
The Villain still wants to be a villain, even after the first time.

400 years ago, humans with supernatural powers appeared. Lucy Kart was one of them. But Lucy didn't use her powers for good, she used them to destroy everything she saw. As she was dying she saw a kid who's father was someone she killed. She regrets it all for a split second then dies. A goddess in charge of the earth, took interest and made her reborn back when she was in school.

Kist · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Agent Raid.

"1, do you hear anything from the house?" Asked Karther who was 2.

"Hm.. I hear faint footsteps, but they sound normal." Replied Kewa.

Their boss sent them to this house, because they suspect that one of their competitors kidnapped one of the young master's classmates. Then they posed as the classmate and tried to kill young master's friend.

"Hmm.... 3,4,5 come with me to the right!" Said Karther.

The agents code named 3,4, and 5, followed Karther to the right. Kewa was about to check in through the windows, when a knife flew at her. She eeked, and dodged last second.

"1! Are you okay!" Karther shouted softly. If the knife came at them, they were probably discovered already.

"Yea... be careful though, I didn't even sense the knife coming at me." Kewa said seriously.

Karther stiffened. They were orphans trained especially to deal with high level competitors. If Kewa didn't sense it...then it might be on the level of young master or higher.

Karther sent Kewa a signal for a pincer attack. Kewa agreed, and got ready. Suddenly, there was a loud voice.

"Oi! What are ya doing on my property!" An old woman next to Lucy's house popped up.

"Dang it! Grab her quick!" Shouted Karther.

But it was too late, the attacker must have sensed the lady. A knife went in that direction. Kewa tried to use her body as a shield. It worked, but it left a knife into Kewa's shoulder.

Kewa pulled out the knife, and grabbed some cloth and tied it.

"Are you ok?" Karther asked.

"Yep, it just hurts a lot though." Kewa replied.


Lucy armed herself with the knife, after throwing one at an agent. She saw that the people were trying to do a pincer attack. But why did they come after her? They were clearly trained professionals, but why were they raiding a normal girls house?

She didn't provoke anyone....oh yeah she did. But that was Jack....

Lucy's mind (Trained professionals = important person involved. One person she provoked = Jack... Jack = important person.)

Lucy cursed her bad luck and prepared to fight back. Then she saw an old lady come out of the house.

Lucy's eyes flashed. Chance! She hurled the knife at the lady, and as she expected to one agent used her body to block it.

"Haha! This is what's so dumb about heroes...they'll hurt themselves for another! How foolish...your fighting!" Lucy thought. She saw that the agent that was injured met up with another person.

She took the chance to escape, she put some of her power in a doll to make it look like she was still in there. She escaped through the back door and went around behind the agents.

The agents thought that the doll was Lucy, so they tried to make a plan. Behind them, Lucy stole several kitchen knives from houses. She then hurled them at the agents. One hit, but a figure suddenly appeared and made the knives go back.

"WHAT THE?! Is it that bastard Jack again?" Thought Lucy as she tried to dodge the knives. One clipped her, but Lucy didn't notice.

The figure was actually Jack's father Steven. He had a bad feeling as the agents were heading towards the location. He spent a lot of money to raise them, and he even felt a few bonds with them.

Thus Steven rushed to the scene. Lucy recognized him as the actual CEO of the company. Even though the bored of directors were there, they didn't control the CEO. The Ceo controlled them because, he was the one who made the best decisions and was smarter and more powerful then the rest. Without him, the company could run for a few years...but they would eventually become bankrupt without his influence.

"Who are you? Where are you from?" Steven growled. He sensed that the girl would actually kill the agents if he wasn't here.

Lucy was depressed. She hasn't killed anyone, and every time she tries too. Jack and his father would stop her. ...Is it in their blood to stop her?!! UGaH! DIsgusTING!

"Tch, you really think that i'm going to answer that? My, you people are SO absolutely fu**ing DUMB!" Lucy spat out in hatred.

"Don't use such fowl language." Steven frowned. His abilities were deflect and laser. (Yes,there were dual wielders) He shot a laser at Lucy quickly, and Lucy managed to dodge after having it nip her leg. The laser then penetrated through the road and went even deeper.

0.0 That was...pretty strong.

"Huh...I missed...Interesting." Steven murmured. Steven was right to be surprised, due to his high tier abilities. He almost one shots everything.

Lucy was about to retaliate, when she saw Jack coming along in hover boots.

Lucy rubbed her temples. Great, OP last boss and OP last bosses flying son. ARgH!


Might be few mistakes. Also, I know the military alphabet like Alpha and Beta and all that stuff. But I use 1 and 2 since it's simpler. :p