · Imperial_Writer
  • Mark1681
    Comentado por

    "Welcome to the world(family), son."

    He chuckled, "Welcome to the real-world kid, where you are gonna have to do things by yourself. Have fun." He said with a shit-eating grin, before he got up and left.
    Snakes and Ladders (A Hollywood SI/OC)
    Película · Archonstine
  • Mark1681
    Comentado por

    Frankly, this makes no sense in the world of Naruto where Chakra literally is Physical and Spiritual Energy. The CN Author just wanted him to have a weakness, I guess.

    However, after a few attacks, a few drops of sweat also flowed from Satoru's forehead. After all, even though his chakra is inexhaustible, he still feels tired.
    Naruto : Gojo Satoru Reborn As Kakashi's Brother
    Cómic · Yeye_Qiu
  • Mark1681
    Comentado por

    Bruh a pound?? That's like 5 grand :|

    "Came to pay you back…for last night." Savannah replied while slinging a black backpack off of her shoulder that I didn't even notice, she reached inside of the backpack and pulled out what looked to be a pound of weed, wrapped up in cellophane wrap, which she handed to me before reaching into her jacket pocket, and pulling out a small pile of crumbled up bills.
    Waking up as a Ghallager (Shameless USA, 2011 SI)
    TV · Shane_Town
  • Mark1681
    Comentado por

    Road shimmer, wiggling in the vision~ heat, heat waves I'm swimming in a mirror~

    ~Sometimes I think about yooouuuu...~"
    Orario Records of Bastard Cheating Minecrafter
    Cómic · Vulkizaro_Zoromi
  • Mark1681
    Comentado por

    ~I never wanna hear you saaay~

    ~Tell me why~
    Orario Records of Bastard Cheating Minecrafter
    Cómic · Vulkizaro_Zoromi
  • Mark1681
    Comentado por

    Tamamo no Mae Amaterasu

    Death Gods Wish
    Cómic · TeStoryHungryDemon
  • Mark1681
    Comentado por

    The minimum speed is incredibly low. Even without Chakra or the enhanced bodies of Naruto - baseline Humans can walk faster than that.

    15 kms run(atleast at 3kms/hour)
    Naruto: Asmodeus Template
    Cómic · AnimefanfictionInd
  • Mark1681
    Comentado por

    That's what we like to see

    "A... A god just died. A god's divine spirit was pulled back before getting to tenkai..." Hermes could feel his whole body tremble.
    Danmachi: Divine Enemy
    Cómic · Khay_Cee_Padua
  • Mark1681
    Comentado por
    "What is with Lars? He's scary as hell... I knew it was a risk that I calculated. But I sure am bad at math." Syr sighed.
    Danmachi: Divine Enemy
    Cómic · Khay_Cee_Padua
  • Mark1681
    respondió a Khay_Cee_Padua


    Danmachi: Divine Enemy
    Cómic · Khay_Cee_Padua
  • Mark1681
    respondió a Grammy

    Interestingly enough the Administrators up to floor 100-something (even though all them, including the Administrator of the 1st floor, could kill Jahad in a fight) basically let Jahad have free reign of those floors.

    "You are hereby promoted as a High Ranker and will be given the Rank of #18, below the Head of the Yeon Family."
    As Sasuke in Tower of God
    Cómic · ForbiddenLord
  • Mark1681
    Comentado por

    Hey it's me!

    A new soul had silently slipped into the vessel of Superman — a man named Mark.
    I resurrected in Superman's body
    Película · predicate
  • Mark1681
    Comentado por

    My man is going after the Klan

    Naruto smiled at his question. "You are powerful… and you could become even more powerful if you stand beside me. What I want in return is your help in defeating those white-skinned clan members," Naruto replied sincerely.althoug he was full confident in his capability but having a backup plan didn't harm.
    Naruto : Pure Blood
    Cómic · Devils_hand