
The Other Worlds Martial Arts :World of Adventures

FakeCultivator001 · Fantasía
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29 Chs

Chapter 23: Farewell

"Who are you?" Leon asked.

The woman raised her hands in a placating gesture. "I mean no harm. I am a protector of Lin. My lord sent me to assure you of her safety." Quen and Leon relaxed slightly but remained alert.

Quen looked skeptical. "If you're her protector, why didn't you help her in the market?"

Without chatting much, the woman took out an emblem from her robes, holding it out for Leon to inspect. "This is the emblem our master gave Lin."

Leon took the emblem and examined it closely. "This emblem... it bears the logo of the mighty Black House. Wait a second... who is Lin's master?" His hand trembled after inspecting the emblem.

The woman smiled slightly. "He is someone that even the lord of the Black House must respect and obey. Her master is no ordinary man. Currently, I can't reveal much more, but rest assured, if Lin completes her training successfully, she will become someone that even the Black House elder must respect."

Quen still looked uncertain, but Leon's expression became a mix of excitement and fear. "If what you say is true, this could indeed be a great opportunity for Lin."

The woman nodded. "Please trust in her master's intentions. Lin will be protected and trained to her full potential."

With that, she moved her hand, removing the sound barrier she had placed around them. "Goodbye," she said, and with a swift movement, she disappeared as quickly as she had appeared.

Lin's parents stood in silence, absorbing what they had just learned.

Leon was shocked after seeing what the woman did. "A supreme master," he said.

Quen looked confused. "What?"

Leon said, "She... she was a supreme master, which is equal to our lord."

Quen was shocked after hearing that. "How can you say that she is a supreme warrior?"

Leon said, "I don't know, but I saw the same thing our lord does every time, and the aura I felt was equal to our lord's."

Quen said, "But..." She remained silent, then after a few seconds said, "That means..."

Leon said, "Yes, our daughter is guarded by a supreme master."

Quen asked, "But why didn't she help Lin?"

Leon said, "We don't have to know why, but one thing to keep in mind is that she has more plans than we can imagine. Now rest assured, if her master sent a supreme warrior to escort her, then what is the realm of her master?"

Quen said, "Yes, his master is definitely an entity that we cannot imagine."

On the mountain, Ang suddenly sneezed while talking with Vincent.

Ang said, "Who is talking about me?"

Vincent said, "According to my data, if someone remembers someone, then they get a sneeze."

Ang said, "Who is remembering me? Mom?"

In the room, Leon spoke first. "Then Lin could have a bright and powerful future ahead of her. This could be her chance to escape the limitations and dangers of our current life."

Quen sighed, her worry still present but tempered by hope. "I just want her to be safe and happy. If this master can truly offer her that, then maybe it's worth the risk."

They both looked at each other, sharing a moment of mutual understanding and hope for their daughter's future.

After some time, Lin returned to her room, her face alive and confident. Seeing this, Quen spoke first.

"Lin," she said softly, "we're going to help you get ready. You need to leave now."

Lin looked surprised. "Now? But I thought I had more time."

Leon shook his head firmly. "No, Lin. The sooner you leave, the better. We don't know what might happen tonight or tomorrow. The city lord's son, Jori, could cause more trouble, and we can't risk that."

Lin nodded, understanding their urgency. "Okay, I'll get my things."

Her parents helped her pack her belongings quickly. Quen folded her clothes with care, slipping in some extra provisions, while Leon ensured she had everything she might need for her journey.

"Don't forget anything," Leon said, handing her a small, sturdy bag made of cloth, containing various items.

Lin looked at her parents, feeling a mix of gratitude and sadness. "I want to leave you, but I don't want to leave you both so suddenly."

Quen hugged her tightly. "We know, sweetheart, but this is for your own good. We want you to be safe and to have a future beyond this place."

Leon placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "You're strong, Lin. You have a great opportunity ahead of you. Take it and make the most of it."

With everything packed, Lin took a deep breath. "I understand. Thank you, Mom and Dad, for everything."

Quen smiled, though her eyes were teary. "We love you, Lin. Be careful and stay strong."

Leon nodded, his expression determined. "Remember, we believe in you. Show the world what you're made of."

After a few final moments together, Lin and her parents left the room. They walked through the hallways of the Mei family house, the weight of the situation hanging heavily in the air.

As they reached the entrance, Lin turned to her parents one last time. "I'll miss you both so much."

Quen hugged her again, whispering, "We'll miss you too, Lin. But we know this is the right path for you."

Leon hugged her as well, his voice filled with pride. "Go, Lin. Make us proud."

With a final wave, Lin stepped out into the night, her heart filled with a mix of fear and determination. She knew the road ahead would be challenging.

Just as Lin was about to step out, the third young master, Geon, appeared from the shadows. He sauntered over with a smug expression on his face.

"Where do you think you're going, Lin?" he sneered, looking her up and down with disdain.

Leon saw the future he had thought and feared,and stepped forward, his voice firm but controlled. "Young master, Lin is going to train with a master that we have chosen for her. Today is the day for her to leave." He mixed some lies as he told this to Geon.

Geon laughed loudly, a mocking tone in his voice. "A maid's daughter, training with a master? That's the funniest thing I've heard all day. You'll be back here scrubbing floors in no time, Maid Lin."

Just as Geon was about to say more, Hneu appeared out of nowhere and landed a solid punch on his back, sending him reeling. She followed up with a swift kick that knocked him into the wall.

"Do your work, Geon, and stop meddling in other people's business," Hneu said coldly, her eyes blazing with anger.

Geon looked up at Hneu, his face a mix of shock and rage, but he didn't dare retaliate. He knew better than to challenge Hneu openly, especially in front of witnesses. He scrambled to his feet, glaring at Lin and her parents before stalking off.

Leon nodded approvingly at Hneu. "Thank you, Hneu. We appreciate your intervention."

Hneu nodded back, her expression softening as she turned to Lin. "You should leave now, Lin. The sooner you get to your master, the better."

Lin glanced at her parents, who both gave her encouraging smiles. Quen hugged her tightly once more. "Be safe, Lin. We love you."

Leon added, "Make us proud, Lin. Show them what you're capable of."

With a final wave, Lin turned and walked away from the Mei family house, her heart pounding with a mixture of fear and determination. She knew the path ahead would be tough, but she was ready to face it head-on, carrying the support and love of her family with her.