
The, Wingless

A world with magic and mystery. A young girl named Raina sets her sights on becoming a monster hunter to become stronger. but fate has it out for her, for she found herself in a terrible situation looking into deaths eyes until someone saves her. This someone agreed to take her under his wing to become stronger in this monster hunting world. But her teacher has some secrets himself and soon to be discovered the stronger Raina becomes.

Zgr · Fantasy
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17 Chs

Valentines Day special

<Authors note: I'm stupid so I wrote this special that reveals a lot of the story thats supposed to be revealed later on, So if you want better suspension and experience advise skipping chapter for now>

<This 3 happens months after the events of den mission>

The clouds go over the city of Faith, as today was Valentine's Day. This world celebrated it a lot. And the city of lust profits the most from this holiday. 

But the city of Faith also profits because they are known for having the best chocolate out of all the cities, so naturally it's crowded during the day.

Raina wakes up to a bunch of noise outside, with people handing each other chocolate and others getting rejected.

She walks outside rubbing her eyes and opens her mail. It was from Samuel, Healia, and Tsuki back in the first city.

Raina: "Whoa they sent chocolate"

She opens up a red box with delicious brown chocolates inside it. As she plops one in her mouth she read the letter sent from them.


"Hey Raina it's us Samuel, Healia, and Tsuki, Happy Valentine's Day, we will come to visit soon just school has been a bother, and won't let us leave often anymore but be safe and we hope you have a good Valentine's Day!

Ps from Healia, Samuel took 3 hours last night trying to find good chocolate to send you"

She chuckles a bit.

Raina: "I wonder if I should send some back?"

She goes back inside her house grabs her coat and walks around town to find a place with good chocolate. 

As she walks around looking from crowded shop to another crowded shop she eventually sees a familiar person looking at chocolate.

It was Tamaki, buying chocolate.

Raina: "Teacher!"

She runs to him while waving her hand. He looks over to find an excited Raina running to him.

Tamaki: "Shit, Calm down Raina!"

Her feet screech against the ground and then she jumps up and down asking Tamaki questions.

Raina: "Teacher what are you doing here, why are you buying chocolate? Do you have a Valentine!" -gasp-

Tamaki: "I won't! Be answering your questions, and what are you doing here!"

Raina: "Me? Im here to send chocolates to my friends"

Tamaki: "I see, but anyways you have the day off today so dont bother me I'm busy"

Raina: "With what?'

Tamaki: "Don't-"

Raina: "With what?"

Tamaki: "I said-"

Raina: "With what?"

She proceeds to repeat "with what" several more times.

Tamaki pushes her face away and tells her to piss off.

She frowns.

Raina: "Anyways what chocolate should I get for them"

Tamaki: "I dont know, I chose the cheapest stuff"

Raina: "For who?"

Raina's smug face comes back.

Tamaki: "Shut up or I'll beat you into a pulp"

Riana: "I'm sorry"

Tamaki has a black and pink box of chocolate. Both small and not too pricey, Raina grabs the same black box to send back to her friends. They pay for their stuff and as they walk out they watch people act in love on the street. Raina feels disgusted. But Tamaki laughs at Raina's expression.

Raina runs away back to her home and waves at Tamaki. He doesn't wave back but instead continues walking.

Raina pulls her hand back to her chest, with a sad expression.

Inside a lab, Minako frustrated scratches her head. She leans back on her chair.

Minako: "Why can't it ever be identified"

She looks at her paper, and it has blood test results. 47% human, 25% Scarlet Wolf, 28% Unknown origin.

She lays her head on her desk and buries her head in her arms. 

Minako: "Will we ever meet again"

She looks over to an orb glowing with blue bright magic. The sound of tiny thunderstorms comes from the orb. 

Minako: "And what is this truth you are hiding from me-"

A knock comes from the door. She asked who it was but no answer. She walks to the door and opens it to find a box of chocolates on the ground with a note saying "Happy Valentine's Day" on top of it.

Minako: "God dammit another one today"

She grabs it and throws it on her desk opens up the box and starts eating the chocolate.

Minako: "Oh, this is my favorite"

She eats her chocolate and tries again in her experiments.

Grass rusting inside a beautiful forest. Trees close together and grass long enough to go up to someone's knees. Tamaki was walking through the grass squeezing through trees, and eventually making it to a spot with cut grass and beautiful flowers. He sits down as the light shines onto that one spot.

Tamaki gave a full smile; one that wasn't fake; one that wasn't there to trick people. It was genuine.

Tamaki: "Hey it's been a bit, Um, I took in a new student"

He pauses for a moment and looks down.

Tamaki: "I know what you might say 'Just like how we did when we took in those 2 kids in.' Well yeah, but I'm her teacher and to be honest I feel more like shit on what I've done"

The weight on Tamaki's shoulders felt more heavy, as if confessing that he has done more damage.

Tamaki: "I remember how we used to come to this spot all the time and mess around, in fact, this is close to where we met"

Tamaki: "I honestly want to cry right now but I can't"

Tamaki looks down biting his lip.

Tamaki: "Im sorry, I'll be with you soon, I promise"

He speaks over a divot of flowers with a beautiful woman lying there deceased, flowers in her hand, as red as her long scarlet hair showing she was a part of the Koji Family. With a wolf tail and ears. A white dress covered her body, and tattoos went across her arms and legs showing that this woman, whom Tamaki held dear, evolved.

<due to the effects of evolution body a dead evolved person does not rot it takes thousands years for an>

The wind blows through Tamaki's hair as he gives a smaller smile.

Tamaki: "Yeah one day she will visit you, hopefully when this is all over"

He lays the pink box of chocolates with the name written on it.

"For Olivia"

Felt like making a special to give more Depth to Tamaki

Also I dont have a Valetine so I wrote this : D

Zgrcreators' thoughts