
The Villain still wants to be a villain, even after the first time.

400 years ago, humans with supernatural powers appeared. Lucy Kart was one of them. But Lucy didn't use her powers for good, she used them to destroy everything she saw. As she was dying she saw a kid who's father was someone she killed. She regrets it all for a split second then dies. A goddess in charge of the earth, took interest and made her reborn back when she was in school.

Kist · Fantasía
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10 Chs


Hunter left Lucy alone to talk with Jack.

"You...who are you?" Lucy gritted her teeth.

"And why did you try to kill him?" Jack coldly replied.

"Hmpfh, if you continue to get in my way, I will find a way to kill you too." Lucy huffed.

"Yea sure... kill ME! You can't even damage my skin!" Jack held up the hand he caught the rock with.

"Tch, what a pain. Just don't get in my way." Lucy grabbed a few more rocks with her power, and threw it at Jack. Jack easily avoided the rocks.

"..." Lucy huffed and stomped off back, Jack waited then followed her.

Jack's thoughts were, "Who is she?....This is dangerous... I'll have to report this to father."


Jack POV

Jack was reading books in his apartment.

"Bored....so bored...." Jack was complaining to himself. Jack was a guy who wanted entertainment. So he made friends with Hunter, who always seemed to attract trouble. Jack then got ready for school, and ate his breakfast.

When he arrived, he sat down in the other corner as usual. All of a sudden, he felt as if Lucy changed. Lucy was a shy, nerdy girl you would find in the classroom. But now, Lucy had the aura of a evil, schemer who has killed before.

Lucy still sat in the corner like him, but he could tell Lucy wasn't reading the book. She was planning with a evil tint in her eye.

Jack kept a close watch on Lucy the whole day. He left with Hunter to play around a bit. Hunter went back, so Jack went to the courtyard to read. Then he saw Hunter carrying a piece of paper, and was heading towards the big tree.

He looked behind the big tree, and saw Lucy fidgeting. He got a bad feeling, Lucy now had a feeling of a nervous girl but her aura was still black. Jack kept watch just in case.

They were talking and Lucy then said something to Hunter. Hunter was shocked in place. Then he saw a sharp, jagged rock fly towards Hunter. He saw real killing intent in Lucy's eyes, so he dashed there and grabbed the rock.

"Ow...." Jack thought. Even though his ability was high, it still hurt a lot. Then that means that Lucy had a even better power....

*After the conversations."


"Hmm... so this is Lucy's true colors huh?...No this change is to abrupt. Maybe a split personality?" Jack went home and asked his subordinates to research about Lucy. Jack then went to his father.

*Knock knock*

"Come in." Said a deep voice.

Jack stepped in the room, and the voice did a 180.

"AWwww Jack! You finally decided to decided to visit your dear father!" The voice turned higher.

"Father, I found someone with a higher power then me." Jack sighed.

"What? No, that's impossible. You were registered secretly as one of the most talented top 5 in Kisaw (country). Plus all the other 4 are going to different schools!." Jack's father Steven replied.

"I don't know about it too much, but I know that someone in my class called Lucy Kart. She usually just stays in the corner and reads books, but I felt something off about her today. Then I saw on how she tried to kill a classmate of mine."

"Are you sure? Or...do you think one of our competitors kidnapped the real Lucy, and then had someone with a transform ability change someone else into Lucy?" Steven looked grim.

Jack sucked in the air. He hadn't thought of that, maybe the real Lucy was suffering because of him?

Steven then picked up a walkie talkie, and then said in it.

"Search a girl's house called Lucy Kart. We believe a competitor might have harmed the real Lucy, in order to get at us. And be secretive, they might use Lucy as a hostage." Steven ordered.

Jack sighed. How corrupted did the world get in order for people in harm innocent citizens?.... Sorry Lucy...

Lucy on the other hand was at home just relaxing, unaware of the drama to come...


Lucy POV

"ARGH! Who IS this guy!" Lucy thought as she collapsed in her bed. Lucy was busy googling Jack's name into the internet for information. She tried to remember anyone famous named Jack in the future...

There was one result, someone called Jack Tarshaw. He was the only son of Steven Tarshaw, who was the owner of a multimillionaire business for ability users.

His son Jack became one of the most powerful people in the country. Even Lucy who wasn't afraid of anything, was a bit cautious of Jack. If he didn't have his bodyguards,he might have went out there himself to defeat Lucy when she was weak.

But that Jack couldn't be that Jack. Because, who would put the heir of a multimillionaire franchise in a public school with no bodyguards? Right?

Lucy was about to start again when she felt people with faint killing intent approaching her house. She grabbed a knife and prepared herself...


Uhhh might be a few mistakes within.