
My Title is Feral Demon

In a world of awakened abilities and dark secrets, Victor Hunt, an orphaned child, had his whole childhood as an experimental test subject. Trapped in a sinister facility, he is robbed of his parents and innocence, subjected to unimaginable horrors. But Victor's life takes an inexplicable twist when, in the final moments of his ordeal, he is transmigrated to a new existence. His first breath in this strange world marks the beginning of his second life, and he must navigate a realm unlike any he's ever known. Armed with the memories of his tortured past, he seeks to live differently this time, determined to break the cycle of suffering. In the last moment of his second life, a shocking turn of events occurs, and Victor is transmigrated again, this time back to his original life on Earth. With memories of his second life as a weapon, he hungers for vengeance against those who wronged him. Armed with newfound abilities and burdened by the weight of three lifetimes, Victor Hunt must navigate the treacherous paths of both his past and present. He strives to harness the prime powers from his second life, desperate to fulfill his hope of vengeance. In a world where time and identity are fluid, Victor's journey becomes a thrilling odyssey of self-discovery, revenge, and redemption --- Old Title: Third Life in the Post-Apocalyptic Earth

yohananmikhael · Fantasy
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50 Chs

33 Determined Murderer [1]

Victor's earlier emotions had been an enigma, their nature eluding comprehension. However, upon his realization in this third life, these sentiments were activated. He gradually discerned that all the anguish he had endured could be attributed to the kingdom. Their insatiable hunger for power propelled them to exploit his blood in the quest to effortlessly engender stronger awakens.

At the very least, he wasn't devoid of discernment. Nevertheless, he couldn't help but ponder why he hadn't grasped this truth sooner. Why had it taken him two lifetimes to acknowledge the injustice he had suffered? Were it not for the experiences in Kluma, he wouldn't possess the capacity for genuine human thought and emotion.

'I cherish my parents. That is an unassailable truth residing within me, resonating deep in my heart. They orchestrated the suffering of my parents, and thus, they should brace themselves for the impending retribution that my hands shall deliver,' Victor ruminated, even as Kuting playfully scratched his back against a tree trunk beside him.


The mercenary company had enlisted the services of an awaken possessing the ability to review past events in a specific location. Despite the steep cost, the President had meticulously considered what he stood to gain.

"A child eliminated my brother's group...?" The President voiced his disbelief.

"Yes, sir. And it appears that this child is already an awaken, wielding power formidable enough to annihilate them in an instant."

"You expect me to believe that he wiped them out in the blink of an eye? Do you take me for a fool?"

"Of course not, sir. I am stating the truth. This account was captured and witnessed through a mage's time-based [Skill]."

As the weight of the revelation settled upon him, the President's gaze shifted downward, his contemplative demeanor giving way to a somber acknowledgment. The disclosure had been unexpected, its implications reverberating through his thoughts. Yet, in the grand scheme of his intentions, the perpetrator's age held minimal sway. Gender, inconsequential. The singular purpose that fueled his actions was the pursuit of retribution.


'A child, huh... Contemplating this fills me with more rage than ever before. A child... they were slaughtered by a mere child?' he ruminated, clenching his fists and striking his table in frustration.

The subordinate who had presented the report then placed a sketch of the murderer's visage—based on what the hired individual had witnessed—before the President. As his eyes fell upon it, a grim smile crept onto his face.

"Direct the company to circulate this sketch on wanted posters throughout the city, and distribute them to other settlements. I want this child brought to me. I shall personally administer his punishment."

Following the precise directive of the President, each member of the mercenary company adhered to their task, placing Victor's visage on bulletin boards that adorned the cityscape. This swift and coordinated action propelled Victor into the unforgiving limelight, his countenance now synonymous with criminality. Within the span of a solitary day, his notoriety escalated to the pinnacle of infamy, crowned by a bounty of substantial value.

Amidst the labyrinthine streets and towering edifices, the gleam of ambition transformed the gazes of countless bounty hunters. The promise of the handsome reward, exceeding even the kingdom's own bounty offerings for fugitive apprehension, stirred a potent concoction of greed and determination within their eyes. Gold, the elixir of motivation, infused their endeavors with a fervor that echoed through the very heart of the city.

However, amid the preparations for this public declaration of enmity, an unexpected presence intruded upon the city's outskirts. A contingent of knights, distinguished by their regal regalia and disciplined bearing, breached their customary boundaries. This deviation from routine routes roused whispers of curiosity among the populace—an unprecedented occurrence in itself. The central authority of the kingdom had called them to heed its command.

The President's intrigue was piqued, not purely due to curiosity, but also because he entertained suspicions regarding their potential visit to the outskirts.

'Perhaps they caught wind of the formidable child responsible for the demise of Claren's group. I'm uncertain if their intention is to neutralize a perceived national threat, but I won't allow them to gain the upper hand. I shall capture the child before them, subject him to torment, and then end his life. A human of his caliber need not endure for long, as they invariably evolve into monsters,' he mused with conviction.

Meanwhile, the assemblage of knights that had arrived numbered a dozen in total. All were affiliated with a singular squadron, bedecked in the regalia of knighthood that epitomized the kingdom's dignity and pride. Clad in the formidable armor forged from metal, their attire encompassed two principal varieties: chain mail and plate mail. Notably, their armor was distinguished by gilded tracery, attracting immediate attention. Their presence epitomized the embodiment of authority, standing as the vanguards of the royal lineage.

These knights constituted the reinforcements solicited by the experimentation facility. Their tardiness of a few days owed itself to coordinates' misinterpretation. However, they eventually reached their designated destination, albeit belatedly.

Their arrival confronted the remnants of a decimated facility. Electrical barriers lay disassembled, concrete fragments strewn like debris, and corpses scattered indiscriminately amidst the ruins. The tableau was horrifying, prompting the knights to associate the perpetrator with madness or intense malice.

"Could we be pursuing a monster? This isn't within the capabilities of a typical awaken, particularly one recently awakened," queried a knight within the squadron.

The group had already pieced together a plausible narrative for the events that had transpired. They detected faint traces of mana dispersed throughout the surroundings, coupled with an enigmatic energy presumably responsible for the fatalities among scientists and subjects. Recalling the escape of a specific test subject, despite assumptions of their demise, they deduced that this individual likely constituted their quarry.

"Such concerns are negligible. It signifies that the researchers' speculations held merit. The higher-ups were correct in deeming this test subject profoundly pivotal. This rationale underpins the selection of our squadron for this mission. They foresaw the potential of this outcome, however remote, and hence tasked us with this undertaking," proclaimed the squad's leader. The captain stood among the squadron's largest members, serving as both a formidable presence and the squad's shield.

Before proceeding, they conducted a thorough assessment of the vicinity, subsequently arriving at a course of action.

"Our mandate entails locating this test subject, and until we fulfill our objective, we shall not return."

"What course of action shall we pursue, captain?" inquired a female knight.

"We shall extend our inquiry to the adjacent territories. Given that this area remains within the Zamizia Earldom's jurisdiction, we shall propose the dissemination of the test subject's description throughout the region—every city and village—accompanied by a bounty on his head."
