
Chapter 32

"Sure, come with me, let's talk in my Cabin," I gestured to my cabin behind her.

The Ancient One nodded in response and informed the Mystic Art users that they should return.

Thanking her, I also unsummoned my Angels.

Now, why would I do this?

It's quite simple, they are of no threat to the Ancient One, and it's better that I make a good impression on someone who had the Infinity Stone of Time on their person at the moment.

Once inside my cabin, I waved my hand and started some tea on the magic-enhanced stove.

"So if I may ask, why did you come here?" I asked the Ancient One as I leaned back into my chair.

"We came here because we were tracking down the source of an unknown form of magic that was being used extensively around the Earth, that very source being you..." The Ancient One informed me with seriousness.

"Sorry about that, but why now? It's been quite a while since I have started using my magic?" I asked the Ancient One.

"At first we know of you but felt no threat from you but suddenly just one day we could no longer find your Magical signature, well, that was until we felt your Magical Signature flare-up in an alley of some slum before disappearing through teleportation of some kind, and once we felt your Magical signature a little while ago, we prepared for battle and traveled here," The Ancient One explained without worry.

"Thank you for being honest, if you are worried about me being a danger to this world I am willing to swear that I will not harm the earth and in fact will even help protect it, and should I do so, you know where to find me!" I told the Ancient One who smiled.

'I think she must be able to see through lies...good thing I haven't lied as of yet, otherwise this conversation probably would have ended a while ago...specifically with a blade probably going through my throat,' I thought to myself.

"That's wonderful to hear!" The Ancient One replied with a smile.

Thankfully as we continued our discussion she agreed that so long as I did not turn to the path of 'evil' and use my magic to slaughter the innocent, that she and her masters of the Mystic arts would not oppose me.

I even asked if I could have the opportunity to learn magic in Kamar-Taj and to my absolute surprise, she actually agreed!

We had some tea, talked more, and found that we agreed with one another on many things, but sadly, it was her time to go.

And after the Ancient One left my little abode, I went back to work on the future masterpiece that will scare the shit out of many players in the future, Resident Evil.

All that I had left to add to Resident Evil were some minor map details, storyline details, and the Player menu, which wasn't all that much.

I decided to first finish up by finishing the map details that I did not finish yesterday and adding a few collectibles that were important for some of the puzzles.

Other than that, I also scattered ammo across the Mansion for the players to find.

Once I was done with that, I worked on finishing the storyline and then worked on the Player Menu which only included things like exiting the game, the player's inventory, and their HUD.

And with that, I added the final important detail.

The chilling and horror-filled atmosphere!

And with that now done, the classic game remake was finally finished!

[Game Name: Resident Evil

Game Type: Horror

Game Creation Reward: Realm Lord Aldrich's Journal]

[Realm Lord Aldrich's Journal: A handwritten Journal written by Realm Lord Alrich that documents Aldrich's life as a mere mortal and his journey to becoming a Realm Lord and his final moments before death]

[A/N: Removed the Game Grade and the character mentioned above is an OC]

Oh? That seems a bit interesting.

Perhaps I can learn quite a bit from this journal if he did become a 'Realm Lord', whatever that is.

Either way, this should be a good read, and who knows, it may have some useful information contained within!

Besides that, I guess it's time to see the reaction of my players to Resident Evil!

But just before I let the game go live, I need to select the rewards for the game!

I wanted to both create achievement rewards and add a completion reward for completing the game.

So then, time to list out the possible one-time achievable achievements that will reward a player.

The First Achievement is Zero Deaths, which means that the Player cannot die even a single time and once the game is completed they will have earned the achievement and the achievement-unique reward, Death's Grasp.

Death's Grasp is a ring with a hooded skull that has two red eyes and bone hands appearing to claw along the ring away from the skull at the center.

This simple gothic-looking ring provides a simple but powerful feature, when a fatal strike is about to hurt the wearer, the user is alerted.

The Second Achievement I created was a Knife Only achievement, meaning they could not use any weapon other than a knife unless it was a required weapon to move on.

From there I added all of the achievements that I could remember from the game and gave them suitable rewards based on their difficulties.

Now, it was time to launch the game!