
Waking up as a Ghallager (Shameless USA, 2011 SI)

guy got tortured died met a goddess got some wishes and reincarnated into Shameless as Issac Ghallager twin brother of Ian Gallagher. Tags: #Hire, #Loyal Protagonist, #Revenge, #Massive Crossover, #Possible Harem, #Wish Fulfillment, #Traumatized Protagonist On an Indefinite Hiatus (heavily inspired by relaxing in Shameless, some close similarities, that I didn't really realize until I re-read the beginning chapters.. Savannah and the Wrights were also inspired from it but they aren't exact copies. of that ff.)

Shane_Town · TV
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26 Chs


Waking up in my bed finding that the warm comforting presence of Savannah that had allowed me to fall back to sleep after my night terror was regrettably missing. 

'Damn, I was kinda hoping she'd still be here…even with how wrong it is..' I thought to myself while considering the fact that I was a twenty seven year old in the body of a fourteen or fifteen year old teen and Savannah was like seventeen but still in my grade. 

"Haa, I hope I didn't say too much in my sleep." I muttered to myself as I sat up in bed and noticed that Savannah had left behind her thong. 

Shrugging my shoulders at seeing that my jeans were still on and buttoned, I got out of bed leaving her thong where it was, going into the bathroom to brush my teeth. 

Deciding I didn't feel like interacting with anyone today I flopped down on my couch and started flipping through channels. 

Hours later…

(Knock Knock Knock)

"Izzy it's me Fi, you coming up to join us for Deadliest catch?" Fiona hollered through the door. 

"Sure!" I hollered back so she could hear me. 

…Some minutes later.

We, as in all of the Gallaghers V and Kev included plus the outsiders Karen and Steve were all sitting around the living room waiting for the new episode of Deadliest Catch to start. 

I couldn't help but sigh softly when I heard someone knocking at the front door, and since I happen to be the closest to said door. 

Jumping up and walking over to it answer the door opening it up.

Finding Savannah standing there on the porch in a hooded black leather jacket with the hood down, while her brothers waited at the gate, not coming any closer to the cursed Gallagher house than they had to.

 Noticing that…her brother's were in even worse shape than her, each sporting black eyes, broken noses, busted lips and one of them even had his arm in a sling. 

For some reason the sight of them roughed up made me feel glad to know that she wasn't alone and had family just as good as mine.

"What's up?" I asked Savannah while leaning against the door frame and smiling at her, though upon noticing how she backed off a little bit and moved down the steps of the porch I followed her and leaned against the railing of the steps with my feet on the ground.

"Came to pay you back…for last night." Savannah replied while slinging a black backpack off of her shoulder that I didn't even notice, she reached inside of the backpack and pulled out what looked to be a pound of weed, wrapped up in cellophane wrap, which she handed to me before reaching into her jacket pocket, and pulling out a small pile of crumbled up bills.

"It's not much, but I know how much you enjoy this weed, the money is to pay for the medical supplies you used on me and the Hydro's." I held my hand out and Savannah slapped the money down into my palm and then I moved my hand and stuffed the cash into my pocket, while tucking the weed underneath my arm. 

As Savannah and I stood there staring at one another in the eyes Frank bumped into me and I saw that he had a bloody nose and was muttering about his "shitty kids" and all the problems he brought him before he moved to headbutt me. 

Before his forehead could make contact with me I caught his head in my hand and used the other to push him away from me. 

"Fuck off Frank! Can't you see I'm busy here?" I growled watching as he stumbled and fell onto his ass, and stumbled back on to his feet then hobbled into the house. 

Looking over Savannah's shoulder seeing that her brother's were busy texting away or playing games on their phones. 

"Well if that's all I'm going back inside." I told Savannah as I started to feel embarrassed about the state she saw me in last night, as I started to turn to head into the house.

"Wai----" Savannah started to say but was interrupted by a shouting match coming from inside the house, and then Steve came out of the house with a small angry frown on his face, as he brushed past us on his way to his "car" and drove off at a fast pace leaving behind skid marks.

'It seems Frank will be taking a trip to Canada tonight…I might have stopped it from happening if Frank hadn't tried headbutting me earlier…and it's not like Frank is going to get hurt or anything up there in Maple syrup land.' I thought to myself, zoning out a little bit, failing to notice that Savannah wasn't speaking.

Looking back to where she was standing, I noticed she was already at the metal gate and putting her hood up leaving.

I raised an eyebrow but didn't stop her, though I gave into the urge to holler at her,

"Catch ya later princess!" With a smirk on my face I went back inside the house, seeing Ian holding his nose, blood dripping between his fingers, I felt a flash of red hot rage. 

"Hey!" Frank expressed but it was cut off when I grabbed him by his throat with my left hand and cold clocked him with my right. 

"Keep your fucking hands off of my family, you drunk worthless fuck." I said not realizing I'd knocked Frank out with one punch. 

I felt Debby try and push me off of Frank while I let go of him and let his knocked out form fall to the floor. 

"Sorry Debbs." I said softly, seeing the little girl that was looking up at me with hurt filled teary eyes, before looking around the room, noticing everyone looking at me with their mouths hanging open. 

Walking into the living room grabbing Ian by his arm and leading him upstairs into the bathroom to clean him up. 

Standing in the bathroom wiping away the blood and putting one of those strips on his nose so it would keep his airway open and support better healing. 

"You know you should have hit him back, even though Debby will get a little mad again it won't bother anyone else." I told my twin brother who was blushing slightly as I took care of him. 

"Yeah, you should have dropped him…like Izzy did." Lip chipped in with an amused voice while Karen clung to his arm and looked at me with come fuck me eyes.

"Next time, I won't hold back." lan replied to the both of us while gently touching his nose a little, which made me chuckle and pull out the altoid container from my pocket that I kept my pre-rolled joints in.

Lip grabbed the pound of weed I'd set on a shelf while looking after Ian. 

"Shit man, where did you get this?" Lip asked me while holding the brick of weed up in the air, which I snatched from his hand while tossing him the altoid container. 

"Haa, I helped someone out last night…and this was a thank you I received from the person I helped out." I replied to Lip motioning to the brick of weed in my hand. 

"Along with this." I continued speaking as Lip, Ian and Karen looked at me like I'd given a second head as I set the brick down on a shelf close to me and took the money Savannah had given me counting it quickly finding $273.00 dollars. 

"Damn, pizza again or Chinese tonight?" I asked while Lip shot me a concerned look. 

"Definitely Chinese, we've had pizza too many times this week." lan replied with a cheeky grin. 

"I'll have to take a rain check, Karen and I have some plans for tonight." Lip added with a small grin on his face, and I couldn't really blame him as Karen might be a hoe but she's sexy as fuck and I'd rather get lucky with her then eat take out with my family.

"Before we go, can I talk to you alone for a minute?" Lip asked me while I pushed a hundred bucks into Ian's hands and whispered to him to order Chinese food. 

"Sure, you know you don't have to ask Lip." I said softly to him, noticing Karen looking at me with hungry eyes as she followed after Ian. 

"Did you do one of your special jobs last night? You received a pound of fire weed that is worth about 2,500 and you have around 250 dollars. A little bit more than your usual rate for jobs." Lip asked knowing that my jobs were removing people who caused problems for people with money. 

"Nah, Lip…I haven't received any jobs this month yet…I really just helped someone out who was hurt is all." I replied to him and he nodded before pulling me into a hug. 

"Just be careful Izzy." Lip said as he playfully pushed me away from him. 

"Sure thing Lipstick." I joked to him in response to his show of familial love and concern. Which made him punch me in the stomach playfully before he ran off to escape my retaliation. 

~ — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — ~

Ian, Fiona and I were sitting in the living room watching Ironman and picking over the leftovers of Chinese food. 

Passing around a joint between the three of us Fiona was resting her head on my shoulder, the younger kids were in bed. 

It was obvious that Fiona was more than a little mad at Steve, for trying to butt in on our family drama…but she was fine with how I handled Frank.

"You know sis…while he might have crossed a line…he did so because he has a good heart, and it was the right thing to do by most people's standards. It's not your fault you attracted an idiot with misguided good intentions, so don't beat yourself up about it." I comforted Fiona and took a long drag of the joint before passing it to her.

"Yeah, I thought it was kinda nice to meet a guy who actually cares about us and you beyond getting to fuck you." Ian interjected before getting up and stretching. 

"Heading to bed?" I asked my twin as I saw him rub his eyes. 

"Yeah…I've got ROTC in the morning and work right after that." Ian said and I nodded to him. 

"Night." Both Fiona and I said to him at the same time. 

"You really like this one…don't you Fi?" I asked my big sister who became slightly tense while she leaned against me. 

"What? No…" Fiona replied with a bit of shyness to her voice. 

"Haa, that's a relief…it seems like he's hiding something anyways, all the different cars, make him seem like a car thief anyways." I sighed softly and dropped some hints. 

I smirked as just like that Steve became catnip for Fiona. 

"I'm going to head to bed, try not to kill Frank, when he gets back." Fiona said to me before kissing my cheek and getting up from the couch and going upstairs. 

'Jokes on you, he won't be coming back tonight.' I thought to myself happily and almost considered going out to a club to try and score some pussy as it was high time my new body had its cherry popped, it's V card taken…but it seems fate wants me to stay a virgin forever. 

As my phone dinged causing me to stop my attempt to get off the couch as I pulled the phone out of my pocket looking at the message seeing it was from M the woman who found me jobs/contracts. 

[Got a real nasty one for you, sick fuck has raped and killed ten women in the past week alone, one of the families sold all of their possesions and put everything they have into a contract. The contract is for 237k…you interested?] 

[Yeah, send me any intel we have and work on gathering more.] I messaged back to her. 

[Okay, will do…and thank you for taking this one Izz…I know this isn't your usual style.] 

[This is all of the current Intel we have on him.] 

'I've always been a little curious who "the we" is…I wonder if M is part of the CIA? She always seems to be able to provide me with jobs and whatever equipment I need to complete them…and has been doing so for years.' I thought to myself while shrugging my shoulders and rolling with it as the memory of me taking my first life in this world resulted in my finding a phone on my pillow with one contact being programmed inside of it and that was M's. 

So the target's name is Compose, who currently works under Rico Vargas the mini boss of Chicago that has tied to the Vargas cartel in Columbia, Compose is an up and comer inside of the Bragga cartel for Chicago, but he's mostly responsible for the chop shops, and sending money back to Mexico. 

He drives a black Range Rover Defender that has top of the line arnoring when he doesn't have a driver drive him around in a Hummer limo. 

He has a passion for old muscle cars and unwilling teenage girls. I ended up throwing my phone at seeing how his victims ended up mutilated as it brought back memories of one of the guys who tortured me. 

'Could he be…one of them?' I wondered to myself as I walked over to the fireplace where my phone sat and picked it up looking at each one of the girl's corpses and corners reports, burning everything the sick fuck did to the girls into my mind. 

[I'll need gear and a classic car to make my introduction.] I messaged M who quickly messaged me back. 

[I'll call you when everything is prepped.] M replied back to me. 

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