
Vol. 2 Panos Revolution

This Vol. 2 of Panos Galactic War on web-novel Continue reading the Adventures of Xavier fighting to correct the things his household has done in the universe. [2 chapter per week] cover art [made with night cafe] owned by Ark Seikatsu

Ark_Seikatsu · Ciencia y ficción
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11 Chs

Chapter 4 Effects

Time passes, and the patrol team arrives back at Atlas. parking Their gleekuwheels at a repairs shop. they show Xavier the way home them part ways. "Xavier, I will report what happened today to the elders." Logan tells Xavier, walking away with the others. Now alone, Xavier goes through in his tent home, sighing in relief he takes off his equipment, laying them on the floor. To Logan and the others, approaching a large mechanical structure, the doors open as they get close.

"Stop, no one is able to meet the Elders right now." A guard shouts, stopping Logan and the others. "Let the elders know that we have important information. Tell the elders it is the patrolling team, We had an encounter with the pirates pass our borders." Responding to the guards. they then send a message to the elders. after waiting for a few minutes, a tall escort comes. "You said that you have important information for the elders?" "Yes, I need to speak with them now." Logan replies, saying the escort. "Follow me."

Logan begins stepping forward, passing the guards, and the rest of the team is stopped. "What's going on?" Logan shouts. "Only one can meet the Elders right now." Logan looks at the team. "Just wait for me, guys." Following the escort to through the giant door, they start walking up a winding staircase. moments later, they approach another giant door with Inscriptions on the edge of it.

The escort stands to the side gesturing for logan to go in. entering the room, logan sees three thrones sitting triangular from each other. "What is it that you interrupt our meeting for?" Yarlok shouts, the elder on the far left. "Calm down, Yarlok, one of our trusted patrolling team came to inform us." Varakis, the elder in the middle Interrupts Yarlok, letting Logan speak. "Reporting now... Today, during patrol, we encountered Nightcrawlers and Pirates past our borders. The pirate's fires at us, nearly killing us." Logan tells the elders.

"Didn't we form a peace treaty with the pirates? Why are they invading our borders. this has happened on more than one occasion." Frevis states to the other elders. "They could be planning something to break the treaty starting another war." Frevis says, expressing worry. "And what about the nightcrawlers? What made you tell us about them they enter our land all the time through the east and west borders." Varakis asks Logan. "...well, they seem to have crossed from Black Waters." shocked the elders begin whispering amongst themselves.

A moment later, Varakis responds, saying, "The black water was toxic to all on this planet. How did they cross?". " I was also shocked, they look slightly different, subjecting that they have evolved to be adapted to the toxic waters. Logan replies. right before they are able to respond, suddenly an explosion goes off in Atlas. "!?" The guards rush in. "PROTECT THE ELDERS!!" pushing Logan aside, they surround the elders. "What's going on!!" Logan shouts at the guard. "We are under siege. The pirates are here."

Back to Xavier in his home, the ground shakes violently, and the shockwave sends Xavier crashing into the wall. "Urgh Dammit, what the hell?" Stumbling up, he goes to the door exiting. Xavier sees a familiar sight in the sky, an A.E.U Herald and ship used in fleet battles. "...why is the Union here!" nervous Xavier takes a closer took, noticing that the ship loos slightly different. "..is that the pirates?" The ship shoots another blast down at Atlas, blowing up homes and people. Rushing over the screams, Xavier tries to save the people of Atlas.

As Xavier gets close to the attacked area, Pirates begins rushing through the streets, shooting everyone. "This way!!" Xavier shouts to the people of Atlas, Direction them to safety. seeing the people congregating some pirates, follow preparing to shoot. Xavier runs towards them, unsheathing his knife and throwing it into a pirate's chest. picking up the blaster from the dead pirate, Xavier defends the people as they run away. Time passes, and the pirates stop chasing after the group of Atlas people and Xavier.

Taking refuge in an abandoned area nearby, Xavier keeps a lookout watching for the pirates. "What? going on! why did the pirates launch an attack on us." One of the Atlas people shouts. "I don't know, I need to find Logan he would understand this situation more than anyone." Xavier replies to the people trying to reassure them. the group begins muttering amongst themselves, concerned about the town.

the sudden sound of blaster fire can be heard from outside. Xavier goes to take a peek out the door with his gun. sitting quietly, and Xavier waits. Logan approaches with some guards and the members of the patrolling team. "Xavier!?" he says as they both disarm sighing in relief. "What's going on? Why are the pirates attacking." Xavier asks Logan. "It seems the pirates are set on breaking the peace treaty. The elders are relocating themselves to a safer location." He responds to Xavier, saying. "I brought some of the people of Atlas. They are in the abandoned vicinity behind me." showing the others and Logan the way in.

The peoples' expression brightens as Logan and others come walk in. "Look, it's Logan!" The people begin gathering closer. "...People of Atlas, Calm down! I know that everyone is scared, but we need to relocate to our sister town east from here. this place is no longer safe." After some time, Logan persuades the locals to leave. "Everyone, only take what you can carry, don't have too much. When we go outside, follow close behind guards and us."

Heading outside Xavier helps guide the Atlas people out of the city. walking through the destroyed homes and stores, the sound of explosions and blaster fire rings everyone. "Stay calm, do not panic." Logan shouts, gaining the peoples' attention. suddenly, Logan stops the group. then begins stepping to whisper. "There are pirates resting up ahead. we need to take them out fast." Giving out commands to Xavier and the guards, they quietly approach with their blasters directed at them.

"This place is now the natives, will never understand the riches the lay on." One of the pirates says laugh out loud. Logan gives the signal to take out the pirates. all at once, Xavier and the other fires, killing the pirates. continuing on and 30 minutes pass, and they can see the east exit. "Everyone, come on, we are right here. Go Go Go!!" Logan shouts. the people rush through the gate, leaving the city. "Xavier, be on guards. This will be a dangerous journey, nightcrawlers will appear to protect the people as best as you can." Xavier nods, keeping his blaster armed.

Traveling through the wasteland outside of the city, the people of Atlas hurry to Mirfield, their sister city. "How will it take for us to reach this this other city." Xavier asks Roy as they guard the people. "It's called Mirfield, a domed city. the pirates do not have the location of this city. we hide it in the treaty we gave them. It is the most sacred place on this planet....you will see why when we get there." Roy tells Xavier. A loud screech silences the people. "ITS THE NIGHTCRAWLERS BY ON GUARD!!" The nightcrawlers screech running at them. Some start to spit acid out. "Don't let them get close to the people!" Rex shouts.

Suddenly shooting, the people take cover scared, while the others kill the approaching nightcrawlers. moments later, and the sound of firing stops. "Come on, keep moving! we need to make up on time. A few more hours and we are there!" Rebecca tells everyone reassuring them. suddenly, one of the supposedly dead nightcrawlers uses its tail to stab through a civilian. "Ahhhhh!" Piecing through a man's chest, he is lifted into the air. the guards shoot the nightcrawler again, and the tail stops dropping the man.

'How was it still alive!" Logan angrily shouts at the others. checking the corpse, Xavier notices something strange about it. "Hey! this nightcrawler has a collar on it." shocked the guards and the patrolling team rush over. "A collar?" Surrounding the nightcrawler in disbelief, they all see the collar around the nightcrawlers neck. "How is this possible? or are they being breed?" Roy says out loud. "It can't be they are not easy to capture at all." Jade replies. "But it's already been done somehow, and that mean their attacks can't be random." Logan responds to Jade saying. "We need to get to Mirfield. It is no longer safe to travel knowing that it is possible that the pirates are sending Nightcrawlers."

Time passes Xavier, and the people of Atlas can see Mirfield in the distance. a large bronze metal dome with cannons on the top of it. approaching the dome, they stop in front of the entrance. a hologram appears of a woman in a royal Attire.

Sorry for the slow uploads. I got into an accident, nearly losing my left eye. I will release chapters in bulk after this chapter while I recover. I hope you like this chapter.

Ark_Seikatsucreators' thoughts