
The Villain still wants to be a villain, even after the first time.

400 years ago, humans with supernatural powers appeared. Lucy Kart was one of them. But Lucy didn't use her powers for good, she used them to destroy everything she saw. As she was dying she saw a kid who's father was someone she killed. She regrets it all for a split second then dies. A goddess in charge of the earth, took interest and made her reborn back when she was in school.

Kist · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
10 Chs

The school day.

Lucy walked to school,ignored everyone as usual and sat down in the corner.

"Should I kill Hunter?....I don't know when he awakened his power but....if he's going to kill me in the future, I should get rid of him." Lucy planned on how she would kill Hunter, for the whole morning.


Hunter was still walking to school. Hunter wondered if he could still use his power. After all, you need power in order to protect someone. He sneakily carried a car that was parked on a desolate side of the rode.

The car lifted up,but Hunter could tell that his power was weaker. If he had to estimate, he was at 2/5 of his full power. Plus he didn't have his hover boots, so he couldn't dodge anything fast.

Hunter remembered that Lucy awakened her power at 17. After that,she then left the school, and no one saw her again. "It was because of you YOU!" Hunter remembered her last words again.

"Ugh, I shouldn't think of this. It's still 10 years in the future after all.... All I have to do, is protect Lucy so that she wouldn't become evil." Hunter thought.

Hunter had a huge hero complex ever since he was little. His parents weren't ability users, so they tried to dissuade him to not become a hero. Surprisingly, he awakened a power at 18 and it was super strength.

After that, Hunter spent 7 years training to be a hero. For a year, he was a normal newbie hero. He also earned himself the name "Rush" for his super strength and fast fights. Then he met Lucy.....

Hunter arrived at the school, and opened the door. He was greeted by everyone, because of his kind and goofy personality. Hunter acted like normal, and ranted on about becoming a hero.

In the corner of his eyes, he peeked at Lucy who was reading books in the corner as usual. Her actual thought's were,"Hmm.. hes here... Alright i'll kill him today."


Lucy Pov now.

Lucy saw Hunter enter the classroom, and he went on about becoming a hero.

"It seems like I was the only one who traveled back in the past then huh..." She thought. But how? Was it some divine being, that took pity on her? Did they want to make her into a good guy and repent her actions? Hah, Lucy scoffed in her mind you wish.

After the teacher came in, everyone was quiet.

"Ahem, students we have a new person joining our class today!" Ms. Heins announced.

"Ah...that's right. Today was the day that prick came..." Lucy thought.

"Please enter Mike!" The teacher said towards the door. A blond haired boy came in with average height. He looked pretty good, but his haunting attitude and arrogant eyes destroyed it.

Mike waved his hair and said," My name's Mike Thorn, the only heir of the Thorn company." The Thorn company was a company that his dad started, and it specialized in inventing futuristic technology. Although his personality was trash, many girls wanted to be with him because of the money.

Mike always ignored Lucy, so Lucy didn't have any grudges against him. It's just that his personality angered Lucy.

After class, everyone was crowding over Mike. Quickly, rumors were spreading of the Thorn company's heir staying in school. So many other students flocked over, to their classroom.

After school, Lucy wrote a note that said,"Come to the field behind the big tree. I have something important to tell you. -???" She then left it on Hunter's desk and went to get ready for the show...


Hunter was going into the classroom after playing with his friends. He saw a note on his desk so he opened it.

"Come to the field behind the big tree. I have something important to tell toy. -???" It read.

"C-C-CONFESSION?!!!" Hunter thought, while he blushed. But then he stopped. "He didn't have any memory of this happening. Did the butterfly effect already come? No, that's impossible. He acted out everything he would do. Or maybe someone noticed?"

Hunter subconsciously clenched his fists and went to the tree.


Lucy was waiting, while twiddling her thumbs. She saw Hunter coming towards the tree. She also saw his fists were clenched.

"Hmm is he cautious? If so, that would be troubling..." Lucy thought. She started fidgeting a bit.

When Hunter came behind the tree, he saw a fidgeting Lucy. He looked at her, then came to a conclusion. Confession.

Lucy used her psychokinesis, and grabbed a sharp rock from before hand.

"U-Uhm... Hunter...." Lucy asked.

"Y-Yes? Hunter stuttered.

"C-Can you be my friend?"

Hunter's mind went blank, there was....no confession. Lucy took advantage of this and shot the rock at Hunter's head.

Just before it hit though, a handsome black haired man with glasses put his hand in front of it and shielded Hunter from the attack.

Lucy's face :o

Hunter spun around. "Jack?! What are you doing here?!"

Jack looked at Lucy with a cold gaze, then he turned back to Hunter calmly.

"I saw you here, so I followed you. I then saw a sharp piece of rock flying at you." Jack calmly held up the rock.

Lucy's mind, "SHIT SHIT SHIT! WHO DA FUCK ARE YOU!!!!!! YOU!!!!!!! I DON'T KNOW YOU!!!!!!! Wait..... Jack as in.....the other nerd?!!!! HUH?!!! HE'S THIS HANDSOME??!!! WTF?!!"

"Oh thanks pal! It would have been bad if that had hit me!" Hunter laughed. "Ah, Lucy! Of course i'll be your friend! We can be the trio together!"

"Y-Yea...." Lucy tried to keep the corner of her mouth from twitching. "Oh my god... I got myself involved with these guys now.... but the main problem in Jack... how did he block that?" She thought angrily.

Hunter left after talking for a bit, but Jack said he wanted to talk to Lucy for a sec. Hunter agreed and let them be.


Uhhh might be few mistakes...and yeah.