
the pirate avenger

Carl Queen was an ordinary boy, if you could call anyone ordinary in this chaotic world. He was an average high school student, living in the suburbs with his loving parents, attending classes, and hanging out with his friends. There was nothing exceptional about Carl—at least, that's what he believed. But life, as it often does, had other plans. "Where am I?" Carl muttered to himself, trying to shake off the dizziness. Suddenly, a holographic screen appeared before him, with text written in a font he recognized from countless hours of watching One Piece. The screen read: [Welcome to the Marvel Universe, Carl Queen. You have been granted the One Piece System. Your adventure begins now.]

B_M_2829 · Película
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32 Chs

New Allies, New Challenges

Carl sat on the rooftop, watching the Avengers handle the remaining chaos below. The Hulk, still enraged, was locked in a fierce battle with Thor, their clashes echoing through the city streets. Nearby, Captain America coordinated the evacuation of civilians, his shield gleaming as he deflected debris away from the crowd. Black Widow and Hawkeye were already on the move, working together with their characteristic precision to clear the area and minimize further damage.

It was surreal, seeing these legendary heroes in action, and even more so to realize that he had just been in the thick of it. Carl was still reeling from his first real encounter with the Hulk and the sudden emergence of his new powers. The Mera Mera no Mi had given him incredible abilities, but it had also opened the door to a world of dangers he had only ever imagined in his wildest dreams.

As the battle below began to wind down, Iron Man turned to Carl, his faceplate retracting to reveal Tony Stark's concerned expression. "You did well, kid, but you look like you're about to pass out. Let's get you someplace safe."

Carl nodded, barely able to keep his eyes open. The exhaustion was overwhelming, the adrenaline that had kept him going now fading away. Tony activated his suit's thrusters, and within moments, they were flying toward the Avengers Tower, the gleaming skyscraper that served as the team's headquarters.

The city below blurred as Carl fought to stay conscious, his mind racing with questions. What would happen next? What did Tony mean when he said Carl had a future in this world? And most importantly, how was he going to navigate the dangers of the Marvel Universe with powers that were still so new to him?

By the time they landed on the tower's rooftop, Carl was too tired to think straight. Tony helped him out of the suit and guided him inside, where they were greeted by a familiar figure.

"Mr. Stark, I've prepared a room for our guest," said the AI voice of JARVIS, Tony's digital assistant.

"Thanks, JARVIS," Tony replied, leading Carl down a hallway to a private suite. "Get some rest, Carl. We'll talk more when you're feeling better."

Carl barely managed to mumble a word of thanks before collapsing onto the bed. As soon as his head hit the pillow, he was out like a light, his mind slipping into the darkness of much-needed sleep.

When Carl awoke, he felt a strange mix of soreness and newfound energy coursing through his veins. The events of the previous day came rushing back, and for a moment, he wondered if it had all been a dream. But as he looked down at his hands, the faint warmth that lingered there told him it was all too real.

He sat up, blinking in the dim light of the room. A quick glance at the clock told him it was late morning, but there was no sign of Tony or any of the other Avengers. Carl took a deep breath, trying to process everything that had happened. He had somehow been transported to the Marvel Universe, given powers from the world of One Piece, and thrust into a battle with the Hulk. It was like something out of a fanfiction, but it was his new reality.

Before he could think too much about it, the door to his room slid open, and a figure stepped inside. It was none other than Natasha Romanoff, the Black Widow. She was dressed in casual clothes, but her presence was no less intimidating.

"Good morning, Carl," Natasha said with a faint smile. "Feeling better?"

Carl nodded, still a bit starstruck. "Yeah, a little. Thanks."

"Good," she said, leaning against the doorframe. "Tony's waiting for you in the conference room. He wants to talk about what happened yesterday."

Carl's heart skipped a beat. He had expected as much, but the thought of facing Tony Stark, let alone the rest of the Avengers, made him nervous. "Uh, okay. I'll be right there."

Natasha nodded and turned to leave but paused at the doorway. "You did well out there, Carl. Don't be too hard on yourself."

With that, she was gone, leaving Carl to gather his thoughts. Her words, though simple, gave him a boost of confidence. He wasn't sure what to expect, but if Natasha believed in him, maybe he wasn't as out of his depth as he feared.

Carl quickly changed into some fresh clothes that had been left out for him, then made his way down the hallway toward the conference room. As he walked, he couldn't help but marvel at the sheer size and sophistication of the Avengers Tower. It was like stepping into a futuristic dream, with sleek metal walls, cutting-edge technology, and a view of the New York skyline that took his breath away.

When he entered the conference room, Carl found Tony sitting at the head of a large table, typing away on a holographic keyboard. Beside him stood Bruce Banner, looking a bit more relaxed than the last time Carl had seen him—though still a little weary from his recent transformation.

"Ah, there he is," Tony said, looking up as Carl entered. "Have a seat, Carl."

Carl did as he was told, trying to ignore the butterflies in his stomach. "Morning," he said, his voice a bit shaky.

"Morning," Bruce replied with a warm smile. "How are you feeling?"

"Better, I think," Carl answered, glancing between the two men. "So… what happens now?"

"That's what we're here to discuss," Tony said, leaning back in his chair. "First off, let me just say you did a hell of a job out there, especially for your first day on the job. Most people would have been flattened by the Hulk in seconds, but you managed to hold your own."

"Thanks," Carl said, though he still felt out of his depth. "But I'm not sure I can control these powers yet. I barely knew what I was doing."

"That's understandable," Bruce said, his tone reassuring. "You're dealing with abilities that most people can only dream of, and you were thrown into a pretty intense situation right off the bat. But with time and training, you'll learn to control them."

Carl nodded, feeling a bit more at ease. "So… what happens now? Do I stay here and train?"

"That's one option," Tony said, folding his arms. "We can help you get a handle on your powers, teach you how to fight, and make sure you're ready for whatever comes next. But we're also dealing with something unusual here. You've got abilities from another universe, which raises a lot of questions."

"Like how you got here," Bruce added, his brow furrowed in thought. "And why you have those powers in the first place."

Carl's mind raced as he considered their words. They were right—his sudden arrival in the Marvel Universe and his possession of the One Piece System were mysteries that needed to be solved. But he didn't have any answers, only more questions.

"I don't know why I'm here," Carl admitted. "One minute I was crossing the street, and the next… well, I woke up in New York with a holographic screen telling me I had the One Piece System. It all feels like some kind of twisted dream."

Tony and Bruce exchanged a look, both of them deep in thought. "We've seen some weird stuff in our time," Tony said after a moment. "But this is definitely new. We'll have to dig into this, see if we can figure out what's going on."

"In the meantime," Bruce said, his expression softening, "you should focus on getting used to your new abilities. We can set you up with a training regimen, help you learn to control the Mera Mera no Mi."

"And maybe even figure out if there are other powers you can unlock," Tony added, a glint of excitement in his eyes. "The One Piece System sounds like it might have more to offer than just fire."

Carl's heart pounded with anticipation. The idea of training with the Avengers, of mastering his new powers and discovering what else the system could do, was both thrilling and terrifying. But he knew he had no choice. He was in this world now, and he had to make the best of it.

"Okay," Carl said, his voice filled with determination. "I'll do it. I'll train, learn to control these powers, and help you figure out what's going on."

"That's the spirit," Tony said with a grin. "Welcome to the team, Carl Queen."

Carl felt a surge of pride at those words. He wasn't an Avenger—not yet—but he was on the path to becoming something more than he ever imagined. The ordinary life he had once known was gone, replaced by a new reality filled with danger, adventure, and the promise of greatness.

And Carl was ready to face it head-on.