
A Flawless Legacy (Waifu Catalog SI)

A person from gets Waifu Catalog System and uses it to reincarnate himself in the Naruto world. Now a newly orphaned Ren Uchiha comes over to live with Fugaku and his family. Wait!? Itachi is a girl? Mito Uzumaki, Ringo Ameyuri and other beautiful women are still alive? The other villages realised how awesome I am and want to go to war with Konoha? Watch as our SI shocks everyone with his abilities and goes on to become the strongest in the world while getting himself a few waifus on the side. For advanced chapters: https://www.p@treon.com/ankit1

Fortunate_Soul · Cómic
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65 Chs

Chapter 46- Defeating Obito and buying Science Talent

Ren Uchiha POV


You've gained 815632 Exp for defeating Nagato Uzumaki!


You've Levelled up by +1

You've Levelled up by +1

You've Levelled up by +1

+15 Free Stats!


You've gained +200,000,000 Ryo!

You've gained Adamentine Sealing Chains!

You've gained +30% advancement to your Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan!


You've gained 12950 Exp for defeating Konan!


You've gained +80,000,000 Ryo!

You've gained +50 High Tier Health Potions!

You've gained +1 Level to all Fuinjutsu skills!


You've gained the Title "Waifu Slayer" for defeating Five Tier 6 Waifus in combat!

+25% to all stats when fighting Tier 6+ waifus!

+25% to Chakra Recovery!

+25% to all Resistance!

+10 to Hidden stat Charisma!

+Slightly Favourable opinion from a Waifu after defeating her!


You've dismantled the Akatsuki Organisation!

You've gained 1,915,022 Exp!


You've Levelled up by +1

You've Levelled up by +1

You've Levelled up by +1

You've Levelled up by +1

You've Levelled up by +1

+25 Free stats!


You've gained +100 Free Stats!

You've gained +1 Ton of Chakra Metal!

You've gain +25% advancement to your Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan!

You've gained +100 High Tier Chakra Recover Potions!

You've gained +20 Free Level up skill disks!


You've gained the Achievement 'Defeater of Akatsuki'!

+10% stats when fighting a shadowy Organisation!

+50% more chances of running into and finding other members of the Shadowy Organisation you're fighting!

+Slightly Favourable opinion from the Waifus in the organisation!

He felt a slightly pinching in his eyes as the +30% and +25% advancement to his Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan added up till his eye advancement now sat at over 73%. Only 27% more till his eyes evolve to Rinnegan.

This was… a huge boon. And not just in the eye department either but in the free stats, free money, free Titles and the free favourable opinion from defeating Waifus from now on.

However, there was now another enemy in front of him: Obito.

He'd expected to face this guy sooner or later, but he hadn't expected it to be this soon.

Obito stood beside Nagato for a moment before…


He slit Nagato's throat.

Nagato had attempted to shield himself with Shinra Tensei. However, with Nagato's Rinnegan eyes in his possession, the defensive maneuver proved futile, resulting in a torrent of blood cascading down his torso.

"NOOO!!!" Konan's anguished cry pierced the air as she hurled her paper shuriken at Obito, only for them to pass through him effortlessly, as if he were mere.

He created a Shadow Clone who quickly teleported to Nagato's side and retrieved his dying body before vanishing from site.

He didn't spare Nagato so that Obito could come and kill him. Even without his Rinnegan eyes, the guy had enough Chakra to dwarf the chakra reserves of other S-class shinobi.

Once he had healed Nagato, it shouldn't take him too long to become accustomed to his new situation and become an S-class shinobi once again. One who'll rule Ame as Konoha's loyal subordinate.

And if he refused, then the option of using Kotoamatsumaki was always on the table.

Observing Obito and Konan's brief skirmish (if one could call it that, as Konan's assaults merely passed through Obito), he discreetly activated the Kamui technique he had acquired from Kakashi, and swiftly dispatched several Shadow Clones into that dimension.

Then he created another Shadow Clone who snuck up on Konan and used Hiraishin to take her back to Konoha where Nagato was now being healed.

With both Nagato and Konan gone it was just him and Obito left. They shared a tense moment, Obito making a futile attempt at ensnaring him within a Genjutsu, while he used Observe and studied Obito's information.

What a mess, this guy is.

A blend of Inferior and God Complex, alongside a huge serving of PTSD. Top that off with a dash of hypocrisy and delusion, and you have Obito Uchiha.

As he said, what a mess.

"Why kill Nagato?" He asked upon seeing that Obito wasn't going to say anything.

Obito shrugged. "He lost his usefulness."

Okay, wow. That was quite the villainous thing to say about a former subordinate. And not the smart, ruthless type of villain either, but the stupid kind of villain. The sort you encounter in a single issue of DC or Marvel Comics before they disappear forever.

"What about Konan? Were you going to kill her as well?" He asked, more out of curiosity than anything else.

"She was not the one who lost me my Rinnegan eyes." Obito said "Now, are you going to return me my eyes. Or do I have to take them from your corpse, Ren Uchiha."

He chuckled softly. "Your eyes? Come now, Obito. We both know that isn't true."

Obito froze, taken aback by the ease with which he was recognised. Then, he snarled. "Death it is then."

Then Obito charged at him and he… dodged those attacks with almost no effort.

"Your Taijutsu sucks and even if it was worth a damn, you're slow as fuck. Did Madara not teach you anything?" He asked, amused by how the big bad villain was so… lacking.

With how strong he himself had become, he was pretty confident that he would be able to fight against Jubii Obito right now. Perhaps not win and perhaps not even a stalemate. But he wouldn't lose easily and can always retreat from the fight without any difficulty.

After all, Jubii Obito was able to take on an entire group of Tier 7 shinobi, and almost defeated all of them.

Had Obito possessed greater command over the Ten Tails and not been hindered by Kishimoto's decision to strip him of his Kamui technique, he likely would've taken out the entire Shinobi Alliance on his own.

This Obito was a joke in comparison to that. Like he had seen what the Nightmare difficulty of a game looked like, and was now playing it at Easy mode.

Especially since, over the years, he had come up with 4 different ways to negate the Kamui technique.

As Obito persisted in his assault, he skillfully evaded each blow until Obito finally attempted to draw him into the Kamui Dimension.

Employing Hiraishin, he appeared at a safe distance, still chuckling.

"You know, you're quite lacking for running around with Madara's name. I mean, don't you have any shame at all?" He asked.

Obito eyes narrowed before he charged at him once again… and ran face first into a dozen stone spikes erupting from the ground.

The spikes went through him and for a moment, it seemed like he had sustained no damage.

Only to then suddenly double over on the ground and retch out his lunch, a fist shaped bruise slowly forming on his stomach. His Shadow Clones within the Kamui Dimension having executed their task effectively.

"Really, a punch is all it took to take you down." He asked, crouching in front of a hunched over form of Obito with a mocking smile.

Though in all honesty, with his current strength and Tsunade's technique, he could likely pulverize a mountain with a single blow. So, perhaps it wasn't entirely Obito's fault for bending over in pain. A normal jounin's organs would've turned to mush from that punch.

"H… *cough cough* how?" Obito asked.

"Did you truly believe that you could invade Konoha, attempt to kidnap my sensei, in order to extract the Kyuubi, and unleash it upon my village—all while falsely accusing my clan—and I wouldn't devise any countermeasures against you?" he said, gently patting Obito's cheek, leaving a Hiraishin mark upon his skin.

Obito's eyebrows furrowed into a venomous snarl as he attempted once more to employ Kamui against him. Yet again, he effortlessly evaded it with Hiraishin, teleporting behind Obito and delivering a swift kick to his face. The force sent Obito skidding across the floor, crashing into the opposite wall of the room.

"Don't you know that you shouldn't use the same technique twice against an accomplished shinobi?" He asked, feeling very much like he was bullying a kid rather than facing the big bad villain of the Naruto world.

Though, he supposed that the title was more suitable for Madara or Kaguya.

"I'll end you!" Obito seethed as he rose from the ground, brushing off the debris from his body.

"Will you now?" He asked before he created 4 clones who went to each corner of the room before creating a barrier that enclosed them within it. "Go on. Try."

Obito gave a wary glance to the Fuinjutsu barrier before he charged at him, fist cocked, and threw a powerful punch at him that would've knocked the lights out of your average Jounin.

He stopped it with a finger.

"What!?" Obito asked, horrified by the fact that his Kamui Intangibility wasn't working anymore.

"A Space Locking Barrier." He explained. "It prevents the use of spatial techniques such as Hiraishin or Summoning Jutsu within its confines. And, as you may have guessed by now, interdimensional abilities like Kamui are rendered useless within its bounds as well."

Obito's eyes widened in shock and then terror as he finally realised just what, or who exactly he was dealing with.

With swift precision, he delivered another powerful punch to Obito's stomach, folding him in half and making him cough out blood on the ground.

That punch was powerful enough to tear right through the body of your typical Elite Jounin. Really, Hashirama cells were bullshit.

"It was Kushina-sensei and Minato-san who devised this Fuinjutsu barrier, by the way." He remarked casually. "So even if I wasn't here, you would have never survived a second battle against Minato-san. Because at the end of the day, Obito, you're nothing more than a one-trick pony."

Obito attempted to crawl away, but he swiftly delivered a kick to his torso, fracturing a few ribs and making him curl up on the ground in pain.

He sighed. "This is honestly quite sad. What did you even hope to achieve by coming here?""

Obito whimpered in pain but otherwise remained silent.

He almost felt a twinge of pity for the guy. Leaning down, he applied a Chakra Sealing fuinjutsu seal to Obito's shoulder. The seal swiftly spread throughout his body, rendering him incapable of accessing his chakra.

"How?" Obito asked, his voice barely audible.

"What?" He asked.

"How are you so strong?"

He contemplated lying or simply ignoring Obito's words before he decided to simply tell him the truth. Mostly because he was going to kill Obito right here and saw it as Obito's last request.

"Waifu Catalog," he admitted, revealing the origin of his formidable abilities to the first person in this world. "It's the source of my strength. Without it, I'd likely be just another average Uchiha shinobi. Planning to escape Konoha before Itachi could get her genocidal boner."

Obito looked at him in confusion, as if not understanding anything that he'd just said. Which was… fair.

"Well, I've told you the truth. It's not my concern if you failed to comprehend any of it," he stated calmly before removing Obito's spiral mask and extracting both of his eyes. One was the Mangekyo Sharingan, while the other appeared to be a simple three-tomoe Sharingan likely taken from the remains of a deceased Uchiha.

Plop! Plop!

Obito's cries of pain and despair echoed through the room as he grappled with the loss of his Kamui Sharingan. In that moment, a mix of pity and disgust surged within him at Obito's reaction. The bastard had no qualms about orchestrating the downfall of the Uchiha clan and extracting their eyes afterward. But when he loses his own eyes, he cries like a bitch.

"What an idiot." He said before he raised his hand and formed a punch. "Don't worry Obito, I'll take real good care of Rin Nohara in your absence. Maybe we'll even name a child after you."

The idea amused him so much that he might actually go through with it. Rin wouldn't mind it either, he was sure of it.

Obito let out a silent whimper upon hearing his words before he brought his fist down on Obito's head with his entire strength… and spattered his head all over the floor.

He regretted doing that the very next instant.

'This is going to be a bitch and a half to clean.' He thought.

And then the notifications rolled in.


You've gained 328290 Exp for defeating Obito Uchiha!


You've Levelled up by +1

+5 Free Stats!


You've gained +120,000,000 Ryo!

You've gained +30 Free Stats!

You've gained +10% advancement to your Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan!

He waited momentarily, anticipating any further notifications, but when none came, he simply shrugged and used Hiraishin to return to Konoha.

Upon arrival, he discovered Konan standing outside the medical room in his home, her expression tense with worry as his Shadow Clones diligently worked on healing Nagato.

Not the cut on Nagano's throat. That had been healed long ago. Right now they were focused on healing Nagato's spine and legs.

Konan regarded him with barely concealed fear and inquired, "What happened to Madara?"

"He wasn't Madara. Just an impostor masquerading as him," he replied before retrieving the glass container containing Obito's eyes from his Inventory.

Konan immediately recognised the familiar pattern of Obito's Mangekyo Sharingan eye and gasped.

"You… killed him?"

"Of course. And now we talk about payment."

"Payment?" She asked.

"Yes. That guy wasn't Madara but he was strong compared to you. If I hadn't intervened, both you and Nagato would've died."

"We wouldn't have been in that position if you hadn't taken Nagato's eyes to begin with," Konan retorted bitterly.

"And I wouldn't have pursued you if you hadn't begun targeting the Tailed Beasts to begin with. It all comes full circle, doesn't it? Now..." he trailed off, his gaze fixated on her. "Let's discuss how you're going to repay me for saving your lives and then healing Nagato's body."

Konan bit her lip but eventually nodded in agreement.


Ren Uchiha POV

"So... you're Jiraiya-sensei's students?" Minato inquired, addressing Konan and Nagato, unaware of their true identities as the leaders of the Akatsuki group that had captured the Fourth, Fifth, and Eight Tailed Beasts. He preferred to keep it that way, especially considering his plans to eventually gift those Tailed Beasts to his Captured Waifus.

"Yes," Nagato replied, his complexion appearing considerably healthier after the twenty-hour long surgery he and his clones had undertaken to restore the man's body to full health.

"I see. I assume you had a third teammate?" Minato asked gently, receiving nods from both Nagato and Konan.

"We did," Konan confirmed, offering no further details. Minato nodded in understanding, his expression tinged with sadness. He likely understood more than most about the pain of losing a teammate.

"And why are you in Konoha?" Minato inquired, partly to shift the conversation but also out of genuine curiosity about their presence.

"We're actually the leaders of Ame. At Ren's... request, we've come here to propose an alliance with Konoha," Nagato explained, oblivious to the subtle discomfort displayed on Konan's face behind him.

"Ren's request?" Minato asked, giving him a skeptical look. He returned that look with an innocent one of his own.

"Yes. You may not be aware, but I was completely paralyzed from the waist down until a few days ago when Ren came and healed me," Nagato explained, his demeanour notably more polite since losing his Rinnegan and having a near death experience. "In gratitude for that, and for a few other reasons, we wish to repay him by forming an alliance with Konoha."

Minato pondered for a moment before nodding. "Konoha would be pleased to have you as allies. However, you understand that this won't be a partnership of equals, correct?"

Nagato cast a brief glance at him before nodding. "We understand."

"Very well. Let's begin discussing the specifics of this alliance. Consider this meeting informal, so please feel at ease," Minato declared, and with that, the meeting commenced in earnest.


It was night time once again. . Nagato and Konan had departed for Ame after finalising the details of their alliance with Minato. They would return in a few weeks as the leaders of Ame to formalise the alliance officially.

Currently, he lay in bed, his gaze fixed on his Gamer System screen. Beside him, Ringo and Mei slept soundly, thoroughly exhausted from the day's training.

With his Teaching Talent, he possessed a keen understanding of how to motivate them and how far to push them to get them the biggest improvements. As a result, all the women in his home were trained to utter exhaustion each evening, ensuring they slept deeply once they returned to bed.

Mei was drooling a bit on the pillow, which should've looked disgusting. But given her beauty, it looked adorable instead.

Was it somewhat harsh of him to subject his women to such rigorous training every day? Perhaps. However, the results spoke for themselves, and he was sure that within a few years, all his women would ascend to the pinnacle of Kage-level power.

For now though, he ignored them and stared at the very interesting Loot he'd gained after the battle with Akatsuki.

The Twenty Level up Skill Disks.

These skill disks were essentially items that increased the level of one of his skills by one. With twenty of them at his disposal, he could elevate any single skill by twenty levels, or distribute them among twenty skills to increase each by one level, or any combination thereof.

And he knew just the skill he wanted to use these Skill Disks on.

He navigated to his Skill Section, where a vast array of skills unfolded before him. From basic abilities like Running to more intricate ones such as Architecture Planning, along with the thousands of Jutsus he had mastered to date.

He quickly scrolled over to one of the earliest skills he'd learned upon arriving in this world as a baby. A skill that he had learned even before he learned how to Walk.

The 'Chakra Sense' skill. A skill that had been slowed down greatly after reaching Level 90 and has been stuck at Level 97 for some time.

He utilized three of his Skill Disks to elevate it to Level 100. Although he could potentially surpass Level 100, as evidenced by his Fuinjutsu Skill currently standing at Level 147, it was unnecessary, as he had already achieved his desired outcome.


Congratulations! You've gained Two new skills for Levelling Up your Chakra Sense skill to Level 100!

New Skill gained!

Empathic Sense Level 1!

New Skill gained!

Nature Energy Sense Level 1!

He reviewed the details of the two skills, finding them rather straightforward. Empathic Sense granted him the ability to perceive the emotions of other people, while Nature Chakra Energy enabled him to detect the presence of Nature Energy in his vicinity.

Given their low levels, he could only faintly perceive the emotions of individuals within his Chakra Range—which now extended over 50 kilometers by this point—and barely detect faint traces of Nature energy around him.

He considered the idea of using four more Level-Up Skill Disks to advance Nature Energy Sense to Level 5 but ultimately decided against it.

These Level up Skill Disks were extremely valuable and he would rather not use them unless absolutely necessary.

For now, he generated a dozen Shadow Clones and dispatched them to a remote location to train the Nature Energy skill.

He chose to send them far away because he wished to avoid the risk of their chakra returning to his body and potentially petrifying him in the event of their failure. Only those who had acquired some proficiency in absorbing Nature Energy without suffering adverse effects would return their memories and experiences to him, enabling him to safely Level Up this skill.

He had a feeling that Gamer Body would protect him from turning into a stone. But better be safe than sorry.

He contemplated going back to sleep after that but found himself too restless with excitement. So he instead decided to go down to his underground labs and check up on some of his ongoing experiments.

First, he went to the lab in which a dozen of his clones were experimenting with his Mangekyo Sharingan eyes.

The Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan eyes were being used to find other Mangekyo Sharingan abilities like Tsukiyomi, Amaterasu, etc.

The Mangekyo Sharingans, on the other hand, were being sealed in a giant container that he could use in order to access all their powers at once.

Or that's how the theory went at least. So far, he has found very little success in this project, and was starting to wonder if he should add Nagato's Rinnegan to the container as Hamura Otsutsuki had done by adding his Tenseigan eyes to the Tenseigan Energy Vessel.

After some contemplation, he decided against it, since Black Zetsu was still out there and might be looking for a way to retrieve Madara's eyes from him.

Perhaps he should consider relocating some of his projects to the Kamui dimension. They would undoubtedly be safer there than in their current location, especially in the event of mishaps occurring during experiments.

For now, he simply sat back and watched his Shadow Clones work tirelessly to study his Mangekyo Sharingan eyes and create new Fuinjutsu seals for the container.

He might eventually have to go to the moon and study the Tenseigan Energy vessel himself, to ensure greater success in this project.

The reason why he was so focused on this was the fact that Sharingan eye can be used to gain control over the reality. Shown by the Izanagi, as well his own Techniques Amenokawa and Soratatsu, which all rewrote reality to accomplish their respective tasks.

He had a feeling that once he figured out how to use the abilities of hundreds of Mangekyo Sharingan at once, he would be able to rewrite reality at will.

Maybe not at a large scale (as that would basically make him a god), but controlling the reality in even a small space would afford him virtually limitless abilities and power.

If nothing else, he was confident that having that ability would instantly elevate him to Tier 8. That's just how broken that ability would be.

However, all of this remained theoretical, and progress in this research field was painstakingly slow, to say the least.

As he reclined in his chair, pondering if there was anything he could do to aid his Shadow Clones, when suddenly, inspiration struck.

Swiftly, he summoned the Company Device to his side and deftly navigated through the screen until he located the perk that would be invaluable in this situation.

Science Talent. Priced at 20 points.

Though costly, given the rarity of these points for him, it still fell within his current budget of 26 points.

'Should I buy it or not?' He wondered.

After deliberating for some time, he ultimately decided to buy it.

-20 points for Science Talent!

6 points left.

And suddenly, his mind was filled with a deluge of new ideas.

Ideas on Fuinjutsu Seals that would allow him to combine Earth Release and Yang Release to create Metal and Crystal Release.

Ideas on how to use Fuinjutsu Seals to gather up and store the Nature Energy around him.

Ideas on… using Fuinjutsu seals to seal his various Ninjutsu Techniques, giving even an ordinary Genin the ability to use Rasenshuriken by simply opening up and using a Fuinjutsu scroll.

Ideas on how to simply the Hiraishin seal so that even an ordinary Jounin would be able to use them.

Ideas on how to seal up his Chakra and blood and use that to temporarily bestow the Uchiha bloodline to an ordinary shinobi.

So many ideas.

Some of them quite dangerous ones, as one idea allowed him to create a giant Fuinjutsu seal that would allow him to seal multiple Tailed Beast Bombs within it, and then eventually use all of them together and generate enough power to obliterate an entire continent.

He even got a few ideas of how the Reaper Death seal might have worked. And ideas on how he could develop his own safeguards to protect his soul.

He entertained ideas on studying the Kamui Dimension and devising seals to access the myriad other dimensions showcased by Kaguya during her battle with Naruto and Sasuke.

However, he set aside these thoughts to concentrate on the singular idea that promised to resolve one of his most pressing issues—a problem that had plagued him since he defeated Ringo Ameyuri.

He took out the scroll that showed the Seal that allowed him to Lock the Space around Obito, and started making a few changes on the seal.

It surprised him, just how few changes he needed to make in order to change the seal on a fundamental level.

He supposed that there was a good reason why some of the Fuijutsu Seals were called Space-time seals. They might not have anything to do with time, but the correlation between those two fundamental forces was so similar that those seals can be changed to serve the other force with just a few changes.

Once he finished altering the seal, he gained a new Notification in his Gamer Screen.


Congratulations! You've created a new Fuinjutsu Seal!

Time Lock Barrier Level 1!

He didn't need to look at the Seal's description to know what it did as he already knew that. Just like how the previous seal Locked the Space within a barrier, this seal locked time.

He immediately threw a kunai into the air and create a barrier around it using this seal. And then watched with great fascination, as the kunai froze in midair.

No, it wasn't completely frozen. But the movement was so slow that it would only move a fraction of an inch within the next minute.

This was... a groundbreaking discovery, as even the Uzumaki had never devised a seal capable of controlling Time.

And much like how he could employ various Fuinjutsu seals to traverse long distances instantly, he could now craft Fuinjutsu seals to accelerate time within a barrier.

He immediately created a dozen clones to aid him in this and started working on creating a new seal.

It took him over three entire days, during which he did nothing but focus on creating this seal. And by the time he finished, he had a marvel in his hands.

Time Acceleration Barrier (Level 1) : Time Acceleration Barrier can be used to speed up time within the barrier. The more chakra you pour into the barrier, the faster the time inside will pass.

He smiled. He now basically had a Hyperbolic Time Chamber in his hands. One that he could use without any restrictions.

He burst out into maniac laughter, at finally succeeding in his goal. And then create 4 more Shadow Clones.

"Do it." He told them and his Shadow clones nodded before they went in a square position around him and used the Fuinjutsu seals to create the barrier.

Instantly, the world outside slowed down, and he smiled at his success.

The time outside was running at a 1:120 ratio. The fastest he could go right now with his and Saiken's Natural Chakra Regeneration. Meaning that for every two minutes he spent inside here, only one second would've passed in the outside world.

Very useful. And this can definitely be used to accelerate his growth. So that for every 3 outside days, about a year would've passed inside here.

Only… he didn't want to spend an entire year in this small space on his own.

Yes, he could train in here and grow extremely strong within just a few outside days. But that would also be extremely boring and he feared that he would go mad from the loneliness before he ever achieved any lasting success.

So he quickly came up with another plan instead.

A plan, to spend time in this place, while doing something productive and not going mad.

And the plan was simple. He would sleep his way through the time spent in here. Yes, the plan sounded stupid in theory. After all, how could a person sleep for an entire year within a time acceleration barrier.

But that problem only lasted time you realise that he had access to the Gamer System. And this System basically allows him to fall asleep for the next 6 hours without any problem. And he could just repeat that process again and again till entire months and years have gone by.

Plus, he could also pluck out his eyes and then regenerate them again and again, and he would be left with over 1400 eyes before the year has ended.

This was… a good theory. A bold theory. Now, he only needed to see if it would actually work.

But before that, he would need to go up to his women and tell them about his absence for the next month. Because once he has started, he didn't plan to stop until he had gone from 7 to 17 years of age.

An age where he would finally be able to have sex with his women without making them feel like cradle robbers.

He reached for his connection with the Shadow Clones outside the barrier and dispelled them, breaking the Time Acceleration Barrier.

Time to go back to his home as well as Minato's home and explain the situation to them.

It was time for him to finally grow up.



Goku: Uses Hyperbolic Time Chamber to become stronger.

Ren: Uses Hyperbolic Time Chamber to get older so he can finally get laid.

That's it for this chapter. Hope you guys enjoyed reading it.

8 advanced chapters in Patreon.

Have a nice day.