
The Villain still wants to be a villain, even after the first time.

Autor: Kist
Fantasy Romance
En Curso · 12.2K Visitas
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What is The Villain still wants to be a villain, even after the first time.

Lee la novela The Villain still wants to be a villain, even after the first time. escrita por el autor Kist publicada en WebNovel. 400 years ago, humans with supernatural powers appeared. Lucy Kart was one of them. But Lucy didn't use her powers for good, she used them to destroy everything she saw. As she was dying she saw a kid...


400 years ago, humans with supernatural powers appeared. Lucy Kart was one of them. But Lucy didn't use her powers for good, she used them to destroy everything she saw. As she was dying she saw a kid who's father was someone she killed. She regrets it all for a split second then dies. A goddess in charge of the earth, took interest and made her reborn back when she was in school.

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Mythological Mysteries

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Long_Team · Fantasía
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