
The, Wingless

A world with magic and mystery. A young girl named Raina sets her sights on becoming a monster hunter to become stronger. but fate has it out for her, for she found herself in a terrible situation looking into deaths eyes until someone saves her. This someone agreed to take her under his wing to become stronger in this monster hunting world. But her teacher has some secrets himself and soon to be discovered the stronger Raina becomes.

Zgr · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
17 Chs

Finally we get a break

Samuel: "Let's go!"

He charges at the lizard and the lizard strikes back. Samuel parries most of its attack, throwing some back at it. He lands a few blows, some not having much of an effect. He was only leaving scratches but after each scratch, a flame came from it burning brighter the longer the fight went on.

The clashing of blades and claws went on and on. Samuel's body started to give out, slowing him down gradually. After he parried an attack, we went for a counterattack. As he went for it, his mind slowed down as he saw a claw come from his side. He couldn't parry it, he couldn't react because there were so many exchanges.

Samuel wanted to cry for help but he couldn't muster any words, for death was coming his way.

Raina: "Oh no you dont!"

Raina comes to Samuels's rescue and cuts off the clawed hand that was coming for Samuel. Black flames burn it up and prevent the lizard from regenerating.

Samuel: "Those flames are just like mine"

Raina's thoughts: "Dark magic: Mimicry 78%"

Raina's thoughts: "My flames may not be as strong as Samuels, but 78% should be enough to keep up"

Samuel: "Thanks Raina"

Raina: "Just dont fall behind"

Samuel: "As if!"

They both attacked as if they were synchronized. Raina attacks continuously with black flames while Samuel parries. If an opening appears, Samuel attacks, but if not, he continues deflecting.

They pushed it back and ended up back at the rubble-filled opening. Healia and Tsuki followed the fight with Healia staying back to not mess up their synchronization, and Tsuki sending in fatigue removers whenever necessary. Suddenly the monster hits the back of the wall and steadies its footing. A giant bubble starts to swell up on its kneck.

It let out a yell, pushing Raina and Samuel back. As Samuel falls back he digs his legs into the ground.

He puts his arms together.

Samuel: "Raina!"

She looks back to see that Samuels is ready to propel her to the Monster to deliver one final attack.

Raina: "Right!"

She lands on Samuels's wrist and he uses fire to launch her even further. As she propels through the air she winds back her wakizashi. Dark magic shrouds her blade.

Time slows down as the dark magic gets stronger and stronger. The flames grow and make a sea of darkness. A hand made of light places upon Raina's shoulder within the slowed time.

Suddenly a glowing mouth speaks into her ear.

Voice: "Thats right use the power and devour it"

The flow of time returns to normal as Raina slashes. The ocean of dark magic follows and slides through the monster's flesh, launching it through the rubble and falling onto the ground.

Raina, Samuel, Tsuki, and Healia walk through the opening and over to the dead monster.

Everyone is panting uncountably since they took down a high-ranked monster that only

experienced monster hunters would fight.

Raina yells in victory and it is about to fall over but Samuel catches her.

He looks over to the monster den only to find a massacre, monster parts, and corpses scattered everywhere. Their blood drenched the walls and ground along with guts spilled all over the place. Sitting in the middle of all of it was Tamaki leaning on a monster's corpse, sleeping with his arms wrapped around his sheathed katana.

He had a fire set up next to the rubble but it was crushed by the falling monster that Raina finished off.

Samuel: "I see we have a lot of training ahead"

He raises his voice and wakes up Tamaki. He looks at them with drowsy eyes.

He rubs them and waves at them excitedly as they all walk over to Tamaki. Tamaki takes a sleeping Raina off of Samuel.

Tamaki: "Alright it seems we've completed the mission, now let's just head back"

Samuel: "Yeah"

Tamaki gives Samuel a look like he is confused about something.

He then smiles and laughs.

Tamaki: "You truly are a Pronz"

Samuel: "What is that supposed to mean"

Tamaki pats his shoulder and crouches down to his height.

Tamaki: "Take this as a word of advice, Pronz are much stronger fighting for someone rather than for themselves"

Samuel: "What does that even mean?"

Tamaki stands back up and slaps his back.

Tamaki: "You'll learn as you grow"

Samuel looks at Tamaki with a confused look as they walk out of the cave.

Healia nudges his back.

Healia: "Dont sweat it, we finally finished our assignment so let's head back. I wanna take a bath so bad right now"

Samuel: "I second that"

As they walked away from the cave, Samuel never felt more accomplished than ever before. Even when fighting next to someone he always fell behind, but this time he was trying to keep up.

He couldn't help but admire Raina and her teacher.

An hour goes by and they all rest at the 4th city, it took an hour only because Tamaki wanted to do some sightseeing before heading back with his spatial magic.

They all sit down at a restaurant with a normal amount of food in front of them while watching Tamaki and Raina devour mountains of food that the servers are constantly bringing.

Samuel: "Is it fitting to be eating this much right after the mission"

Tamaki: "Hell yeah"

He swallows his food.

Tamaki: "To be strong you have to get a lot of calories in because the more magic you use the more calories you burn, So I usually eat a lot before and after a mission"

Raina: "Yeah!"

Tsuki: "Dont talk with your mouth full Raina, it's not very lady like"

Raina swallows her food

Raina: "My bad"

Tamaki grabs a massive bowl that has been emptied and holds it up to the waiter.

Tamaki: "Give me 5 more orders of the marinated tail meat"

Waiter: "Of course, we will have it to you as soon as possible"

The dinner was lively for the rest of the night with Tamaki getting drunk and the 4 trying to prevent him from doing anything stupid.

The sun falls and night arrives. 

The 3 students wave off Raina holding onto a drunk Tamaki mumbling.

They turn their backs and walk away. Tamaki keeps mumbling and mumbling with a drunken face.

Raina: "Man you are sometimes a handful when you let loose Teacher"

Tamaki: "You know Raina you kinda remind me of someone"

Raina: "Really and who?"

Tamaki: "Hmmm left me to think, well the only person that came to my head was my wife"

He proceeds to do a drunk laugh.

Raina stopped as soon as he said, wife.

Raina: "You have a WHAT!?"