
The Other Worlds Martial Arts :World of Adventures

FakeCultivator001 · Fantasía
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29 Chs

Chapter 15 : Mysterious Master

As Ang heard someone approaching, he quickly settled into a meditative posture, his thoughts racing with urgency. Silently, he commanded, "Save the technique data."

"Got it," Vincel responded promptly.

Ang concentrated on maintaining his posture, grateful that Vincel had swiftly acknowledged his request. Just then, Dan entered the room and noticed Ang in deep meditation. He smiled warmly, appreciating Ang's dedication. Without interrupting, Dan quietly exited the room, leaving Ang to his focused state of mind.

After a few minutes, Ang got up and moved toward the exit of the house. When he stepped outside, he saw three large boxes that had arrived earlier and several guards standing there. Dan noticed Ang coming out and said, "Young master, the boxes arrived a few minutes ago while you were meditating, so I didn't disturb you."

Ang asked, "But Dan, these boxes? What's in them?"

Dan replied, "They contain the items you wrote on the list. After giving it to the lord, he sent them here."

Ang said, "My list?" He then remembered that he had been planning what to do, but Dan had mysteriously brought him here, and he didn't even know where his house was located.

Ang moved towards the boxes, noting there were more than he expected. "Open them, Dan."

Dan opened the first box, revealing a large number of oversized sheets of paper.

Ang asked, "What kind of paper is this?"

Dan replied, "These are the drawing papers you ordered."

Ang said, "But I wanted to..." He then remembered that he was still a boy, just ten years old, and not very skilled at writing yet. He simply wanted to draw. Ang said, "Oh, right. Drawing paper. Yes."

He then moved towards the second box and said, "Open it."

When Dan opened it, it was filled with precious herbs and medicines. Ang said, "More herbs? Why so many?"

Dan chuckled. "You asked for them, young master. They're for your training and health."

Finally, Ang moved to the third box and said, "Open it too."

Dan opened it, revealing various types of metals, wood, and other household items. Ang's eyes widened in surprise.

"What's all this for?" Ang asked, puzzled.

Dan explained, "These are materials you might need for your projects and training. The lord wanted to ensure you had everything at your disposal."

Frustrated, Ang said, "Just put everything inside and put the box of paper in my room."

Dan nodded. "Okay, young master." He turned to the guards and instructed them to move the items inside.

As Ang moved back towards the house, Dan called out from behind, "Young master, let's train."

Ang sighed, "Ugh... Not today. I want to draw."

Dan, understanding that the drawing papers had just arrived and Ang wanted to use them, said, "Okay, young master. What are you planning to draw?"

Ang's face lit up with enthusiasm. "I'm thinking of drawing arts . Maybe visualizing it will help me understand it better."

Dan smiled. "That sounds like a great idea. I'll be here if you need any help."

Ang nodded, feeling more at ease. "Thanks, Dan. I appreciate it."

Dan followed Ang into the house, ready to assist whenever needed.

On the other way to market,Hneu and Lin were traveling through the market and the sun dipping high in the sky,.

The air was crisp, and a gentle breeze rustled through the market .Lin glanced at Hneu, her curiosity piqued by the tales she had heard.

"Hneu, have you ever heard of the mysterious master who lives on the mountain? They say he possesses incredible wisdom and powers."

Hneu's eyes twinkled with a mix of excitement and mischief. "Yes, I've heard the stories. Some say he can control the elements and see into the future. I've always wondered if there's any truth to it."

Lin nodded, her fascination growing. "Do you think we could find him? Maybe we could learn something valuable."

Hneu looked around to ensure no guards were nearby, then leaned in closer to Lin. "What if we go and find out for ourselves? The guards won't notice if we're careful."They run towards the forest without noticing the guards.

With a shared sense of adventure, the two veered off the path and headed deeper into the forest towards the mountain. They moved stealthily, avoiding detection by the guards who were busy with their own conversations. The trees grew denser as they approached, and the air filled with the sounds of chirping birds and rustling leaves.

As they ventured further into the forest, the canopy closed in around them, and the path became less discernible. Hneu and Lin exchanged glances, a mixture of excitement and apprehension on their faces.

"I think we might be lost," Lin admitted, her voice tinged with worry.

Hneu remained undeterred. "We just need to keep moving. The cave where the master is supposed to live can't be far."

Unbeknownst to them, a group of hidden watchers concealed among the trees observed their every move. They exchanged whispers and nods, their eyes never leaving Hneu and Lin.

After what felt like hours of navigating through the dense forests, they stumbled upon a dark, yawning cave. It seemed to exude an air of mystery, its entrance framed by thick vines and moss.

"This must be it," Hneu said, her voice barely above a whisper.

Lin took a deep breath, steadying herself. "Do you think he's inside?"

"Only one way to find out," Hneu replied. She stepped closer to the cave entrance and called out, "Master, are you there?"

For a moment, there was only silence. Then, the sound of footsteps echoed from within the cave. A figure emerged from the shadows, an elderly man with a long beard and piercing eyes. His presence was commanding yet serene.

The hidden watchers tensed, their postures shifting to readiness.

The elderly man looked at Hneu and Lin with a calm gaze. "What brings you to my abode, young travelers?"

Lin spoke first, her voice steady despite her nervousness. "We seek your wisdom, Master. We've heard stories about you and wanted to learn from you."