
the pirate avenger

Carl Queen was an ordinary boy, if you could call anyone ordinary in this chaotic world. He was an average high school student, living in the suburbs with his loving parents, attending classes, and hanging out with his friends. There was nothing exceptional about Carl—at least, that's what he believed. But life, as it often does, had other plans. "Where am I?" Carl muttered to himself, trying to shake off the dizziness. Suddenly, a holographic screen appeared before him, with text written in a font he recognized from countless hours of watching One Piece. The screen read: [Welcome to the Marvel Universe, Carl Queen. You have been granted the One Piece System. Your adventure begins now.]

B_M_2829 · Movies
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32 Chs

A Fiery Introduction

The Hulk roared, his massive frame casting a dark shadow over Carl as he prepared to charge. Carl could feel the heat of the flames dancing in his palms, but the raw power also brought a weight of responsibility he hadn't anticipated. This was no longer a fantasy—it was life or death.

"Think, Carl, think," he whispered to himself, his eyes darting around the chaotic scene. The system had granted him incredible power, but the Hulk was no ordinary opponent. His raw strength and near-invulnerability made him one of the most dangerous beings in the Marvel Universe. Carl knew he couldn't match Hulk in a head-on fight, at least not yet.

As Hulk charged, Carl quickly rolled to the side, barely avoiding a massive fist that smashed into the ground, sending shockwaves through the pavement. He had to be strategic. He needed to buy time, to think of a way to contain Hulk before anyone else got hurt.

"System," Carl called out in desperation, "What can I do to control these flames better?"

The system responded with cold precision:

[Flame Control Level: 10%. Recommended Actions: Evasion, Long-Range Attacks, Environmental Manipulation.]

"Environmental manipulation?" Carl echoed, a thought suddenly occurring to him. He remembered the Mera Mera no Mi's power could ignite or melt objects, and they were in New York City—a place full of flammable materials. If he could just create enough of a distraction or trap…

Carl spotted a fire hydrant nearby and aimed his hands toward it. Concentrating, he unleashed a controlled burst of flame, heating the metal until it melted. Water gushed out, drenching the street. At the same time, Carl set fire to the debris scattered around, creating a wall of steam and smoke.

The Hulk stopped, momentarily confused by the sudden change in his surroundings. The steam clouded his vision, and the intense heat from the burning debris disoriented him.

"Okay, that bought me some time," Carl muttered, his mind racing. But this wasn't a solution—it was a temporary reprieve. He needed a plan, something that would neutralize the Hulk without causing more destruction.

Then it hit him. The Avengers. They had to be around somewhere. But how could he contact them?

As if in response to his thoughts, a new message appeared:

[System Upgrade: Communication Relay Available. Accessing Nearby Signals… Connected to SHIELD frequency.]

Carl felt a surge of relief. SHIELD was the organization behind the Avengers. If he could get through to them, they could help.

"Hello? This is Carl Queen. I'm in New York City, near 5th Avenue. The Hulk is here, and he's out of control! I need help, fast!" Carl shouted into the void, hoping the message would get through.

To his surprise, a voice crackled back almost instantly.

"This is Agent Maria Hill of SHIELD. We have your location. Hold your position, reinforcements are en route."

Carl exhaled, feeling a flicker of hope. But that hope was short-lived as the Hulk, recovering from his confusion, roared louder than before and began charging through the flames and smoke, his target locked on Carl.

"Damn it," Carl cursed, realizing he wouldn't have time to wait for help. He had to hold the Hulk off, even if it meant putting his new powers to the test.

Summoning all his courage, Carl faced the green behemoth head-on. He focused on the flames within him, feeling their warmth spread through his body. He couldn't match the Hulk's strength, but he could outmaneuver him. He had to be faster, smarter.

The Hulk lunged, and Carl shot upward, using the flames to propel himself into the air like a rocket. It wasn't flight exactly, butit gave him enough lift to dodge the Hulk's massive swing. As Carl hovered above the street, flames crackling around him, he took a deep breath, steadying his nerves. The Hulk was relentless, and Carl knew that one wrong move could mean the end.

He needed to keep the Hulk at bay until the Avengers arrived. But how? The flames alone weren't enough to stop the Hulk, only to slow him down. Carl quickly scanned the area, looking for anything that could give him an advantage.

The sound of sirens in the distance caught his attention—emergency responders were on their way. But they were still too far off, and Carl knew the Hulk could cause even more destruction before they arrived. Then, an idea formed in his mind.

The Mera Mera no Mi gave him control over fire, but he hadn't fully explored its potential. He had seen Ace, the original user of the fruit in One Piece, create massive fireballs and even turn his body into flames to avoid physical attacks. Carl realized he needed to think bigger.

As the Hulk prepared to leap at him again, Carl focused all his energy on creating a barrier of flames around the green giant. With a roar, he unleashed a massive wave of fire that encircled the Hulk, creating a blazing inferno. The intense heat caused the ground to crack, and the air shimmered with the force of the flames.

The Hulk paused, momentarily trapped within the firestorm. It wasn't enough to harm him, but it was enough to contain him—for now.

Carl floated just above the flames, sweat pouring down his face as he struggled to maintain control. He could feel his energy draining fast, and he knew he couldn't keep this up for long. The flames were fierce, but so was the Hulk's will to escape.

"Come on, Avengers," Carl muttered through gritted teeth, "where are you?"

As if answering his call, a jet engine roared overhead. Carl looked up to see a sleek Quinjet descending from the sky. The sight filled him with relief. The Avengers had arrived.

The jet hovered above the scene, and the back hatch opened. A figure in red and gold armor shot out, flying toward Carl at incredible speed. It was Iron Man, his suit gleaming in the sunlight. Carl's heart leaped at the sight.

"Nice work, kid," Tony Stark's voice crackled through a speaker. "We'll take it from here."

Carl nodded, feeling the weight of responsibility lift slightly. But just as he started to lower the flames, the Hulk, with a mighty roar, shattered the fiery barrier with a single leap. He lunged toward Carl with fury in his eyes.

"Look out!" Tony shouted, firing a repulsor beam at the Hulk to divert his attention.

But it was too late. The Hulk swatted the beam aside and reached for Carl, his massive hand closing the distance in a heartbeat.

Carl barely had time to react. With all the energy he had left, he thrust his hands forward, unleashing a concentrated burst of fire right at the Hulk's face. The flames exploded on impact, creating a blinding flash of light.

When the light faded, Carl found himself falling. The strain of using the Mera Mera no Mi had taken its toll, and he was too exhausted to maintain his flight. The ground rushed up to meet him, and he braced for impact.

But the impact never came. Instead, Carl felt himself being caught in mid-air. He looked up to see Iron Man holding him, his thrusters keeping them both aloft.

"I got you, kid," Tony said, his voice filled with both relief and respect.

Carl breathed a sigh of relief, but his eyes were still on the Hulk, who was now engaged in battle with another Avenger—Thor. The God of Thunder had arrived, wielding his mighty hammer, Mjolnir, and was keeping the Hulk occupied with powerful lightning strikes.

As Tony set Carl down on a nearby rooftop, Carl collapsed to his knees, utterly spent. The flames that had once danced so easily at his fingertips were now gone, leaving him feeling drained and vulnerable.

"You did good," Tony said, landing beside him. "Not many people could hold off the Hulk, even for a minute. But you? You've got potential."

Carl managed a weak smile, still trying to process everything that had happened. "Thanks," he said, his voice hoarse. "But I think I'll leave the heavy lifting to you guys for now."

Tony chuckled, placing a hand on Carl's shoulder. "Smart choice. We'll take it from here. But don't be a stranger. We could use someone like you on the team."

Carl's eyes widened at the offer. "You mean, like an Avenger?"

"Let's not get ahead of ourselves," Tony said with a grin. "But you've definitely got a future in this world. Rest up, and when you're ready, we'll talk."

Carl nodded, feeling a mixture of exhaustion and exhilaration. The Hulk was being subdued, the Avengers were here, and he had survived his first encounter in this strange new world. But this was just the beginning. He knew there were more challenges ahead, more battles to fight, and more to learn about his new powers.

As Carl watched the Avengers in action, he felt a spark of excitement in his chest. The ordinary boy he once was had been left behind. Now, he was part of something bigger—a new adventure in a world filled with heroes, villains, and endless possibilities.

His journey was just beginning.