
Vol. 2 Panos Revolution

This Vol. 2 of Panos Galactic War on web-novel Continue reading the Adventures of Xavier fighting to correct the things his household has done in the universe. [2 chapter per week] cover art [made with night cafe] owned by Ark Seikatsu

Ark_Seikatsu · Sci-fi
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11 Chs

Chapter 3 Inhabitants of Novis

"We found out that the destruction of our moon didn't just bring conflict to our planet, but also brought a monstrous mutation." Surprised Xavier response saying. "Mutation, so those are mutated humans. I notice they don't speck the universal language." Xavier says, "Yes, they unable to communicate the same way we can, so it is difficult to deal with them." Xavier begins to raise out of the bed, "!? my ship!" The man approaches "calm down, we transported your ship here in the town. oh, and I forgot to introduce myself. I am Logan Binson, I'm in control of patrolling the parameter of the town. lucky for you that how we found you, get dress and come outside." Logan points to some clothes before leaving the tent. moments later, Xavier comes out of the tents clothed in native wear.

"Welcome to Atlas!" Walking outside, Xavier sees an unexpectedly beautiful place filled with lights almost blinding and four large floating Triangular platforms. " I thought you said this planet was not as alive as it used to be." Logan lets out a laugh." I never said it was a deserted planet." logan tells Xavier. "Why couldn't I see this when I was making entry here? something like this should be seen." Responding Logan says, "The unstable atmosphere distorts the image of the planet. we found this out by the space pirates that come here by accident." Logan walks with Xavier taking him to a restaurant. Xavier sees families and people laughing, "Come on, eat with me, sit." Sitting down at a table, Logan orders them food.

Curiosity gets Xavier, and he wants to know more about the humans. "Is there any more humans out in Epsilon 1B?" Logan response saying. "Our elder tells us stories about the origins of the human voyage. the world we humans used to live on was called Earth, in the Milky Way." Xavier lets out a quick laugh. "Milky way?" Logan looks at Xavier. "oh sorry continue." Logan continues, "It was said that the human broke off into 5 colonies and went off in search of a new home. When the sun finally reached the end of its life. they all soon found Epsilon 1B, then split off find their own place to call home. That is all we know about other humans. Looking at you must be one of the 5, same as us. You have a unique look to you different from other humans." A waiter comes over with two bowls of hot soup. "Ah, Saber soup, my favorite." Logan says as he begins to eat.

looking at the soup, Xavier wonders if he is going to be able to stomach this meal. "Stop gawking at it and just eat it. grabbing the spoon, Xavier scoops up the soup, and a foreign looking eyeball is in it. gulping, close his eyes, and eat the soup. "!?It's good!" Xavier says, smiling, continuing to eat. Sometimes passes, and Logan takes Xavier to his ship when they arrive, his ship is covered by a brown tarp. "You ship is pretty nice, so we had to cover it...so no one steal it."

pulling the tarp off, Xavier inspects the damages. "Do you have a place I can get repairs? I don't have any money, so I will work it off.". "We do have a place that can do repairs, but it will take some time. This is the most advanced ship I've seen." Logan replies, "you can help, working on the parameter hunting Nightcrawlers, but before we do that, let's get your arm fixed to." Logan takes Xavier to a mechanic to fix his arm. moments later, they enter a dome tent, hearing and seeing loud machinal sparks coming from behind a Novis ship. "Hey, Curpa! I need your help with something!" The notices stop. "Is that you, Logan?" Walking from behind the ship, Xavier sees Curpa a short man with a machinal right leg. "What is it you want? You can see I'm working on something already. Curpa shouts. "This here is Xavier. We saved him in Nightcrawler territory today. he needs repairs on his arm." Logan's replies to Curpa. "Mmhmm, let me check it out first." Curpa grabs Xaviers arm overlooking it. "I can fix it, but it won't be at it best."

"How long will this take?" Xavier asks Curpa. "I can get it done an hour, come this way, and sit in the chair." Xavier sits down, laying his arm over the table. beginning the process, Curpa pins Xaviers arm, scanning it. "I can replace most of the damage, but now that I scanned for the internal damages. you have some serious issues with the connection to your nervous system." worried Xavier replies. "What's wrong with the connection? I don't have to reconnect it, right?" Xavier thinks back to when he first got the arm attached and how much it hurt.

"I don't have to reconnect them, but I will have to test the connection output so there isn't a delay with your thoughts and movements." An hour passes, and Curpa puts the finishing touching on Xaviers arm. "Give it a try ball up your fist." opening and closing his hand testing the response, "it's good, thank you." Xavier replies. "No problem, it's fine. You got a manner unlike Logan here." Getting up, Xavier and Logan leave Curpa's shop. "Where are we going now? "Well, it's getting late. I'm taking you to the place where you will be sleeping."

Moments later, they arrive at an empty tent home, and Logan directs Xavier to one. "Stay here for the night. I will come by to get you in the morning." Leaving heading goes inside, and the tent door closes behind him with the light cutting on. "This is almost identical to the one I woke up in." Walking over to the bed, Xavier lays down, going to sleep. The early in the morning, Xavier is woken up by a knock on his door. getting dressed, Xavier opens seeing Logan and 5 others. "Put this equipment on your going to need them." Logan hands Xavier a half chest guard along with a helmet. "This is the Novis safety team, these our are other members Rex, Jessica, Jade, Tyler, and Roy." greeting each other Xavier follows Logan and the others to some large rings. "What are these?" Xavier asks, surprised. "They are gleekuwheels small vehicles for transportation." Logan replies, saying to Xavier.

Quickly teaching Xavier how to operate the gleekuwheel before setting out to patrol. Heading west the make their way to a coast. "Welcome to the black Waters infected with the mutation only nightcrawler can get in. it makes anyone else sick, dying." Jesscia tells Xavier as they ride along the coast. Sometime passes and suddenly, a rock comes flying, hitting Roy's vehicle, making him fall out. "It's The Nightcrawlers!" dozens of nightcrawler jump from the water. grabbing their blasters, they begin shooting at them as the nightcrawlers rush in. "Kill them from afar, don't get close to them!"

Fighting in a misty beach, Xavier and the others quickly get overwhelmed. "There shouldn't be this many nightcrawlers near the coast. It's too far from their territory." Rex says to Logan. "I know something isn't right." Getting closer, the nightcrawlers start to shoot acid from their tails at them. "DODGE!!!" Jade shouted as everyone dived out the way. acid splashes burning the ground, Xavier aim then shoots the stinger off the nightcrawler shooting acid out. as the nightcrawlers get closer, Tyler pulls advance pipe bomb, tossing it at them. "Brass for impact!!" An explosion goes off killing the remaining nightcrawlers. Taking a moment to gather themselves before getting back on their vehicles continuing on.

Back on patrol, after riding for hours a sudden, a large blast come from the sky blowing the off of their vehicles. "Urgh!" Looking up, Xavier sees a large ship hovering above them. Sand and dust blow around as the ship lands. Still stunned from the blast, the others struggle to recover to their feet. slamming onto the ground, the hatch opens, and space pirates walk down. "Look what we have here!! It's those natives that patrol this area." a pirate says. Xavier turns, checking the condition of the team. Locking eyes with Logan, Logan signals to Xavier to calm down and not to respond. on his feet, Logan responded to the space pirates. "We area the Novis natives. Why are you in our territory. we are currently under a peace treaty." looking at logan with disgust. "Sorry, may bad, I thought you were nightcrawlers."

the space pirate says sarcastically smiling. turning back the pirate, go back into their ship flying off into the distance. "Is it always like that?" Xaiver says out loud. "Most of the time, but they don't shoot at us but harass us. Those pirates took part of the north, making a large camp. the cause problem for us a lot." Logan replies. "We need to head back to Atlas now that the pirates are around." Rex suggests.

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