
Vol. 2 Panos Revolution

This Vol. 2 of Panos Galactic War on web-novel Continue reading the Adventures of Xavier fighting to correct the things his household has done in the universe. [2 chapter per week] cover art [made with night cafe] owned by Ark Seikatsu

Ark_Seikatsu · Sci-fi
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11 Chs

Chapter 5

"Welcome to Mirfield, people of Atlas I Serenata Wolfpike, the leader of Mirfield heard what happened to your city with the pirates. others from your city have taken refuge here." The large doors to Mirfield open, walking into tunnel leading to Mirfield, the door slams shut behind them. after walking through the inter tunnel, Sireneta Wolfpike meets them. "Hello, and welcome again." Sireneta and Logan shake hands as she guides them, beginning to chat.

Xavier looks around as Sireneta takes them to the other Atlas people. he thinks, "This place is a bit more advanced than the city outside." At the same time, back to Atlas in the elder's room, two chairs are destroyed and sitting in the center one the leader of the pirates on the planet. "Good... We finally got this city and started our plans to begin mining." The Pirate leader Caden Shearman tells the rest of the pirates gathering in the room. Pirates storm out of the room, in the city Atlas large tower drills held up by tree mechanical legs are set all over the city.

Sending the order around the drills begins, starting to lower down into the ground. Drilling into the ground, homes are destroyed. Caden walks onto the top of the staircase, looking out at the drills. "Mmhmm nice, we can get the Flickering Dust. hahaha, those natives were sitting on a fortune, and NOW IT'S MINE!!!" Caden shouts laughing. suddenly, he gets a call, "Hello sir, you called right on time." Caden says, answering. "Yes, Caden, I want to know how the progression is on the Flickering Dust. Mr. Arkridge is worried you can't make the due date." the man replies to Caden saying.

"I will make the due date; I have taken control of the city with the highest reading of Flickering Dust. the native ran away, and the nightcrawlers will kill the rest near the city." Caden responds to the man over the call. "Alright, the Union doesn't wait long. We'll be in touch." ending the call abruptly. "...those union guys are soon annoying doubting my crew... We could take this for ourselves, selling it to another faction if I wanted." Caden goes back inside.

Back to Mirfield, Xavier is resting with other people in the refugees' area set up for them. Sudden, he is woken up by Logan. "Hey Xavier, wake up. I have someone I want you to meet." helping Xavier to his feet, he follows Logan outside the refuge area. approaching Xavier sees a bulky person leaning against the wall waiting. "This is Hector Wilder, a friend of mine. he is the patrolling leader of Mirfield."

"So, this is the boy you were talking about." Hector says as they walk up. At the same time, in the Visrock sector, the Representatives are currently talking about the current state of the Faction. "We are losing more and more people as time goes on. the loss against the Union has made our reputation decline." One of the representative's states. "I agree, but we need to stop people leaving with our resources. should we hold a gathering to weed out the false members?" The other representative suggested.

"Would holding such a gathering really help our standing? we need to give them hope that we will not fall again, reassuring them that then Union has also taken damages from this battle." The representatives sit thinking. after some time, they agree to hold a gathering but with a different approach. the representatives send out a message to all of the members, that in 2 hours a gathering will be held, and everyone is required to come. 2 hours pass, the representatives hold a gathering with all the members of the faction.

"Hello, everyone. I know you all are wondering why we called you all here today. Yesterday loss will forever be beyond our reach, but tomorrow will always be there for us to catch and grasp with both hands. Yesterday is not ours to recover, but tomorrow is ours to win." The leading representative tells the people of the faction. "The Union also took damages in our battle. The battle was a good one, but now we can use this time to launch an attack in this unsuspecting time. scouts will be needed. Are there any volunteers?" Some people raise their hands volunteering, to scout the Depix system.

"Excellent, those who will scout make sure to keep a distance. we only want to know the current state of the union. make sure not to get caught." the Representatives tell them before sending everyone away. back to Novis, In Mirfield They are beginning to have a Nightcrawler problem. Staying near the parameter of the city, the Nightcrawlers are showing strange behavior. Sirenata Wolfpike watches the view outside through a hub from their command post. "The Nightcrawlers are not behaving abnormally they are staying near our parameter of the city like their trapping us in." A worker tells Sirenata while searching for a possible solution. "Alright, I will talk to the Elder from Atlas."

Leaving the command post, Sirenata heads to the royal quarters where the Elders are located. arriving at the entrance to the elder's quarters, Sireneta goes in, greeting them as she enters. "Hello elders, I am sorry to interrupt you, but there is an important matter. The Nightcrawlers have started to gather around Mirfield." Sireneta informs the Elders. "The dome should keep them out, right?" Varakis replies to Sireneta.

"The dome has defensive measures, however..." Sireneta makes a holographic screen appear from her arm bracelet showing the nightcrawlers outside of the dome. "The number of nightcrawlers gathering is starting to become a problem. We have never seen the many in one place before." shocked by the amount of nightcrawlers they see the elders think carefully of a possible solution to fixing the problem. "We have to chip away their numbers while regaining the outer region."

Varakis responds, suggesting to Serenata. "Mm, that could work. I can gather volunteers to protect the dome, but it won't be a lot." Serenata tells Varakis. "The remaining members of our patrolling team should be able to balance the scale of skill." Frevis quickly states. Serenata leaves the quarters, making her way back to the command post. e Meanwhile, Xavier is in practice field about to spar with Hector. "So kid, Logan tells me that you are from one of the other types of humans. come on, let's see what you got." Putting on close combat practice gear, "have you sparred before?" hector asks him. "Well, yeah, but it's been a very long time, I've been attacked for a long time." shocked Hector looks surprised by the response from a boy who looks no older than 18.

As they get ready to fight, they are interrupted by a sudden announcement. "All available soldiers and able fighters report to the west gate." Hector sighs, taking the equipment. "Lady Wolfpike must have formed a plan to solve the nightcrawlers' surrounding Mirfield. Come on." Hector leads Xavier and Logan to the west gate. arriving Xavier sees soldiers and volunteers, he thinks. "This planet is strange. Things are done very differently than the Visrock sector. The people here come together and actually care for each other. even the settlement wasn't this nice under the surface."

Serenata appears, walking up on the top of the stairs. "Welcome, I thank everyone who has volunteered to handle this nightcrawler problem looming over our city. the people who came from Atlas were forced out by pirate and these creatures, and now we will proceed with planning to take back the parameter of Mirfield. there are a reported number of over 10,000. nightcrawlers surrounding the outer trench plateau." they one gets surprised by the seer amount of them. " I know, this is why we need to act now. If we leave this alone, we will out of our supplies and die of starvation." Serenata reassures them, saying. "This west gate has the less amount of nightcrawlers guarding it." "Guarding it? are you saying the nightcrawlers are taking orders?" someone shouts asking.

"Yes, their behavior is strange. Normally, we would have shot any stray nightcrawlers, but they are not coming within the sight of the dome cannons. they are stationed in the trench plateau using it as a shield against our cannons. That isn't something the nightcrawlers could come up with. so, we need to pull them in for our cannons to fire, which is why volunteers need this task to be a dangerous one." Serenata makes a hologram appear of Mirfield showing the plan as she tells everyone gathered around. At the same time at Atlas, the pirates are transporting large amounts of Flickering dust into the A.E.U Herald ship the pirates are using. standing at the loading dock of the ship, Caden Shearman overseers the loading process. "Keep them stable! we need them in perfect condition." walking up to Caden a pirate, with a message. "Sir, we have new of the natives; they are beginning to make moves against the nightcrawler's.