
The, Wingless

A world with magic and mystery. A young girl named Raina sets her sights on becoming a monster hunter to become stronger. but fate has it out for her, for she found herself in a terrible situation looking into deaths eyes until someone saves her. This someone agreed to take her under his wing to become stronger in this monster hunting world. But her teacher has some secrets himself and soon to be discovered the stronger Raina becomes.

Zgr · Fantasía
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17 Chs

Into the Den

As the dim light emanates from the den, monsters sleep, on top of one another. Monsters ranging from adults to babies gathered around.

Their scales are bright orange, with long tails and sharp razor claws.

Tamaki and the teenagers were inside a hole 15 feet above the ground they were sleeping on. Tamaki Crouches down and observes the situation.

After 30 seconds of thinking he turns his head with a sinister grin.

Everyone thoughts: "I don't like that look"

Tamaki: "Welp, I got a plan"

He stands back up wiping the dust from his knees.

Tamaki: "Are you a fast runner?"

Healia: "I already don't like this idea"

Tamaki: "Oh and Healia, you're going to have to participate for your proof that you did the mission because this plan will leave you guys with only 1 monster while I deal with the rest"

Raina: "Let's hear it!"

Tamaki: "As enthusiastic as ever Raina!"

He laughs as he pats Raina's enthusiastic shoulder.

Tamaki: "But yeah getting on with the plan"

He points down to a hole at the same ground level as the monsters.

Tamaki: "We'll wake up the monsters and you guys run, I guarantee you 1 will follow. As soon as it follows you guys through, I need you, Samuel, to blow the ceiling of the hole preventing any more of them from going in"

Samuel: "How will we get out?"

Tamaki: "Trust me, if you're strong enough to blow the ceiling, you're strong enough to get through the barrier just fine"

Tsuki: "How will we know when you've finished killing all the monsters?"

Tamaki: "Hmmm, in any case, when you guys finish the monster early don't go through the rubble until you see smoke coming through it, that means I finished"

Samuel: "Are you sure? Can you take on a monsters' den by yourself?

Tamaki: "There's a reason why they only assigned them to master monster hunters and above"

He pushes Samuel over the edge.

Tamaki: "Now quit complaining and get to it"

Samuel: "Whoa whoa whoa"

He held his balance on his toes and fell because Tamaki bumped him a bit.

Samuel: "You asshole!"

He covers his face bracing for impact. But then a portal appeared under him and threw him in front of the hole he was supposed to run through.

Tamaki: "See you're safe!"

Samuels thoughts: "That asshole could have warned me"

Raina, Tsuki, and Healia jump through and land right next to Samuel less panicked.

Tamaki: "You Ready!?"

Samuel: "Wait a second"

Tamaki threw a dagger at one of the closest lizards to Samuel and nailed it in the head. The Lizard shrieked before falling and dying.

The shriek was immense, vibrating the ground causing rocks to fall and the awakening of the rest of the lizards.

They all turn their heads to their dead sibling, then to Samuel.

Their eyes sharpen as one of the lizards runs at them without hesitation.

As planned, they ran too.

The 4 run deeper into the cave and Samuel turns around and charges up a fireball. As the first lizard passes through he throws the fireball blowing the ceiling apart and collapsing on the second one, killing it within the rubble. 

Raina: "Nice one!"

Samuel: "Thanks, but let's focus on how we can beat this thing"

As they ran Samuel had a thought go through his mind.

Samuel: "Hey Raina does your master tend to give you more than you can handle"

Raina: "I mean, when we were training he kept throwing me in pits with monsters trying to kill me, and half the time he had to save me…"

Raina just realized what he had meant. He grabs her head.

Raina: "We might be screwed!" 

Samuel: "You just realized!?"

Back on the other side of the cave, the lizards are scratching the wall, wanting to escape.

Tamaki: "Hey! You fucken ugly bitches shouldn't worry about that, since I'll be fighting you today"

He has a Katana on his shoulder as well as a smug grin across his face.

The monsters became territorial and started to charge at him.

One of them jumped at Tamaki, but instead of trampling him, it just passed through him as if Tamaki didn't exist. The monster's face and body split in half once it had hit the ground.

Tamaki: "Is that all you got?"

The monsters yelled and every single one of them charged toward him.

Inside the dark cave, the monster lizard was looking around, sniffing the air to find the 4 teenagers. As soon as it turned its head for the 2nd time, Raina came from above and tried to stab it in the head. But this one was faster; it swiftly got out of the way and slammed its tail into Raina knocking her into the wall. 

It goes for a claw slam, but Samuel comes out and deflects its attack.

Samuel: "Now Healia!"

Healia came out running from the darkness and pulled out a small bow. 

She swiftly pulls back an arrow and fires it at the monster. The arrow, unfortunately, bounces off of the lizard's rough skin.

Healia: "Shit"

The lizard turns around and tries to slam his hand down on her. Healia angles her bow to push away the attack. After she jumps up, she pulls out a knife and throws it at its eyes, bursting it. It shrieks in pain as it swings its tail in the air.

Healia disappears from the lizard's sight. The lizard turns left to find a trail of fire on the ground leading to a panting Samuel panting with his heels on fire while holding Healia.

Samuel's thoughts: "Tsukis speed boost came in handy, but I dont know what we should do. It has a weak spot on it. How can we hit it? This monster's too fast, so sneak attacks won't work, but it becomes incredibly exposed when deflecting or dodging an attack"

A slash of black flames came from the side cutting off the lizard's tail. Samuel looks over to see an injured Raina panting with her wakizashi in the air with black flames coming off of it.

Samuel thought: "Magic of course!"

He gets up and gets into a pose. His legs spread one facing the wall and the other facing the lizard. His hand holding into his blade white his other hand hovers under it.

Samuel breathes in and out.

Flames start to come from his hand and his blade surrounds itself with the fire.

Samuel: "Flame art #35 Flame blade"

He charges up the flames coming from his sword and discharges it out of the blade.

Samuel: "Let's go!"